>Epic are anti-consumer
Epic are anti-consumer
it's ok if you don't understand this, there are some big words in it to be fair
And Valve is here to stop them hell yeah!
You seem to be confused, my boy. This states that a game can't launch on any other platform before it launches on Steam, unless it was already out before being accepted, and even then only by 30 days. Release pairity isn't uncommon, but usually the devs/producers are offered a bonus or something for it. Steam is requiring it to be on their store at all.
Valve are based because they defied the EU for a decade and denied their customers refunds, and now they refund to your steam wallet, based gaben! Praise gaben!
>Epic shills cant read
>game and updates are required to be on steam the same days as other platforms
What's hard to read about that?
>if you want to use our store, you cannot intentionally withhold/delay product for out customers
and this is bad for customer, because?
Some one has to do advertising for epic games and host forums
Because parity is normally something that stores buy or offer perks for, like being featured in the store, or on social media. Valve are forcing it. It's our way or the highway is not a good business practice.
How many stores put up billboards and advertisements for something that's for sale in a rival store, and won't be available in their store for a whole year?
That is pro consumer.
Sometimes I wonder if all the comments I read on here, that I think are in jest, are not, and actually written by literal retards.
Steam is saying if you release a game on steam, you can not withhold future updates or DLC. For example, you wouldn’t want a game to launch, you purchase it on steam, and then have all updates and DLC be epic exclusives.
The fact some here think that’s anti-consumer shows how fucking stupid half of you are.
Less video games, more schooling.
Steam drones are sub80iq reddit faggots don't bother
It's people paid to shill for Epic or shitposters emulating the former.
Just leave it at that for your own peace of mind.
again, how it is bad for *customer*?
Oh look, it tried to think and hurt itself. Think of it more like this, a game is going to launch first on Playstation, but Microsoft don't want that, so they offer to feature the game on their storefront and facebook page in exchange for launching on the same day. This is a common practice, you just might not realize it. Steam are saying that devs HAVE to release on same day, or they can fuck off.
Seems like you're right
Stop asking questions
Valve need to implement publisher and dev ratings just like the games have.
>Something advertised on Steam has to be sold on steam
Someone explain to me why this is anti-consumer.
Well if you're gonna get the free marketing from steam you kinda have to release it on steam dont you think
>a game is going to launch first on Playstation, but Microsoft don't want that, so they offer to feature the game on their storefront and facebook page in exchange for launching on the same day
yes, and? This is exactly how it worked, until Epic started abusing it by using storefront and NOT releasing. Which is why it became written rule.
>Because parity is normally something that stores buy or offer perks for
Like being on your store? They approached steam, not vice-versa
>like being featured in the store
Which steam offers?
>Valve are forcing it. It's our way or the highway is not a good business practice.
This, I merely licked this chocolate bar to taste test it and they deman me to pay?! Our way or the highway is NOT a good business practice
this is 100% on Valve and has literally nothing to do with Epic buying exclusives. This only punishes devs that launch first on another store, like itch. Hell, even launching a game early on your own store, like say a new Ubisoft game launching on uplay a week early, would be forbidden by Valve.
>a week early
Do you retards even read the things you're bitching about. The damned thing says within 30 days
>Because parity is normally something that stores buy or offer perks for
Do you think it is a coincidence that you can buy new game on the same day in all stores,
gamestop doesnt release before walmart.
OP should call himself Rumplestiltskin with how hard he's trying to spin this narrative
Only applies if the game is already out when they apply to be on steam. Learn to read.
You're an idiot and your reading comprehension is bad. Effective date super clearly is referring to when the application is submitted. So you have to provide code to Valve for release within 30 days of application submission. You can't submit an application to Valve, get a store page, and then launch on another platform before you provide code to Valve. If it was what you were saying it wouldn't even mention anything if about a product is already commercially released. You're literally spreading disinformation and I'm not sure if it's a product of stupidity or actual dishonesty.
Umm no sweetie, Steam's new agreement actually benefits the consumers, not DEVs.
Devs are only ones who are the self-entitled whiners.
>a week early
Its fucking 30 days, Ubisoft can easily release it a week before steam on Uplay and all will be swell
>a game is going to launch first on Playstation, but Microsoft don't want that, so they offer to feature the game on their storefront and facebook page in exchange for launching on the same day
Lmao, you're delusional if you think it's the manufacturers that beg the devs for a simultaneous release. Manufacturers promote shit because they want sales too, but if you fuck with them they'll promote others just to fuck you over
pretty much dis.
If Devs keep acting like that, then they are not entitled to our wallet period.
I cannot think of a single store in all of existence that will sell your product if you are going to sell it through someone else first and won't let them sell it for months after the release.
>if you want to release a game on our platform you have to... actually release a game on our platform
What the h*eck?! Fellow Americans valve brings fascism back!
Why are you desperate for stores to throw money at large corporate publishers? How does this actually benefit consumers?
The most amusing part is that Epic still has no good game.
>steamworks distribution
You don't need to use steamworks but the ammount of money you can make with it is way way higher than just selling the game.
>This only punishes devs that launch first on another store, like Epic
If you think that Epic doesn't benefit from having store pages on Steam advertising games they have exclusively on the Epic store, on top of Steam (formerly) allowing the developers to discuss with their consumers using the Steam forums and stuff like that, you're delusional.
>Hey man, if you put your game on our platform you actually have to release it there now, with all the shit you are releasing everywhere else
Seems reasonable enough and a good way to stop Epic jewery, a month seems like a reasonable time
Look at these SEETHING DEVS and their BITCHES.
Based Gaben dabbing on you cucks. Consumers win again.
In a few words he fucked tim over with zero effort.
Fuck Valve. I hope every dev worth their salt pulls out of Steam immediately. Valve don't get to dictate who lives and who dies.
see We need less indieshits in Steam.
AAAs probably realised they're losing sales and respect by taking the Epic™ bribe, but it's hard to give up the chink gibs so now they're trying to push the narrative and steam into getting the "guaranteed sales" anyway
Then you release wherever, the apply to be on Steam when you want to release it on Steam. How is that an issue?
>this is 100% on Valve
true, they should have make it a rule on day 1, not after numerous abuses
>This only punishes devs that launch first on another store
So? Want to use valve storefront, don't treat steam users are second-rate customers. Sounds fair to me.
Get dabbed on lmao
Wow, Tim and Winnie the Pooh must be scared with all these threads today.
Bro, shut up, I got game and I get pussy you incel
ikr. Based Gaben is just based after all.
Retards. This hurts itch io indie devs the most not Epic.
No it doesn't
Yet it does.
This is pro-consumer you fucking retards.
Prove it.
Just go talk to an indie dev on twitter.
Wow, unable to explain it at all huh? You sure showed me.
>talk to an self-entitled indie dev on twitter.
lmao. If they care about the money, why not just selling their shits on Discord (10% cut)?
>This is bad for indie devs
>lol idk go ask someone else
Cool fucking argument you sub IQ brainlet
If indie dev said that McDonalds not serving literal human shit hurt him, would you believe it? Or not because he's a dev not a dietician? They're devs not lawyers, 99% of them don't have any idea what this actually says
It's an edit from a WoW cinematic
Damn, I thought it was some SFM shit and I was already unzipping.