Holy fucking shit this game is awful

holy fucking shit this game is awful
and people say EtD is the worst one

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People always forget the obscure GBA games.

Nigger that game may not be great but it's sure as fuck better than Enter the Dragonfly

I remember enjoying both this and the crash one

>he thinks there are any good GBA Crash games
>he think there are any good GBA Spyro games

Why is it bad?

Season of Ice and Flame are better than Spyro 2 and 3

Ntranced and huge adventure were decent

I had both and I honestly seem to remember the Crash one being better. My favourite game was the Breakout clone.

It was pretty weird that a crossover of two Playstation 1 icons happened on a Nintendo handheld console (and was a minigame compilation), but whatever.

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Crash Purple>Spyro Orange

God what the fuck where they thinking

Pretty much all of the GBA spyro games are awful. Season of Ice/Flame/Attack of the Rhynocs are kinda sorta playable, but everything else is garbage.

Now you know our pain. The pain of post Insomniac/Post ND.

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While I've got you all, does anyone remember this little gem?

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2 and 3 are bad attempts at aping Rareware games. 1 was the best one by far and Season of Ice and Fire are decent isometric games.

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because tranny shilling and politics

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I was about to say. I enjoyed season of ice and flame as well.

the ds one is worse, and they ask why they reboot the series after so many shit games

Not one Gameboy Spyro game is good. Navigating through levels in Season of Ice and Fire is a total mess.

Were those "Legend of Spyro" games any good?


I played them as a kid and back then thought they were ok minus the mediocre story. As an adult I think theyre horrid. Copies God of War and they made Spyro ugly as sin. Wasn't until Skylanders they made him much uglier.

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No. The first one was hot garbage, the second one wasn't much better, and the 3rd is only decent. Still just crappy ripoffs of God of War, gameplay-wise.

>Season of Ice and Fire are decent isometric games.


Even as a Spyro-obsessed 10 year old, I hated those games. You couldn't see more than 5 feet ahead of you and that just severely hampered the gameplay. Plus, often times you couldn't tell if a platform was above or below you and you'd end up jumping to your death because the graphics were so shit.

They did their best for the hardware, trying to take a huge open-world platformer and put it on a handheld, but the first 3 spyro GBA games are not "decent" in the slightest, they're garbage and haven't aged well at all.