>Play Gears
Play Gears
wtf can't believe epic brought back arena shooters
more like queers lol
Depends. How fat is the ass?
I don't see the problem here?
Get fucking outskilled.
>we want the Fortnite audience
I haven't played since GoW 3 why are there robots?
Imagine playing shooters with analog sticks
That's just The Terminator
Humanity was decimated in the war, so robots essentially became the new police force since they were easy to build compared to repopulating
That Emile armor looks fucking awesome. Expecting Halo infinite to be even more beautiful
Imagine playing a video game with an office tool
I miss when gears wasn't all about the gnasher meta. Hitting those bow shots and running up top zerg chainsaw a group was fun.
>compared to repopulating
Half of China's population usually perished in the anarchy that followed each transition of power from one ruling dynasty to another. However, the population always recovered in about a single generation.
Is that a halo skin?
Ok if that clip was supposed to sell the game it sucked, pretty average low skill clip.
Yeah, sure, right after I play the new Cuckenstein games and that upcoming angry dyke simulator from rabbi Druckmann's Naught Dog.
Years later, the optimal play is still to run around with the shotgun while bouncing around thanks to the wall cover system. That shit got boring in the first game.
I do but this is the gayest shit ive ever seen
why do you just clip regular kills, i don't get it, do you think these are good? are kills that rare for you?
imagine using a tv remote to play games
my god... they actually made the game this way on purpose. Shouldnt someone get fired for this?
>Still a shitty wallbouncing simulator
No thank you
Wall bouncing is so fucking stupid
please don't
>Shotguns of War.
No thanks.
Shotguns are bullshit.
>playing Gears of Woke
kys yourself.
Why do you keep getting attached to walls even though the enemy is standing right in front of you?
>waaaahhh i get outmaneuvered
git gud
I'm not playing Hollywood trash.
He's doing it on purpose because it makes you harder to hit. Gears has a mechanic where you press a button and it makes you attach to the nearest wall.
Can't believe I actually have to explain how fucking third person cover shooters work
That looks really retarded
>muh gears 2 gameplay.
Actually kill urself my mans
>Cover spamming is still a thing
God glad I've quit this series
>Can't believe I actually have to explain how fucking third person cover shooters work
Aren't you supposed to hide behind the wall so the wall is between you and the enemy?
This dumpster fire multiplayer has been all about the gnasher and whoever has host advantage since the day the original dropped on 360.
>every single player using a single weapon 99% of the time
No thanks.
taking wall bouncing out would just trigger abunch of faggots,the community is just filled with too many wall bouncers for anyone to man up about it
Yes, but what the devs originally intended vs what is the most optimal way to play MP matches are seldom the same.
>its another gears where the only weapon is the gnasher
More like Gearls
Also why the fuck people play with only one weapon all the time?
I had an entire folder of messages from gnasher babies crying I had the audacity to use literally any other weapon in gears 3.
Yes, but it turns out that using just the abusing the slide to move faster is way more fun.
It looks like he's using fucking roller skaters holy shit
>I miss when gears wasn't all about the gnasher meta.
So...never? Gnasher have been the heart of Gears since 1.
is this supposed to look good?
>We're back to Gears 1 sticky
What? Seriously? You walk around a corner and shoot someone? That's it?
gears 5 is shit, no thank you. crowbcat made a video about it on youtube.
Which is why you fix exploits asap rather than let them exist until exploiting faggots are all that is left of your player base.
Something about this game is off. Like it lacks weight and intensity
kind of reminds me of splatoon
nice and gay
>shilling your shitty videos on Yea Forums
fuck off faggot
Emile looks like he fits in Gears better than Halo.
>people only use the gnasher
it's shit
Gears of War fucking sucks and your multiplayer will be dead in a month
Unironically this.
No viral marketing budget will save your boring overdone franchise. Just pack it in.
I hate how Microsoft will give the skin of any success it has to another studio to wear while going through the motions of their original titles in the most clumsy way possible.
Just let this irrelevant, samey, borefest franchise die.
>have fucking awesome weapon sandbox
>gun that everybody carries is better than 90% of them
Explain this. Also fuck wall bouncing, I understans it "raises" the skill ceiling but its the dumbest looking thing ever
I have game pass, why can I not install?
>giving yourself a (you)
I do, and you're terrible, these clips are ass. Increase your sensitivity my man.
>Being incapable of reading the number of unique posters in a thread.
Legitimately retarded.
>Bouncing on walls
80% of Yea Forums would shit their pants because they struggle to adapt to the gnasher, wallbouncing would shitter shatter them completely
basically play arcade if you want any of this
hard to fix a exploit that's been in the series for years.made if epic had fixed it during their trilogy than the coalition wouldn't feel obligated to appease autismos
This shits been around for multiple gears games you retard, not saying I agree it isn't shit but it's far too late to declare it an exploit at the risk of isolating the playerbase
>it's even worse than ever
I miss the multiplayer but not enough to install w10 for gamepass and I'm sure as shit not paying 60 bucks for the steam version.
"Wtf this series is 4 casuals"
>Some guy posts a webm of him shitting on some retards with some simple bouncing and the Gnasher
>A bunch of pseuds jump out to cry about how the shotguns work, how wallbouncing works, how it's not fair
People were playing Gears 3 five years after release.
People are still playing Gears 4.
>dae gnasher bad, walking up to someone while holding the b button for an instant kill good?
Your (lack of) aim makes me cringe.
>200 iq play
yea no its still for edgy teenagers
Nobody said it's unfair. It just looks fucking retarded.
Do I need to buy the ultimate game pass or whatever the fuck it is to play gears 5 if I already have the regular game pass?
I'm on Act III of the campaign and it's honestly fucking great so far
Why are robots and not-locust working together?
Yeah bro let's just justify smashing the spacebar in Quake and pretending it's different.
I'll bet every single retard in here shitting on wallbouncing in Gears would try to type out a 5 paragraph long post about how bunnyhopping in Quake varying your head hitbox makes it "deep" however adding horizontal movement to the mix makes their brain fucking explode.
I always like the horde survival mode and the arena was fun enough
>woman protagonist
Bhopping is just cleaner bro. Its smooth and doesn't fuck with your camera at all.
Wall bouncing is just mess, fidgets your perspective, forces your crosshair and turns every cqc fight into A mashing.
Is it me or did that being back two piecing?
Wallbouncing doesn't fuck with your camera, or change your perspective.
It's a way to stay horizontally mobile while under fire, so particularly if some rifle shitter thinks sitting back is going to save his skin you can get in his face and put your bulge on him.
Don't know why you feel the need to lie to try and justify your retarded view though
>eat shit
No thank you.
>It just looks fucking retarded
god decades later and retards still haven't changed their arguments
no one gives a shit about how it looks
it's all about how it feels and how it plays, it's a fucking videogame
and wallbouncing while doing a perfect corner shot to get that sniper and dominate not missing a single shot is great
gear's only flaw is that it's still too slow, if on top of wallbouncing you had something like vanquish's slide managed on a meter (that you could also use vertically for avoiding headshots and whatnot) the game would be actually fantastic
as it stands it's like playing shotgun rugby with a bunch of power weapons and other 4 retards in your team you can't count for anything
>fidgets your perspective
>forces your crosshair
it doesn't change your crosshair any more than jumpstrafing in an arena shooter does
it does fuck with where your weapon is aiming for a second but you can counter that with a quick snap anyways if you want your shot to come out straight in a fucky situation and it's only for like 10-15 frames at worst
>and turns every cqc fight into A mashing
no one wallbounces with a anymore you fucking retard and if you mash it mindlessly you'll roll and end up dead like the scrub you are
do you even have the motor skills to play vidya in the first place?
Imagine actually typing something like this.
Xbox fags everyone
But Chinese people aren't human, we've been over this
>no one gives a shit about how it looks
i do and it looks god damn retarded
>Which is why you fix exploits asap rather than let them exist
Rocketjumping would like to have a word with you.
china also doesn't have fuckin hail that slices you apart
she probably has kids at this point
>It's for casuals
>I can't adapt to gameplay mechanics
Pick one please, and pretending you hate wallbouncing and shotguns is some nuanced mechanic opinion when you're clearly here due to the butthurt it wrought on you makes it clear which one you side on
any game that centers around abuse of a 3rd person camera is trash
Fuck guys. Been grinding all night and yet I've only found 15 of the LGBT flags. I'm just trying to get the Trans\Zir flag but can't find any guides online. Can someone help? Also, I really love this game has a female protag, even if she is cisgender
There's no fucking way you're telling me you're struggling with locating enemies in Gears of fucking war.
They stomp super fucking load and if you sit on the edge of cover you're still visible.
Are you one of those super shitters that installed wallhacks when Gears 4 dropped and went insane when you realized any half decent player still wiped the fucking floor with you because they're not retarded?
nigger the whole idea is hiding out of sight while you can see everything
it's been that way since gears 1 and it's garbage
Could I run this on medium/60fps on a GTX770?
imagine bitching about politics in vidya but being unable to think about anything but that and associate all and every creative decision to some point in the political spectrum, letting that train of thought affect your entire perspective on all releases and what's more even your time spent discussing vidya online all of this without any regard for the quality of the product itself
r e n t f r e e
>Team game
>Hide while team dies playing 4v5 for power weapons
>He thinks a single player with a microphone doesn't trump this strategy
Good luck with your Markza spawn I guess
Why would you choose gears over literally any other shooter? Just a sluggish PoC from the era of brown and grey third person, console garbage that blacks and mexicans still eat up.
Power weapons all hail to the shotgun everybody starts with. """""Mobility""""" is rolling and dashing onto objects because players in gears are glued to the floor. Half the time you can't even walk off a short ledge. Running locks you into a straight line with the horizontal turning zone of 30 degrees.
The only good things from the series are Horde and that asymmetrical mode from Judgement.
is this true?
It's like you picked the one thing you needed to invalidate anything you said
>Bitch about how mobility is just sliding to object
>Bitch about how running is in a straight line
You realize these two things contradict each other right? Wallbouncing is specifically to get horizontal movement
No, that's nazi propaganda.
Probably high or ultra 60 fps. This game has insanely good optimisation. I know people who play this at high/ultra 60 fps on a gtx 1050 and I think the 770 is about the same.
>still imagining what-if scenarios and insults to try and excuse the fact that the core feature of gameplay is trash
only reason I'm here is because it's shocking to me that the game still plays exactly like the first one did
it was shit then and it's shit now
>b-but if you know how to play around it...
nah it's shit
>Video compares both games on easy
Really now?
No not at all. He didn't even provide any context or show what gears 5 does better.
Thanks for not addressing anything, maybe Reddit is more your speed if you want to bitch about something and then respond to people more handsome with you with "I KAN'T BELIEF U THINK THIS"
>unironically playing GOW in 2019
Why? It should had ended in 3
I gave up on the series after Judgement. Is the MP as good as 3's?
Why not just let the player turn during a sprint?
Wall bouncing wouldn't be necessary with that simple fix.
>inb4 dude it takes skill
Its tapping a button between two walls and applying your analog or mouse in the direction you want to go and occasionally canceling pre-animation. Past 15 hours of play any player can competently do it. The only skill based mechanics in Gears are the longshot, torque bow, and boltok.
The regular modes don't have the gnasher in your loadout, it's only in the classic mode you see shit like OP's webms.
t. actually playing the game
Its identical with an ever faster TTK, so its still the same piece of shit but you die faster
Yeah but the nuCOG believe in gender equality so they're lucky if they get 2 kids per bitch.
Bunch of retards.
>Only skilled weapons are ones I don't need to actually engage people with
Kill yourself, people like you are why most team based shooters are fucking garbage, because shitties like you just sit back behind your team and try to hit potshots on players that are unaware, then have the absolute BALLS to shit your pants over someone with a shotgun getting in your face
Is this what console shitters think skilled gameplay looks like?
Wow that's crazy. I heard similar things mentioned in a review but I couldn't believe it.
Nah, it's what any real man would think skilled gameplay looks like.
>I miss when gears wasn't all about the gnasher meta
That's all the original gears was about you fucking homo
kill yourself
>I miss when gears wasn't all about the gnasher meta
So literally the first week of Gears 1?
Mad cause bad.
>ad hom ad hom, assumption
Nice arguments bro. Single shot, ranged weapons focused on precision will always take more skill than point blank OHKOs How the fuck are you even arguing against this? And how does a complete different genre of gaming have to do with gears, where everybody runs around like a cock with their heads cut off? Gears is most definitely not team focused, there's absolutely no application of it disregarding game chat.
Gears 2 multiplayer was based. Loved seeing people sperg out and give themselves a stroke throwing a fit because more than one weapon was viable.
I miss wrecking Gnasher kiddies with the Mk1 Lancer
Lmao no it wasn't. Gears 1 was just as much if not more about spamming the hammer across the map
This isn't Gears of sniper
Play LITERALLY any other shooter if you want that watered down garbage, no one wants ANOTHER shooter where some L337 xXSniperWolfXx faggot thinks they're cool just hitting bodyshots then whipping out a pistol for that last 2% of damage
Gears 2 is also a mess of a game with host, lag switcher, outta bouce glitches, and so many other glitches
I understand it's an advanced mechanic, but wallbouncing really looks dumb. At least rocket jumping doesn't look like a dog rubbing his butt on the wall.
>lag switch
yes it was m8
hammer was sick though
these are the things that gave GoW S O U L
>wallbouncing gnasher gameplay instead of literally anything else
>still the most dominant playstyle by far
Nah, I'm good, I did that in 2008
They should make Go
CQC sucks ass in gears, make it FPS and its perfect. No need for shitty wall bouncing. UT expressed this perfectly.
How else are you going to get power weapons?
The revive system means that if someone and their teammate rush the weapon and you down one the other can just pick him up and now they have a boomshot while you're sitting with your thumb up your ass.
Shotgun play is a hard counter to people just throwing bodies onto power weapons/objectives.
Not that any of the pub shitters here would understand actual gameplay mechanics
>bunch of platitudes and wants the tactile cover shooter to be even faster
I wish people like you didn't exist
>Regular modes
Ranked has it. Just not that arcade shit
Your GPU should be fine for 60 fps it depends on your CPU. If you have a non shit processor it will be smooth sailing.
K, keep me posted
>It's too slow and clunky
Make up your minds shitties
Ah, I've not touched ranked yet, my bad.
Are these webms supposed to convince me to play Gears of War 5? Because they're doing the opposite.
I just don't care, Gnasher duels was boring after the first installment. Improving on that aspect doesn't really encourage me to want to play the game, because again the most optimal way to play will be to engage at point blank and predict motions. At that point you're just playing a fighting game with a whole lot less buttons to press.
>everyone in this board and in this thread is the same person
I'm sure plenty of people want Gears to be faster and not rely on cover stick mechanics at all, whereas some other people want the series to be slow, mechanically heavy and an emphasis on tactics instead of rushdown. Stop assuming everyone's the same person.
This guy gets it
I mean, the argument to disprove casuality in a game is to prove how hard it is to learn how to Gnasher Duel properly. On the one hand, there is a skill gap, on the other hand its not a particularly large skill gap, or even something that difficult to learn or get used too.
They made four sequels to have you do the exact same shit you did in the first game?
Fucking Yung Headshots
if you get ultimate edition you get the game early and 2 halo reach skins plus lancer. Preordering gets Terminator and sarah conner skins.
Gears is just a fucking mess, you move like a slug 90% of of the time and the other 10 you are jumping from wall to wall in shitty animation. Just a product from being a console TPS made in 2006 and not evolving at all despite FPS's actually being playable on console now.
Maybe if they looked at games like MP3 the gameplay can actually improve
You mean that games that's fucking dead and just had people using the Mk14 in multiplayer?
Yeah, sounds real fun
>show what gears 5 does better
It doesn't do anything better. It's watered down Gears. It fucking sucks
imagine playing videos games on a tv
Yeah man, who needs things like polish, dedicated servers, a consistent shotgun spread, smoke grenades that work, or a sniper that doesn't one shot down when you active reload it?
When your company makes GTA and RDR you would be dead too.
Buy it for me.
Multiplayer has nothing to do with what company made it.
If it's fun, people play.
The perk heavy, loadout garbage that was Max Payne 3 MP had way more bad than good.
The only cool mode was the one where you could play as Max and Passos while shitting on everyone in the lobby
Get Gamepass
It's 2$ nigga.
Like not even fucking joking, if someone tries the whole "good goy" schitck they're literally just a poorfaggot child at this point
But me Gamepass then.
>better weapons
>better netcode
>not clunky and slow
>people not tapping aim for those good meatshots
I'd legit Paypal you 2 bones but
A. I don't want you knowing my name
B. I can't be sure you won't use it on something else, if you can't throw down 2$ then what the fuck.
Are you actually a kid or something? Be honest
Beaner you don't have to defend gears 5, they literally removed the of war and watered it down to make it more appealing to everyone because women can't enjoy brutal shooters apparently. There is less gore, less destruction and less brutality so far and killing robots is gay as fuck compared to killing just locust. Multiplayer is completely separate from that and I wish they hadn't murdered the campaign since the MP is great.
Anyone else getting disconnected a lot? Shit was fine yesterday but I keep getting dc'd today.. especially in the campaign lobby. Also just dc's in a horde match on lvl 44 and didn't get any xp. Feels kinda bad man.
>Friend wants to hop on Ranked Day -4
>Just solo the campaign
>Beat it
>Friend doesn't want to solo the campaign and keeps bitching about getting disconnected from games.
Game isn't even officially released yet, I'm going to wait til it does to even touch multiplayer
But OP wants me to play the game, I'm not hurting to play Gears 5. Gimme.
The servers are all fucked up at the moment since the game became playable
All weapons are viable and the actually buffed the rifles, stop being a retard and use other weapons.
I can see they still haven't fixed the shotgun bullshit. Gears of War multiplayer has always been utter shit.
Game Pass gives a bunch of games.
I'm going to try out some shit like Blair witch and Forza before I inevitably cancel my 2$ sub and just buy Gears 5 on sale 2 months from now
I feel disconnected from everything, user.
People still play 3 and 4, why are you guys so insecure, why do you guys lie?
update to 1903
Play gears 5 then.
This is the same shit from GOW1 like 15 years ago dude, you just shimmy on the wall and one shot people.
itt: the sony anti xbox hivemind at work
This is my first gears game and it does feel kinda clunky even compared to division. Making sentry forts in horde is fun enough though and the coop is the only thing saving it for me.
that's because you're a wanker
Gears hasn't been fun for like 10 years now and this game is more of the same. Let this cow die and stop trying to milk its emaciated corpse.
>Server disconnects can fuck up a SINGLE PLAYER CAMPAIGN
More people should be bitching about this.
No shit, everyone on 4chins wanks.
The claw in horde with the reload buff melts everything. Most satisfying gun has to be that semi-auto rifle though.
Yeah it's ridiculous
I'd been xbox-exclusive up until last year and even I could tell you that the gears series has sucked dick for a while now. I'm sorry you console war faggots have to defend what little exclusive content you get on your netflix box to validate your identity as a brand whore
>Campaign lobby
Try reading for once
>Play Gears, but for real this time
>looks fucking retarded
fuck off sonytranny not everything needs to be a cinematic experience
Butthurt inbound
You don't even have the game user, of course you're not having fun.
>all the gay shit I remember from Gears with none of the fun stuff
no thanks
lengthy cover animations by themselves are there to promote a cinematic experience
it's obvious he intended it to be a quick snap but didn't account for that dude's movement so he was forced to hard aim a little longer and flick to get the kill
happens sometimes dude and at least he's showing more mastery and discipline than the mexican kids wallbouncing right into a gnasher shot or rolling like retards after missing a single shot
Rocket jumping is an exploit cum feature because it trades your health for mobility, so it's inherently balanced. Bunny hopping, however, has gone the way of the dodo because in a multiplayer world you get a huge advantage for no downside. Does bhopping take skill? Absolutely. But unless the entire point of your game is bhop battle its too great of an advantage.
Gnasher wallbouncing seems to be what gears is based around, so of course it's still around. But if they wanted people to actually use other weapons it would be removed quickly.
>Does bhopping take skill? Absolutely. But unless the entire point of your game is bhop battle its too great of an advantage.
Not really, that's specific to counter-strike where someone showing up early can make or break a game. Having some basic tech to pick up is fine. Nobody minds strafe jumping in Q3, though that is a good deal easier, it's also a hell of a lot bigger speed difference. You can't imagine walking in quake 3.
I would argue that Quake is one of, if not the only, series designed around the airspeed acceleration phenomenon. The developers of the Quake games were well aware of the phenomenon, and actively chose to keep it to add another layer of mastery to an already high skill game. But in more casual games, like cs and tf2, they've removed it because it would destroy the intended flow of game play.
Why is the writing for the campaign so fucking terrible? Spend a whole mission trying to convince uncle tito larping as an eskimo to join the cog, then you murder him and JD shows up and tries to evac everyone and suddenly its not okay to evac everyone like you were previously trying to do.
>yo consoles gamers, I heard you like your games to play themselves
>so we added auto movement to your auto aim, so yo can watch the game move for you while it also aims for you!
Oh yeah, they went fucking nuts with it. But outside the 0.1sec TTK, round-based, HOLD THIS CHOKEPOINT!!11!11!!!!1! gameplay of counter-strike, where all the maps are designed around getting to the fucking choke before the attacking side can penetrate it, having advanced movement options is fine. Disregarding that, the only difference between strafe-jumping and bhopping is the former's a tad easier, while being absolutely 100% integral to not getting your teeth kicked in and ending the match with a negative score.
It's fine, counter-strike is just really, really not built around the idea. It fucks up the entire core gameplay there. Yeah, id ran with it, but CS is a phenomenally poor example if we're to give it an honest look.
>Hop on PC version
>All the PC scrubs are trying to hard aim me and get glancing shots when I shake the walls with how hard I bounce on them
>One shot them
>See some virgin typing shit in chat, don't respond because I'm not putting my controller down for some butthurt PC fat
Is this why gears 4 had to make a separate playlist for crossplay and took ages for them to open it back up? They made the decision after the beta where controller players got fucking raped to lock it down on launch except that playlist that was dead as fuck.
>tfw using the sawed-off and vaporizing 2-3 gnasher fags at the same time with one blast
You could feel the rage through the console that thing inflicted on the meta fags.
I play with a controller on PC.
Most PC tards just hard aim and get dicked by some simple bouncing
What the fuck does emiles stim do in horde?
Precisely. At the end of the day, Quake allows strafe jumping because it's a 1:1 skill game, your performance is directly proportional to your skill. CS is more about abstraction with the general realism theme and recoil simulation, not to mention the fact that buying a more expensive gun is designed to make you do better.
For me, I find Titanfall be a happy middle ground, marrying the potential for everyone to perform at a high minimum while offering just enough advantage for people who learn more advanced techniques. With enough practice you can completely dominate someone, but you always have leeway for recourse when being dominated.
M&KB players are legitimately terrible at the game. Your aim is only half the factor in getting gud.
Would be funny if they tried to wallhack again like they did in 4 only to realize that wallhacks do literally nothing in this game
Marketing contract. The Swarm didn't like it but they do respect the Terminator for coming from a franchise where humanity is hunted and gunned down like animals.
It's actually way less and this is just a clip of people getting into shotgun firefights on purpose.
The way they combat wallbouncers in this game is they have made it so that when you are shot and you go to get into cover your motion is slowed.
So basically before when you were running your motion was slowed if you were being shot, but now even getting into cover will be slowed when being shot.
>wallbouncing is stupid!!!
>meanwhile sois out over cancels in smash
i don't play feminist trash
Pretty much the same movement shit as bunny hopping everywhere in Quake or dolphin diving in BF2
Most blatantly shilled game on nu/v/ right now.
>Fuck off back to r3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard. The game is a masterpiece and candidate to GOTY.
Who are you quoting?
I really don't mind diversity as long as it's not forced. Why is the MC an stereotypical native american woman? She even has some feather braid on her hair. How? Gears takes place in a different world thousands of years into the future, there's no way a minoritary culture could have survived for so long
So are retro lancers and sawed offs in like in 3? Because those were great for stopping that wall bouncing bullshit
It's fucking bullshit that I have to go on a wild goose chase to find a working fucking copy of the original GoW on PC. They royally fucked the remaster, so I have to buy a physical copy to play the damn game. I wanted to buy it but I'm not paying more for a shittier version.
Fuck this stupid industry. I tried to find the original gears of war and DLC for GoW4 was pages and pages long.
I pray for a crash, I hope they lose everything
>They royally fucked the remaster
How so?
This looks as if you are having a fuck ton of trouble with the cover system.
>Have sex incel tranny.
So many fags are running around with the terminator character. It's not even satisfying when you kill them since it's just random metal parts flying instead of blood and body parts.
Look into it yourself
Can be summarized as: runs like shit
theres a pacific islander group and highland natives. They've been a thing since the second game
Outsiders and minorities aren't new to the series.
Before you play Gears, educate yourself on all of the flag banners you'll see
>when your cover mechanic is used as a maneuverability mechanic instead
forgot to mention,sera is a alien world.everyone including the humans are technically aliens. we don't know if this takes place in the future or past because (for all we know) the people of sera have advanced faster than us
>Execute-On-Sight List
Thanks user.
That isn't even accurate
>lipstick lesbian
i uh
fuck this gayt earht mang
No it's not and don't believe what people say
How easy is it to spam cover with keyboard? If we're back to old school sticky I want mouse aiming and the controller A spamming ideally.
I'm playing gears with a keyboard for the first time
Aiming is great, but wallbouncing is a no
I'm thinking of trying out a gamepad
I figured, I might try rebinding to a mouse button and hope that works. I guess most people online will be controller users anyway so using the Xbone controller can't be that bad.
You would know faggot. How is it inaccurate?
>Spent $2 on gamepass
>Try to install game
Its like Microsoft doesn't want people to play their shit game.
I think remapping will help, but there's also the bigger problem of using four directional buttons, compared to the 360 degree analogue stick
Update windows it was recently fixed.
Gears is like quake. Extremely high skill cap and a dedicated fan base. Noobs just can't get into it
I wouldn't say high skill gap, it very quickly becomes muscle memory when to flick the analogue and press A, and snap aiming is easy as fuck since there's aim assist.
>Noobs just can't get into it
That i'd agree with.
Just tried, still doesn't work.
>cant buy the fucking gamepass because the store doesnt use 3d secure
God damn it
Is the campaign fun to blow through at least?
Is it coop?
Are you on the right build? once I updated it worked for me. Maybe try re-installing the Xbox App, the new one, and download from there and not the MS Store.
Do the hitboxes work properly in the slide? Because that looks exactly the kinda move that makes you impossible to hit due to some garbage programming issue.
3 player coop because here in canada we go forward by going backwards.
It's good, I liked it more than 2/4. And yes, 3 player though one player is Jack which isn't fun imo. Splitscreen too but only on Xbone because fuck you.
does a lithsexual like car batteries or something
>Base XBone gets 3 player splitscreen and it runs like shit
>PC doesn't
Halo better fucking get it I swear.
Wait, so the designated straight people flag actually looks like this?
Check what drive you're installing on. It will straight up try to install on a full drive and not tell you it can't because there's not enough memory.
I'm getting an error code 0x803FB107, not finding anything on it on google and haven't been able to fix it myself. I'm going to chalk it up to Gears 5 and the microsoft store suck ass and I should avoid in the future.
No thanks, I saw crowbcat's video on it...
Yeah if that didn't work I don't blame you. I've used Steam for 6 years and had no issues, but I feel like every other month I have to jump through hurdles to get the MS Store to work. If it wasn't for game pass I'd have given up by now.
How do you check what drive you're installing it to on the Microsoft store? This has got to be the least intuitive UI I've ever seen. I couldn't navigate my way to the bathroom on this piece of shit.
is anyone else not getting xp after finishing matches?
>straight people have their own flag
Okay, see, THAT'S how I can tell this is a joke.
On the MS Store I don't know. On the Xbox app it's in settings, you can change the default storage device to install to.
is there a multiplayer review or map showcase that exists anywhere?? Everyone talking about the game is like "It's fantastic! Haha I don't really play multiplayer tho!"
>Clayton is alive and well
Absolutely based
I'm happy hes still alive and that's it.
I'm having issue getting used to where the gib range is. I feel like I get people in gib range but time after time its 95% in one hit and they just get the 100% gib. I also feel the killcam shows too much bullshit with gnasher wonkiness like some guy killing someone aiming one direction then killing me when i'm at the other side of him when he killed the first guy, makes next to no sense. Also the autoaim is far too generous, feels like Gears 3 at launch
It was a good video but Gears 5 is still fun to play. Gears 1 and 2 where basically Unreal Engine showpieces for Epic and since its an established engine I guess TC don't feel the need to put as much effort into the finer details which is a shame but whatever/
No because the servers are fucked. Hard to review multi when it either crashes, kicks everyone, or is laggy as fuck.
>Myself,because I not a poorfag with no money and no job like yourself nigger.
Cucks of War
Question. How are they handling severs now? I haven't played in a long time so does gears have dedicated shit or are there still hosts that can end up murdering the entire team?
Xbone has used azure for everything so it's dedicated 100% through. Right now they're shit and causing a tonne of issues even campaign is effected.
tag yourself, I'm autosexual
Never played a Gears game in my life.
This is coming to Steam, right? So I can pirate it.
Is the SP any good? What's the webm from, horde mode? Can you play it solo?
Everything on MS side is dedicated servers now.
MP is a mess atm, server issue and high pings. I'm assuming its because they've done this early release thing but you can't even rank up and stats aren't tracked.
In terms of how its plays, I feel like its Gears 3 2.0, rifles are insanely strong at mid range, the power weapons are monsters and the gnasher feels inconsistent.
For maps, thre are only 2 that stick out as bad and thats asylum and exhibit. Asylum is tyro station but more obnoxious while exhibit is Old bones 2.0 but with dumb laser mechanic. The rest are pretty standard and inoffensive, a map set in a desert hotel called Vasgard(?) seems to be an early favourite for everyone
Interesting, thanks user.
you can buy it on steam but you've still got to go through all the Windows live crap
are you poor
god this looks awful
You mean create an Xbox account. Better than downloading Uplay or Origin still.
playing games with that camera placement makes me feel ill.
I can give you a review if you're familiar with the past games.
It plays like 4, but slower. Shots are much easier to hit, partly due to the aim assist being so strong in the modes that it's enabled in. The Lancer is also strong, which leads to alot of ranged engagements and crossing. It's what the maps are built around, crossing and lockout. Some of the maps are notoriously difficult to breakout of a good cross, like Icebound and Bunker. Movement is slower, and so is sliding. With the the above reasons combined, Wallbouncing is pretty terrible in any mode with aim assists.
Gears 5 is the slowest Gears game since 2. It focuses more on crossing and range engagements compared to 3 and 4.
Personally, I think the game would benefit alot from either disabling aim assists, or severely reducing it's effectiveness on all modes. and I say this as a controller player. It's to strong and makes the game rather boring when you know half your movement options are gone.
>Singleplayer is a buggy mess
>Multiplayer is full of cancerous microtransactions
No, thank you.
>would benefit alot from either disabling aim assists
They already complain about kb+m users in causal. This would buttblast them.
Can you choose not to play with PC players? Disabling aim assist straight up would cause a riot with console users if not, they even bitch about mouse users in Sea of Thieves, a game that requries zero skill and has fuck awful PvP anyway.
I want to get gears 5 so bad, I miss the fucking gnashy so much, but holy fuck was the pc multiplayer asshole in gears 4. Any pc bros tried mulitplayer yet? I don't think it's out on PC though.
>Multiplayer is full of cancerous microtransactions
I loved Gears 2 and 3 back then.
i'm really tempted with 5.
especially with the Halo skins because i loved Halo Reach.
should i?
>Gears 5 is the slowest Gears game since 2. It focuses more on crossing and range engagements compared to 3 and 4.
What are you talking about? Its 10x faster than 4 since you have no health whatsoever
can someone explain how the story was continued after 3?
i thought the big tower at the end of 3 destroyed all locust on the planet? why do they still exist then?
if you do the $2 gamepass ultimate deal going on you can download the deluxe edition with all the extra dlc and play early on pc right now
Straight people didn't design it.
They've made the lootboxes into the fortnite store with a currency called iron. Theres something called tour of duty which is missons you can complete to get iron to but cosmetics, however you can only earn 750 iron through tour of duty (which will take forever to complete) and for refrence a banner your country on it which will appear behind you if you're mvp costs 700 iron so therefore the store is really just buy iron for real money to buy shit in the store.So either they've got to reduce the over inflated price of stuff, hand out more iron through playing or they'll introduce cool stuff like thrashball cole to get people to start buying.
You can get supply drops through playing but they don't seem to drop anything useful and i've only been playing online for 4 hours and am already getting dupes. Dupes give you scrap which can be used to craft stuff like in 4 but I can't see any characters you can craft yet so its a bit useless.
I'm going to say I don't know why people complained about gears 4 lootboxes when they where easy to farm and the scrap system was really generous since you could just buy whatever skin you wanted for free
Thanks man, just looked into it. You can get the game pass for PC for 1$ plus tax. I get to play Gears 5 for a fucking month for the price of a god damn Arizona.
because it was overwatch lootboxes without the option to pay for specific crap with in game currency. This was their middle ground between overwatch shit and gears 4 shit. though i agree they need to reduce cost of crap
And Metro Exodus. It's why I got it.
>tfw want Emile and Kat outfit
>locked behind the 79 special edition
I just wantr my damn theron guards for MP already, fuck the swarm, lanky ass faggots would get rekt by a bunch of locust drones i swear
There's fuck all characters in 5, not even Baird , Cole, Carmines, Dom, Paduk etc.
That shit was fixed in the third game. So many mad people who only used their gnashers. I loved shutting them down with the hammerburst.
Hoffman being the worst, he had great lines in the previous games. Undoubtedly they're all DLC.
Why did you ignore the fact that the character skins are unlocked through those tour of duty missions? That's way fucking better than lootboxes, hell as far as i know you can't even buy those skins with iron.
And what's worse is that there's gonna be nothing for 2-3 months in that shit Tour of Duty unlock crap
>He doesn't know
TELL ME user
Does it play more like 3 or 2? Do we get classic Locust and COG skins in MP? I'm thinking about getting it.
>queers of war
Having the ultimate game pass gives you the ultimate version.
You can get them for 2$
>Does it play more like 3 or 2?
>Do we get classic Locust and COG skins in MP?
No, only Marcus and RAAM.
Well at least they got the gameplay right. I want to play with my old Hoffman and Savage Grenadier skin though. Pity.
>guys look at my wallbouncing webm
there was a reason why gears was dead for a few years and can't maintain playercounts
Bouncing is just fine you just have to do it differently use the mouse to cancel the cover slide it actually seems faster on pc because of this
Does it also gave you the other pre order shit?
but you don't own the game with the game pass, i'm not really a fan of that...and i prefer to use steam nowadays.
When was gears ever dead?
I'm a steam sucker so i will buy the game.
standard or Ultimate edition? which one is more worth?
Just finished Gears 5 and oh boy
I saved JD because I just couldnt deal with Marcus losing everything
Because it was pure shit and happened during a new gen. Every other gears has always been popular.
What the fuck is this?
It looks like your character is slow as shit but you can magnetize to cover to cheese some extra speed.
Are all Gears of War games like this? Why? Why not just make the character movement speed faster and have a crouch button instead of a "context sensitive hug cover" button?
>The worse game in the series died so somehow wall bouncing killed the others even though they're popular
Amazing logic right there.
Because that's what makes gears gears and has done since 1. Why change what people like?
Why do people like this then? It looks retarded.
If you don't use bear flag in gears you're cringe
this looks terrible
Cute Kujo
Because it's fun and requires skill and timing. Versus mundane third person cover shooting.
all games after 3 have had significantly lower concurrent players shortly after launch
probably why they have crossplay with PC now
Tfw i refuse to pick up the gnasher and still fuck kids and spics with the lancer/retro lancer to this day
How would you know? 4/5 don't have player counts.
>probably why they have crossplay with PC now
Or because there's no reason not to have crossplay? Fortnite has it, fuck Call of Duty is even getting it, or do you think they struggle with a player base?
Maybe you're just retarded, I don't do it and I still have fun, and if you have good aim you can kill the people doing it.
Steam version or gamepass?
because I played gears 4 months after its launch and was matching the same guys almost every match
Gears has always been a small, niche community but its noticeably smaller now
looks like a video that is mocking the "stick to wall/cover" mechanic of console shooters, lel
>Seething Xcuck
Gears has always played like this which is why I never understood why it got a bad rap for being a cover shooter
sjw tranny faggot who cant aim
These cunts need to fix there servers. Can't gain any xp because their shit is broke.
I liked Gears 2 a lot for horde but never actually messed with the pvp modes. Is this what its all about? Because it just looks like a clusterfuck of people spamming otherwise decent mechanics. Roughly about as dumb as the roll spam in RDR
Because no one exists that can write
>all this retarded biology for story
This series went downhill fast.
>Gears 5 is the slowest Gears game since 2.
nonoononNONONONONONO please don't tell me this
That was what ruined 2 please tell me this isn't actually true