These ddos attacks suck but there is a bright side, assmo is having a bad time too.
These ddos attacks suck but there is a bright side, assmo is having a bad time too
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Black, soulless eyes
WoW's still down?
Asmongold is a test tube baby
i hate this fag with his fking maga cap in the backround
It's great to know he's down fuck that stupid faggot but i had 2 runs into SM Lib that i lost duo to the ddos and i just lost my fucking THIRD
That dude looks like he just came out of Auschwitz.
The blackest eyes, the devil's eyes.
what the fuck is with his house? mentally ill? hoarder?
like a doll's eye
He just needs his weekly Aryan blood dose.
DDOS Attack?
Slob that container is filled junkfood
I think I get it. This guy is a lulzcow. He's not likeable, it's just that people watch him hoping to see him fuck up or get angry. It's like dsp.
Finally, it makes sense.
Virgin Wow Classic boomers are seething while Chad DDoS zoomer is just have a fun Sunday afternoon
>wow sub costs 50 cents a day
>millions cannot play on that day
>times 50 cents by a million
>hacker gets 37.9 repeating years in prison
>Y'all know me. Know how I earn a livin'. I'll DDOS this server for you, but it ain't gonna be easy.
He's playing, everyone else is cucked.
Boomers DDoS'd before it was cool. Zoomers just take what we had and make it worse.
This mother fucker always looks like he's about to enter hospice care.
>this child claiming anything over the warez generation
You little pussies wish you were as elite.
hes admitted to taking pain killers for his completely fucked up teeth. Some have been talking about how he abuses these pills.
>inb4 McCuck or beta orbiter comes in to defend him
fuck off faggots
>fuck streamers I hate them so much
He looks like an autistic demon. Why do people watch/spend money on him?
Oh he's the fucking worst, faster than the others but godawful with his reusing of unfunny clips
>OP loves Asmongold so much he can't stop thinking about him
no he isnt
he'll just watch a few youtube videos and get a grand a day
Why does he get you fuckers so mad?
I can't watch this guy even if he would entertain me. Seeing and knowing how he lives makes me physically ill.