Has a comic about video games ever made you lol irl?

Has a comic about video games ever made you lol irl?

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>the book the dads reading

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Penny Arcade was hilarious 15 years ago.

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Holy fuck, didn't even notice that detail.

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God damn that truly is an oldie but a goodie

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Is this a parody?
What is that book cover?
What does a kid drinking water in the backround have to do with pokemon?
Why does the artist sign his name three times?

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>Is this a parody?

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i dun get it

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Dumbass newfag

is that fucking clopin

I don't get it

Whats the origin of the water part. I get the boomer wall street journo comic meme.

Is the water from that one comic with the water spout and the starving african kid?

Help me.




I don’t get it, where’s the hidden loss?

You're not too bright are you?

Based Dumb Iop poster

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i want more crummy water memes

ask and ye shall receive

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If you’ve seen the original it’s not hard to understand.

It’s poking fun at gaming journalists who don’t complete the game but still write entire articles on the game. And when you read the articles it’s very clear they care more about showing off their creative writing or English degrees rather than explaining how the game feels or plays

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Cool, clear, pokemon creatures

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or the dude trying to be luigi in his car

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this really gets the h2o flowin

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So, what happens on that doujin after they break her spine?

Nothing, that one page is the entire doujin

The fuck what kind of shittt hentai is this

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Based and hydrationpilled


gary markstein

Why do Millennials love water so much?

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Holy shit, it's an UgoJesse parody
How did I never catch that

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it's both that nigerian one yeah and the one the other anons replied with
it is, dare i say, a daring synthesis

I don't see any water in this

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The moisture is in her panties

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This gets me everytime

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bretty good

What the fuck is this

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Oh shit, thanks for reminding me this exist.

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>pokemon creatures

This is how you know it was a boomer who made this, I mean, obviously, but still that just screams boomer.

>All these jokes about water
>I have a glass of water right now
What the fuck is even going on? Did this seriously stem from that uninteresting pokemon go comic?


yes, water is a gubmint psyop


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Well, there's two unrelated water memes. There's the meme about water from gamer fuel threads, and the meme about water regarding out of touch boomers.


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>he fell for it

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is the source about incest with a huge dong?

this looks... familiar

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I dislike pokemon and this still made me mad for all the wrong reasons.

It's Tsubaki Jushirou for the artist. I know that much.

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Oohhh sweet jesus give me a name

Do any of them have to do with it not being how it works?


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Kawaii wolf girl

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Yes, but what does the gubmint drink?
You guessed it, WATER!

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numbers by viktor pelevin

ice + fire = water, dumbass


Kowai wolf girl

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mild kek


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[Nakani] ne~ niichan

stop posting fake edits user


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>goofy dumb idiot with glasses turns out to be a big tiddy beauty
of fucking course

What does Crummy water taste like?

That shirt just sitting on a chair, it's just that extra little touch which makes this comic a true work of art.

This thread isn't crummy enough.

I tried my hardest

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This is awful but made me laugh.


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All of these

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The Strayan cunt is the one with the big tiddies. Wolf banchou is pretty normal. About the same size as the lion girls.

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Is it crummy water? From a pail?


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too many panels, can cut it down to 3 and get the joke across


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Is this a Cromartie reference?

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>young and vicarious
>clearly says vivacious

glug on my fellow hydrator

why does this comic makes me sad?

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How do you steal the pigtails

Fucking Croatians

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This made me kind of sad. Those moments in life are some of the greatest.

God bless.


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Japanese aren't funny

>pokemon creature

I got one of those

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Sounds good enough to be a Murakami novel really

Mad because bad

>Boxer Hockey ain't never coming back
>Just ends in the middle of the collapse of their friendships

What a grand and intoxicating innocence.

This one's always been my favorite

nips aint funny, but neither are mutts

Back to the Future trilogy. You should watch it again.


you know who has never told a good joke... thin bloods

Nah i think its fine. The shortening comics meme doesnt always apply baka

the edit removes the entire point of the comic, which is complaining about critics being low t psuedo art fags.


>removing the joke
thank you for that

you got sickle cell?

This one did make me laugh

I had a few laughs reading Brawl In The Family way back when.

>humor depends on race
is this why you're not funny


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its an insult on euro royalty who inbreed to keep their line """pure""" and as a result have "weak blood". it is now used as a counter to euros calling mutts mutts

lol mutt cope

that's really weak.

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god why did kc have to kill gunshow


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It got a chuckle out of me

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ummm... can you NOT post my wife?

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>shape of window
he's in

lmao don't exhaust yourself with all that hard work thinblood.

>Why yes I do want to be bread, how could you tell?

My highness, don't worry yourself with barbaric commoner humour!

I need more edits of this comic.

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euro here, still dont get the mutt meme. how are white americans not white?

you do know royal families and monarchies died out 100 years ago right?

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>how are white americans not white?

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but those are just spics and niggers. still dont get it.

>inbreeding between every race on earth
gee i dont know what makes them mulatto mystery meat

A servant of my station wouldn't know the machinations of his highness. Obviously, it's all the results of generations of outbreeding oun my family's part.

>but those are just spics and niggers
those are americans.

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Imagining 47 saying Uuu in that voice will never not make me laugh.

What the fuck?

jesus are euros this fucking stupid. do they never look at a world map in school. I am tired of hearing how Argie, brazil, and mexico are the US

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americans are fags but those are clearly spics and niggers posted. it's like saying mexicans are white because most of them still have full spanish blood.

are you trying to imply blacks browns, yellows, spics are 100% absent from america?

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are you implying they are 100% absent from your country

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ok hang on a sec. are the whites that say "yea im irish, german, french etc" mutts? Cause a shit ton of them here do say that but they dont look like anything like the goblins posted.

but we're not talking about my country. we're talking about america
all burgers are mutts.

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so if youre not a WASP youre a mutt?

wasp or not, all burgers are mutts.

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but how. you're coming off as angry

This is so cute

>black men
only inaccurate part of this picture

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>n-no it doesn't count when its here it only counts in smelly america
lmao it turns out tyrone likes Fran, better watch out Hans

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sounds try hard as fuck
god I hate postmodernist authors

>they all look white except jesus
was this the joke?

Jesus and Goku are a bit egregious, but Aang is a character in an American cartoon.
Speed Racer was also designed to look American on purpose.

>Speed Racer was designed to look white
He looked the most Japanese.

>but Aang is a character in an American cartoon.
he is clearly modeled after Tibetan Buddhist monks, don't be this fucking retarded

I know all the "water" images are shopped over the original
But where did it originate? Boomers think millenials only care about water?

About pokemon go

yes. they brainwashed a generation to think hydration meant drinking 20 cups a water a day and wonder why millenials "only think about water"

ok, source?

No, they're all characters portrayed by actors who supposedly didn't match the original character's race.
One is true, Jesus, the others are completely fictional (yes I know many accounts of Jesus are fictionalized, but he was an actual person).
Light Yagami was supposed to be Japanese, but the others are from series not even set in the real world.
People also got mad when Rami Malek played an Egyptian even though he's actually Egyptian.

Shots of wine

This is a Tibetan monk.
Very similar, right?

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>He isn't drinking enough water
Stop playing Pokemon for just a second and pick up a glass you fucking Boomers

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The controversy over ScarJo and the Major will never not be ridiculous.

>if that were a room full of characters turned black almost all of them would be redheads
Why is that a thing anyways? Does the modern would hate red/orange hair on characters?

I said American, not white. ;]
Seriously though, he's not supposed to have a race or defined nation (though he does have one, since the tournament in which he competes is defined as being international), since the author didn't want people to associate it with the Japanese exceptionalism that pervades their culture.

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>an actually good LOL thread

I’m impressed guys.

This thread has been pruned or deleted.

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Also, I was wrong, GITS is actually supposed to be set in Japan.

Does this count?

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OP here, I'm as surprised as you are. I didn't think this would make it past 15 posts initially.

that one got me

This one.

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>the fucking book cover


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That somehow got worse and worse with every word.

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goku's a fucking monkey with faggot ass clothes

It was a reversal of one of the Pokemon Go comics which then got pasted over a bunch of Boomer comics

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What the fuck is the source for this? There is no trace of the original thing anywhere

Jackie Chan

This speaks to me on a primal level.

Really bold to bring up Death's Note racial casting and remain silent about L.


No, because that's not the stereotypical shaved/buzzed Tibetan Buddhist Monk with round features. His signature outfit is even red and orange robes.

I've been on yellow and light pink for ten years, nice try faggots.

And Zuko.
And somehow call Ryuk whitewashing when he was a giant cgi monster.

Are you saying that the makers of Avatar are racist because their characters are based on stereotypes?

I legitimately don't get these comics. Do the old people who had to fight in wars actually consider it the younger generation's fault that there's no world war for them to get drafted in and have to fight against their will? What exactly do they think they went to war for, if not so their future generations didn't have to?

>Josh Luna

So like this guy?

Attached: othermonk.jpg (620x879, 61K)

Or bring up GitS and not mention Ishikawa or Bouma.

We need another great war to kill off the population and fix the zoomers.

How about this monk? Does he do it for you?

Attached: anothermonk.jpg (400x442, 30K)

I don't inherently disagree, but any modern war of appreciable scale will kill fuckloads of people, none of whom are soldiers.

I did LOL the first time I read it

Shoo shoo hooknose

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I miss Andrew Zimmern. I miss bizarre foods. I miss the travel channel before it was all ghost shit.

Whatever makes you feel better.

Yep. He's even called a monk in the show.

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this is excellent

lmao stay seething (((pure blood)))

It's older than the Netflix blackwash. The difference being that Netflix was completely different and in America.

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>blaming the Jews for your small penis


Not him but yes, you fucking retard. Each tribe is loosely based on existing nationalities. By your logic every character from street fighter would be japanese because they were designed by a japanese person?

Delete system32 then kill yourself.

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It's a general weak point of struggle and hardship which traditionally automatically silences any sort of dissent or disagreement. It's like bringing up "our troops" when someone kneels during the national anthem.

Good work

They look so horrified.

The Fire Nation and Earth Nation look way more Asian than the Air Nation.

Boy you're dumb.

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Wtf is the source i looked for an hour

Are boomers capable of making cartoons which aren't just "I don't relate to the current youth"?

Yes, he looks like a monk.
Yes, the aesthetic of the Air Nation is based on Tibet.
The comic is about whitewashing, though, and monks can be of any race.
The original post I was replying to was trying to say that because it's based on Tibetan monks that therefore Aang is Asian, which doesn't make any sense because it's a cartoon in a fantasy land.

Jesus was never physically described in the bible, or by any historical sources. It’s irrelevant to the point of his life, and as such white Jesus is no less a valid depiction as black or asian Jesus as long as the point is to represent his shared humanity.

He doesn't need to be described. He's a Levant.

That entirely depends on whether you're a Christian talking about Christ as a spiritual and conceptual being or if you're just talking about him as a man.

We won't know that until we try


still gives me chuckles

To be fair, the key word there is LOOSELY and not just loosely they're mixtures of very different cultures in a setting totally removed from Earth.
Technically Aang just had to be a a tiny little pale kid. Katara and Sokka's only job was to be brown and they fucked that up. M Night ironically fucked up all the races by wanting to go completely multicultural but in all the wrong ways.
Street Fighter meanwhile has actual real world origins for all the characters.
Though speaking of Street Fighter and idiotic raceswaps.

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And as we know, everyone from that region looked exactly one way. There were no historical takeovers that impacted the gene pool and no variance in appearance at all.

>award winning
slavs truly are crazy

>dude there's not actually any such thing as race everyone on earth has always just migrated all over the place and mixed their races so really Jesus was actually black xD

Christ as a man is relevant only insofar as it relates to his dual nature. Why would a non-Christian care about his portrayal anyway?

They're all cartoons in fantasy lands dumbass.

He was important historically.
The study of a religion's effects on history doesn't require you to be religious yourself.

Get your head out of your ass. I never denied the existence of different races, I pointed out how the levant was a dumpster fire of genetics due to it’s frequent takeovers by alien powers and already present generic diversity.

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No, they aren't, actually.
Light Yagami and the Major are explicitly from Japan.
Yeshua is from real life.

It sounds like Kafka On The Shore but with pokemon

The Major's body is artificial and could look like anything she wants it too. It also depends which version of the Major you mean. In the film, she very clearly has a different appearance from all the Japanese characters around her, but in SAC a stranger does recognize her as Japanese.

>he still thinks Japan is real
Fucking Weebs I swear

How is his current portrayal relevant to that study then? Historically there are no sources, so it can be assumed he was average for the region and time, but never certain, if you’re to understand if in context, his appearance is variable because it’s made to represent the audience, We’re back to why would you care?

say no more

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Daily reminder to drink more water buddeh

Yes, except that Judaism is explicitly passed down from the mother. It's very likely that he was a member of one of the very few ethnic groups that practiced Judaism at the time, which has expanded slightly over time.
And before you say "His mother could have been a recent convert," that's extremely unlikely, given that Judaism considers women to be chattel.

I don't really care how you want to portray Jesus, but it's fair comment to say that he isn't being portrayed accurately.

I demand a fucking English translation under the threat of thermonuclear war.

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Fantasy Japan.

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Still gave me a good chuckle. It's the delivery in the end, always gets me.

I feel that shit. Misao Remix

Isn't the entire point of Mary that she's descended from David? Either way there's no way Mary is a foreign convert.

Go Mifune (Speed Racer) is Japanese and Son Goku is an adapted version of Sun Wu Kong and is Chinese.

Easily in top 10 posts of thread

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You started this by trying to argue that he doesn’t need to be described as he’s “A levant.”, my point was there is enough variability among the levant that assuming an appearance based on that is retarded. If you want to reduce that pool to just Semitic jews, then go for it, but you’re still trying to determine the appearance of a member of an ethnic group that varied between light olive skin, light brown hair and green eyes all the way to dark tan skin, black hair and brown eyes.

And since Jewishness is inherited matrilineally, it’s entirely feasible for genetic variability to enter into the gene pool from conquest. I don’t know why you thought that was an argument otherwise.

>Isn't the entire point of Mary that she's descended from David?
Joseph is descended from David.

I used to find this amusing back when I just found out about the internet.


I think the original site is long dead. There was even a forum where people could upload their own sprite comics.

I see he has the new HDMI to H2O connecter.

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The only degenerate thing about Murakami novels is the incest-baiting.


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She was a cancer patient loli, it was just a wig. You have to kill her father in that mission and you shoot him while you are getting your chemotherapy.

Do all kelly comics have a copyright date or just this one?


I'm not the user that described him as "a Levant".
That user was just dumb.
Also, don't count Ashkenazi, they didn't exist at the time.

It isn’t ‘fair’ though, it’s just faggots winging that Jesus isn’t being portrayed the way they want him to be despite not believing in him beyond as a historical figure or even just as a concept. They can go remake the Passion with a Lebanese jew as Christ if they want, or paint a picture with a Palestinian looking Jesus, but they should stop bitching about it since they have no dog in the fight.

actual literature, despite the covers appearance. about a spiral into madness where a guy pretends to have a fetish to appease his new girl who is actually a secret agent also just pretending to have that fetish, who absolutely does not and will never actually care about him. or something like that, I haven't actually read it.

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wtf i laughed

It's hilarious that somebody even added that detail given that he isn't even the dude's dad, so IDK what the fuck the point was.

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made me chuckle

Fair comment is a legal term, meaning an opinion that could be held by a reasonable person based on available information, not that it's actually fair in any moral sense.

youtube.com/watch?v=e60JlM6ZXHc almost made CAD worth it.

He was the rightful king of Israel, and prophecy demanded that the messiah be born to the ‘house of david’.

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Ah, I’m not a native english speaker so that passed right over my head.

theyre calling you a nwefag but all these comics are just a few years old, you're just straight up retarded.

Ah, so he just had to be born to the house, not the man.
That's very interesting.
Current Orthodox thought is that the Messiah is whoever can unite Israel and rebuild the temple, though. Any man who can do that must be the Messiah, even if he can't prove his lineage.
Look up Yossi Gurvitz, he talks a lot about the evolution of Judaism.

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>clutch powers released 2010
>dude was born 2004

>I-I-I replied to all of you h-haha now what?


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It's a parody of this and the whole crummy pail of water meme.

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Why is this image so blurry?

you have astigmatism

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Trying too hard

>Here's your author bro

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Yeah, but she eats actual shit.

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>Jesus was born in the Middle East therefore he was brown
Jesus Christ

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Clever but fuck you

>not Pokemon Creature Index

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1. It should be an Eevee you tard.
2. The mother would be the Vaporeon if I was to follow your tard logic. They are egg-nappers.
3. Glacion has a body temperature of -75 degrees fahrenheit, Flareon has a body temperature of 1,300 - 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Glacion would fucking die of heat stroke during the act of pokemon fucking.

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This water shit was never funny.

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oh dear, beg my pardoun I should fetch the reserve royal wheelchair for you - royal bones are fragile; as are royal egos.

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I really love the idea of Ocelot going into battle with a squad six small children who each carry a single shot firearm (specifically something like pic related).

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Goku is a fucking space alien

i really like this comic


most of these dude's comics are unfunny on purpose but this one was actually funny and caught me off guard

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>trying hard
it's quite easy I, assure you.

The opening theme for the cartoon was so good.


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He's like Kaneko's crazy clone

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I thought this was RicePirate and Psychicpebbles, outta Sleepy Cabin, at first glance

Do people actually water?

thanks for posting a shitty comic that nobody wanted to see

there's always one cunt who ruins lol threads by dumping trash anime manga comics

All-right here goes...

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What the fuck is wrong with the way Japs draw expressions? Why do they exaggerate everything like that?

Why do mods delete these threads, it's so much fun

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>believing shit on Yea Forums

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>With a mouse and keyboard


I love water.

woah, he lost the weight during puberty.

It's funny.

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Taking a step back to look at this comic objectively. Is the implication that, because we're choosing to occupy our time with things that aren't violence, that we are incapable of enacting it? Oh. Oh no. These people really have no idea.

oddly wholesome

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>Almost said it
Fuck you user

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Wow ok

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About 60% yeah.


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Let's all live in a land of delusion! Where truth doesn't matter and lying is truth!

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Hate me now? You just wait. You just wait.

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>erect nips through tank top

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>i may be surrounded by horse porn but at least i can talk politics

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Nice try. I almost got sent to the Netherlands


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Understand that these people pretty much devoted their all into the war. Like any human who is culturally devoted to something, they become enraged if nobody else does it and wish for everyone to experience it.

For war boomers in general it's because "it made a man out of me"

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Unironically autism, autists have a hard time reading facial expressions so they gravitate towards media with exaggerated faces. See anime, MLP, Toon Zelda, etc

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This thread is redpilled

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somebody needs to call him a faggot

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Im sorry ash I can't take what you're doing to yourself any more and I'm running away. Your not the trainer I fell for all those years ago. ;_;

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>he actually thinks it's improbable for 14 year olds to post on Yea Forums let alone Yea Forums

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The capacity for violence still resides in us. The only difference is we aren't united and have no cause. We're in the collapse phase. Eventually *they'll* get bored and try to force us to kill once more. My only hope is that Jesus comes back before then and directs us against the true enemies.

Just ignore their dying pleas. They're bitter since they've destroyed the world. They're so arrogant they have the gall to act surprised that we don't enjoy living in it's remnants. This cycle happens endlessly and, no matter how any of us may try to break it, few of us ever manage to - let alone gain the ability to see through it.

they killed millions....

No duh, finland isn't real, but Japan is.

Check your math, as long as a country has a population of over 1 million, it is guaranteed to exist.

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That explains a lot actually.

That's stupid
He should have been mastering the pail of water

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this is shit

No they don't, because I guarantee it wasn't a WW2/Korea/Vietnam vet who made any of these types of comics, it's always Baby Boomers who never fought a day in their lives but for some reason seem to act as if they're part of the "Greatest Generation" to shit on younger generations

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The end

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Now make a follow up of her feeding and burping Kirby followed by him burping up a star and reverting him back

Is this ironic?

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I dont get the water thing
can I get a quick rundown

Water posting is legit one of the last few good memes


a quick rundown would only water down the joke

please post the og

But wait, by that logic Finland would exist. And we know that shit aint nothing but a plot of western mongolians

What was this called again?

Oh so that's Werewolf Jones' origin

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Ironically, it's unironically ironic.

Chio-Chan no Tsuugakuro

all of these comics are pure soul


thanks babe

first one I've seen that was actually clever, still kys

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That's kinda sad. Art uses exaggerated expressionism everywhere, motion, animation, lighting. Even actors get flak for emoting too little whereas in real life it would look ridiculous.

he was a carpenter so chances are he was tan

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Quentin, the Hero we needed, but not the one we deserved.

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who made this shit?

>Fuck off we're full

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Based woman

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Tan, maybe.
If he worked for a living, he definitely wasn't brown.

what a garbage thread
>million edits of the same exact meme

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Get a fucking grip.

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hi newfag

Black people are special.

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This is a redraw, Yoshi's face in the original was amazing.

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Seconding this, that book sounds amazing.

go drink some crummy water

Jesus was born when the Middle East was under Roman rule, before that it was under Macedonian/Greek rule. Even before that, the Achaemenids. Chances are he looked more like this, or something around this. He wasn't the Aryan hyper chad that some art depicts him as. But any picture of Jesus being Saharan levels of dark is just negro narcissism.

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You got the boomer saying "PC, FAGGOT" edit?

name 4 redhead actors and actresses.


Yea Forums pushing back the boundaries of retardation