I can't fucking believe how many people say Legion was good

I can't fucking believe how many people say Legion was good.

BfA is absolute garbage, even worse than Legion, it's true. That doesn't make Legion any better.

The problem with WoW nowadays isn't something that can be changed from one expansion to the other. It's a fundamental design problem. It's a game focused on raiding (with a dash of dungeons).

It's extremely frustrating. It could've been such a good game, and instead everybody got a huge boner for raiding and gearing up and it became a soulless raidfest.

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All of WoW is shit.

yes, raiding based endgames are bad, but its all 95% of the mmo population even knows, they think its a core feature of the genre

legion had a lot stuff, none of it was very good but it's something

It will never be truly fixed until WoW is dead

suramar is kino, thus legion is good

>BfA is worse than Legion
>that doesn't make Legion better

Anyway, sure, Legion wasn't fantastic, but it was better than BfA, WoD, MoP, and Cata. It showed that a turnaround probably couldn't happen, but that there was hope that WoW could survive for a little while longer. BfA, of course, quashed all of that hope.

legion was shit, there's no denying it
however, the last three expansions were so much worse that it looks amazing by comparison
there was some small hope that they could turn it around

>legion was shit, there's no denying it
Legion was shit at the start, but by the time tomb came around, all the changes made the game good. Every class had flavor and artifact weapons added interesting gameplay. Also the raids were good near the end.

I can't believe that it made 10M sub at one point.
Why? Only because Illidan was on the cover?

I'll always be mad about Ashbringer being handed out to every ret pally in existence, and later banked or (more likely) thrown out to be replaced by a green in bfa. Remember when equipping the Corrupted Ashbringer made you friendly to the Scarlet Crusade, and the mobs would kneel before you, leading to a long interactive lore event?

Good. The Ashbringer is a shit looking sword with a shit lore.

No one's going to fall for that.

Agreed, WOTLK was the beginning of the end

Anything past WotLK is trash. WotLK is casual-tier. BC was the beginning of the end.

Only vanilla was truly good.

Holy shit you were actually serious with made in china looking sword (shit looks like the emblem of some local fastfood)

>BC was the beginning of the end.
proves you have no idea what you're talking about

Flying mounts. Arenas.

>not coming home

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diablo3 style only held up for one expac, people want more buttons to press not more passive procs

Flying mounts were restricted to zones that were designed around them. Arenas are fantastic, especially BC-era arenas.
Good job being retarded

BC baby detected.

Legion was fun if you got your bis legendary right away

Nah started in vanilla, anything else wrong you'd like to say?

>Flying mounts were restricted to zones that were designed around them.
Flying was in every Outland zone

As someone who has played this garbage game for the last 14 years here is my educated opinion on wow expansion

>Pandaria (best pvp has ever been, fuck pandas though)

Legion was a very good expansion and i probably would have said it was better than wrath if it wasn't for Artifact power.
And yes i put vanilla that low. It was a very good game especially for its time but when compared to later releases it just isnt AS good

MoP was peak form for WoW and you know it.

Arenas caused Blizzard to focus on retarded PvP balance around teams of 2-3, so no, you were wrong.

it really wasn't better than WoD or MoP. the only thing legion had going for it was they managed to churn out patches at a regular pace by giving up on all class balancing.
Legendaries were a shitshow for 99% of the expansion and titanforging was the biggest mistake since cross-realm group finder. The story fucking sucked if you weren't alliance, since legion was literally "watch alliance heroes save the world" the expansion, meanwhile Horde was left with 2 races not even having racial leaders and a warchief who was absent from the entire story after getting thwarted by a mook doggo.

Anything else incredibly obvious you would like to say?

All of the Outland zones were designed around flying.

>Arenas caused Blizzard to focus on retarded PvP balance around teams of 2-3, so no, you were wrong.
No it didn't, blizzard decided to do that all on their own.

Yes the sky is also blue, and water is wet.
Good job retard.

>blizzard decided to do that all on their own.
Now you're just being a retarded troll. Holy fuck, I wish I could just fuck your mother in the ass.

>initial reaction to MoP was repulsion and “fuck pandas”
>turns out it was the dying breath of WoW and one of the only, if not only good expansion after WoTLK


not him but your post is confusing because they were actual zones designed around the playing having flying like the elemental plateau, netherstorm, Sha'tari Skyguard etc.

All the expansions generally start shit and after a while becomes decent. Legion was shit until 7.1.5 but that was also just it being shit for about 5 months.
BFA was shit until 8.2 and even then it's at most mediocre at this point. 8.3 might be a decent patch once Blizzard gets to it but at this rate that won't be out until next Spring. And because they removed tier sets all the classes have played for about 95% the same as from the beginning on the expansion.

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I liked legion, I didn't care for the legendary bullshit or the AP grind. The Raids I did were fun, M+ was a blast, and world quests are better than dailies.

Music and art direction were good and the classes I played had a fun rotation. I enjoyed what they did with discipline priests.

I actually like the lore in WoW and thought legion had this great story of overcoming evil. I wish they did a world revamp to show the full extent of the invasion. Each zone should have had the quest chains interrupted or completely replaced to deal with the demons. It felt like only a couple random ass islands had to deal with the demonic invasion despite the implication it was the whole world.

BFA however has been pretty bad over all. The war between the two factions should have been started by misunderstandings spawned by intense paranoia from lingering demonic influences from the invasion. There should have been more cold war like build up before some dumb elf burns down the purple elf tree and then it was actually the spoopy old god.

>I wish I could just fuck your mother in the ass.
How did you gather she was hot from that post?

aound the player*

Flying mounts could be great, if you could only take off and land in specified areas.

Toppest irony that while people were screaming "uninspired Chinese shit" and "muh kungfu panda", MoP had the best storyline and worldbuilding WoW ever had.

There's a reason that half of BfA was made into a retread of its plot. A bad one unfortunately.

Class Campaigns/Halls were kino and gave you a reason to care about your character and the Artifact Weapon system brought back the old school talent system people wanted, it was the perfect mix of old and new

I want to marry a void elf

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>like the lore in WoW and thought legion had this great story of overcoming evil.
I like the WoW lore, and i think Legions story was fucking awful. It was a giant Illidan fanfic made canon, and it reignited the faction conflict based solely on the assumption the alliance was completely retarded, while also shitting on the horde at every chance the expansion got.


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Gee, how did that night elf get to wear void elf heritage armor?

I think i would've liked artifacts more if they hadn't decided to give druids fucking fist weapons and daggers as their artifacts. I get what they were going for, but when you've been using staves and polearms for 15 years you kind of get attached to them, plus you know all your favorite transmogs you've collected in that time were staves and polearms.

>Class Campaigns/Halls were kino and gave you a reason to care about your character
Except most of them were pointless and butchered the lore even more somehow.

the assumption the *horde* was completely retarded
Sorry misspoke

>fuck pandas
>puts BC at the top
salty blood elf edgy RPer detected

I disagree

Remember when Blizzard designed zones with flying in mind?

Attached: stormpeaks.jpg (1680x1050, 1.12M)

>I actually like the lore in WoW and thought legion had this great story of overcoming evil.
Yea, overcoming evil... Never seen in WoW...
Jesus, no wonder why you love the lore.

>soulless raidfest
wow has always been a grindfest, just in different ways

One thing I don't get: a lot of the playerbase keeps harping about cookie cutter builds and homogenization, but isn't that more the community's fault than the devs?

A talent suddenly becomes "useless" when it simcrafts 5 dps less than the "optimal choice".

no user, the alliance went back to war with the horde because they thought they got "betrayed" even though literally everyone would've known that Vol'jin was mortally wounded and the horde's retreat signal was extremely public, so the alliance should've been able to react to it just as well as the horde did.
Everything the alliance did in response to the broken shore was an act of pure retardation that assumes they have no contact with the horde at all despite Anduin and Baine sharing a diary daily.

>all combat still on the ground
>only threats in the air are 2 rarespawns
yeah thats not a zone for flying., Kill yourself flycuck

>Hunter campaign
>Shandris (human cock sleeve).

legion was shit until antorus
then it became pretty good

Everything post-MoP is bad fuck you MoP wasn't terrible

>legion was a good expansion
no it wasnt.
>BFA above Draenor
you outed yourself as a shitter

But raiding is fun. Too bad all other system and activities are shit. Locals, dailys, islands, weekly caps, azerith/artefact power all that staff. They can change it, but it seems most core players are ok with it. They are addicted to wow and alwasy return for latest patch/addon if not grinding mounts or another garbage

Does every expansion get it's own fucking thread now?

>welfare legendaries
>personal farmville
>bad dungeons
>breaking trinity with immortal god tanks
>homogenized classses
>ruined talent trees
yeah youre wrong.

Nice bait or you're Peak Zoomer.

user, Yea Forums has room for 200 threads. if you want to talk about something go either find a thread or make a thread about it.
If i felt like it I could make a thread about WoW Cataclysm, or WoW WotLK right now and there's nothing you could do about it. hell i could make a thread about fucking FFXI: Treasures of Aht Uhrgan if i felt like it, but really it's weird that it would bother you so much if i did.

the point i'm trying to make is, if you want to discuss something, just fucking discuss it, don't come into other threads and bitch about what they're trying to discuss.

Expansions don't "get" threads retard, threads get replies because people are interested in the discussion. Or someone posted a roll pic.

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>mage campaign just some shit about a dreadlord nobody cares about
>monk campaign just some meme shit about beer
>shaman campaign cataclysm redux
>priests literally fail to save themselves and need to be bailed out by paladins
they were shit and youre a retard.

All of outland was you fucking retard

>druids already have a comfy druid zone.
>still get their own new comfy druid base with lore relevant class hall that ties into the first raid
they weren't all shit.

wod onwards they decided to make wow more like Diablo 3 and the game has suffered ever since.

>DK class hall you create the 4 horsemen
Pretty cool desu

>Diablo 3 is shit at launch
>devs have to do major damage control to fix it
>put the D3 director in charge of WoW

It's easy to say Legion was good considering what it followed up. Blizzard was desperate after WoD flopped.

>Emerald Dream/Nightmare retconned a couple times more to force into legion

>3 expansions of radio silence from DK
>all of a sudden he's back because PLEASE COME BACK the expansion
>DKs start being aggressively hostile
>deus ex from paladins
>everybody just kinda ignores that the DKs literally tried to kill Liadrin
really amazing storytelling there

I haven't played since Cata
can someone redpill me on monks and demon hunters? how do they play like? are they fun?

>welfare legendaries
You can stop any time now

>druid: high mobility leather hybrid
>monk: high mobility leather hybrid
>dh: high mobility leather hybrid

Demon Hunters are fun in a way that should never have been added to WoW. they have insane mobility that should break the game, but the game has gone to shit so bad it doesn't matter.
Like in WSG DH's can just double jump up the hill to the Graveyard rather than having to take either the tunnel or the ramp to get to the flag room. Their rotation is super simple and easy so it might be boring to you, but their mobility is absolutely ridiculous.

>the DKs literally tried to kill Liadrin
So they did nothing wrong?

zoom zoom zoom

Are you retarded? LFR legenedaries are the definition of welfare

Monk tanking is 500IQ since you delay damage and have mechanic breaking CC like Ring of Peace

Demon Hunter tanking is basically a high mobility DK focused on self-healing and with a passive that'll let you survive fatal damage

hey, watch it

Legion was fucking shit, games that "encourage" you to log on daily are fucking awful. One of the reasons I like Classic is that I can go on whenever and not feel pressured to do stupid daily shit.

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That started with TBC though.

>It's a game focused on raiding (with a dash of dungeons).

This is the correct focus by the developers since those things are where players are spending most of their time. Bringing a character up to max level and then doing nothing with it is a pointless exercise.

>monk tanking is 500IQ
not since chi was removed its not

>WotLK is casual-tier
Not the pvp. The pvp was at its hardest with a big amount of abilities. A single mistake could cost you the whole arena.

user you're a fucking retard holy shit

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I didn't like TBC

cope harder furfag
>a single mistake could cost you the whole arena
unless you played a DK, paladin, rogue, beastcleave or african turtle cleave

you didnt say why legion is bad, you said why the formula of a mmo is bad, everyone knows this. why is legion bad? because it is enforcing this mindset that the playerbase says they enjoy and like? you didn't back up your opinion /statement at all but this thread will still get 400+ replies


go hump a pillar

Shit flight paths
Horribly tediuos and long story instances
Rep farming

Suramar worst zone ever

>noooo me hate story want grind mobs

Well, it was coming off of WoD, the expansion where you don't do anything. I think that makes a lot of people more forgiving of its problems. Additionally, BfA is just doing the same stuff as Legion did but worse, making Legion look better in retrospect.

Yes, the original talent system is practically meaningless but it gave a nice sense of progression the new system lacks.
It's got a lot to do with the enemy/combat design and difficulty as well, since for example in vanilla/classic spending 5 points on something as mundane as the 5% to hit talent as a rogue gave very satisfying results.

Demon Hunter tanking is hillariously simple since you can run a 3 button build.

It just feels good to put in many talents while leveling. But now that leveling is just something you do to reach the "real game" they didn't bother.

Honestly the ideal would just be that normal leveling gives you something that's a hybrid of the old talent system and the artifact weapon tree. You get something every level while leveling and then at max level you unlock the talent tree we already have, or you get points in that on the side while leveling too fleshing out your abilities.

demon hunters are like braindead death knights

I heard that Battle for Undercity was supposed to have happened before Darkshore in the original plot, which makes sense - the Alliance has a strong casus belli to retake Lorderon since Gilneas feels a strong claim to it, so they attack while they think the Horde are still regrouping after the demon invasion. The Horde then take Darkshore and burn Teldrassil in retaliation, and the cycle of violence continues.

Wotlk pvp was GOAT

It was good but also really fucking unforgiving and somewhat umbalanced. Teams like UHdk/pala was retarded in 2vs2

No? The zones I specified you NEED flying to go there, unlike the other zones.

Dailies had flying combat quests in Storm Peaks and Icecrown, did you even Wrath bro?

More like retarded imbalanced

You had to farm mats for pots and run old content for resist gear to raid, dipshit

Legion wasn't good, it was fucking great.

>comfy zones
>class halls
>artifact weapon system was much better than having to reforge azershit
>amazing art design and direction
>Demon Hunter class was fun

It shit over everyone who grinded like nerds in previous expansions, but I've skipped everything since BC so whatever.

BC was the only acceptable expansion you nonce.

oh youre right, two whole quests wow!
Wait a second, but some of those were on vehicles anyway whichs means flying mounts were in no way integrated for those quests.