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Should this be scary or something? Tripofaggots are fucking pussies my god

>instead of cool surreal shit like this, nips think 'fantasy' is mecha dragons and designer fashion adverts


Creepypasta thread?

I just read Pale Luna, I expected more I mean its elegant in its simplicity but Its just too meh for me. Also I finished reading the Princess pasta after a long ass time and I can safely say that it went to shit after Part 5; I mean her coming from an unfinished game was a neat idea but the execution was garbage.


Did FF8 have the coolest summons?

Diablos > Atomos
Brothers > Titan
Quesadillo > Ramuh

Also the new ones were p cool, like Doomtrain, Tonberry and Cactuar. Eden is also weird and its damage limit breaking is flavorful AF.

Whats the context here?

The main protagonist is killed early on in the game, the rest of the game is just a fever dream and in the game's ending he's dying.

Attached: dead man whatever.jpg (1024x614, 167K)

Trying to explain the ending of Final Fantasy 8 requires a PhD in Psychology

Play FF8 nigga

Maybe you should start up your own thread.

Don't want to watch the whole ending, tell the min where that appears

right at 1:59, its like 1 frame though so it goes by super fast

>fan theory is so much more interesting than the actual intended story that even the writer admits it

Yeah and you would rather masturbate to cartoons than impregnate a woman

Literally time compression

it's pretty much his personal "final fantasy" before dying.
there is also a pretty in depth analysis on it on youtube.
its pretty depressing but shit like this makes final fantasy to
one of the best rpg's ever created. atleast storywise.

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Well duh cartoons aint got me for 18 years


Someone add a Switch and glasses, please.

Attached: sqoy.png (1280x798, 701K)

Squall's Dead theory is canon. What some boomers at Square or even Squeeenix say doesn't matter at all.

Horror games should dabble in more surreal stuff like this

>mfw no face

Literally more austistic than Zell if you think the youtuber theory is true

Literally more ignorant than far leftists if you believe was a meaningless scene

Attached: rn.jpg (528x354, 61K)

ff8 was truly ahead of its time

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I feel bad for finding this so funny

So was the whole thing about monsters on the moon bullshit?

Child Soldier ptsd

I can't believe that nobody did a creppypasta about this

Because the whole dead Squall thing its a creepypasta on itself

FF8 deserved a remake much more than FF7. FF7 was a clear cut game. There was nothing to explain that wasnt obvious from playing the game. FF8 is a mystery that a remake could have helped unravel.

I would stick my dick in this

Well, maybe...
But I see that more as a theory rather than a creepypasta
Well, maybe I'm wrong because I didn't pay a lot of attention to it, I don't want to get too much spoilered

You fucking idiot
That hole is too big for your dick, you should use it as a WC instead

Spooky theories can be seen as a type of pasta

theres no mystery to FF8. They wanted to make everything rinoa's fault, someone said no, so the game is a total fucking mess and the primary antagonist is some cunt a million years in the future that doesn't get introduced until the last hour of the game.

its a game where you can canonically bring people back from the dead with magic spells and items.

>you got phoenix down'd nigga move the fuck on

Oh yeah? tell me then: Was it Jenova all along? or did Seph trully become the dominant force?

>did the man with no personality become dominant or the world-ending alien thing??


Pretty sure the devs denied this dumbass theory.

reading this clown shit here made me glad I never got into FF

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Go to sleep, MatPat.

it was a big smile

>Setting is known for healing magic and various ways to return someone to life from the brink of death
>"Huuuruur Squall was dead all along!"
I swear you fags need someone to beat your fucking asses for spouting stupid shit.

Why bother even killing anyone if they can be revived?

You can't revive someone who is dead for a long time.

I have the old pc version on steam from a few years back but never played it because broken music. Did fans ever fix that?


>dude the protagonist was dead/dreaming/in a coma the whole time
All these fan theories are so fucking lazy.

Attached: 1558224706007.jpg (1439x1439, 97K)

At least it makes some sense in FF8

What's the origin of the Squall is dead meme?

Ultimecia is a far future Rinoa in my headcanon and no one can change my mind.

Literally OP's pic. Someone saw it, got spooked and pulled a stupid theory out of his ass

Shitposters trying to act deep

Because they think that Squall can't recover from having a massive ice spear in his chest.


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phoenix downs have never been revives in the context of life and death