there will be a day when all the "iconic" video game creators will all be dead and mario and zelda will never be the same again. it'll be like when 343 took over and halo 4 felt like a fan made halo mod
There will be a day when all the "iconic" video game creators will all be dead and mario and zelda will never be the...
Yes user. Everyone dies. Even you.
It's already incredibly different.
I've never died so far, so I have no reason to believe that I ever will.
Good point.
Miyamoto is a hack I can't wait until he's dead
>thinks games should only be made for children
>got pissed off when someone snuck in the Rosalina story book in Mario Galaxy
>ruined Paper Mario with awful gimmicks
>insisted Star Fox Zero have motion controls
can't wait til this fag and sakurai die. I wish they were dead now.
Nintendo teach new developers in house. New Mario 2 was made by those students. Mario Maker was created as a tool for them. They will be fine.
Nintendo has good developers already even if they aren't as famous. Miyamoto's recent involvement has generally been rather weak too (like pushing Paper Mario's revamp to an art designer or Star Fox Zero in general)
This is the real Myamoto, I wonder how much about his decision making that was unfavorable that we don't know about still.
>Nothing but lame excuses for why we can't have a new F-Zero.
I respect his historical value to video games, but this is what pops into my mind when I think about him.
We just need to keep our eyes open for newest up and coming talent.
Like Alec Holowka
the last time miyamoto was a god was with metroid prime
Miyamoto hasn't been doing anything worth of note lately. Koizumi handled Odyssey pretty well and Aonuma never really needed any help with Zelda, now take a look at Star Fox Zero and see how well Miyamoto's ideas panned out.
Miyamoto has't been actively contributing to development for years now. The last game he was actually in charge was StarFox Zero.
Nintendo already replaced him with Koizumi as the 'master game designer' guy and I'm sure there are plenty other talented developers within Nintendo that the public doesn't know about yet.
>it'll be like when 343 took over
fucking pep guardiola
I'm pretty sure he had zero involvement with that.
>Tfw nobody can replace Kojima
he did, the visor mechanic came from his suggestion
>wanders up and down the halls of HQ all day.
>occasionally peeks into a doorway to a dev room and seeing a game he didn't know that was greenlit, using characters he made 30 years ago.
>quietly returns to wandering halls unnoticed.
Nintendo at least has good young blood that they're training, but yeah I'd like to see someone try and fill Sakurai's shoes and make a Smash without him. Some people can't be replaced
brawl, 4, and ultishit are so fucking garbage that he deserves to be murdered.
br*wl shows sakurai can be replaced, the garbage mechanics from br*wl still linger in ultimate
Take a shower
Retarded shit. He has made greater contributions to the industry than "hurr rosalian sob story in a fucking mario game" ever will be. And Paper Mario was already ruined with shitty gimmicks with SPM.
Literally his only fault is Zero sucking, and even then it's been said by Iwata himself that he asked miyamoto to make the game use the tablet as muc has possible.
mario galaxy is better than miyamoto's mario games
>And Paper Mario was already ruined with shitty gimmicks with SPM.
which was going to be rectified until miyamoto opened his mouth
reach double digits
Nintendo would honestly be way better without Miyamoto, Aonuma, and Sakamoto.
More like Smelle!
Galaxy is good because of everything about it that isn't the retarded sob-story for the shitty space-Peach. It's the reason Galaxy 2, which completley ignored the cringy """lore""" and focused on gameplay mechanics is superior to Galaxy 1. And by the way, that was a decision pushed by Miyamoto himself, who rightfully realized that it's brain dead and autistic to put shit like that in a game of Mario's format.
And Miyamoto simply asked them to not just do a carbon copy of the Gamecube game, and frankly he was fucking right, because the Mario and Luigi Series has been doing "the same game as before but with fancier graphics" for years now and everyone is already sick of that shit.
gets too much flack, he had the least involvement in SS and it turned to shit. Miyamoto is replaced by koizuma. Sakamoto's metroid sucks, but his other stuff is cool
>there will be a day
and that day is only a few years away since most of these people are already pretty old. They'll either die or retire within the next 5-10 years.
>he had the least involvement in SS
I really doubt Fujibayashi was the one who said "let's shove motion controls into every aspect of the game's design", that was either Aonuma or Miyamoto. They had already pulled the same shit with Phantom Hourglass and the DS touch controls.
The next generation of Japanese videogame devs seem to be in pretty good hands if you ask me. Lots of incredible talent and motivated young folks.
Now the next generation of top class animators though? Well. Let's hope the anime industry the best.
Well. F-Zero got blown the fuck out in the arcades. I always assumed that had a lot to do with their reluctance to bring it back.
>Now the next generation of top class animators though?
Death Stranding has the best animation in the industry. MHW is pretty impressive too.
I was referring to the anime industry if that wasn't clear. Which is not quite the same.
Anime will go full CG in the next 10 years unless someone finds a cheaper and faster way to make 'hand drawn' animation. 2D anime will become an exception. Only a couple of studios these actually do good animation and one of them wastes their talent on the same slice of life shit in hopes they nab the next Haruhi or Lucky Star. Hibike is pretty good though
>Miyamoto's recent involvement has generally been rather weak too (like pushing Paper Mario's revamp to an art designer).
I'd say that was a good call, that art designer had left the series after Paper Mario 64. The art of Paper Mario was legitimately was turning into a garish, gradient filled mess until he returned.
In Color Splash case there isn't even a 1st party Switch game that looks better than it. It has more visual polish than even 3D Mario.
Something akin to Gilty Gear's animations would be cool, but I heard there's a lot of trickery involved to pull it off, so much so that making a show using those techniques would defeat the purpose as it's really time consuming and not cheap.
And adventures happening besides he messing with skyward sword in the back on his collegues.
This guy is a idiot and his design philosophy is outdated. Super Mario was great 20 years ago, but the age of gimmicky 2d plataformers is over and the design methods of that time should only exist in the niche of indie 2d games.
It was obviously Miyamoto.
>got pissed off when someone snuck in the Rosalina story book in Mario Galaxy
No he didn't, he got angry when they were tryng to turn it into a cringefest.
>the only thing worth a shit that Miyamoto has contributed to any recent Mario game was suggesting a dash button in Paper Jam
>BotW and Odyssey teams did just fine
And nothing of value was lost.
Man, I really wish Color Splash didn't have those shitty white outlines on characters.
I think the trouble with F-Zero is, they tried to turn it into a super hero franchise targeted at Japanese school children, and that has failed, massively.
The TV show was fucking awesome, and the games were decent, but they never tried to push them in the West.
Since Japan showed them the cold shoulder, they have given up.
That is absolutely also true.
Seriously though. While I would absolutely LOVE it, even if they made a game practically identical to what they have already done, I can't deny that I kind of understand how they're hesitant to bring it back considering their last attempt for all good that it did, still failed massively in multiple venues. The idea that F-Zero needs something really isn't as ridiculous of a claim as many claim even though we may not feel like it's needed.
Nintendo will go through a new golden age once the senior producers like Miyamoto/Anomua/Sakamoto/etc finally fuck off and can no longer drag down projects with their autism.
Koizumi, user, he is called Koizumi.
Yeah, Mr. Majora is probably a safe bet for the future.
Where will you be when Zoe Quinn is recognized as the most acclaimed and talented game dev in the industry East and West?
Miyamoto refuses to make another F-Zero because he can’t think of a fucking idea
Seeing him desperately defend Star Fox Zero's shit design choices was kind of sad.
>I think a child with absolutely zero knowledge of the Star Fox series would find this game fun
You know how you could save Star Fox Zero? By making it an extravagant arcade game.
It would probably be super rad instead of super awkward and uncomfortable.