Why is it such a step down from the Soulsborne games?

Why is it such a step down from the Soulsborne games?

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No shitty tacked on pvp

It's not.
You got filtered on Ogre.

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Why is every defense of this game "git gud"?


Hmmm... I wonder user..
Have you perhaps... tried getting good at the video game?

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That's been Fromfags defense of Souls shit for years now.

its not, you went in expecting soulsborne, but its a standalone action game using some mechanics from it

>That's been Fromfags defense of Souls shit for years now.
Git gud.

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I platinum'd it. It has serious flaws. Lack of character customization and lackluster rewards for exploration being two of the biggest ones.

A month fighting Demon Of Hatred and Isshin. Both are the most beautiful fights I haver experienced in a video game. I'm not searching to win now, I'm exploring their attacks, their movements. Is really interesting and stimulating and now I understand why Yea Forums loves FROM.

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>I platinum'd it
Sure you did cowboy. I'm sure you hikari ultrad the big bad Sword Saint on your first try little guy.

This guy gets it.
Those two fights were glorious.
Only a true god could comprehend such a thing.
Bravo, user.

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You didn't?

I love it when they seethe.

Explain to me your tactic for defeating Demon of Hatred down to the minute details and I might consider believing you.

This is true though,

I'm a Fromfag myself and I love their games. I think they've been the most consistent game developer in the last 10 years by far, even their worst game, Dark Souls 2, was still a very good game when compared to everything else on the market.

I didn't try Bloodborne until very late because I didn't have a PS4 and I really didn't like it at first. Now that I've cleared all bosses I consider it on par with Dark Souls 3 in terms of quality, but any early complaints I had about the healing system were just met with "lol git gud". The healing system of Bloodborne is still the worst in the series IMO.

I love these games but I can see why people think soulsfags are so obnoxious.

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>le centrist has arrived
>i'm a BIG fromfan guys lol!
>AS a part of MY community I DEEM said community OBNOXIOUS
You aren't getting any upvotes here faggot.

I have nothing to prove to you, you spastic. git gud

>git gud
It seems as though you've learned a little.
Still, I don't trust that you've completed the game.
Sorry little guy.

>Lack of character customization

Why is this a flaw? It's clear they were going for an action game this time around, the game doesn't even have stats or levels anymore. Is there something inherently bad about a more focused combat experience?

This is more of a trade-off than a flaw. High customization comes at the cost of either game-breaking strategies (Magic in the early games) or certain playstyles being near useless and obsolete (trying to be a pure caster in Souls 3 and Bloodborne)

>lackluster rewards for exploration being two of the biggest ones
Can't get behind this one at all, I spent most of the endgame hunting down the remaining minibosses because getting my HP up by collecting upgrades was very rewarding.

kill yourself faggot

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Jump on the tower then onto the wall.

Obviously the one fag here is trolling but some of them are very obnoxious because they are kiddies who bought into the "DS is the hardest game ever" meme. I agree that their games are great but also heavily flawed but fanboys will be fanboys, Fromfags are no different.

What's wrong with blood vials? My only problem is potentially needing to farm them. Perhaps good blood vials should have been enemy drops but default ones never run out. The special blood that also regens your health should be the one time use from an NPC.

I come here to laugh at people like you.

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It was honestly a lot of fun, but I have no desire to replay it only to fight Owl Father, Emma or Old Isshin

no replayability

unironically, the lack of soul (no pun intended lmao)

Thanks Doc I feel better already!

The gameplay still isn't good enough to hold its own.


Anti-souls shill on suicide watch.

Less RPG bullshit and coop too

You see, unlike you, you seething retard, I'm not emotionally invested in this argument. I don't give a fucking what you think, but I can tell that you're projecting. Hard.

As a fan of Action games such as DMC and NG I think Sekiro is the only time From has made a good combat system.

So not a step down for me.

That's why you're in the thread replying to me.
Uh oh. Looking a little stupid !

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He is presenting arguments to defend his statements tho.

I believe that any feud is not good, but is not something new. Humans love feuds as presented in this picture.

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>/pol/ shit
Get out boomer.

People expected a Souls title in a different setting like Bloodborne when it's closer to a pure action game like Ninja Gaiden. I think if you go into it with the correct expectations that you'll enjoy it a lot more.

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>My only problem is potentially needing to farm them
This is literally it, lategame it wasn't as bad because you have enough blood echo items to buy as many as you need unless you die to the same boss 100+ times (and honestly I died to Orphan of Kos at least 20 times minimum).
Early game it is however awful. I blame the healing system for why Father G was more of a casual filter than any other boss in the series (statistically this is true if you look at how many people stopped playing before getting the trophy for beating him). If you get stuck on a boss early game your only option for restocking after you die is to go kill enemies, which are probably already difficult to you at that point especially if you're new to the series.
I don't even like having to spend Blood Echos on them, it just feels completely unnecessary when the other games in the series already got it right.

I agree with your sentiment that they're obnoxious because of the "DS is the hardest game ever" marketing. DS is only hard when looked at in the scope of AAA games from around its time period. Indie games and games in the past can be much, much more difficult.

I'm just here to laugh at retards like you, and you're putting on a good show.

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>t.guy who hasnt played a single souls game

It filters the brainlets.

>t. faggot who doesn't read posts on Yea Forums and replies to them with random pre-selected baitshit to get free (You)s

>I'm just here to laugh at retards like you, and you're putting on a good show.
Now that's what I call COPE.
I'm glad retards like you will never experience the bliss that is slicing through Isshins nape. The pure euphoria has his body slams in to the cold hard ground. That's something you'll never get to experience in your mortal life.
That brings me pure happiness. True Nirvana.

It's got just enough RPG elements, presented just right. The stats from Dark Souls were mostly just another way for new players to shoot themselves in the foot. In Sekiro, there's no bad builds.

>still give me a (you)
That invalidates your shitty little point buckaroo. I did read your trash and it told be that you're larping as a souls player.

The game is more stable and even without stats allows the player to become more familiar with the game mechanics and that ultimately yields more experimentation than old Souls games.
Sekiro uses the KISS rule (Keep It Simple Stupid) and uses all the past experience with other titles to bring forth a solid gaming experience which stands to be at the time their Magnum Opus.

and your trash tells me you're a massive cock juggling fag nigger

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>only 190 hours
I don't get your point.

>moving goalposts

Did you know what the goalpost was? I think you're confused.

>t.guy who hasnt played a single souls game

you literal nigger faggot. I hope you get severe crusted AIDs and die a slow painful death

>Magic in the early games
What early games, Demon's Souls? Magic is perfect in Dark Souls I.

That is because there are no builds. It isn't even an RPG

zoomers are npcs.
Only zoomers like this game.

>resorting to lowly insults
That's when you truly know you've overpowered ones weak intellect with your superior mind.
I'm glad to have been the one to verbally slay you.



>That's when you truly know you've overpowered ones weak intellect with your superior mind.
I'm glad to have been the one to verbally slay you.

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This is pure skill.
I don't see a problem.

I couldn't even beat the shitty spider boss in DMC but I platinumed Sekiro, what does that tell about me?

You are a soulsfag

You lack Smokin' Sick Style

The game is a step up in shit that matters, combat and bosses.

DMC is literally for disabled kids. It is so easy.

You're gay

It's a lock-step dance game.

I've put hundreds of hours into soulsborne games because there are countless ways of going about overcoming the obstacles in your path. From weapon types, spell types, stat distribution, and ALL are more or less viable if you're not a complete moron.

Sekiro levels are fun in that you can explore the map in different ways, but every single boss is just a game of learning their dance and then doing it. I only needed to watch a video of how to beat each one a single time before beating them - and any alternative method of doing so is either damn near impossible or tedious as fuck.

In sekiro you just learn the footwork, and it just ends up boring.

You suck dirty dick that's why you have this opinion. Each boss can be maneuvered around in multiple ways. You can even physically duck attacks. You didn't know this because you have NPC tunnel vision and didn't experiment with the game enough. You were filtered by Genichiro.

it really is just "git gud" isn't it

This is DLC shit.

this is the worst souls thread I've seen in years, jesus fucking christ. You can like a game and also acknowledge it's shortcomings.

Yes. In essence.

All of the souls game boil down to "dodge then hit" or "block then hit" at the end of the day. It doesn't matter what weapon you're hitting them with. Because "dodge then hit" and "block then hit" are the best strategies by far, any other strategy is inferior and just another way to challenge yourself.

You can do the same in Sekiro by trying to beat bosses without using blocks, without weapon upgrades, etc.

ignore this massive cock juggler

>this is the worst souls thread I've seen in years, jesus fucking christ. You can like a game and also acknowledge it's shortcomings.
Except when the game is a master piece ?

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I don't have a video but you can do the same thing with Crystal Soul Spear which is not a DLC spell.

They've been like this for ages unfortunately. You have to go to /vg/ if you want Souls discussion that isn't 24/7 trolling.

Felt the same thing when nearing the middle/end of the game.

Still a great game though, but yeah i prefer the dark souls approach.

Yeah I remember that shit. Shit was hella dope on the drizzle DL lmao.
But on god no cap fr why the fuck is there no leveling system in Sekiro?
I want to max out my armor and tank n shit.

why are you LARPing, you sound like a baby boomer in the 90s trying to imitate rappers. Fuck off back to your hellhole hut in West Virginia.

even when the game's a masterpiece

If it means anything to you I used to live in WV.


I'm a Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 only Chad. Would I enjoy Sekiro?

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didnt even play sekiro cause it looks boring and i dont like the setting, but you sound like a retard
>watch every single boss fight on YouTube before fighting every boss
>wonder why the game is boring and repetitive

holy shit i hate nu Yea Forums
dont bother replying retard im actually done with this board.

>close minded moron
This. It's hilarious. I caught my friend watching a video on fucking Genichiro.

Ohio is even worse than WV with wiggers

He's still right tho, i think the same thing and i didn't watch any video.

play it yourself and find out faggot

If you ever go up to the pan handle of WV be prepared for meth and crack addicts all slinging with sawed off shotguns. I wish I was exaggerating.

>Dark Souls 3 only

I'm sorry for your loss.


I wouldn't say that it is. It's a better game than DS1 and 2 by far.
It just has much less replayability without build versatility and how useless many of the tools are.
Bloodborne will remain as the best FROM game.