The game is improving quite nicely. That is why you wait before hating on early footage

The game is improving quite nicely. That is why you wait before hating on early footage

Attached: 1567686473287.png (800x850, 1.1M)

holy shit! they upgraded from 1997 level textures to 1998 level textures

They're making a new Banjo-Kazooie game? I like how they kept the graphical fidelity on par with the first two

It's pokemon. It has always looked average

Nobody over the age of 8 can possibly be looking forward to this piece of shit.

I'm gonna need more red circles,user.

I can't see a fucking difference

Top is hand held
Bottom is docked

These are still late-Gamecube/early-Wii level textures jesus fucking christ

Fixing tiny textures does not suddenly make up for slashing the Pokedex and reusing animations then lying to the playerbase about it.

When you compare this game to something like XB2, a game made for an exponentially smaller IP by a much smaller dev studio, you realize Gamefreak is a fucking joke of a developer.

Attached: 1535236081732.png (485x461, 391K)

Sure the textures got better but
>still having less pokemon than a fucking 4 gig 3DS game
>yet another new battle gimic in favor of dropping what last gen introduced for the 3rd time in a row
>still shittier animations than a wii game and n64 title
>auto saving in my JRPG

Attached: PYWOJVb.png (582x465, 340K)

Who cares. I don't care about pokemon but graphics fags are obnoxious

Oh nice, they actually turned AF on.

Pokemon fans don't care about graphics either, but Gamefreak used graphics as an excuse to cut Pokemon from the game, giving fans a reason to scrutinize everything.

>just make it darker bro our apologists will use screenshots to make us look better

game is looking great so far screw the haters

Attached: pkmncol.png (1280x720, 1.17M)

it looks the fucking same, only difference is the quality of the video

you can't capture direct handheld footage, retard

I give that water a C+

god i wish someone would make a new banjo game

glad sword and shield is going to be miles better in gameplay and graphics than this overrated garbage

I mean if spending $60 is your idea of fun that's fine user. If I ever get an itch for Pokemon again I'll just play FRLG, Emerald or Black instead of wasting my time and money on inferior games.

thanks user, i have a cold and reading such a funny joke of your elevated my mood

Still looks like shit compared to odyssey and botw.

Attached: 1.jpg (1916x1080, 689K)

Neck yourself

wow that looks AMAZING
Gamefreak has blown me away with how good this looks now. I can’t believe I doubted them. I completely regret looking down on them. They have absolutely regained my trust.

Best looking Pokemon game ever? Check.

Cutest poke girls ever? Check. :3

Epic kaiju battle dynamaxing? Check.

Yeah... I’ve preordered.

Attached: 2.jpg (1916x1080, 822K)

WOW, it went from looking like an EARLY PS2 game to a LATE PS2 game! Incredible!

Have you given all of your money as Masuda demanded, he said you need to also offer your life.

I don't say this often user but based and redpilled

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Did they add in the axed pokemon yet?

If not then fuck off Poke-Shill.

Didn't know Brazil was such a big influence that they are releasing the lastest Pokemon game in the Sega Saturn.

Why is the leader of Serebii doing this, do you feel so insecure of your petty general?

I don't care about graphics that much in a Pokemon game
I do care about cutting Pokemon in a Pokemon game
and using graphics that you are already skimping on as an excuse to cut Pokemon is a fucking lie - they are just lazy, money grubbing grifters

It that any offer? LOL
Masuda is a f*cking god. I would do anything for him after I play the greatest Pokemon game ever made in November.

Then you need to kys for him.

Anything, user?

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LOL get out of here with that bullsh*t rumor out of here. That was just a smearing lie to put this masterpiece of a game down, but this doesn’t work on me.
Also, even after Madura leaves Ohmori, Masuda’s apprentice, will continue to rock and roll.


you just know

Attached: yy.jpg (1200x848, 78K)

Looks exactly the same wtf

Personally I was already perfectly happy with the graphics in PS2 era anime-style games, e.g. Dragon Quest 8 or Suikoden 3

Gen 3 truly was the best generation. We got Sapphire/Ruby/Emerald, we got Coliseum and Gale of Darkness, and we got the first Pokemon Mystery dungeon.
I've probably missed a couple things as well.

>Gale of Darkness
That's just the subtitle of the game.
You know its real title. Say it if you call yourself a man!

Give me one good reason to keep Lando and the Genies, the Tapus, Heatran and many other legendaries and mythicals.

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>muh stantler

It's because I can't stand that shitty meme, but fine.
>Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness

Graphics are far from the only thing wrong with Pokemon these days. It's going to take a lot more to convince me to buy this.

You can tho, you just need a special capture, just like the one Digital Foundry uses

I'm not asking about your Stantler, I'm asking about why certain Pokemon shouldn't get the axe. Game Freak can't balance the game, they've tried doing that by buffing Pokemon but that hasn't worked. They want people to take competitive Pokemon seriously, but they have shown to not take it seriously themselves until cutting the National Dex.

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Yeah when are they gonna make a Pokemon game for us thirty-somethings.


Is this some sort of an excuse for a billion dollar franchise? Oh hey it's always looked like shit so its cool....fucking pokefags

>hating on early footage
nigga if no one said anything they would just ship it as the old even then new doesnt look that good

>Treating kids like retards is perfectly acceptable
Regardless, you're missing the reality that kids don't have the attention span for how much piss-taking dialogue the new iterations have.
These games ARE made for thirty-somethins, and they're completely fucking assbackwards.
Maybe it's just time to admit that Japs can't make video games outside of the Action/Action-Adventure genre anymore, and only Capcom is doing it right nowadays
I mean this shit isn't even video games anymore. There's no obstacle to even overcome, the battles and adventure are so secondary and you don't have to do anything. I'm surprised they haven't just implemented an autobattle and autowalk function so you can quite literally just watch the damn game play itself, to what little capacity is available.

Ill kick ur fucking ass if you spam smiling bitch weeb pics at me user

>Pokemon footage looks trash
>Town footage looks pretty damn good
It's clear where Game Freak is dedicating all of their resources.

we needed gen4 as a stepping stone for follower pokemon in ss and hg

so basically they just upgraded the PR bullshots? Good to see Yea Forums is as gullible as ever

as if the switch had games in the first place

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You're fucking stupid.

it was never about the quality of the grass, you dumbfucks. the fact that they are delivering a half assed, unfinished game at a premium price is. if they're going to waste development time on yet another worthless battle gimmick and touchy happy funtime minigame and not improve on things that matter like actual battle visuals or including the entire roster of pokemon, they aren't getting my fucking money.

There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with reusing animations, the problem is Masuda told us at E3 that they cut an unknown number of Pokemon from the game so they could work on "high quality animations" only for every single fucking animation to be reused from the 3DS, THAT'S the issue.

1) Keeping them in check at the beginning, while they still have time to change things, is very important. Its easier to be in the right path when redirection happens early...
2) Little improvement;
3) Doesn't fix the national dex nor the lazy use of animations.

>It's clear where Game Freak is dedicating all of their resources
Yeah, marketing.
Just about all Nintendo does right in this century, and its the antithesis to creative, artistic integrity.
If you have a good game, you can cut a three minute trailer of gameplay footage a month before release and call it a day.
All these limpdick, fuckboy corporations with their products can suck my wrinkly ballsack. A pox upon all past, present and future video game developers who have a marketing team assigned to their project. Sellout faggots, don't give a lick about game design, just a bunch of jobbers.


Fuck gwaphix fags

Yeah, gen4 was also very good with follower Pokemon being a thing again for the first time since Yellow.

>>Town footage looks pretty damn good
It looks like boring garbage and literally nobody cares.

If that were true why are they keeping all of the most broken Pokemon and adding new absurd ones like the Weezing variant?

>People still think “balance” refers to Smogonmon metagame

People overhype Galarian Weezing, it's going to be good, but not broken.

>Base Weezing has poor offensive options. Most steels won't probably have to worry about Fire Blasts.
>Neutralizing Gas in doubles means no Levitate and we all know how common Earthquake is.
>Despite Weezing having solid bulk, a strong psychic or steel attack will dent it.

Compared to things like the Tapus, Lando-T and many Megas, G-Weezing isn't that crazy.

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do you?

Attached: Yooka-Laylee_cover_art[1].jpg (294x351, 140K)

i like how everything outside the circles is also sharper in the lower pic. like someone just put a pastel filter over the top one.

>Is this some sort of an excuse for a billion dollar franchise?

There's nothing wrong with Pokémon looking how it does.

Nothing would make me happier than seeing this flop. Won't happen, but a man can wish

You don't become a billion-dollar franchise by writing checks for better graphics

You underestimate Regirock Joe.

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OMP OMP motherfucker

I almost couldn't even tell the differences until I started scrutinizing individual rock tiles.