That kid who did a presentation on vidya

>that kid who did a presentation on vidya

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Other urls found in this thread:

>that kid who did a presentation on fucking ANIME

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>that kid grew up to be a millionaire twitch streamer

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>tfw never brave enough to do a presentation on vidya

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>That kid who did a presentation on the assigned topic, but the powerpoint had vidya music and gifs/jpgs of vidya characters on every slide.

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>that kid who did his presentation on memes
>literal entry level shit like advice dog and demotivationals

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>that presentation that did a vidya on kid.

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>did vidya presentation on silent hill 2
>100% on it
worked on it for over 24 hours straight

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>that kid who did a presentation on slenderman.

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are you 12?

give us the story, underagefag

>that one kid in choir class that sang the minecraft song "Revenge"

>that teacher that required a presentation on our favorite vidya as a way to break in the class
>in college
>from a 76 y/o woman with tenure

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I did one on Slipknot and it was hella based

I had a guy show clips from the desu anime during a presention.
This was in a linguistics class in university and it was like 2012.
And he was my fucking project partner

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This was during late middle school. I didn't give the presentation but I did help out on it, this autistic black kid who was a friend of mine wanted to do it and being the equally autistic memelord I was, I helped him on the "research". This thread made me realize I gave him a death sentence. If you're reading this, I'm so fucking sorry.

> tfw did a presentation on brony culture because I was into it at the time
> tfw failed because my story was a complete clusterfuck
> tfw remember it every day

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is this a white people thing? not even the furries in my class did that

>the kid who did a presentation on gachimuchi
>he said it originated on twitch

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I did a college paper on why video games are art. The main theme of the course was that everything is an argument. Easy to troll at that point.
I don't have a degree

Retard Slenderman doesn't work like Candleja

I did a presentation on minecraft in Uni
It was for a CS class. I used a java reflector to decompile the game and figured out the terrain generation mechanism. The presentation was about the mathematical techniques used.

>have only one friend who knows what gachi is
>he only knows it from twitch
>he doesn't know about the miku videos
>he doesn't know about classic gachiposting
Nobody can ever know gachimuchi like us jabronies.

it's forever just a deep dark fantasy

not cringe if it's actually CS related

I know. I live with this shame on my conscious forever.

user, this is a thread about cringe, not absolutely based presentations

>that kid who did a presentation on metal music

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>that kid who did a presentation on vidya
>almost everything he said was wrong

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The only retard is you for stopping in the middle of candlejacks name, it doesn't work tha

>did a presentation on Sonic the Hedgehog in middle school

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>in college public speaking class
>required for graduation
>all my friends are here so whatever
>theres this autistic? girl who always freaks the fuck out during her speeches
>like her voice gets super shrill and she starts laughing but it sounds like shes screaming
>my sister fucking laughs at her during her first speech when this happens
>for our final speech in the class we can cover any topic we like, but we have to bring in a sample or something physical to represent our speech for the class
>i do mine on soda, just bring in some cans for everyone
>this girl does her speech on minecraft
>i dont even remember anything about it because i was unironically cringing
>for her sample she passed out sheets of paper with the fucking minecraft logo on it
i wanted to just get the fuck out of there

This was me, had a junior high Spanish project on presenting your "family" to the class. They were all FFVII characters.


>brony kid showed off his AMV for the fucking school talent show
I'd never wanted to die so much.

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what the fuck really?

Can I have some examples user?

did you fuck her?

>wrote a paper on nintendo DS / WII for product innovation analysis class
>aced it
don't see the issue

>just graduated high school and turned 18 this year
>before i graduated i had to do a presentation that was basically a tutorial
>my tutorial was “how to set up a ps2”
>half the kids looked at me like they didn’t know what the fuck i was saying


>those kids who played with bugs during recess

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god no, she smelled really bad and had awful hair

>that kid who obviously ad libbed a presentation but still got an A
it was me

fuck off faggot

Did you talk about fan art, fan fiction, and/or shipping?

>that kid that was the younger brother of the popular kid
>everyone thought he was going to be cool
>he was actually just a spergy weirdo
>that kid was me

I had an autistic friend who was making a presentation about the history of video games and so much of the shit he said was wrong. I don't remember it too clearly but I think he said something about Sony making a console because they wanted to compete with the SNES, and other dumb shit like that.

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>that teacher who recommend Evangelion to the class

>play with bugs during recess because everyone hates me
>bring in a bunch of mayflies and beetles
>teacher! user has bugs in his desk
>teacher demands you take them outside and release them
>release them into the class
>class loses its shit

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>implying those are bad traits

>middle school homework to write a short story
>wrote a fanfiction about me and my best friend being halo spartans fighting hunters and shit

It's a good thing I didn't have to present that sperglord shit to the class.

>that kid that did a fuckin presentation on mlp

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t. smash player

I did a lecture on Mega Man lore for my friends. Fun times.

I had a science teacher that had the fucking Skyrim map hanging on the classroom wall and a Jar Jar Binks figure on his desk.

>Did a 15 page paper on how video games as a medium was an underappreciated goldmine of art, especially postmodernism by it’s very nature.
>Professor was so impressed they added vidya to future curriculums.

And that’s how Bioshock, Nier, and Portal got me perfect grade for one of my college classes.

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>had zero respect for a teacher in high school
>had to do some book review for the class
>wrote a book review of a collection of books from TES games
>teacher liked the review
>for the class final I wrote a review of the story of morrowind
>she loved it

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were you in my class?

truly devilish

>that one autistic girl who did a presentation on fucking Schleich toy horses in high school

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yeah it was for my final, the guidelines were to cover a modern medium and compare it to another medium(in the case of my video essay it was comparing video games to movies.) basically compared how all the storytelling worked in silent hill 2 versus how a movie would tell a story

I didnt even know what those were at the time. I just talked about the character and games.

Still it's probably why I made no friends

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>kid does presentation on thing he likes!
>wow what a fucking retard, laugh at him guys
that's this thread

>had a ff7 guide book in elementary school with temporary tattoos of all the characters included in it
>applied all of them to my chest and belly then went to school and proceeded to lift my shirt and show everyone

I would also get in trouble for walking like the sluagh from Soul Reaver when we had to walk in a line to the lunch room.

get off your high horse, butt wipe

You expect me to believe that shit? Who did you ship?

fuckin soccer mom

I did a presentation of kant ethics without studying, I literally made everything up and still got an A. I don't know how, I checked the book after and nothing of what I said was even remotely right that teacher just stopped trying I think

>did a presentation on video games in middle school
>teacher let a few people present at the same time and let the students pick which presentation they wanted to see
>when the teacher said my presentation was on vidya people flocked over
>talked about how the ET game was so shitty it nearly crashed the entire video game market in North America
>got to talk about R.O.B and how he made vidya cool again
>even had a picture of ROB's SSBB render
>had a good time and everyone liked it
I've always had a good track record when it came to presentations, in college I did my final one on police brutality and had an open discussion with the rest of my classmates after I finished speaking and it went on for like an hour.
>leaving class
>a few people came up to me and told me my presentation was really good
Feels great family.

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Where do you think we are, user?

Good job, user

>that kid who played osu or some rhythm game for his talent show
God I wanted to die whenever that happened

>HISTORY class
>presentation day
>this fat turbosperg waddles to the front as it's his turn
>he's done his PowerPoint presentation on the American revolution or something
>it's actually just like 20 minutes of him playing some assassin's Creed game where you assassinate Benedict Arnold or some shit
>most of the video is him mindlessly running from point a to b
>girls laughing
>presentation taking so long the teacher just makes him sit down and cuts the video short

I never cringed so hard in my life

>tfw listening to some nightcore and the comment section is filled with osu refferences

>didn't do any cringe presentations, just kind of half-assed them
>never did any vidya presentations either

oldfag here.
Of course was aweirdo loser in elementary school and I was mortified at the idea of giving a presentation in front of the class.

The only thing I knew was video games so I brought my NES and showed the class how to get the first warp whistle on Mario 3. They actually thought it was cool and I made a friend from it. I could barely even fucking speak before I started playing it, then I just slipped into the zone and it went better than expected.

us bugbros gotta stick together

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>look up a camellia or xi song
>"I can hear the hitsounds still" or someother retarded shit

>the autistic girl who started shaking and stuttered through her 10 minute presentation about minecraft
doing a presentation should be optional desu

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>that kid who did a presentation on vidya proclaiming it to be the next form of pure art for people to consume in 10th grade
Tyler you're a fucking dork.

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>the autistic guy who called himself a girl

>had to do a final class presentation to graduate from high school
>always sperged out during presentations after a bad experience freshman year
>decide to drink two cans of beer before going in to give my presentation
>two cuties are grading my shit but it's cool because im feeling it takyon
>got a 97 on it
i don't know how i pulled it off but fuck me after that class i just skipped and went to sleep in my car.

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his authoritative stance says it all

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Actually sounds pretty cool desu. Too bad I'd be way too embarrased to ever do something similar to that

>Physics teacher worked for DARPA before retiring and becoming a teacher in order to, in his words, “attempt to enlighten even one of you to the insane truths of the laws of reality.”
>Always started the year with a lesson on the most batshit insane physics just to see the confused and frightened faces on his students.
>when he worked at DARPA he specialized in non-lethal riot control and combat weaponry, including the then current version of the water cannons used by riot vehicles. Also designed a scrapped “non-lethal microwave tank” that proved too lethal to use for riots.
>Had a losing lottery ticket in an extremely ornate and expensive frame on the wall
>When asked why he always responded “Because sometimes things don’t make sense, and that’s okay because one day they might.”
>Also put genesis and snes emulators on his classroom’s computers so the students would have something to do in the event we had the “substitute who doesn’t gove a shit puts on a video for the whole class” scenario

Why are all physics teachers so based?

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To be fair, he is not wrong

Our literature teacher made us write a fantasy story, my friend and me made up a story about this Russian knight who fought mongols with the spear that was used to kill Jesus on the cross, the spear was magical and would grant immortality to the one wielding it.
We were playing pro evolution soccer 08 and we named him after the Russian goalkeeper

>tfw I did this in college

I want to die when I think about it.

not really, my cringy presentation was about food chains and i used the picture of a creepy walrus behind some chinks which made the teacher angry

What anime

I cringed just by imagining the scene
hope you killed him

I did a presentation in the history of metal for public speaking. I got the class to laugh at my jokes and got an A with only an hour of research and prep time, all of this done while being an antisocial autist so I consider it a job well done.

There was a kid who did a presantation on One Piece, and why you should watch it.

>later he drowned from too much pussy

>later he drowned from too much pussy

Holy fucking based

I did it every time.
And got an A because the teacher had no idea what I was talking about.

how old are you


>the stance
>the glance
>the headphones around the neck
next level

>freshman year high school
>studying greek mythology
>English teacher assigns us to write our own myth using what we learned in our lessons
>short stories will be read aloud to the class
>I write the entire plot of Final Fantasy X
>Teacher just gives me that "uhh... OK... next student please" when I'm done

>in school during Twitch's existence

Where's the cringe on this one?????

What the fuck user
You madman (and retard)

>did a presentation on how much i hate niggers

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>sperg girl who dance and "sang" FFX-2s "Real Emotion" for HS talent show
>Sound system for the event was trash too so music was lower volume

Never felt worse for someone ever.

Skyrim has been out for a long time.

>did presentation on why we should get rid of penis inspections
>sent to principal's office and give extra penis inspections for the next 4 weeks

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>presentation on what we like to do outside of school
>well I play video games so i guess I'll include that
>cut out some pictures from Nintendo Power
>whole class thinks I took the pictures myself
>become the most popular kid in the class

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>talent show
>weeb girl is going to sing and dance "an idol song"
>butchers the japanese
>forgets the song lyrics
>is out of shape so she gets winded quickly and cannot maintain singing and dancing so you just hear her constantly taking heavy breaths into the mic
Wherever you are, autistic weeb girl, I hope shit turned out alright for you

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>>cut out some pictures from Nintendo Power
what a dumbass

>tfw I was that kid who made AMV in his teens with music from shitty J-Pop bands such as Dir en Grey or The Gazette

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God DAMN it I always froze up and lost my breath when I had to present
Those were bad memories

What kind of school is that? Kindergartners don't even understand what it means.
When I was in kindergarten I cried because I kept messing up writing my name, and another time I pissed my pants.

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>Did a paper on the bioshock series and how it can be seen as a critique of various societies and how Utopia will never be a thing with free will
>Got a good grade on it

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>Teacher tells us to make a poem
>Make a poem on why niggers have to steal
>Get a B
>"See me after class :("

>not even 2 decades of happiness
damn brother dunno why this hit me

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>hacked into some dude's school system account and signed him in for a school dance event without him knowing
>he had to dance in front of the entire school
>told him after his dance I signed him in

>why yes, i made naruto amvs for my presentation, how could you tell?

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>not fucking the daughter


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>grew up in the south, primarily black neighborhood
>did a presentation on music production in HS
>do my speech yadda yadda
>for the closer, i give em a listen to a trash trap beat i made the night before
>hardly know any theory or how to mix and master
>was so out of ideas i just played the sad one piece piano
>class ate it up anyway
i was a cool kid for a week. still have that file too.

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>that kid who danced for a presentation

>horrific monstrosity that should not be
>likes naruto
Yeah, that sounds about right.

I literally did this in college and I was partnered with a girl, GOML.

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>we had to make a presentation about literally anything
>me, as a retard decides to make a shitty animation of some blue thing with eyes with bruno mars music on the background
>i pressed the keys in a way that it looked like it was dancing
>somehow i got an A

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we had to write a short story about a girl who lives in a house
i wrote that the house is on a boat and with her friends she sails around the world, basically one piece
the only detail i remember is that i described how a vulcan shot them over the clouds where they kept sailing

teacher thought i was a retard

>that kid who wore his fursuit to school on non-uniform day and cried when people poured a bottle of fanta on it


>that guy just covering his ears
my fucking sides holy shit

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>that chick who wore ears and a tail when presenting
>after she was done she had her tongue out and panted like a dog
she was not ugly and had a nice ass. too bad she got fat and got knocked up by this metal head that looked like a holocaust survivor

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>that kid who wore a replica nazi uniform he got online to school on non-uniform day and got suspended
man rednecks were awesome

Based bug overlord

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sounds hot

Kiniro Mosaic

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>>that chick who wore ears and a tail when presenting
>>after she was done she had her tongue out and panted like a dog

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in hs we did an assignment to compare a modern work to Romeo and Juliet, and draw parallels. I chose Megaman Zero. got a good grade, too

>high school presentation
>topic was our favorite historical based fiction
>myths, folklore, legends, etc.
>did mine on Ragnarok (the myth not the comic)
>well received
>kid did his on Vigilante 8 and how it’s a collection of folklore based on highway myths
>surprisingly well received
>another did his on the holocaust
>sent to the principles office

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not him but my coworker's daughter did a few weeks ago a presentation about reporters and journalism.

Its true when I was in kindergarten we didn't do shit but I guess time changes and we are slowly becoming like Chinese and Japanese schools.

Makes sense if you consider teenager suicide.

>i was a cool kid for a week. still have that file too.
Well fucking upload it then, cool kid.

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>writing class in college
>have to present a short story
>teacher having people volunteer to read their paper, but everyone must go eventually
>kid that plays his 3ds in public is visibly squirming while everyone else reads theirs
>everyone has read theirs
>teacher calls his name, acts like he didn't hear her
>literally has to repeat his name 4 times before he responds
>says he doesn't want to read his story to the class, didn't know it would have to be presented
>informs him will be a fail grade without the presentation
>he reads a story about him and doom guy are lovers slaughtering sin from earth so they can live happily every after, story ends with them making out on a pile of skulls
>everyone is silent
>teach continues on with the rest of the class without saying a fucking thing to the kid

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>graduate HS in 2015, sister three years behind me
>her sophomore year
>science teacher/girls basketball coach gets fired for fucking kids on the couch in his room
>new science teacher gets hired
>sis tells me the new guy is a homosexual brony
>turns out he glued a mlp figurine to each desk and would call the kids by the ponys name
>one day I'm volunteering for a club I was in durring HS as an organizer
>sis points out the guy, he's 5'6" and 200lb+ and was wearing a t-shirt with the pink pony's face on it
>can't tell if I should laugh or cringe

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>just reminded we had to pick a religious symbol and do a presentation on it so I picked the swastika
I didn't go full on /pol/ I swear

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wow user, you went to school with Carmack?

I went to high school with a guy that every presentation had a rambo tie in. Any subject had some sort of tie in to the movie Rambo and it was 4 year running joke.

Sailor Moon

Surprisingly, I'm not autistic.

The worst type of parents ever. Your co-worker is a shit parent.


Thank god anime wasn't popular in the 90's

>the kid who did a presentation on porn

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i was expecting the nogs to eat it up so it felt breddy good when things went according to keikaku

As if the parents dictate what the kid's assignment is.

Every kid got a different profession to speak about.

I did that but for about rockstar games

I did a combo video as a "get to know us" on first day of school.

It was of me doing crazy dumb combos in devil may cry.

>That kid who made sounds in gym class

If my toddler ~5 years old was given an assignment to talk about politics, journalism, or anything related to this: 1) He or she wouldn't be doing the assignment. 2) I would bring it up with the school. And change schools if they are so dumb to require the assignment to be completed.
That's how you end up with retarded children like Soph or the "Fuck Trump" campaign.

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Kekus maximus.

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If you don't hate trump you don't deserve to have an opinion

right wing ideology is just outdated bro, just accept it

Like, I haven't even told you about how the son of another co-worker is working right now on a presentation he has next week. It's about diversity being the country's strength, and he has to bring food that isn't native to the americans.

These kids go to different schools by the way, sorry but you lost the culture war.

What an absolute madman

>that kid who did a presentation on mlp

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>mortal kombat samples
holy based

I never said if I hate Trump or not. I am talking about involving children in your shitty identity politics arguments.
Nice baseless assumptions though. Both schools and assignments sound shit.
Amerimutt public """education""" strikes again. And judging by your ability to jump to baseless conclusions, I can see it runs generations deep.

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I did in college & got an A.
Easiest shit of my life.

>that one kid trying to convince the teacher about how good video games are and trying to get him to play games

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Anyone got that screencap of the dude doing a presentation on Senran Kagura?

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>tfw made the mistake of trying to be funny in my presentation

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Look at that sheer power

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>Laughed at my own jokes in my presentation
It happened too long ago to hurt me now.

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>obnoxious girl who is too into anime
>has to read a story in front of class
>reads a fan fiction about her self-insert character and her relationship with Edward Elric from fullmetal alchemist
>her other weeb friend is giggling because it's filled with inside jokes no one in class understands
I think it's an adult's responsibility to stop something like this happening

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Literally me

not gonna lie, this sounds pretty based. Also, would have killed for a teacher that gives homework like this.

>Made a power point in /pol/ class
>Teacher gave me one grade worse than he would usually have given me because he did not believe me that I wrote it myself
Yeah fuck you too you alcoholic waste of human garbage.

In university some guy did a presentation on consoles where each slide was just him listing their specs and the last slide was of an alienware PC telling you to join the master race instead.

My Mathematics teacher had a He-Man poster and a huge Star Trek landscape covering his back wall. He was a resoundingly good teacher too; sometimes he’d come off the ferry here and do a 12 hour day of study for us on the same day.



was she at least hot?

Why the fuck do people do this

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I made a presentation about New Zealand and why I think it's pretty and why I want to live there by the time I'm 30

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Found the salty nigger.

I think the thought process is "I know a lot about it, so this should be easy."
I went to an I.T. vocational school for high school and for one of my presentations I did it on video cards, back when ATI and Nvidia were comparable quality and performance.
I only did this because I was recently shopping for a new card, so the work was mostly already done for me.

>graduate 2016
>had to do government presentation
>this project was fucking critical
>it was one of the requirements to graduate
>project is about creating a presidential candidate and telling the class all about him/her and why you should vote for them
>this was the year I really stopped giving a fuck about politics since everyone had become clowns
>it was supposed to be a group project but I did it alone
>other students took celebrities and (most likely) self insert their political views
>I took a stock image of a man and made shit up about him
>not gonna lie I did use Trump as an inspiration
>I made him the most fucking polarizing candidate possible
>he wanted to build walls everywhere to keep out illegal immigrants and terrorists
>he also wanted to ban all guns
>shit like that
>I got a B- I think
>I was glad that my teacher wasn't one of those nutty sjw's

>Do a presentation on electronic music
>Teacher liked it so much he asked me to email a copy to him so he can use it as an example of what to do for future classes
>Never did
sorry mr. ryan

And do you live there now?

Not really, I mean yeah she was cute enough, not really ugly but she was way too obnoxious I could never be around her too long.
The kind of chick who would shout to her friends "OHAYOU!~" across the hall and then run after them. She would sing anime OPs/EDs when class was slow. She would carry a plushie of some anime pretty boy around and call it her husband. I got nothing but second-hand embarrassment being in the same room as her.

just take the damn F at that point

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Absolutely based

In college I did a presentation on how to defeat a Touhou boss.
It was online and only the professor saw it, but she liked it.

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>that kid who died

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you have to kill yourself after this

>that one professor that showed College Humor videos during lecture

What do you think


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that kid was me

holy fucking based

Is your internet shit there?

that's some high level autism there kek
I'd still fuck her, well, I'd fuck anything really

She usually teached us about a certain time period and the literature in it and made us write a story using the same characteristics, it was pretty fun

A man died that day.

based tricky poster

>Girl with super awkward voice that cracks all the time reads her presentation
>Start laughing furiously
I still feel horrible. And I was not even a kid anymore at that point. But there was just something about it that was too funny to not laugh.

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How the fuck did you even manage to pull that off? Don't they background check for this kind of shit?

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Fuck you user, girl’s vocal chords arenore receptive to squeaking, it’s not like she could help it

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did that for valve, was fun.


what the fuck is wrong with white people

Nothing I could do, one time (we had like 3 presentations in total) I almost managed to suppress it and then I look at a dude at the other end of the room almost pissing his pants laughing too and then I just couldn't stop it anymore.

That's gay

>Schleich toy horses
I notice that its always a very particular type of girl interested in these sorts of things. Is it really autism? If not, What's the appeal?

Those two dudes up there look exactly like the kind of fags whose presentation would feature a slide on "trap waifus"

I made a presentation on the lore of Halo.
Though I did theatre as a hobby then. I was well learned in self-expression and keeping audiences captivated so I was a presentation chad. Some girls wanted to know how gravity worked in the ringworlds after the presentation. This took place in a country where vidya isn't considered cringe but just a common way to spend time among youth.
Some of the more vocal boys were CS kids though and I got flack for liking Halo among them.

Reminds me of when Id terrorize my little sister as a kid and purposefully make her cry.
I thought it was funny as shit because her wailing sounded like a fucking foghorn.

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I did a presentation about John Cena. It wasn't that bad i think.

>these are the people who are leading us into a new generation
God help us.

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It probably helped a little that I'm not white and have Mexican heritage.

Terrible, would imagine it’s bearable in cities and more urban areas. I’m in the Outback, so to speak

christ user, why the fuck did that make me kek

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>teacher sings to you

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That happened to me before with this one dude. I put my head down, but got called rude for trying to sleep during his presentation and was told to sit up.

I smell desperation.

>that kid who wore a hentai shirt to school

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>that kid who did a presentation SS13

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>Only presentation I remember is one in college about plant growth and experiments
>Nothing interesting about it
>Only remember it because me and the girl did all the work and 2 fuckers did nothing at all for months

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Unironically me. Did it to piss off the teachers.

>teacher has a mental breakdown and starts crying in front of the class

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>that kid who double jumped to school

unironically saw a dude on my campus with a fakku t-shirt

>That kid who called the teacher mom

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>never wore this gem to school
sometimes you gotta live a little user

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fuck you fag, literally having a laugh just remembering it

How do you guys actually do this? Why don't you just bite your tongue?

>special needs kid barges in when i'm doing my presentation
>has a meltdown and destroys the entire classroom including the stuff for my presentation

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My geography teacher did that. He was a pretty nice guy, but my class were a bunch of brats sometimes.

Does it even matter?

>Guy in my class keeps saying that this one teacher smells bad and has bad breath
>Teacher one day cleans out his mouth with tab water during class
That was the most humiliating thing I have ever seen live

On a regular basis or by accident? It happened to me once in elementary.

>Deal with it.

based alpha trapfucker

>teacher assigns topics
>get orchestral music as mine
You know damn well it was entirely about vidya music. Played some Commandos 2, Halo and Metal Gear Solid music for the class.

Accident and the class never let me forget

elementary schoolers are the worst

>tfw my presentation in high school spiraled into a rant about gypsies

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>"Topic: do video game cause violence?"

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This has to be a fucking law of nature at this point, even if its some anons fucking sister in a story he either made up or misremembered there will always be some faggot to whiteknight the bitch

>that kid that flirted with the teacher during class

>that gym coach you fucking hated for being a prick that ended up getting kamoshida'd

>that kid that fucked the teacher in training that was soon to be married

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You don't have to get so defensive, user.

story time

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im not even that nigga just stating my hypothesis from years of lurking

I once had to watch the Supersize Me documentary in HS. When that part with the Rock and Roll McDonald's song came up, I was fucking STRUGGLING to suppress my laughter it hurt. I was the only kid in class that thought it was funny.

Based. What did he do?

>I'm not even

hang on let me shop a screenshot

he really isn't
t. that guy


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I had to laugh when he started singing

Hasn't anyone thought that maybe the statue on the left is just, like, ancient deviantart fetish porn

>implying the right one isn't

Asking again because it really bothers me that I cant the picture of the dude doing a Senran Kagura powerpoint presentation.

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Oh my sides

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he was the coach of the girl's swimming team. they started investigating him when they had him on record making comments about the athletes saying they need to start shaving their pubic hair. think he ended up getting termed because some of the girls spoke up about his physical harassment along with the comments

i personally hated him because he made us take our shoes off for his classes and the kids had deplorable hygiene issues. swear to god they cleaned the floor mats once a year at most. he threatened to flunk me if i didn't participate in his sparring final exams. cut his class that afternoon, got a D anyway

trying to remember the prick's last name. i know i saw an article about it online, that's how i found out he got smoked

>science class had a presentation where you had to make up a nonexistent animal and write about it in detail
>I was the only one who actually made up an animal instead of mashing two existing animals together
>felt embarrassed despite the fact that I actually did it correctly and they didn't
strange times

>that one kid who did a presentation on Shinobi Girl
Funny thing is I heard he offed himself a couple years ago

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I didn't imply that. I just don't like the fatfag argument of "umm actually ancient people totally liked fat girls so it's totally normal for me to like them" because it's literally based around one single statue that could be anything.

>history teacher who looks like ned flanders likes japan a lot
>black belt in karate and a master in aikido
>owns traditional japanese bows and katanas
>brings them to class and fires arrows to demonstrate
>convinces principal that he should teach aikido as alternative to gym class
>has a full presentation on samurais in full authentic samurai armor set for the whole school
>keeps troublemaker students in check with his calm shinto sensei demeanor
>cites haikus to give important life lessons
Raddest teacher to date. Dude was like he was plucked from a feel-good mentor/pupil movie. Probably why I became such a weeb as well.

>similar shit but its supposed to be a space creature
>some guy just drew his fucking mlp oc
>was hung on the wall alongside the others for the entire semester

>high school
>had a task in english class to tell a story in front of everyone
>fumbled half-way through the plot of heavy rain
>teacher asked me to wrap it up before i even got to the "plot twist"
I want to end myself. I was already old enough to know better.

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>that fell when you did a presentation on the Nintendo DS
I guess I was that kid...

That was me and my middle school best friend during lunch.
We looked for caterpillars and kept them under the bleachers.
It was cozy.

>middle school biology class
>the teacher was a hardcore creationist, to the point of having stickers of shit like "THE BING BANG - GOD SPOKE AND -BANG- IT HAPPENED" hanging up
>purposefully taught evolution incorrectly and seemed to not even understand it himself
>was a complete dick to me because I didn't believe his bullshit
I think this was when I started to hate religious people
I don't even know how what he did was legal

it's exactly how it sounds
>junior year of high school
>literature teacher is having a child so we are rotating substitutes constantly
>one day this 9/10 walks through the door
>says she's a teacher in training and is going to be sticking around for a while
>absolutely bueno
>chad asks if she has a boyfriend/husband
>she says she has a fiancee
>absolutely despair
>fast forward, she leaves because she finally got real work at another school in a different county
>second semester starts, our original teacher is back
>chad starts talking about the shit that went down with our former teacher that he heard from his friend at that other school but it's very vague and doesn't quite add up
>our teacher listens in
>she's secretly a little school girl on the inside and loves gossip so she spills pretty much everything
>"Well, Ms. Large Ass was spotted being intimate with one of her students at Disney World by one of her fiancee's family members that was working there."
>holy fucking shit
>lost her marriage, job, pretty much everything she worked for
I definitely wasn't chad enough to pull it off, but the fact is that anyone could have if they were persistent enough.

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now im interested, ive only seen the news reporter talking about it

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While it's not a full blown presentation, I did a short essay for a test during high school that we had to read in front of the class, and the topic I picked was the "benefits of playing video games" (it was improving hand-eye coordination, I copied the main points from an article from a gaming magazine).
I got an audible sigh from my teacher when I read the title of the essay out loud. I still passed the test though.

Nice spoiler lmao

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>foreign kid draws the map of europe on the board in full detail from memory during history presentation
>borgar teacher looks at him like a caveman discovering fire
>genuinely shocked that someone can do that

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You have to actually say "Candlejack" for the Candlejack meme to work, you fucking ni

The beer gave you the confidence you usually lacked, allowing you to briefly become a normalfag.

>that dude who did a presentation on why CoD (i forgot which one) is a good game worth buying
This was at college

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>holy shit deserved

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>Did a Presentation on different types of Careers
>Put Engy from TF2 on the Engineering Slide
>I was actually stupid enough to play audio from the Meet The Engineer short during it.

I'm pretty sure I have it somewhere.
It's basically this guy doing a presentation and on the projector is a picture of Katsuragi I think with tits hanging out.

I can't place even half of european countries correctly and I've lived in five different euro countries.
Drawing up a detailed map from memory alone is impressive. I don't think I could do that even for my home country.

In my school, we had a biology teacher, who was praising herself to be the number one sex-ed. teacher
or something similar
only had her one time as a substitute
and yes, she did sex ed. then
but all in all, she wasn't that bad

Is there a way to stop being embarrassed on behalf of other people? I don't get how people can watch things like "cringe compilations" on youtube. Even the mere text of the stories ITT make me want to tear out my eyes and start flagellating for the sin of being the same species as the concerned individuals

>be me
>Rip that Fire Emblem piece from the Melee CD off of youtube
>use it in a history/English class (it was a weird combo class) PowerPoint
>time the slides to the music
>classmates actually clapped, even the chads who usually picked on me
>Only A I got in that class all year
>even the teacher, who I annoyed the snot out of, congratulated me and told me she loved it
>got away with using vidya music Scott free
Feels good, man

>That kid who did a presentation on Warhammer

It was me

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>that kid that went on Yea Forums and made a presentation with a rickroll in it

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what part?

>that kid that wouldn't shut up about mudkips after learnign about the mudkips meme

>a year after it already peaked

>that kid who had just gotten his first runescape membership and went in front of class to present his runescape character to everybody
>that kid was me

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the next level of trying too hard mixed with objectively bad manners

Imagine the kids doing presentations on building towers in fortnite today.

Fantasy or 40k
and what grade did you get?

>"The answer, use a gun."
Your class must've thought you were mental or something.

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>had to analyse a form of mass media relating to marketing for my english class
>chose to focus my analysis on american sega vs nintendo adverts (genesis does what nintendon't and that kinda shit)
>aced the presentation on it, top marks
As long as you don't get retarded with it you can work with vidya content

Oh my fuck. I don't use this word very often, but CRINGE

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>humans live longer
>therefore they work longer
>instead of expanding school time for a few years kids get pummeled with stress from the youngest possible age constantly

>that kid who brought his laptop to art class and just played minecraft
>that kid who got caught jerking off in the woods during recess
>that whore who sucked off some other schools football players in the handicapped bathroom

>we were given an assignment for french class to make a movie using specific keywords
>its not supposed to be more than 10 minutes long
>some chads make a fucking 30 minute movie complete with special effects, fight scenes and using some randomass loli anime opening as a joke

I got over dumb and cringy people by coming to terms with humans being nothing but products of their environment. One day they might grow to understand their behaviour and learn from it. Just focus on the good people that you like and ignore the rest.

Technically it was on GW as a whole but I brought a few of my old 40k codexes as visual aids. Its been a while but I'm pretty sure I got an A

Might some sort of free talk thing
nothing that big, I guess

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I have a burger friend who's like this. Dude's a legit genius, drew a map of Europe in ms paint by hand that was almost pixel-perfect right in front of me to pass the time once, did the same with the US right after. Modded HoI IV to have a mode set during Bismarck's conquests for shits and giggles. Somehow is less autistic than I am despite all this. And, most amazing of all, that guy only just became old enough to post here.
Truly, a national treasure. A real anti-Zoomer

I really, really want to believe this is fake on your behalf user, but it sounds like something I would have done

When I say "modded," I mean he coded it. It's on the Steam workshop, but just hidden since he never finished it

That teacher hwo used Anime as a mean to ``conect`` whit the autistic people he was teaching

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Based and romanianpilled

Stop relating to everyone.

>that wink

>for her sample she passed out sheets of paper with the fucking minecraft logo on it
what a fucking cheap bitch, could have been paper models of the cubes or mobs

>less autistic than you
doubt (X)

>that teacher who used chuck norris memes on his assignment pages

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I don't see the big deal if it was in middle school. Unless you're an underage.

>teach children from a young age to think for themselves and engage with their constitutional rights
>a bad thing
rightards and leftards passed eachother now

>that kid who called the teacher mom because they were sleeping with eachother and had a mom/son fetish relationship

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>hating bugbros

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good taste, now i wanna see the image. i hope you find it user

>that kid who put metalcore in his vidya presentation

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>picture of Katsuragi I think with tits hanging out.
that could describe almost any picture of katsuragi that ever existed

Let's put it this way. I'm far better with people than he is. I'm far more social. But do you see the shit I'm writing? It oozes a borderline-narcissistic tone. Almost like a Trump speech, but in a bad way despite how fun those can be. So yes, I'm really less autistic - but his personality makes him much more likeable, which leads people to treat him as functionally less autistic. Plus, whose the one writing a blog on Yea Forums right now? I'm not writing this to talk about myself though. I just wanted to brag about my cool friend. He repaired a broken n64 and gave it to me for my birthday a few weeks ago. Really great guy.

Ok, are you sure he isn't on Yea Forums?
but he really sounds based

Kek, reminds me of the time my friend and I put a picture of the Spy on a slide showing proper business attire

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Yes. Everytime bbw fetishist come out of the woodworks with thst statue as their proof that liking fatties is normal I point out that maybe this is just the work of that one weird fucker and it isn't representative of female beauty standards for the whole population of that period.

When I was in kindergarten we had to do weekly presentations on a book we read. That being said it was a kindergarten in a very wealthy area and each class had 2 teachers and only about 20 students and they literally kicked kids out who weren't reading and doing math at an appropriate level starting from kindergarten

>Make a presentation about video games online game shops taking as example the Wii one in College
>Get an A++
come at me cowards

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>that class who loved to jerk off Ghibli
>including the teacher

We even had to watch some movies as homework. They're ok but holy shit are they overrated.

>that kid that jumped out of the window and fell 3 floors mid-presentation because of stress
> the brit IT teacher laughed for a full 30 minutes

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Did he survive?


>tfw too retarded to fuck the school furry

She wore a tail, fox ears, and a naruto headband every day to school. Learned a few years later that she is an ultra submissive freak and was basically a slave to her boyfriends. God why did I care what the Stacys and Chads at that school thought of me.

Reminds me of this teacher he was a great teacher and a complete cool guy, his class were great after I graduated i learned that he got fired for banging several female students and filming it. I couldn't believe it a great guy like that could do such a thing

He didn't break anything, didn't even get bruised, fucker walked home like nothing happened.

>middle school
>5 minute presentation talking about a movie or tv show
>fat anime girl holds a 20 minute presentation with way too much detail
>her speech pattern is fucked, it sounds like her voice is always at 50% speed, and shes always monotone
I've never been so bored in my entire life
>fast forward half a year
>same girl, presentation regarding christianity
>as part of the intro, the teacher asks her where christianty originated
>she says north africa
>points to north america

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It would be popular. You have no goddamn clue how many kids these days play Fortnite do you? No game from your childhood is even close, it makes the Pokemon craze of the late 90s look like nothing.

>think up joke for presentation to put at the very end
>practice in my head all day
>it actually makes everyone laugh

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>slave to her boyfriends
sounds like you dodged a cuckshit bullet

I could easily do that. I don't know all the capitals, though.
t. Yank

>not wanting a NEET weeb girlfriend who does anything you ask her to

I would cut off my fucking legs for that

>that teacher who had a suggestive anthro Blaziken drawing with his name on it drawn by one of his students

why did you keep that, Mr. Simone

Ikr. Not many men can go from great to based.

you don't have to cut your legs off. sounds like it's as easy as just asking her. you'd just have to be comfortable with the fact that's she's basically a communal onahole

>be senior
>known for being the class clown with my best bro
>did a bunch of acting and improv with him so we are popular and well liked throughout the school
>best bro and I somehow got every class together
>always fucked around in class but got good enough grades where the teachers never gave a shit
>doing some bullshit presentation about the environment in groups of two
>making the presentation the day its due with him at lunch on one of the library computers
>complete it and the last part that we have to do is to create an alternate future for the environment
>joked around about having something like Megatron come in and fuck up the future
>bell rings and we have nothing so we just say 'fuck it' and quickly copy and paste a bunch of Megatron pics on the last slide of the presentation
>bro adds a picture of chef boyardee to the last slide as well before he saves it and sends it to the teacher
>just says 'Trust me' and I don't question him
>Do presentation, all is going well
>last slide appears
>we start talking out of our ass with a completely straight and serious face about how Megatron and his sponsored Chef Boyardee Ravioli bots destroy our world
>didn't think it would get ANY laughs at all but it was a big success
>teacher was both very annoyed and amused. Looked like she had no idea how to even react to the situation
>Got an A-

All of highschool fuckin sucked except senior year when i stopped taking things seriously, got so many stories with that dude

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It's too late now, I missed my chance. Last I heard she was engaged, but I haven't heard anything in 3 or 4 years as I only keep in contact with one person who still talks to her.

I wish it was user. We had a so called ”fun friday” at my school where every friday one student decided what to do for half an hour. Typically it was something like playing hangman or going outside to the swings. On my turn I decided to show off my RS character from my teachers laptop. I was 7 or 8 years old back when I did it so it wasn’t that embarassing but still quite cringe looking back now lmao.

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Sounds like me, when I had a car-crush once...

I was that kid who did a presentation on Louis Theroux.

Everybody hated it.

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i would never go on the internet and lie. now that im thinking about it, the Disney world stuff had to be some bullshit though. will jannies get ass sore if i post a picture or link the article?

>high school crush got married today
>it was the guy she talked too instead of me

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I was assigned to do a paper on the history of 3D video games for my high school graduation.
>talk about the first renditions of 3d in games, first perspective mazes and shit
>evolution of hardware and first actual 3d graphics
>Doom, Quake, Star Fox, FX chip in general
>talking about early 3D game engines
>get to MegaMan Legends and Ocarina of Time, targeting systems
>compare 2d games to 3d games from same longrunning franchises (Super Metroid to Prime, Mario World to 64, Quake to Quake 4)
>talk about prerender assets (skyboxes and backgrounds and stuff, mainly talk abiut Half Life)
>write out a bunch of pages based on my autistic love for Resident Evil (explain how Resident Evil's classic environments worked, compare the games to REmake and point out the advancements)
>explain how perspective works in 3d games and categorize them into genres (first person- puzzle games, shooters, bird perspective- building, managment and sim games, over the shoulder- shooters and adventure games)
>write out a few pages about RE4, mention Gears of War and Uncharted
>detail modern 3d game engines and 3d modeling software
>in the middle of the presentation a bald professor goes on to stroke 3d games and how big and expansive and advanced they are
>he starts leading me to mention No Man's Sky
"Do you know what the biggest game ever is"
"The upcoming No Man's Sky, it's allegedly the size of our universe"
"Do you know how it's possible to make a game that big?"
"They didn't actually craft the game, they crafted systems that randomly generated everything from the planets to their flora and fauna for them"
"That's right, but with a game soooo big and advanced we have to wonder if perhaps we might be a part of a video game or simulation as well"
The same professor spent all his classes talking about conspiracy theories instead of teaching anything.
I had to try real hard not to roll my eyes or sigh at the end, but at least I got an A.

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>that one kid who did a My Little Pony school presentation
>he uploaded it to youtube

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>first class of composition 1101 is a lecture on memes
>by memes she meant top text picture bottom text impact font memes from 2016 era facebook
>gives us our first assignment to "reverse engineer a meme"
>send in a page about the intricacies of loss and how, ironically, buckley's most serious moment of his comedy webcomic was actually the only time it's been remotely funny
>feedback says that i didn't really do what she was expecting but gave me a 100 on it anyway
god i feel like a fucking retard

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i called like 2 or 3 of my teachers "mom" on accident during my 4 years of high school never got laid by any one of them

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>have to do a presentation
>do it as sarcastically as possible while also sounding disinterested
>everyone laughed and thought I was trying to be funny
little did they know that's how I really felt

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i did this but for collective consciousness
i probably could've picked worse like pendulum's self vs self, which i did consider

>The same professor spent all his classes talking about conspiracy theories instead of teaching anything.
There is ALWAYS that professor who talks about conspiracies and shit like that.
One substitute I sometimes had once held a lesson on Bible verses (some dark shit, talking about Armageddon and the plagues) and then switched onto the Ustica massacre for the second half of it.

>tfw i did a vidya presentation in third year using an old game magazine that mentioned it's inception till the beggining of the n64 and playstation era as a base
>then second year in high school i prepared with my mates a debate with violence in vidya as its theme and if it is responsible to affect people (i was on the defense side)
>first thing got me an A and the other a B, even though the latter was barely practised and didn't sleep the night before because of another art assigment biting on my ass
>the magazine gave me curiousity on old games and also mentioned stuff about the sega saturn which got me hooked to sega stuff in general

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>highschool crush got married last year
>it's to a guy who looks like you but fatter and shorter
>you only didn't date her because the popular kids hated her and you didn't want to be seen as a loser

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did it involve circumcision?

At least you had your rune plate, right?

i could make a very shitty pun but i will refrain from that
physics t here. thanks user

Hell yeah. I remember getting members shortly after completing dragon slayer.

mine recommended Spirited Away, and i had to write a report on its meaning and symbolism.
I just read a synopsis and built my entire paper from that instead, didn't feel like watching it

He was completely bald in his mid to late 20's and looked like a real soiboi

He should have married the autistic girl at my school. She did this but with a Naruto AMV she made. Only she took it up a notch by singing Cascada's 'Every Time We Touch' while she was dressed in a Lucario Pokemon cosplay.

I started crying from laughing so much and the second hand embarrassment. Thankfully people went bat shit for it to make her think they liked it, and nobody bullied her.

But fucking christ.

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>that kid who did a societal issue presentation about SJWs while also repeatedly referencing Jordan Peterson

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I'm laughing now just at the concept, I can't even imagine what it sounded like

>that kid who inserted memes on the slides of his presentations
it was me

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>English class in 10th grade
>Everyone has to write a speech and do it in front of the class
>Autistic Lenny from Of Mice and Men goes up to the front of the class
>Is obsessed with One Piece
>Tapes a giant One Piece jolly roger flag on the white board and tells everyone to close their eyes and imagine a world filled with pirates and treasure
>One kid won't stop laughing
>Rest of his presentation he's just angrily yelling at the guy who is laughing/won't close his eyes

>that kid who called his teacher mom
>she was actually his mom

I can't imagine how awkward that could be. Mine was a teacher in my middle school and I was this close to have her as my Biology teacher but she was promoted just one year before.

>tfw i did a speech on how socialism isn't bad and jeremy corbyn is the messiah for speaking and listening in year 11
pretty sure I got an A* for it

>had to do a flash game for an IT assignment in year 12
>tfw did a top down version of Doom
I wish I kept it, I remember I worked hard recreating E1M1, E1M8, Dead Simple and Barrels of Fun in top down

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I remember showing off my shitty Dialga drawing that managed to get into an unofficially licensed Pokémon magazine to my whole class during 4th grade and felt very accomplished even though, in retrospect, it was kinda cringey.

If I had that assignment, I would've gone apeshit and dissected the most autistic meme I could find

>canadian high school
>november remembrance day (veteran's day equivalent)
>nerd kid assigned to make presentation for entire school, audience includes a war veteran
>this music plays in the background

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we had to make 'movies' with powerpoint in my intro to microsoft suites class back in primary school and I decided to make mine based off lucky star complete with cringy voice acting while presenting


I did one on Bionicle when I was 10.

Pretty based.

>see crush and her boyfriend on social media
>she still looks good but her boyfriend is so ugly to the point where I think I am much better looking and richer than him
>still don't have the courage to talk to a girl, let alone people, in public

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>that tom and jerry scream

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Unironically fantastic taste in background music

user most of us are old enough to remember when publicly stating you liked video games marked you as the eternal virgin in school

>That kid who did a presentation on visual novels

Attached: OUR GUY.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

>the kid who beat you up for playing videogames in elementary school now plays fucking DnD and 40k

I will never not be angry about this

>really weird kid in class starts presenting and talking
>starts talking about really weird things, Yea Forums lingo and even has extremely weird anime on his presentation
>understand all of it while the rest of the class doesn't
>have to pretend that I don't understand any of it so no one knows about my second life on the internet

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>In German class
>Power Point project announced
>Class has to make a presentation of anything that is German related.
> Literally anything as long as it's German.
>Half the class is seniors, the others are juniors.
>A few presentations never got presented due to graduation, so my teacher decided to use them as a means to teach us German phrases and what not, so as not to go to waste.
>Last Power Point was "The History of Bronies"
>45 minutes of pure cringe as everyone is bombarded with German names for every mlp character, as the whole left of every slide is took up by this dude in a fedora with his arms crossed.
>He wore a KH2 T-Shirt
> There was no german in the presentation to begin with.

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Based school education system. If it ain't broke don't fix it, amirite bros?

well, as long as everyone didn't recognize the music, it was all good.

>that one kid who did a presentation on fucking meme

It was his undergraduate thesis on our system development course.

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>that kid that incorporated green and purple into his presentations
>that kid was me
Like it or not, you're getting your dose.

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I unironically did a presentation in high school about the impact of DOOM on pop culture and people liked it.

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>that guy that used an anime avatar in the class

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>That kid who did a presentation on hitler and didn't demonize him, even giving him a bit of praise for saving the german economy
>His presentation got cut short
>the kid isn't even white
The fool...

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Do you have the link?

>that kid who started showing everyone his Minecraft let's plays and asking them to subscribe and tell their friends

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I incorporate them into my posts.

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>sitting with all other high school students in the auditorium
>can't remember what it was for it was years ago
>at some point the curtains open up
>handful of teachers/faculty members are revealed on stage
>they are a band
>"The Educators" is printed on the bass drum
>they start playing a song
>the whole auditorium of students starts booing them
I'm not making this up. This was one of the greatest moments of all my high school years.

Underrated post

based overload

I had to do a review any form of media for my literature class, ended up reviewing persona 3, thing is that a classmate commited an hero like 1 week before presentation, I informed my teacher and she exempted me from doing the presentation part, ended up getting perfect score.

I did it for Bleach and FLCL and stuff, no shame

>that kid who was pulling the wings off of flies in the library
>"No it's okay, they don't have a central nervous system."

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I actually want to know how it would be to wear this specifically to the gym.

you wont believe me but an innocent 20 yo qt girl of my class friend of mine did a presentation about splatoon like 2 weeks ago

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>that kid that was always on the faculty's radar because the teachers were afraid he'd go full harris/klebold on the school

i was that kid. thanks for putting the spotlight on all quiet kids, V-tech shooter

Oh, for sure. Super old fashioned conservative Christian. What little he knows of this site makes him hate it with a passion.

>High school crush gave me a shot back in 12th grade
>Dated her for 8 years, were engaged and happily planning our future
>2 months ago she tells me we should break up because things aren't working out anymore

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>>When asked why he always responded “Because sometimes things don’t make sense, and that’s okay because one day they might.”
How can a man be this profoundly based?

>that kid who did his speech on video games
I did it in 8th grade, I think I still have the cue cards for it somewhere.

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That was me

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Based dream catcher

She sounds cute, i wanna date her

>that kid who did a presentation on guns
>it was me

Attached: iZ2bty.png (237x360, 45K)

>had to make a presentation on your dream idea game/movie/book
>mine took place in a school where you had to kill teachers and students with whatever you could find in a school environment including guns inspired by Bully
>meant for it to be a pixel art from a top-down perspective
>peopled looked visibly uncomfortable and never understood why

>years later I finally fucking understand why
what was I fucking thinking, I'm glad I was at a Britbong school and not an American one

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FUCK I remember in like 2nd grade we could do a presentation on any topic and I did mine on the Pokémon Anime. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT at least no one remembered me

>Was constantly asked if I was a stoner for the entirety of high school because I have droopy eyes and don't talk much
>Some teachers even did it
Maybe it was sincere at one point, but after a while it must've just been a running gag.
In retrospect, I miss it since at least people talked to me of their own volition then.

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What grade were you in?

>that kid who did a presentation on vidya but pretended it was an obscure book from the Strugatsky brothers, so the Russia hating teacher didn't bother to look it up

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>persona 5 came out
>REALLY into it
>decide to enter the school talent show with a 10 minute retelling of the story, with most of the fat trimmed off
>no one fucking laughed at any of my jokes
>one girl started crying during the kamoshida-shiho fake rape scene and we had to stop

>that time I said “faggot” during a presentation
it was relevant I swear

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I want to call underage, but honestly you could be well into your 20s.

>that kid who did a presentation on Ninjas
>he fucking put Bruce Lee as an example


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>Autistic enough to like a bunch of weird degenerate shit
>Not autistic enough to just not give a fuck what other people think about my hobbies
Hate this shit.

me too, user

Year 8, but I don't know what that would be for Americans

There are a bunch of really weird guys out there.
I have been doing online dating for a while, and not too long ago, I got a guy who started talking about his anime foot fetish in the fourth text.
Not my feet.
Not women's feet in general.
Anime girl's feet.
I mean, Jesus.

>knew a fat goth girl who wore a tail and hot-topic shit
>she wore fishnets even though her fat seeped through the holes
>sat near her in math class and helped her from time to time
>one day she took off her ear piercings and asked me to put my finger in there
>I did it and bragged to my friends about it for the rest of the school year

Goddamn it I was a weird fucking kid

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Why does it seem like American students are always having to do presentations for every subject? The only times I can remember having to do any were in English, where Speaking & Listening are actually part of the curriculum.

>V-tech shooter
That´s sounds like the name of a drive-by in a Civic

Post your feet right NOW femanon

You learned your lesson, right?

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>be huge metalfag at uni
>unironically wear metal T-shirts, blue jeans and Nike terminators
>do a presentation on east coast hip hop, graffiti and police brutality


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Who would have thought having mortal kombat samples would make anything immediately based

I did a presentation on Merzbow.

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Our kid got the top mark for it.
She went all the way back to blues to make the evolution of metal more feasible and it helped that she played some tracks on her guitar as well so she earned it.

that's sonico's fat buddy pochako though

You had other people do this with you? Do you still have the script saved?

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It's easy for the students to do and easy for the professors to grade. We still have presentations in grad school

>Put together presentation on why the Boss from MGS3 is great female character.
>Include bit about how she is not only a high member of the special forces, but was also like it's mother.
>Female teacher tells it's sexist to include bit about her being a mother.
>RECOMMENDS I change title to "why she is a great character" instead of a "great female character."
>Had to give presentation that barely mentioned anything specifically female.
>Couldn't even talk about how she was like a mother to Snake or how she was the greatest soldier despite being a woman.
>Fuck English class.

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>that kid who cosplayed several anime characters during highschool
>that kid who would bring yugioh and other card games to lunch and try to make us play with him
>that kid who was caught jerking off in the washroom 3 separate times
>mfw all the same kid

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I had to pay 2 drama club members $150 each to be a part of it, and I couldn’t use their names in any of the promo material.

I still have the script on my old computer, I sometimes read through it again for the cringe

>Originated on twitch

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Can you share it?

Attached: i'm interested in this.jpg (250x250, 55K)

>Middle school
>Have to give presentation on ideal pet
>Decide to go with the Maine Coon, because they are big sweeties.
>Start to give presentation
>Most of the class is looking at me funny
>Teacher is looking panicked
>I forgot about racial slurs
>I forgot 1/4th of my class was black

Post it and make a legendary thread

Black weebs exist for sure. Had a black kid who did a (very unfinished) presentation about anime back in high school. The reason it wasn't done on time was because he was too busy watching anime porn on the school computers.

life-expectancy is literally decreasing

post it

Attached: 1562740708861.jpg (300x340, 20K)

Holy shit that was me (kind of)
>make the presentation
>ace it
>end slide is "The end" surrounded by tons of pokemon sprites from the DS era

Those gifs were like 80% of the weight of the file, and my laptop was kinda shitty so it lagged on that slide

Attached: 1530643532068.png (1795x1656, 2.8M)


t. Gonta

>did presentation on vidya
>got an A

Eat shit fags

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You get bonus points for audacity


Yeah, she really made you a great writer.

>that guy who did a tik tock presentation

sounds pretty cool

Oh dear


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their fault for getting upset over words

at least you didnt sing a sonic song in front of the whole class right? at least you didnt make your friends sing Escape from the City for a school presentation haha

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>the professor who does this shit
got one who talked about how much he loved the simpsons this semester
and a few years back a british female professor had a picture of fucking naruto random ally on one

>brooo why..duuude

Lmao everytime

I wrote a poem about Pokemon once, luckily we just had to give it to the teacher without presentations. Even more luckily is I remember literally nothing about it

i guess they never hit_, huh?

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Dat boi was me

>here we go!
famous last words

You know what you have to do, faggot.

explain this to a non american, how do these work? the teacher just tells you to do whatever the fuck you want?

>and a few years back a british female professor had a picture of fucking naruto randomly on one
sounds pretty based, at least it wasnt teen titans go, or the minions like my senior highschool math teacher

BASED. Infinitely better than any ironic nu-traps like Astolfo

Fucking Nacho, stop talking about Dinasty Warriors, literally no one cares about chinese history

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>Accidentally punch teacher while she is passing by your desk
I still feel like shit, she was the nicest teacher I ever had

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We had a terrible class back in 10th grade and the cunts starting throwing the books at the teacher until she cried and left class.

Should have failed your anti theist ass

>Teacher comes in with hangover, turns off half the lights, and gives you a reading assignment while they sit crumpled over at their desk
You ain't fooling anyone, Ms. Stephens.

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>kids nowadays do this postironically

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almost literally me except I wrote about how games can help cognitive ability in kids in 9th grade, used Splinter Cell as an example lol

how are you typing? i thought you died

Good shit.

>make funny video for drivers ed, everyone unironically laughs their ass off all along the way
>even got the teacher to belly laugh
I never forgot that day. I will always keep that video

>that kid who had to do a presentation but knew some basic HTML so he made a cool website for his presentation along with

>that kid in 2004 who brought up a website containing a single image of shadow fucking sonic and would show it to me and my friends
>giggled like retards everytime

to this day I'm still trying to find that fucking site and Image

>>one girl started crying during the kamoshida-shiho fake rape scene and we had to stop
what were the teachers reactions to that scene?

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That image just gave me a funny little idea.

Attached: gayboy bebop.png (707x534, 417K)

probably this dense bones bullshit

I wanna make a bunch of fucking mashups and shitposts with this. Got a Twitter or SoundCloud where I can credit you?

Is it e621

Attached: EB33TYSXUAEVR2c.jpg (720x720, 81K)

>sophomore year
>have class period that isnt really a class, just a study hall but confined to a classroom for 90 minutes
>picture day
>go get picture taken
>best friend gets his picture taken
>we shoot the shit for a while
>everyone filters out of the gymnasium eventually
>return to study class
>teacher pulls me aside and tells me that i skipped class
>oh my bad
>no user, you could've made me lose my job and my kid would've starved to death because of you skipping
>write me an apology letter
can't believe i let that faggot guilt trip me into that absolute horseshit, should've called him out but i was an obedient little drone

The requirements for a project/presentation may be vague enough sometimes to twist it into what you want it to be. That or the teacher may just not give a fuck.

Don't feel to bad I superkicked my teacher while she was pregnant

>That time the baseball coach got fired because he was having a threesome with 15 year old girls in the weight training room
>They didn't report it the cops to not bring negative publicity to my prep school and everyone acted like nothing happened
Did not surprise me when the principal got busted for kiddy porn years later.

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I did my presentation in public speak on computer repair and networking making all the girls cream their drawers for sure

It's hard to remember, but the site had a deep black background and the image had shadow laying ontop of sonic. Fucking impossible to find now considering that's 90% of the art anyway

Thanks, doc

>roommate accidentily bopped his professor with a server rack while cleaning out a room full of surplus electronics
didnt hurt her but it was kinda funny

>divorced ex storms in the middle of class to scream at teacher
>throws over the teacher's desk, crashes the black board
Shit was intense, She was apparently avoiding him, but he knew she can't avoid him during her job.
Didn't helped that class rep and friends wanted to play heroes.

i bet there were more in the class who also did what you did

>that kid who would bring yugioh and other card games to lunch and try to make us play with him
our entire school played yugioh

lol, nice


>that kid who started to go out with the teacher after graduating

Such a missed opportunity..
>He hangs up the flag, smoothing out any creases and smiling, his eyes full of find memories
> The lights dim
>The music begins
>Money. Wealth. Power.

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I know a lot about autism and Sonic since I'm a Sonicfag. sonadow online could be it.

Attached: 1567750752238.jpg (480x360, 15K)

im glad you enjoyed it

Sounds awkward. My tech school teacher got in a heated argument with his wife on the phone while the whole class listened. Saying she expects him to do everything and basically she's a useless cunt. Hangs up phone and business as usual for him. My respect.

That teacher better have given these freaks an instant F.

That song is genuinely goofy as fuck and I love it for that. It's kinda sad that you were the only one laughing.

Then again most students (I know I did) used movie time to sleep or slack off in some other way.


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Middle school teacher here. Most kids now find YouTubers passe, but they all want you to check out their soundclouds or twitch channels.

I wrote a short policial story called The Strongbox, basically a Sherlock Holmes rip off. The teacher liked it so much that she asked me if she could keep the manuscript. I told her no.

Why yes, I did a bionicle presentation, how could you tell?

Attached: Biochad.jpg (752x1024, 71K)

>user didn't post his awful P5 parody stage play
I am disappointed.

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>That kid who did a presentation on Deus ex

Attached: 1528643770972.png (500x522, 119K)

Doing a presentation should be encouraged since the moment you enter the school. It can improve your capacity to properly communicate your thoughts and help you socialize better

if you werent a weird kid, that sounds hilarious

>proper business attire

Spy is real classy though.

Attached: 4dd39cb0 Cute spycrab.jpg (512x512, 88K)

>Be me
>Unironically want one, too
>Randomly come across this one day
>Only $20
Should I?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-08-19-32-02(1).png (1080x1192, 730K)

>P5 parody stage play
Sorry, what’s this now?

Read the thread.

It's pretty aesthetic for a hentai shirt.

post it
or at least a pic of her

Post feet or gtfo

No, Asanagi is as far as normalfags will go, ShindoL is a bit too much

You got a picture, right?

He was telling you that you can't compete.

2D women will always be superior to 3D, and smell better.

>i did mario galaxy
>i was in year 5 so 11 years old
>teacher loved it

i flubbed some details
>already married for 2 years
>student was 19, don't know what grade he was

Attached: women.jpg (209x220, 18K)

I did that and I aced it

Thank you, doctor.