Help me find games that are atmospheric / good like Max Payne (1)

PC. Games can be old too, of course.

> wdym
Mafia 2, Lollipop Chainsaw (console title tho), MGS V (until it gets all "lost") are good examples. games with a story, with a feel, games that are worth playing through (again even).

Attached: mp.jpg (616x353, 19K)

VTMB, Deus Ex, System Shock 2

Attached: vtmb_santa_monica_pier.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

hmm VTMB, thanks I started it but got "stuck" with all the choices... like "did I make the right choice?!" "should I pick something else?"

Guess I'll be just re-playing it.

> Deus Ex
Just replayed a few weeks ago, GOTYAY.

> System Shock 2


Attached: 1543325411377.jpg (1080x1080, 204K)

Max Payne 2

yea that was the second game after MP1 just now. uh, the game was fine, but difficulty on regular is way too easy and the story.. I don't know. it just doesn't click. sounds gay I know, but still..

>Help me find games that are atmospheric / good like Max Payne
>games with a story, with a feel, games that are worth playing through (again even)
Silent Hill 1-4.
Consult this post here :

Attached: sh covers 1 - 4.jpg (1200x300, 137K)

Did you play Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine? It was free on Steam a while back. Or maybe it was a free Steam copy through Humble. I forget.


hope it's a game where you can kinda fight back and you are just not scared the fuck out of your soul...
I just gave up the old Fear 2 or 3 that was just full of jump scare lmao. That said, Cry of Fear is my absolute no.1 nightmare. Fuck me.

Will check, thanks!
Warhammer DOW2 had a somewhat acceptable story/campaign (albeit shit skirmish/mp).

Witcher 1

Attached: The_Witcher_EU_box.jpg (250x296, 37K)

does it play fine on 10?
I liked the atmosphere of 2 but 3 was just not for me.

Mafia 1 has a way better atmosphere than Mafia 2

Runs perfectly fine on my PC which has Windows 10 installed, yeah. It has nothing to do with TW2 whatsoever, it resembles only some parts of TW3 in taste like the part involving the crones, but is overall a stereotypical basement dwelling nerd type of an oldschool hardcore RPG experience, extremely atmospheric

If you like to play point and click.

Attached: BlackMirror.jpg (800x600, 176K)

>hope it's a game where you can kinda fight back and you are just not scared the fuck out of your soul...
Silent Hill games are pure, old-school type survival-horror games. Pretty much "Resident Evil clones", with much more sinister tone. So yes, you're not restricted to just running or hiding. And jumpscares are practically nonexistent.

>that said, Cry of Fear is my absolute no.1 nightmare
In that case you will LOVE the Silent Hill games, as both AoM and CoF were huge, unadulterated love-letters to the classic SH games.

Attached: sh1 1080p alt school door.jpg (1920x1080, 460K)

Why does everyone dick suck Max Payne now I played through it back in the day and it was an ok 7/10 kind of repetitive 3rd person shooter with one gimmick. But here it’s held in really high regard. why?

Basically an URBEX simulator with a very otherworldly atmosphere and a lot of secret stuff.

Attached: Infra.jpg (1920x1080, 1.48M)

>But here it’s held in really high regard. why?
it all just "works". the gameplay, the music, the story, the comic aspect, everything. it was a low budget production even.
that said, everyone has a different taste, so not liking X doesn't mean a thing really, you just like different stuff.

Your post makes no sense. So you want a game heavily focused on story with good gameplay?

Back when it came out there were very few games with that kind of game play and atmosphere. The graphics and animations were also quite good at the times.

Well, yea it's hard to put in words, and I am also kinda rarted so there is that.
Basically, games that have an atmosphere, that suck you in. It doesn't need to have a big huge story with a great plot twist and shit. I mean look at Max Payne, the story is mediocre at best. But it works. You start playing and you get stuck there for hours no end just to continue and push on.

I sure as hell hope that was NOT your first MGS-game, and that you did indeed play the previous titles in release order first.

Still haven't played a better TPS series

well I wanted to, I wanted to play Peace Walker using PPSSPP and it ran with 8-15 fps on my Snapdragon 845 phone. :(

play FEAR 1.
And its two expansion packs.
Do not play the sequels.

Thank me later.

Attached: fear grenade + dualies.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>Peace Walker
NOT the first game, baka.

>my phone
why the fuck don't any of you zoomer homos own a goddamn PC anymore??
Or PS3 for that matter, as its MGS Legacy Collection would have the ENTIRE series in a single box.

So yeah, play MGS1-4 + PW.
Forget that V even exists.

American mcgees alice has a great atmosphere if you can stomach some very shitty platforming at times.

>why the fuck don't any of you zoomer homos own a goddamn PC anymore??
got a few computers, server, phones, but I can't carry all my shit all over the world...
happened to be like 600miles away from home when I tried playing Peace Walker. btw emulators on Android are fucking great, you should give them a try.

I support this message.

Attached: Atmospherecore.png (1920x1080, 1.89M)

why the frame drops?


Attached: 1551475810451.jpg (896x960, 92K)

Also play the Resident Evil: REmake HD, followed by the (original) RE2-3.

Attached: REmake Jill fireplace room.jpg (1920x1080, 428K)

>He doesn't know

Attached: FEAR guns akimbo.webm (854x480, 2.72M)

You mean the slow-motion powerup?
Or the small hickups caused by all the still impressive particles and physics this game uses? Potentially made worse by the now-old PC having to also record the gameplay footage at hi-res?

Attached: fear - dynamic lights & puddle reflections.webm (960x540, 1.67M)

Stalker, of course.
The writing is stellar for videogame standard, the atmosphere is top notch and the gameplay is fun as fuck. What's not to love ?

THIS. Pretty shocked if someone with a PC has not already spent years in the Zone.
Here's the rookie-guide pic to get ya started smoothly.

Attached: stalker guide v1,42.png (1536x1250, 1.1M)