Should Nero get a dodge button?
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No resetera, he doesn't
He can already dodge by side rolling, jumping or with the shuffle move. He could certainly make use of it, but he doesn't really need it.
No, also he has Gerbera.
For a real quition now, should Nero get a gaurd/block button?
Nah, thats Dantes.
He fights unga bunga style, he should "guard" by parrying
for what reason? style or functionaly
......Dante could also dodge, block, parry and summon swords, doesn't mean no other character should have that.
And Nero's block could be different from Dante's. Maybe make that hold work like a human shield, rather than just holding an enemy.
Devil Bringer counter grabs already serve that purpose
Thought Gerbera also did that for it's neutral?
That's parrying not blocking.
Then I suppose they could expand that into a full Breaker.
Nero sort of has a block via the Hold command but it's context specific.
Having a full breaker based on blocking and parrying could be neat.
With Gerbera just gaining GPO1's up dash instead as it's neutral.
Assuming the don't revamp the whole system next game.
They could get rid of wire snatch (now that he has his original back) and evolve the breakers to have lock on and directional inputs like styles.
I hate that stupid flip Nero does in 5.
>Snatch won't be lock-on circle
Man, that'll fuck me up.
As for the breakers, I was thinking of how they could make them easily accessible while still having them break, maybe make them drop from enemies rather than be scattered around the map? I'm not sure yet myself, but I feel like there is an answer here somewhere.
>showdown uses breaker button instead of DB
What's wrong with it? It looks cool. And the flashy teleport dodge could stay with Vergil instead, since it fits him more.
>mfw used DT the first time in the middle of the buster so didn't get the animation
This. He already has 3 dodge buttons, which all give him iframes.
Pretend the OP gif was replaced with Nero's table hopper in 5. Which looks cooler?
Both are just as cool to me. I don't see a problem.
I would argue the 5.
In 5, single table hopper is the ultimate "form over function" evade move. The offensive utility is still there but it's bundled into the second and third dashes which makes functionally different parts of the move visually different too.
I prefer seeing three consecutive dashes than a flip+2 dashes.
We need to get jyb saying fornicate thou and mod that in
a bit off topic, but this is the more active dmc thread so I'll just ask here
I'm playing on DMD now, have finished the first two and for some reason there is no combat music, even on SSS, is this just a bug or is there any other reason?
Sounds like a bug to me.
first two missions*
alright, thanks
Have you checked the sounds on the options?
The trips of truth
Devil Trigger theme start playing on the second mission
Prologue and Mission 1 have different tracks
They should've given Nero DT explosion.
I love this game
could you always royal guard the vortex attack?
Yeah, same with Urizen's "get the fuck off me" explosion I think
I never changed the sound options, they're all on default
now on mission 2 there sometimes is devil trigger faintly in the background when I'm on S to SSS as if I was on C
kek. *rolls*
God I love Nero’s unga fighting style
How does that work?
DMC doesn't need a dodge button, default rolling and jumping is littered with iframes and enemies aren't aggressive enough to warrant it. Even if they were people severely underestimate how easy it is to abuse iframes of jump/roll in DMC.
Some lesser know trivia. In DMC4, Nero has an unused forward rolling animation.
Time the first guard and keep mashing, I guess.
How does that look? And do you think it would be useful?
What enemies would you want to see return in a hypothetical DMC6? For the record we have
>Sargasso, Blade and Phantom in 2
>Frost and not-blade in 4
>Scissors, Nobody, Shadow, not-flambats, not-goatclan, not-hell pride and not-drekavac in 5
So what will get in next time? I'd like to sed faust and mephisto back. The mancers and golem from 2 too.
Agni and Rudra and they're super chatty this time
>How does that look?
It's just an ordinary forward roll animation. I'd have to reinstall 3dsmax to show it off and that's honestly a pain in the behind.
Just think how you're able to dash forward during table hopper. They probably toyed around with the idea of additional roll directions and it would've probably worked like in bayonetta.
How would you feel about different kinds of Exceed?
He can already jump
Define "different kinds". I honestly can't imagine what other kinds of Exceed there could be
Different elements, like electricity and magic that change how your moves work
Chess pieces and those shitty angels from DMC3. The latter suck in 3 but I reckon they could get them right with 6. Chess pieces ruled and a return might mean they get some kind of overhaul.
As for bosses I think Echidna would be nice to see again, I liked fighting her.
What the fuck is wrong with those people?
You have to imagine being in their shoes. Playing Nero without knowing how to Exeed and change up your moveset aside from using Combo A and Streak over and over HAS to be boring.
At least with Dante it gives them the illusion they can do something with styles and weapon swapping
I think it would be better to expand on the currently existing stuff, such as giving other moves different levels of Exceed, which would be similar to how EX-Streak and EX-High Roller work
Sounds like it could be fun they have you switch between elements on the d pad like with style switching
What button would DT be mapped to though?
If they cut devil breakers they can just put it on the break button I guess but they might decide to keep them
>Savage Golem from 2
Decapitation would be a fun thing to see in DMC again
>Basilisk from 4
A god enemy would be fun
>Angelos that are a mix of 5 and 4
That doesn't need much explaining
>the Abyss from 3
I like his generic design
>Blood Goyles from 3
More blood in the game would be cool
>a horsemen enemy that was scraped out of 4 and 5
That's all really.
That one guy is right about the artstyle though. I wish it was more anime, if you know what I mean.
to be fair when dmc5 came out I've seen people on Yea Forums complain about a lack of a dodge button too.
I really identify with Nero's unga attitude in general
Which one do you mean exactly?
>low poly graphics with minimal details
>final fantasy tier anime
>anime designs and aesthetic while still using the RE engine
Bring back Bolverk
Give him another chance
>is a co-op boss for Dante and Vergil like the angelos in mission 7
>when you beat him Dante gets his spear and Vergil gets claws based on his wolves
This I like. And it would make sense to be a co-op boss fight too.
what music do you boys listen to while practicing in the void?
are you the type of person to listen to the ingame ost or do you have your own music in the background
Vergil should get some new shit if everyone else did and they had time to work on new playstyle.
They have to put something on the D-pad for him
Vergil Styles
At this point I honestly think DMC6 should lock the player in a tutorial that forces them to use jump a few times to iframe through damage, maybe use a starter enemy throwing a projectile or a basic melee swing. Hell, do it slow motion like the viewtiful joe tutorial, with a 5/5 completion to be able to move on.
People just cannot adjust to it unless they are forced, I knew one psn friend who was trying to lock on roll through everything all the way until mission 17.
The sad thing is that people don't realize that jump as the primary dodge is deliberate design, forcing you into the air...which is really where you want to be once you actually get better with the game.
dedicated sheath button
Nero should get some equivalent to quadruple S like Dante. I was thinking that once you hit SSS with Nero, a tighter window opens up for Devil Knuckles that when timed correctly, unleashes a single summoned blade from his wing arms. Basically, it would be a Just Devil Knuckle equivalent to a MAX-act.
What would the forth one be
something like Gunslinger but for summoned swords would be nice
d-pad would for doppelganger like DmC did.
Left trigger will be for sheathing Yamato, since he doesnt need to have two button that do the same shit, and it could work like an exceed function to show how Vergil is similar to Dante and Nero.
he would have a normal DT and SDT like Dante but he could get in and out of it easily. though it doesnt last as long.
And the motivation meter will obviously stay.
Shit idea.
Shit like this is why I can't get back into DMC. Once you figure out a few frame timings and exploit the overly lenient hitboxes nothing is actually dangerous.
Dual Wielding Sword mode
A mode where he gets rebellion called Dark Knight Style like a reverse DMC4
Electricity, wind, light.
>Motivation mode
A powerhouse Sword Master-Royalguard style where his weapons get Nelo Angelo-inspired moves and effects and his DT looks that way.
DMC4 did exactly what you're describing
in neither of those webms did they just immediately obliterate the enemy so i dont understand your issue
Oh shit that sounds rad
Lightning, fire, ice, and wind
Light seems like a weird element to have on Red Queen. And how will this give Nero more variety? They're just elements. I can't see them change Nero's fighting style much and if they do, they'll have to have each element with it's own properties, like speed, strength, and distance, which would fuck with the basic fire element.
Vergil should not have million stab type moves. 3 Vergil>4 Vergil any day.
Why not?
Not that guy, but blind stabbing and flailing hardly matches his fighting style.
Lightning could be based on thrust attacks like payline and double down. Wind could be based on wide attacks like combo C and streak. Fire could be more based on ground hitting attacks like split, hard way and combo B. Each would have its own moveset emphasizing different aspects of swordplay.
>Enemy does some insane attack.
>Oh it did nothing.
>Now what?
>Guess Vergil might waste some time flying around like a jet before I just parry/block him again.
His just slashing really fast...
It's not that different from him doing a judgment cut. And he has a stinger in both 3 and 4.
>Light seems like a weird element to have on Red Queen.
Wasn't it crafted by a literal Holy Order?
Yeah, but that'll just separate what was once simply just there and easier to execute. It's complicating what doesn't need to be complicated.
So? That doesn't mean they harnessed light. And what would that element add to the RQ that the ones I listed can't?
idk i dont see it the same way
besides, the game isnt exactly supposed to be about difficulty. more like about having fun and being stylish. and on top of that you dont HAVE to play that way, if theres anything that DMC has going for it is that you have a shitload of freedom in how you play the game
But it would also give more space for expansion. Red Queen is already pretty complex, so you either subdivide it or get a new weapon.
This, wields the Yamato with both hands instead of one, swings get more powerful
Is it really worth it rebinding Nero's blue rose to a trigger? Feels so weird having to hold it down at all times
You're not going to be using charge shot otherwise.
>But it would also give more space for expansion
I don't see it, RQ will still do the same swings but now you have to claw for them. I guess you can add "more" moves that way, but all they'll be is more sword swings with different particle effects. That could've been made directional inputs or more pause combos.
>Red Queen is already pretty complex
It really isn't, it's the most all rounded and simple to use sword in the series.
>so you either subdivide it or get a new weapon.
Subdividing it would be a dumb idea, I was thinking myself in how these elements would work, and came to the idea of having fire deal more damage, lightning increasing the speed, ice giving stun, and wind giving distance. But than I realized, you can do all of these things with the normal fire Exceed so why separate them when they were all just one and perfect?
Nero could get a second weapon when he DT, and a third when he has no Breakers equipped.
press jump while walking sideways in lock on. Also, jumping has an iframe.
Jesus fucking christ, this level of casual should be illegal
Why does 4 have much better animations and effects than 5 if 5 is "finished"
>It really isn't
It's the most complex single button moveset in the series. It's as deep and all-purpose as they can make it.
>Nero could get a second weapon when he DT
My idea was changing the bread-and-butter combos Nero can do. Doing the same Red Queen combos gets repetitive and breakers are deep enough to be a good substitute for weapons.
>And what would that element add to the RQ that the ones I listed can't?
i'd rather have 5's animations and effects over dmc4's shitty anime proportions any day
That's cute, but fairy dust isn't part of Nero's style. Maybe the next summoner could have both light and dark summons.
>Dance Macabre-type combo where Vergil swings like the basic sword combo in DMC1.
>Can be mixed up with the same three variations depending on timing.
>Each strike powers up Yamato, slightly altering its appearance, until the final strike transforms it into the huge sword Nelo Angelo used.
>In DT the entire combo uses the huge sword from start to finish and has super armor.
can't wait to hear vergil's theme before tgs!!
its not gonna happen chief
the schedule was announced already
>My idea was changing the bread-and-butter combos Nero can do.
Sure, why not. Let's say all of the basic fire exceed moves stayed unchanged, and Nero got more moves with the different types of exceed which also functioned as different fighting styles. I wouldn't be against it. But in the end it all is up to whoever is in charge of DMC to decide, and we can't do anything about it but talk.
big yikes
It does work like a human shield. That's its entire purpose.
>The overall aesthetic and levels were beyond bland
No it's pretty good. Could use more missions like 2 and 7 though.
>story falls off a cliff in the latter half of the game
How so? Nero shouldn't have gotten his hand back and the dialogue is a step down from 3 and 4, but that's about it.
> 4 has been jettisoned away for no real discernible reason
It's back on PC, the platform those who care about that stuff. Also the reason is to reduce skill floor. Still, no excuse for the lack of a hardcore mode I guess.
Yeah but it looks and feels like shit, I'm suggesting to change it to feel more like a proper shield
Wouldn't that mean optimal Nero would have to hold down like 3 buttons (charge Shot, Breaker breakage, DT explosion) while rythmically tapping two (Bringer Knuckle, Exceed?
Needs to be completed with Nightmare showing up.
woah, just found out you can tie with vergil at the post credits
You look and feel like shit.
I figured that was what was supposed to happen because that's all I've gotten
nah you can lose tie or win apparently
not that user, but i like the realistic look. i love CG anime and the Eurasian Nomura style, but the DMC cheesy style looks pretty cool.
We need more character creation games that lets you go full on anime like this
There's dialogue for winning,tie and losing to vergil
You guys think Dante will become a smash dlc character with capcom slowly building up hype by releasing all games in the series seperately? I personally think be has a pretty good chance especially with them having stated that they're working on even more dlc characters
Perhaps gain some influence from Urizen's moves as well?
He did a lot of stuff with Yamato that he should probably still be able to do.
For example the massive blade thing could be his sword getting encased in crystals like it did as Urizen's Barrier wand.
Urizen in retrospect was some weird brawler/mage hybrid.
yea i've experienced only losing and winning though so i thought it was neat that you can tie with him
i highly doubt it
besides even if it does happen i dont want it because i dont want smash fags making these threads even worse than they already are
how much do you get paid to do this? like a few cents every week?
>smash tism in these threads
the horror
i do as well
Things can't get too much worse than they already are to be honest
>how much do you get paid to do this? like a few cents every week?
What do vergil/dante say at that part? I'm surprised I never triggered it.
This how I pretty much feel as well.
The first time I beat the mission I had a tie with Vergil, thinking how symbolic it is for them to be tied yet again. Only later found out there are multiple outcomes of the battle. Pretty rad
Your intelligence and standards are too high for a game like this. Tetris is probably more up your alley.
If it's anything worse than the tard spamming dante wojaks...
>shoot something once with guns
>instant SSS from B
lmao 5tards on suicide watch
I used to think there was no chance of him being in that damn game, but now with the release of ports, I am fearful.
Don't you ever say that, it can always get worse. You're underestimating the smash fans.
I think it's "You can't always have it your way" not 100 percent sure.
>Fucking idiot doesn't even know what's happening in the webm
So after experimenting with Rawhide on the void I finally understand how its wire snatch is different: it can make heavy enemies, even Behemoths, be pulled towards Nero if they're stunned, but NOT if they're on the ground or on the air.
Frankly I don't know why this isn't a normal snatch ability. It's so situational it's barely noticeable.
>smash fans on any given day
>every single thought they have they need to make a new thread for it
>30 plus smash threads hidden
Imagine not knowing what Royal Guard is... No, wait, let me rephrase that: Imagine not having Royal Guard in your DMC game.
imagine pressing 1 button and going from C to SSS
What's stopping them from making it a surprise announcement?
That's multiple presses.
Yeah, I remember doing that in DmC. That axe was fucking retarded.
Is it time to finally RISE UP?
Looks like the DmC shitposter woke up.
>he doesn't know
When you have worse effects than a rushed game
let the good times roll
It's only a half
It doesn't.
DMC5 has an incredible amount of polish and flourish to its animations. So many cool little details.
Because it's not constrained by a realistic art style.
I love DMC5 plenty, but I miss the DMC4 art style.