Based or Autistic?
Other urls found in this thread:
people who watch ecelebs are autistic
>hour long videos that could be done in 30 minutes at most
>uses +10 boss greatsword
Incredibly autistic
He rambles too much.
His videos on Mario and Zelda were based
He was fun to listen to as everyone and their mother was shitting on Fallout 4
Not interested in his streams in the slightest
>Not interested in his streams in the slightest
Streams are more important than the videos his Patreon pays for
also sprinklers at 10 pm
>also sprinklers at 10 pm
based and autistic desu
Autistic pseud
Mauler is unironically better.
>le 17 hour video man
His film criticism is absolutely awful and I’m disappointed that it’s all he does now, along with his shitty podcast he does with 70 iq furfags.
matthewmatosis, mechagamezilla, mandalore and shammy are all friends, and each of them work with their friends collaboratively
does hamster have any friends? any form of circle? not saying you need one to be good but I get the impression he's too arrogant to "share the glory" unlike the others I gave as an example
He outed himself as an idiot.
Autistic. Shallow analysis that takes way too long to develop, spends 15 minutes every video repeating points he's already made in every other video, always makes "suggestions" for changing games that make no sense and betray a complete misunderstanding of the game's intents and purpose. Just a bad writer in general.
Came to post this.
More broadly, this.
Suicidal tendencies are generally indicative of higher IQ individuals, so wolf can’t be that dumb
Rags however may actually be retarded
Knock-off brand Noah Caldwell-Gervais
>matthewmatosis, mechagamezilla, mandalore and shammy are all friends
Are they? I think Mecha is the only person other than his gf Matt has ever collaborated with. They've done a few things.
oh my bad, I know mandalore and shammy are friends with mechagamezilla so I figured they were all in a similar circle
>talking about shit for an hour makes me seem intelligent
He does strike me as someone with an insufferable ego
I hate this trend. There are a few writers who warrant that length but the majority just pad out their videos making incredibly obvious observations
>matthewmatosis, mechagamezilla, mandalore and shammy
All these people are modest and likable. That's why they have friends. Joseph can't have friends because he's the "brb wife aggro" guy.
Joseph Anderson was just in the right place at the right time. If I had to bet money on it, he is literally autistic. His fixation on minor details and inability to grasp larger themes or concepts permeates his entire work. It's just as sad as it is mind numbing to watch him speak for hours on end while somehow saying nothing of importance at all. If your video on Dark Souls contains 30 minutes on the minutiae of hitboxes, you have failed as a critic.
As an essayist, Matthew utterly shits on him in every conceivable way, and the only people who disagree are those who feel personally slighted by his strongly opinionated claims.
he's retarded
>here's my one point I want to bring to the table
>*2 hours later*
>Suicidal tendencies are generally indicative of higher IQ individuals
I guess trannies are peak intelligence in our society
AGP trannies actually trend very highly on IQ scores.
He insists upon himself.
>modest and likable
Fuck off you disgusting furfaggot. You are an insufferable faggot and your "analysis" are absolute trash tier.
calm down joe
dark souls 3 is piss easy
the only remotely difficult souls game is demon's souls
You have to go back.
DeS is the easiest game to break, though
By far the most autistic eceleb. No normal person would make videos over 3 hours consistently
Wrong, this is the most difficult souls game.
He just has a lot of free time and is some level of retarded.
Not exactly my favorite or even among my favorites most of the time, but he's at least earnest even when he's saying something less than agreeable. He makes videos for his own exposition and his core fans, so i can respect that. despite how pedantic it can be
massive faggot
>mfw the town is making me stupid
I do 1000% disagree with him on Odyssey
Mauler Mandalore > Matthewmatosis >>>> Joseph Anderson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hbomberguy
He is awful at games and takes any suggestion during his streams on how to be less awful as a personal insult. He doesn't pay attention or seek to improve on how he plays and then is spiteful of his viewers who give him tips.
Watch him play Darkest Dungeon. It is physically painful. Overall I think he is fucking awful even before looking at his massively bloated 'analysis' videos.
Is that the quality gameplay I keep hearing about? Literally "walk in circle"?
Didn't hamster make a video with mandalore ?
Lots and lots of talking irrelevant shit instead of focusing on the key topics. Yanks should learn to shut the fuck up when there is nothing to say.
Extremely autistic.
Retards. Where exactly is the line between "some guy on youtube" and e-celeb?
If I watch his early videos, when he had 1k subs is that okay then?
Why does he sound like he is in the middle laughing all the time?
did not Varg use this dragon on his myfarog book?
Matt is an introverted autist. I doubt it.
Dark Souls 3 was the most difficult for me, Sekiro the easiest. Basically, I hate rolling.
I don't even want to think about how cringe this must be
he's really entertaining because he's a dumb autist
insane how he has multiple kids and his wife is the primary breadwinner and most all of his income is streaming, he literally just stays at home and plays video games and half watches the kids
Someone redpill me on this meme
he sounds fine during streams, has a girlfriend, and chatted casually on mecha's podcast. I think people just jump to the conclusion that he's autistic because he can talk about games in depth. but if he had autism he couldn't articulate his feelings as well as he does.
what makes you think otherwise?
>in b4 this post is by someone who has held a grudge ever since matt said one thing they disagreed with during an 8 hour stream sometime
Anybody read his books?
I always imagined him as a handsome normie. God he is repulsive. How can he have a wife and kids?
I feel with Anderson that he spends too much making a small point without expanding on the major point that he started with. Let's compare him to say MauLer who also has long ass videos. MauLer has way too much detail in his videos, but he at least gives every point he makes the same amount of attention and usually comes back to a centralized point he is trying to make (Like a proper analysis should). Hamster brings up what should be a major point, talks about maybe 2 things related to that point then goes on a tangent. It's even worse that when doing an analysis, he doesn't attempt to research as much as possible. The Fallout 4 video where he said he won't ever touch the original 2 games immediately sent red flags to me.
Odyssey is absolute shit. I regret buying it everyday
this. matthewmatosis actually understands games
for me its not so much the length of joseph's videos, but that he really manages to say fucking nothing during them. there is that one MGS4 video that is FOUR fucking hours long and honestly i got through it all and it was a funny and well thought out video where pretty much everything that could be mentioned about MGS4 directly or indirectly is discussed. joseph makes hours long videos where he manages to say nothing worthwhile because he's retarded. this is the same man that enjoys Fallout 4 and hated SH2
>thank you for shitting on our hard work and calling us incompetent
what seems to be the problem here?
shit, nevermind, I just saw it
If you don't think you can objectively review games you are just as retarded as Joseph.
its because he didnt shit on it, he didnt act like a sperg, but built his case very well and explained why some design decisions went against their purported design philosophy. its an example of a good game critique video
>give me fix
>nvm found it lol
>never shares
The problem with Joseph Anderson is that he is utterly reductive. Like, his Mario Odyssey has him listing every single moon you can collect, but he never really describes how Mario Odyssey is structured when you play it. He seems to think that collectacons are just the sum of their collectables, when it's the gameplay leading there that is the meat of the game. And that kinda sums up his video game criticism for me.
(Plus, that video just made him come across as extremely disingenuous, the way he advertised the video beforehand as this epic takedown of Mario Odyssey, when it was really just him reading out a wikipedia article.)
In other words:
By the way, I had a look at his Edith Finch "review" the first 36 minutes are literally just summarizing the plot, then he spends the remaining 20 minutes saying that everything bad came from grandma Finch worrying too much and thus she's the "villain".
Video essays were a mistake.
he made a video about mandalore and talked shit about him like calling his vids terrible
I'm sorry, I don't understand. I can only think within extremes.
Nah, Matt generally avoids other youtubers. He doesn't even watch any other channels similar to his own. The mecha thing I feel just happened because fans kept pushing them towards each other, and the two just happened to enjoy one anothers' videos. They didn't actually know each other before Mecha contacted him to star in that christmas special.
The difference is those people are all generally likeable while Joseph is by far the most bitter and cynical. Mandalore and Shammy at least seem to half like but also pity Joseph for how he is with his opinions.
He does actually.
The Wizard and Attack of The Dragon and the Slayer the Dragon the Dragon Hunt the Dragon
I can't take Matthew seriously after watching him attempt to line up two Dragonriders because he refused to remove the lock on in Dark Souls 2
Um, excuse me, I think you are all forgetting the superior videogame critic who shits all over both matthewtl;dr and josephshittyauthor
why would i want to torture myself
Only mandalore is based
What is it about this guy that just makes autists sheeth? Is he like a local lolcow?
RagnarRox sounds like he's talking to a toddler.
>user can't stand Dark Souls 2 and anyone who likes it
Pick one
Mauler is definitive autism. Most ordinary critics can say, 'Wow, The Last Jedi is consumerist trash and sucks.' Mauler spent almost four months of his life making hour after hour after hour of content in a retarded quest to 'objectively prove' The Last Jedi sucks to ?????? Half his 'objective evidence,' isn't even based on film techniques or presentation, he just bitches about the plot over and over again and stresses that the visual medium is being ruined by the superficial and utterly subjective plot. He's fancy accent Mr. Enter to me
>fans kept pushing them towards each other
You have it the wrong way around. They don't make similar content at all so nobody was pushing them together. They're fans of each other and collaborated. Neither of them are the type to do anything because fans "made them" do it. In that respect they're similar. They don't make what people want them to make, they do what they want. I think that's why they like each other when they both don't do much crossover stuff.
At least Enter knows the critique shouldn't be longer than what he is reviewing.
The best part is when he gets basic details wrong and bitches about something at length anyway, which only further shows his inability to fact check anything.
They're comfy to fall asleep to. I put on a long ass video and just go to sleep listening to some nerd talk about Pokemon for 7 hours.
shut the fuck up
He's not based, at any rate.
We need to go deeper
Dear fucking god, how can one man be so smooth brained?
By being a literal autist. His brain just shuts down sometimes, that was one of those moments.
was he really drunk or something? this has to be fake
He's retarded.
I knew this from just one of his vids (SMO). Do people just thing "long vid=right" or something? Because I can not for the life of me understand why people treat him as legitimate unless he's made some fucking outstanding vids outside that shitheap.
>Like, his Mario Odyssey has him listing every single moon you can collect,
I think the funniest thing is that he did it because some people on his BotW video said he didn't do all the Korok Seeds and that made the "review" bad.
Yes to both although I don't listen to his livestreams because I don't give a shit, he is good background fodder imo although his videos definitely could be shorter to improve the overall quality.
There aren't many good long-form creators on YouTube, so people stick to those that exist. Nobody can compete with Matt but unfortunately he doesn't make enough content to fully satisfy the demand.
Even though they make such different stuff you can tell they have a similar approach. When they discussed how they approach making videos during that one podcast they did you could tell they respect each other. I really hope they do more episodes.
A massive faggot
I thought this was a thread about Deathwing
>hasn't made a good video in over a year
Is he done bros?
"over a year" is a weird way to say "in his entire career".
He's working on a Witcher analysis video, too bad he got beaten to the punch by both Super Bunny years ago and a based newcomer
It's a painting.
guys for years i was sure that he had deathwing avatar
I hated s8 of GoT as much as the next guy but I legit could not sit through his most recent video about it. Being thorough is one thing, but seriously mate be concise.
his danganronpa and silent hill streams revealed just how big of an autistic retard he really is
Mauler is almost good. The length is the least objectionable thing about his content honestly, what's bad is he just goes over plot holes for the majority of it, like CinemaSins for pesudo-intellectuals.
Roger Ebert once said something along these lines about plotholes, that real life seems to have more of those than the worst movie he has ever reviewed. Plot holes are the literal double digit IQ pseudointellectual criticism, the absolute bottom of the barrel. If you don't have anything to say on the quality of the movie aside from plot holes, get the fuck out.
>citing some old fag
You're stupid.
it's good to criticize plot holes when it's something really stupid or there's zero plausible explanation, but autists can't read between the lines and realize that if there's a reasonable explanation it doesn't need to be explicitly spoonfed to you
if there's a reasonable explanation you can think of that fits it's not a "plot hole"
>Doesn't understand SH2 at all
>Claims all horror games are shit as a result
not based
Exactly, that's what irks me the most about The Last Jedi review. Mauler seems to think if he lists out enough plot holes or inconsistencies with the original movies he wins and proves its a bad movie. Rather the approach other critics made is that The Last Jedi is technically a good movie and you can really only dislike it off the subjective qualities of the movie. They seem the same but the latter admits the movie is good while Mauler, and especially his buttbuddy Rags, dismisses that as ever being a possibility and that the film is objectively a terrible movie.
None I can see.
>tfw pounding out book after book and shelving them for not reaching the skill I know I have
>this brainlet self-publishes absolute trash
Why live
TLJ is fucking terrible and the main reason why is the writing.
In this case, I side 100% with him. You're either genuinely mentally disabled or lying.
but it is objectively bad. Sure, the cinematography and visuals are neat and the action scenes were good, but the acting and writing were far beyond sub-par.
But the film is objectively a terrible movie.
Nigga it's not hard to pound out constant shitty Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi and get loads of money from Amazon's publishing metrics. You don't need talent, you just need to be able to write about 5k edited words every single day. You'll make about 10k off each book so realistically you just need about five books every year to have a decent wage. Pick up a Creative Writing book, apply yourself for about a week or two learning each of the concepts it presents, and you too can be a dipshit hack on Amazon self-publishing.
Even that fails with bizarre scenes like the Phasma confrontation in the hanger.
I cant stand this pseudo-intellectual dragon loving faggot or most of these fucks to be perfectly honest with you. The thing that pisses me off the most about these niggers is that change of tone they do at the end of every sentence like theyre some fucking newscaster on tv or something.
If you dont know what I mean, just watch this other retard who made a 5 hour long "analysis" of fucking oblivion
Watch how he makes an enphasis at the end of every single fucking sentence as if he was reading the most important fucking speech in human history or some shit. Most of these retards do this and I find it unbereable
>Voxis Productions
I missed your shilling
I don't think that's Voxis shilling. Does Voxis even visit here any more?
>longman = bad
This looks 100% normal, what is supposed to be the problem?
Yeah, guy is a terrible writer, he drones on and on about inconsequential shit and all his characters are one dimensional idealized versions of himself.
If you want a tuber who actually wrote a decent book read Shad's book. The start is slow but the guys is actually really good at world building.
The fact that a man with such a disgusting voice can make a living talking about games gives me hope.
>boss weapon
Good job lad
>mandalore makes strawberry jam
>he brands it with images of himself
what the fuck
>Objectively fat
>filthy barren room
>fat, balding, and horrifically cross eyed
Yep it's autism
Why do all longform video essayist have this same pudgy face pig like look.
Brendan Gleeson?
This dude has the gall to make fun of how people like Downward Thrust look on EFAP looking like THAT
In his defense, it's been 3 whole years since that stream. It's ever so slightly disengenous to assume he's like this as we speak. Even so looks don't destroy his message, he's good at what he does.
>thinks Mauler has been getting /fit/ and not getting more grotesque and balder making his 46 hour long videos on disney star wars and GOT
You never know.
He has literal tons of free time to work on videos since he doesn't need a job anymore die to Patreon bux. Like seriously, I know his videos are long but they aren't literally all he does. 3 months working on a single video and you have down time no matter how you look at it. Hell I make videos as a side hobby and I go all autism with my shit and still make times to keep /fit/ and keep my friends close. It's not impossible.
He's beyond mortality
That's bullshit and you know it. Magic is stupidly busted in Demon's Souls. You get the enchanted falchion in 4-1 in the first 2 hours of the game and it can basically carry you through the game. Literally every boss and enemy is weak to magic
He's like joseph anderson's hillbilly cousin
Someone posted a recent pic on Yea Forums and he's bigger. It's those Welsh genes.
If you told me they were brothers and I didn't know better I would have honestly believed you.
Dude is looking for subjectivity in two directions at once
The writing isn't even bad. You just don't like it. The film is fine on its own, but the main reasons people hate it is because of the narrative and character-based choices it made in relation to the other movies in the series. If your only evidence about the poor writing is "duhhh the hyperspace kamikaze is a plot hole!!" then you're working with sub 90 IQ.
>Watch how he makes an enphasis at the end of every single fucking sentence as if he was reading the most important fucking speech in human history or some shit. Most of these retards do this and I find it unbereable
Apart from Matthewmatosis, which is why he's based
no thats a picture
What is a good game reviewer on youtube like matthew? I enjoyed his souls videos, any other good souls videos from different people?
SuperBunnyHop had a good one but he doesn't put out good content currently
What happened to him? He’s nosedived so hard.
any time someone gets worse it's always because of a female
Started slowing down a year or two ago then came back with Patreon and releases most of his content behind a paywall. No idea whether that stuff is any good though.
but thats still a very valid thing if the movie is part of a large series. Plus Rey's development as a jedi went from ditsy space thot to calm and collected jedi master with little to no room for that to develop in the film. suck my dick nigger
That would imply he was any good to begin with. He was the quintessential passive aggressive, snarky cunt that would proudly proclaim himself as the absolute authority on any opinion, and anyone who disagreed with him is a low IQ neanderthal. His main method of avoiding criticism was saying "well, because I think A because it's a fact, that means my opinion of an entirely unrelated B is both relevant and valid".
It's an even worse movie on its own. It's a slow speed chase movie where nothing of relevance happens and everyone caps at 50IQ.
Accursed Farms, Tehsnakerer. For souls videos, they are near universally bad.