Pizza game came out!
What do think?
Pizza game came out!
It's shit
Flag him
while the trailers makes it look funny , its still a VN , they said it themselves, no gameplay
>another lazy "ironic" visual novel
Fuck off.
That's mean it's not a Vidya.
Yeah, it's a visual novel.
How this game will go down
>after release it will get exactly the DDLC audience
>hundreds of memes about the game top subreddits daily
>/vg/ gets Pizza Game General #2648
>lgbtqucks dogpile on its characters for zero reason
>any discussion past forced memes, inside jokes, and statements repeated a million times is impossible
>any unironic reviews get ignored because they see the game as an unfunny shitshow, angering the redditors who bought it "ironically"
>will have a doge reference in it
this game looks to be "ironic shitposting is still shitposting" the game
I'd rather Pizza Tower
>any discussion past forced memes, inside jokes, and statements repeated a million times is impossible
But DDLC actually had stuff to discuss and talk about, this game seems like It's nothing but unfunny jokes and LOL SO QUIRKY AND RANDOM XD elements
Does this have anything to do with Pizza Gate?
such as?
No offense, but delving deeper into whatever DDLC has seems impossible with its fanbase that only skims the surface of "cute self-aware anime girls"
Such as your experiences while playing through the game, your reactions to the sudden shift of the game and your thoughts about the characters in it. The game files had some secrets as well if I remember correctly. Now I'm not at all saying DDLC was full of rich content that deserved its own general threads nor am I saying It's not overrated but compared to this unfunny joke of a game it could generate some discussion. What could be there to discuss about this shitfest of a joke game besides spouting unfunny memes?
It's bound to leave stuff intentionally vague for game theories
how much do you want to debt it has some LE SUPER DEEP LORE at the ending.
i fucking hate this whole "haha funny wacky weeby visual novel xd" because most nuweebs that like shit like this ( and DDLC, hatoful boyfriend) are just trying to hard to seem like hardcore weebs because visual novels are always portrayed as the most weeb piece of media someone can sonsume, yet these faggots don't know shit about vns and havent probably read even katawa shoujo, it's just that being a weeb is unironically a trend now, i hate modern jojo fanbase, i fucking hate how the standards of "anime culture" have been in the last years, fucking nuweebs man
Almost every single thing in life will start going to shit after It becomes popular enough.
What did (((they))) mean by thid
>jojokes are now only people spamming shit memes from twitter
>half the people don't actually care about the show
fuck modern jojo fans, man....
>telling people to vote is bad
Nothing. It's just LOL PIZZA LE FUNNY
yeah this
that is funy
Hey Hatoful Boyfriend preceeds nuweebs and has great writing and story
Jesus christ, I thought awful Tumblr humor like this died in 2013. I can't wipe this look of pure disgust off my face.
I was under the impression that hatoful boyfriend was a legitimate visual novel, but it basically came about from a pun in japanese, like pidgeon and hateful or something.