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Left or right?

Left for me

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How can SMTfags ever compete? All their women look like zombies

Mitsuru looks like she has testicles. Disgusting.

They got you good user. I'm sorry.

>All their women look like zombies

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I love Fuuka!

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it's not fair that both best girls in the series are on the same game, they should have left one of them for p5 since there aren't any good ones on it

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Pale and skinny as fuck with a man face, you're just proving my point

Not helping your case, she is worst girl, Toki is not far behind her.

SMT blows persona out of the water.

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For example.

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Can’t wait for the persona 3 remake for PC so U can remodel Aigis

And also her.

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Literal necrophilia. Get help

And pretty much everyone from both devil survivors.

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The one with the flesh pussy and tits

Left or bust

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toki >>> all persona girls >>> all other smt girls

This franchise will always be shit until a switch port happens

I love Anne.

why is the image so small?


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>Persona 3
>Junpei intentionally drags you and friends into the hot springs so that the time will pass over to the girls' time and he can sneak a peek while they leave
>You have to sneak to avoid getting frozen to death by Mitsuru
>Persona 4
>You and friends decide to hop into the hot springs during the guys' time, but then Chie and Yukiko kick you out for walking in on them
>When it was the guys' time and they weren't supposed to be in there
>Persona 5
>Ann jumps into Joker's room to bunk because she got locked out of hers
>When Ryuji protests that a girl is sleeping in their room, she says it's not a problem because she understandably trusts them that nothing will happen, since they put their lives on the line for each other repeatedly
>Indeed, nothing happens

you wouldn't marry a robot would you?

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Right is soft, warm and wet
Left is cold, hard and dry

So you're sating left is way better, right?

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Dont you guys feel alienated when a charachter is so blatantly made to be your waifu?
>14 year old loli
>hime cut, pale with red eyes
>Cold and proffesional until "Master!" comes up
>Even after Inanna is defeated she is obviously still attracted to you, despite knowing Nanashi for less than a week
Normally hime cut pale charachters and irl women are my favorite, but Toki is so blatant that she just puts me off

Too much ass.

>not Bleached version

I've noticed this thread is for men of culture.

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user those games are set in the p1-p2 universe
It's persona

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oh fuck oh fuck
oh fuck yeah fuck yeah fuck


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I want to do things to that robutt

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Such as?

>Right is soft, warm and wet

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cümbrain trannies.

should I play Persona 3 or just watch the anime?

You know the that meme word was started from a tranny discord raid, right?

Play it. The anime changes characterization and makes it an Aigisfest 24/7, removing other characters' significance.

Play the game, anime skips a bunch of shit becuase well it's not long enough. The movie does heavily favor the robutt through.
Fuuka get's her time to shine, so does Aki, Shinji and Ken

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Low IQ cumskull autogynophiles

Upgrade her into a bimbobot

Find a flaw

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Not a cute robutt

Boobs could be slightly bigger.

I think I'm most interested in Persona for the robutt so I should watch the movie?

Tends to keep secrets from her friends instead of fully trusting them.

Trust is a funny thing...

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I thought this was a pic of lewd dualshock 4s


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It's a rare resource

I wouldn't marry anything I couldn't fist