19 days before release. Anyone is waiting for this game and for the third Azure Striker Gunvolt game that was confirmed on the streams to be in production?
Also how much suffering will Copen experience in this game?
19 days before release. Anyone is waiting for this game and for the third Azure Striker Gunvolt game that was confirmed on the streams to be in production?
Also how much suffering will Copen experience in this game?
Kohaku is gonna end up being an Adept, and Copen will be forced to fight her.
>Also how much suffering will Copen experience in this game?
Not enough.
Will Elise show up in LAiX?
Inb4 the AI that controls Sumeragi was built by Kohaku. Her machines tend to deviate from their intended purpose after all, and that would kinda be a parallel to Ciel and Copy X.
Which one is your favorite so far?
>Kohaku an Adept
Very highly probable, but she probably won't be the final boss.
He already is living in a Adept-dominated reality. It's the worst kind of nightmare for him.
NOPE. She's deader than dead.
That would be an interesting plot twist.
>still no Steam page despite already being up on for preorder consoles
It's going to be an Epic exclusive, isn't it?
I dropped the preorder after knowing that the qt girls are going to be massacred.
Hard to say. I like Rebellio's woolly reaper form.
Nope. Inti are actually honest with releasing it on Steam (not to mention Steam's new policy allows them to sue the shit putting a game on their store and not selling it through it like it was in case of Metro Exodus).
>Steam's new policy allows them to sue the shit putting a game on their store and not selling it through it like it was in case of Metro Exodus).
Yeah, but Metro had a Steam page. Luminous Avenger doesn't.
Be patient and wait. Probably it will be available soon...HOPEFULLY. That or it will be on release day.
Yeah at this point it's a waifu murder simulator. Now all we need is that ASGV3 will have one male boss and all the rest being female bosses. The rage and seething would be heard on the other side of the planet.
To be honest, the first and second game's characters were more endearing. Maybe I've just become jaded to it, but I'm not really feeling it for these new characters.
Yeah I understand this. The new characters (most of them) are simply forced by Sumeragi to do their bidding (Rebellio being the biggest example since he goes overkill on Copen in order to avoid a death sentence for being used by terrorists and wanting to save his family the institute took hostage). Some like Crimm are assholes (he oversteps his position as Falcon to blow up stuff during night-times). Isola probably is simply brainwashed and had her original personality replaced by Sumeragi.
I feel the same way, but maybe they'll grow on me once I actually play the game.
Prepare yourself. It will be pretty brutal and sad actually.
Yeah. Side material actually makes Eden sympathetic, so who knows. Still though, GV1 and 2 characters had a ton of personality, enough so where some people actually liked them more than the protags.
Wasn't it that GV did try to reason with them all, only for them to fight to the death due to their Glaives/Grimoires affecting their mental states?
Also Luminous Avenger iX being Copen's game...well you better don't bond too much with the bosses. On the other hand I will await for the day when a Gunvolt game will allow you to at least spare one boss. Even heard that originally it wasn't supposed to be Quinn that GV would end up with but Elise in the 2nd game. Though I understand why that idea was scrapped...
Didn't Inti state in an interview that characters from iX will appear in the main series? If so, it would be less likely for this game to take place in an alternate timeline, unless these characters already existed prior to the change.
As I remember they will do so as cameos. Hoping that it will actually change and at least Kohaku will appear to actually fix Copen in the main series.
GV doesn't want to kill them, but he canonicslly doesn't hesitate, and can't sympathize with them. Telling Eden to chill out is almost funny when you know all the shit they've seen, just like thinking that demolishing Sumeragi will improve things.
To be fair tho, Eden and Sumeragi don't do much to endear themselves to GV.
Yeah. That's my gripe with this series. Then again GV and Copen need to go outside Japan to see how humans and Adepts are like. Japan in this case looks civil with Adepts. Everywhere else is Adept genocide, death camps for Adepts, and God knows what else. Hoping the third game will address how the world outside of Japan looks like.
On one hand I wish the physical copy was a bit more competitively prices considering its twice as much as the digital, on the other I’m glad they didn’t pull some bullshit where they charged 30 bucks for a small digital game like a certain other vidya that came out a week ago.
I feel like 20 bucks would have been the right price for a physical copy.
How do you guys think GV could be improved (other than giving him a sword, of course)? I think variations of electrical powers other than his Flashfield and skills could be neat.
More 0 SP cost skills
Japan is civil mostly thanks to Nova. He did a lot to make adepts appear as protectors rather than super powered terrorist freaks. Also, setting a game outside of Japan is a bad idea, unless you want an M rated GV.
Darn. Though they could do something about it. On the other hand a M rated GV game would be good.
They should do something about dashing. Maybe give GV a charge meter that fills up when he dashes. When it's filled up he can choose to either use it to empower his basic attacks or further charge his skills to be more effective.
>It's the worst kind of nightmare for him.
It's what he secretly desires because now he can have his crusade against adepts without worry that people will look at him strange.
Played it at PAX. Why they mesh pixel art with drawn art is a travesty. It looks god damn awful. Not too excited with the dash gameplay to kill mobs. I'm still itching for another zero/zx game so I'll probably still buy it.
Is the $20 extra for the CE worth it? I think its just a music cd, poster, and some pin. Is there any steelbook case?
Yep. It's all a matter of perspective here. In the core series Adepts were a majority and he avoided being a flat-out X-Men villain-tier asshole is because he fights against the likes of Sumeragi or Eden. Here he's actually seen as a hero for the Minos since Adepts are now feeding normal humans the same medicine as the latter did with them.
It's normal for the series. Like Copen and Lola assume Rebellio is a legit stone cold death row killer because they don't know his backstory like we do. They only have a limited perspective of what's going on. GV is the same way when facing off against Nova.
Agreed. Then again in case of Copen he wouldn't give a damn. Yer an Adept. Yer already dead.
It's a reality where his beliefs are completely bonafide. It's not like Copen had much doubt about the harm Adepts will cause simply by living before, but now he has it confirmed.
That is right. However, his confirmation stems from the fact that the reality of Luminous Avenger isn't normal. Adepts are a pretty recent thing and them becoming a majority would be a matter of decades. Not that long. Luminous Avenger however has Copen at the same age as he was left in ASGV2, but with Adepts being the majority and doing the same kind of thing humans did to them.
The only answer to this would be the whole butterfly effect Copen is looking for in this game.
Adepts honestly have less of a rationale to be assholes to regular humans than the other way around. In fact, in the absence of outside prosecution, they're more likely to fear each other.
Let's see how much of that he holds onto once he learns about his father's experiments. Finding out the truth about his sister already nearly broke him.
>19 days before release.
Not for physicalchads.
It will probably be not in this game but later. Much later knowing this kind of games and characters like Copen. And even then it will have to be something really impacting for him to change his stance on Adepts.