>japanese """"humor""""
Japanese """"humor""""
>not even XCX2fags can defend it
Didn't think so.
They were nuked twice and stripped of their culture and identity.
Everyone point and laugh at the Nips.
Public humiliation is such a good fetish though.
Speaking of humor, when are you guys gonna get some new material?
but muh context
Your entire game is a joke.
Second Yea Forums stops replying to recycled bait. So never.
They were nuked twice and gifted culture and identity.
A mistake has been made.
I love my wife Hikari!
u mad
>this is the pits
why do Nintendo localizers love dumb phrases that nobody has said since the 90s so much
Don't you fucking give me hope for XCX2
how many fucking times am i going to see this video
Everyday until you like it
>tfw so autistic have no idea what's wrong with that dance besides that it looks a bit silly
2 bombs weren't enough.
>japanese humor
I don't see the problem