Mordhau Player Kicked by Developer for Beating Him in 1v1 Duel

>Giru is a top Mordhau player, and after he put one of the game’s developers down using a frying pan he was swiftly removed from the match.(...) the loss was particularly bad for the defeated dev due to the fact that Giru also opted to wear peasant garb and took the time to cackle with laughter using in-game character voice lines.

>By comparison, the developer was fully kitted out in plate armor and wielded a nasty-looking polearm, yet was still (somehow) left in a bloody heap on the ground at the end of the 1v1.


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giru is an attention whoring faggot

Giru is a devs friend you guys, this was just teasing.

kek,fucking owned

Giru is buddies with all the 11 man dev team


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this guy is friends with the dev so this is just friends fucking with eachother
kill yourself outrage culture nigger

wait a minute....

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kill yourself OP

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>environmental storytelling.jpg

Fake news and op is a huge faggot

>kicked from a match
I don't see the problem here. It's not like he got fucking banned. This is just amusing salt more than anything

ffa servers are a circle jerk of retards wanting to rp in the back and get mad when they get killed then votekick anyone they dont like.

Duel is full of hackers and general autism to begin with.

game is shit now needs to die.

this is a ranked duel match
stop seething retard
the game is garbage though you are right on that

I haven't played in a while and now I feel like I'm too rusty to pick it up again. I guess I'll try getting back into it once some new maps come out.

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ranked is shit

don't bother game is going to shit

>jew trying to stir outrage

this was a joke, giru is friends with all of the developers (as are many of the alpha testers)

giru is a punk ass bitch

>ffa servers are a circle jerk of retards
I always hog the catapult on a certain test server and get a mass of retards to protect me from anybody who dares get in my way

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They're friends, you stupid drama-seeking faggot. What, you hoping to kick up a stink so some shitty blog site can report on it?

i remember some autists claiming something about blowing, for honor and water

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this was clearly just a joke you fucking faggot stop trying to falseflag

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