What's the best track and why is it Mechonis Field?
What's the best track and why is it Mechonis Field?
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That's not Colony 6 - Future
What's the best area and why is it gonna be the right shoulder in Definitive Edition?
Eryth Sea
I literally cannot fucking wait for DE. Just thinking about playing through Mexhonis Field with the new lighting and textures, with this fucking music playing, my god.
You, youre a good user i like you
Objectively wrong, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
It's going to kino.
I don't know how I played 2 twice and listened to both games' soundtracks multiple times without realizing Yggdrasil is just a Mechonis Field remix.
Yes. This and Mt. Valak at night are my favorites with obligatory Gaur Plain.
desu i kinda want the ost to be orchestrated this time with an option to switch to the old versions
>The bass in Yggdrasil
So how's it going to work?
The cut shoulder from the Wii has a town, is this supposed to be another colony? Doubt it since the structures are very different, from everything else, so maybe a new race? Homs just living off the land without any sort of technology?
I am very damn interested in this part, can't wait to get it.
it was either the original location of colony 6 or the giant's homeland
>without realizing Yggdrasil is just a Mechonis Field remix.
probably because it isn't anything like it
They moved the Soltnar Seal Island from Eryth Sea to the shoulder (which imo is looking like it'll be the right shoulder now) and because they make a point in the story that homs barely ever go that high up on the Bionis, i think it might mean that some High Entia live or work there, maybe it's where they get all their food?
Dancing Queen.
Defend this.
>I don't know how I played 2 twice and listened to both games' soundtracks multiple times without realizing Yggdrasil is just a Mechonis Field remix.
Because it isn't. It sounds a bit similar to Mechonis Field at times, sure, but Yggdrasil is one of the many, many arrangements of Where We Used To Be.
Huh, it being the original Colony 6 makes some sense, but it's weird if it was cut late in development yet they had the story arc for the ether mines early on.
>tfw heard that similarity almost immediately after reaching Bionis Leg and now I can't stop thinking about it whenever I hear the song
That's not Main Theme
No way bro
This, my fav song. Along with colony 9 plains one and some other overworld themes.
>another Xenochad that likes Mechanis Field
You will forever be my negro
You better be talking about Colony 9 (Night).
Wait, this hasn't been posted yet? youtube.com
Close, but the best night theme is still this youtu.be
Based taste.
For me, it's Prison Island.
Monolith were limited in their ressources at the time. Wii wasn't a high spec console and Monolith themselves weren't as big as they are now. Everything considered I think they did a good job with what they had. Obviously now they are improving on that foundation.
I still don't know how Xenoblade 1 was even made on the Wii, t b h.
Same with X on the Wii U.
That one too, but i'm talking that acoustic guitar and that indian flute one
Monolith Soft is the most talented studio Nintendo has right now. There's a reason why they worked on the Splatoon games and BotW.
>the most talented studio Nintendo has right now.
modern retro is completely different from MP1 retro
Tropical Freeze is their best game.
it's better than returns and corruption, but not even close to prime/echoes
It's light years ahead of both, though.
it really isn't, it also isn't the best DK game (still country 2). There's a reason it doesn't have a legacy while prime is still worshiped today
>more animeshit
Thanks a lot XCX2 fags. Fuck you.
>There's a reason it doesn't have a legacy
But that's completely wrong. It's widely seen as one of, if not the best 2D platformer ever made.
Shoulder might be the best if it's actually implemented in the main story and isn't a postgame thing like people are speculating it might be.
not true in the slightest
what the fuck have they been doing from after Tropical Freeze to before MP4?
>Animeshit is ba-
>visual clusterfuck
>mine levels are shitty QTEs
>gameplay is frustrating overall
It's a shit game like all DK games and the only good thing about it is the music.
google search doesn't mean shit, it has extreme recency bias due to search results. No one considers meat boy as one of the best 2d platformers
git gud
>super meat boy
I got filtered by the pufferfish boss. Game was unironically too hard.
It looks like it'll be implemented into the main story somehow, with the seal island from Eryth being located there now, and it kinda looks like a right shoulder now so travelling between Eryth, Makna and Valak could be way easier and removes the need for the flying and water stream shit
That is one of the best wind-instrument intros in a video game, right up there with Fountain of Dreams(Melee) youtube.com
>It looks like it'll be implemented into the main story somehow, with the seal island from Eryth being located there now
Alcamoth is also there though, despite being shown in its usual place earlier in the trailer. I have no idea what's going on.
It's almost 6 years since their last new game came out, excluding the TF port, so it's very hard to say what they've currently like.
If the head is behind or more to the right i guess from the camera in the shot from the trailer, Alcamoth's placement could make sense because Alcamoth is right behind the head
Based and woodwindpilled.
>Head should be on the right, not on the left
>Head should be much higher than the shoulder, way too high for Alcamoth to be visible from that area
>Alcamoth should be at the back of the head, not the front
>Rest of Eryth Sea should be visible if Alcamoth is
It makes absolutely no sense.
Fair enough, i was just kinda theorizing as to why Alcamoth would be in such a weird spot and how it could all fit together, thanks for pointing out some pretty obvious flaws i overlooked
I wonder why Alcamoth is there at all, then. Either they're significantly changing the geography or it's there as a placeholder to show people watching the trailer that it's a new area?
>Rest of Eryth Sea should be visible if Alcamoth is
What if it is, and that's why that seal island is there?
One island isn't exactly 'the rest of Eryth Sea'
Alcamoth can already float, who says it can't zoom around wherever it wants like a ship?
Who says it can?
With their technology, it's definitely possible.
Why would it need to?
Please oh Zanza and Meyneth do something about the side quests.
The only thing about the gameplay that really needs "fixing" is some QOL changes regarding quests.
>a way to separate cool lore quests from grindy bullshit
>the ability to accept multiple quests from the same NPC at once instead of having to talk to them 6 times
>actual quest markers and objective switching
Well I have no idea. At this point it's nothing but speculation, but maybe the city can be used to evacuate and transport all of the high entia citizens if something really bad happens to Eryth Sea. Like they just move somewhere else during a disaster.
Bonus EXP had better be a thing.
They nix the majority of them and rescale XP accordingly with the remaining ones.
How was Alcamoth even a city, let alone a capital? I don't remember any houses, just a giant escalator leading straight to the palace and a ton of empty space.
How the FUCK do I beat her, Yea Forums?
Unless you are trying to hit max level for superbosses the exp is fine.
Are you using Melia?
he's talking about 2's bonus exp system
Shulk, Dunban, and Sharla
Just found out i missed a bunch of missable timed quests after thinking i got them all, RIP my first 100% run, time to go NG+
You are my eternal nigga. When 1:50 hits, i went from "i hate this location" to "i love this location and never want to leave".
Use Dunban/Riki/Melia and abuse DoT
You need Melia, trust me. Learn how to use her and control her, don't let her be AI. Once you spend a few minutes figuring it out, you'll be surprised at how easy this boss fight is.
The soundtrack really was fucking nuts in this game, glad it's getting a remake
>japanese """"humor""""
Somebody said comfy?
Why do these tracks evoke nostalgia in me?
It's unironically the best vidya OST of all time, and to think that the two primary artists were literal whos before this game.
If they can rework the AI and the side quests, this thing is gonna become masterpiece tier
She did some great ones
Can't wait for the scene where Melia wakes up and immediately slaps Shulk in the face to become the new go-to >japanese """humor""" post
>Implying it wasn't already masterpiece tier
Still my favorite final boss theme.
The arena singlehandedly makes this the worst boss fight in the fucking game. I understood how to beat the boss mechanically, but there's no real way to account for your party members just wandering into the acid and taking a shitload of damage.
As much as I love this game, the ending was still fucking stupid.
>"the gods were humans from earth the whole time!"
Completely unnecessary.
The two scenes aren't remotely comparable. There isn't a single moment in xenoblade that comes close to that xb2 webm.
Not unnecessary at all. Play the game again, and really try listening to the writing and absorbing the themes this time.
what are the chances that DE wont run like absolute garbage on portable mode?
Both Satorl Marsh tracks
One Who Gets in Our Way
You Will Know Our Names
Mechanical Rhythm
Well I'm not gonna play the game until next year when the remake comes out, can you spoonfeed me?
XC2 ran fine on portable, it just looked like shit
Based and Niapilled.
I sort of hope they clean up the Alcamoth section a bit, especially because the subplot of the royal lineage and having two wives in order to have a pure line and a 56% bloodline seems like it'll be a big deal until it isn't, then suddenly matters near the finale when all the Etnia get turned into Ether monsters.
If that's all you took from Zanza and Mayneth's creation, I don't know what to say. Of course the backstory wasn't completely clear on Zanza spilling his spaghetti and resetting the universe over and over outside of the fact that he got scared of the idea that people were eventually going to migrate outside of the Bionis, but there's more to it. I just find the particular situation behind their creation fascinating.
There's quite a few things they need to clean up in the plot. Zanza's past on the Bionis, whatever happened to the Giants, or more lore on them, the ending will end up getting retconned, and some other shit that slips my mind
There's your problem, Melia and her summon spirit AoEs are indispensable here, then at least one of Sharla or Rikki as your healer, and Reyn or Dunban as a tank.
Unfortunate truth: Reyn is made obsolete by Dunban.
It hardly matters since that flashback will 100% be redone to be consistent with XC2 and I wouldn't be surprised if Zanza had some through away line about the main part of his body being in another word.
>"""""definitive"""""" edition
This is the only edition will ever matter.
>ended up disliking one of the best tracks because it's so overused
Then a track like unfinished business gets used like once in the game. They seriously needed more than one (1) story boss battle theme. If there's one thing the DE could do it's add some more battle tracks.
My team for 95% of the game was Shulk, Reyn and Sharla. I had Reyn go full aggro tank and sponge all the damage while Sharla healed him, and I dealt all the damage with Shulk. But in retrospect I feel like I was playing the game wrong, or not efficiently at least.
Underrated track, coming through.
Oh yeah, it's a good track but definitely got old. I doubt it will get changed though for any of the story moments.
You pay for your insolence
Unfinished Battle should at least play during the Metal Face fights or something. It'd be nice if it looped, too.
Why would I tell you about the game's themes if you haven't played it and therefore have no frame of reference for thinking about what it means? Play it yourself and form your own opinion.
I literally never used her once I got Dunban.
I'm not even sure how I breezed through the game relying solely on Shulk for heals but hey it worked.
I don't think that scene was really meant to be "humor" and I'm not sure why it's interpreted that way here. She was just surprised some weird dude was looking down at her while she was on the jungle floor.
>Zanza's past on the Bionis
He stayed inside the Monado for most of it, growing more and more lonely over time. Not much else to talk about, relaly.
>What happened to the Giants
They went to war with the spiders and were wiped out.
There's lots of little domes up high that you can't enter, those are houses
I meant to say I won't play it *again* until next year, my bad. I played it on Wii some odd years back. The most obvious theme I got out of it was "forge your own destiny" but like I said I don't see how making the gods humans was a good or interesting writing choice.
>xenoblade 1 threads are comfy again
>we all get to speculate about what will be added in the definitive edition
>while reminiscing about how good the game is
I'm so happy. This game is going to be fucking awesome.
what was his endgame?
Really hoping that XBDE will make Melia and shulk less retarded or at least let you switch between party members midcombat to use them effectively
Simultaneously being a horrible father, boyfriend, and God.
He wanted friends.
Because it came out 9 years ago.
They're going to pair Melia with Dunban in the remake. Screencap this.
You said that last night but I seriously doubt you played the game in 2010. It didn't come out in Europe until 2011 and the States until 2012.
I thought h would be paired with Vanea o whatever Egil's sister was called
you will know our names of course
>Implying xeno1 wasn't already anime shit
Drink bleach faggot
XB1 had a much more western aesthetic than XB2. It also less cringe.
>Vanea is made the eighth party member in DE
>Her and Dunban get together
>Melia is now the only party member who's alone by the end of the game
I figured that was already the case. Wouldn't Melia outlive any Hom anyway?
I know right user, it's great
All of the xeno games are pretty anime. Not even sure how you get into this series if you aren't at least some kind of weeb
>western aesthetic
Not really seeing it.
She will suffer forever.
The basic bitch answer, but the correct one.
Why does literally everyone hype up Dunban so much? Maybe I'm retarded but whenever I play him I just die right away.
He's the best tank and most aesthetic party member.
don't see how the man with the long flowing hair and katana is supposed to represent a western aesthetic
Throw a ton of agility on him and use Heat Haze
Get his agility stat as high as possible using light armor and gems, and use aura arts as much as you can
Let's just get this out of the way.
I wish I could be hyped like you guys are, but the remake looks exactly the same to me, aside from the characters and lighting. Like the environments are still gonna be blocky and shitty.
>draws aggro with sheer damage dealt rather manually with debuffs
>never gets hit
I said MORE western. XB1 looks more like FFXII, whereas XB2 looks like your average moe anime.
Environments have actually been significantly upgraded, it's extremely noticeable when you directly compare the old and new versions.
Don't bother trying to explain to him, XBC2 fags are both clinically retarded and legally blind.
nigga I wouldn't touch 2 with a ten foot pole, I just don't think 1 has a particularly western aesthetic
Eh, looking watching this video certainly makes it look better than I previously thought but I'm still not extremely impressed.
Let's talk about Reyn's beautiful new face.
I had the 3DS theme with this track on loop, I had to change it because every time I opened my 3DS I would just stand there listening to it until the battery drained.
>with you around, I'm 3 times as hard
What is this face trying to convey?
what context could this possibly have been used in
Reyn says to Sharla, "With you around, I work 3 times as hard," and they just edited it really well.
holy shit
What are some other games with Britjank voice acting? The Stronghold games come to mind.
Hot or cold?
layton I guess
I thought /ourguy/ directed the Xenoblade games.
Consider yourself educated.
Takahashi has Executive Director and Scenario Writer status on the Xenoblade games while Koh Kojima is the actual game director
>When you start a chain attack and it syncs up with 1:04
Did't mean to quote
Agniratha is my personal favorite area track.
All the Mechonis areas have incredible songs.
That'll probably change whenever X gets a remake, especially if the story is altered to fit the original vision that's present in the XCX Mira art book. Plus his wife, Soraya, is apparently writing again as of the XC1 remaster, so..
This was a great one. It's hauntingly beautiful to walk around the ghost down as this plays.
My favorite track from the game.
This track is really nostalgic.
It's just not the same without constant motorbike revving
Is the remake getting redubbed?
They'd have to be a bunch of jokers, to do that.
I just hope the inevitable new dialog is done by the original voice actors.
Doesn't sound like it, based on the trailer
can't tell if this ruined or improved the song for me
If that's the case I'm just going to play in Japanese.
I played the rest of the series in Japanese, but made an exception for Xenoblade 1 because I though the British stage actors did great.
Eryth Sea at night is magical and the song is amazing as well but the day version feels a lot more "grand" and awe inspiring. It's my favorite song in the game but i rarely see anyone sharing this opinion
why would they redub one of the best jRPG dubs?
Why don't more games get Britjank voice acting?
So comfy.
Holy shit
That's pretty good, never played Dark Souls personally.
I wish more things used British acting, however I also do wish they use actors with experience with a good director.
Xenoblade 2's dub is a product of just attempting to recapture 1's britbog dub, and failing to understand what made 1's dub just so great, thus making 2's dub ear grating, and terrible.
Which fucking sucks because I get to miss out Adam Howden because 2's dub is just THAT fucking bad, makes me angry.
Souls games have great voice acting. The voice director for the games used British stage actors for all the games.
2's dub is fine. It's obviously not as good as 1's, but it's not the total disaster people like to make it out as. If Rex's VA wasn't so shit at screaming and the overall direction had been better it would've been pretty damn good.
Underrated as fuck, but its day and night themes are perfect for an abandoned city.
I disagree greatly.
While I do like the idea of having different European accents for each different titan in Xenoblade 2's world, the acting is seriously bad, the main characters the story focuses on don't emote at all, and I could only deal with it for a chapter before downloading the Japanese audio.
>it's not the total disaster people like to make it out as.
I'll need to check some of them out sometime, just never got around to them.
Dark Souls and Bloodborne are masterpieces. (If you're going to play one, pick one of these).
Demon's Souls is great.
Dark Souls' sequels are meh.
The voice acting is Britjank kino across the board, though.
>tfw you encounter Egil in Agniratha
>you think he'll get in his mech to fight
>he doesn't
>this starts playing
>1 line
lmao, the dub is great overall. Malos is better than Shulk btw
>the dub is great overall
I have a pretty high tolerance for dubs, but no, Xenoblade 2's is laughably bad overall. Malos' voice is pretty good though, I'll give you that.
Malos is one of the few redeeming aspects of the dub.
But you seriously cannot defend Rex.
Aside from that Rex scream this is pretty average dub quality, and that trailer's missing all of the characters with really good voice work aside from Malos.
Why would you deal with an average dub when Japanese is so much better?
Because English Nia is god tier.
fucking love this
Its so, so unfitting and she sounds like she's 40+ years old.
Rex was great in final fight with Malos. Actor just didn't have enough time, like it was with the original Xenoblade cast.
>confront a drug trafficking hamster
>this starts playing
I've heard Welsh accents all my life so I never got that feeling. It fits her fine.
>But you seriously cannot defend Rex
you actually can since those cutscenes contain some of the best lines he ever delivered in that game.
Sharla is a beginners trap and you do yourselves no favors of using her after getting riki
Should I play 3ds or wait for switch
Better than the Jap one, where she sounds like a 5 year old.
Morag and Zeke were also better in English.
>i wish to will my life as a homes in a world
X had a great soundtrack too
I'd say it would be Engage the Enemy if it wasn't spammed everything single serious moment in the fucken game
>Morag and Zeke were also better in English
Absolute garbage taste.
Mitsuki Saiga and Kenjiro Tsuda are legendary VAs.
Anyone have a torrent of the ost that's still being seeded?
I found a couple, but 0 seeds, so
Wait for switch, 3ds is bad.
Japanese Zeke is perfection, sorry.
*farts on you* oopsie! :3
>X had the best OST
>better in English
Why do you dubfags insist on pretending you've played both versions when it's blatantly obvious that you haven't? You're not fooling anyone.
>bongs think this sounds good
Closeted faggot
Yikes. The hyperbole around XC1 and 2 is insane. 2 is the better game in almost every regard. 1 has slighty better voice acting and opening few hours.
Never have I seen a more insecure bunch than these Xenoblade discussions. Basically a bunch of incels accusing each other of weebshit while putting a game about swords made of friendships and anime tits on a pedestal (applies for both games). Get a therapist
>2 is the better game in almost every regard.
[citation needed]
You should have saved the bit about 2 being better than 1 until the end of your post, that way I may have taken the rest of it seriously.
>2 is the better game in almost every regard.
I bet you think SAO is the best anime ever
I mean, it kind of is.
>Xenoblade 2's is laughably bad overall.
Get some perspective dude. It's obvious this gamè raped your parents or something. You're probably mad that people treat Xenoblade as anime now when it actually looks the way the series always played
>i-it's not anime I swear
>r-riki? No he's a side character
>oh come now don't focus on the boob jiggle
>yes, those outfits are ridiculous but...
>but.. xeno 2... listen listen xeno 2...
>yes I do see the outfit where the character are dressed like cheap hookers and make Pyra look like a nun
>l-l-look they're optional
>the topes don't start being aggresive until 10 hours in
>there is 10 hours of non-anime here guys please take it seriously!
You have to be musically retarded if you think they sound anything alike.
t. multi-instrumentalist who has been writing his own music for 8 years
All of this but unironically.
I didn't like 2's story or characters nearly as much as the first games. But the improvements to the battle system were nice, I enjoyed canceling art into art into art. There were still a lot of beautiful environments which is something I really love about the series.
Not really in response to your post but there's a lot of reasons why 2 is the most popular one and sold a lot more, and it's not just because of waifus. The Wii version of 1 was released so late into the Wii's lifetime, especially the western releases, the American one especially with it being a Gamestop exclusive. And then X was on the Wii U so it never really got a chance. 2 being on Switch Year 1 pretty much cemented it being the best selling game in the series thus far.
true but also get a real job
Why is XBC universally loved yet both XBCX and XBC2 are so polarizing?
Because X requires a >120 IQ.
>no mii fighter costume
Sakurai? Please?
Because X and 2fags are obnoxious posers who haven't played 1.
Old good, new bad.
I imagine people who started with XC had their standards set by it, but neither of the games that followed it were quite the same.
This but unironically.
Muh story, even though 1's wasn't anything special after completing Sword Valley. The gameplay in its successors were far better and the worlds were just as good design wise.
XC1 had muddy looking character which made people unaware that they're playing an anime game. When Xeno X and 2 came out and exposed them, they tried to pretend they are guge disappointments and nothing like the first one.
Needless to say, when the definitive edition gets released the entire world will laugh at a Dunkey video showing off Xeno character dressed like a bunch of cheap, futuristic hookers running in a field.
Elma gets a mii fighter costume
Kosmos gets in.
X was less anime than 1.
>slighty better
The plot becomes pretty unimpressive at the end of Sword Valley and then becomes straight up shit by the time Zanza shows up. All of the game's major conflicts are wrapped up by then but the game just keeps on going.
X took jumping around the wilderness like a twat to the next level and I loved it.
I just wish the story wasn't garbage and the combat system wasn't just either you carrying the team or you spamming your strongest arts in your skell.
Based and Elmapilled.
XBC was not an anime game. It WAS anime-inspired.
And XBC2 was, in fact, an anime game.
Why is this so hard for people to understand? Just look at the concept art for each, it can't be any more obvious.
Can I play this on my WiiU with the Pro Controller?
>mfw XB1fags and XB2fags have caused an unnecessary schism in the fanbase when both games are fine
>All over the artistic aesthetic
Who here doesn't have shit taste and likes both?
I can't talk too much about X, I made it to the point where you get your Skell and stopped playing. There felt like too much shit to do and I didn't care about any of it.
Xenoblade has one of the most perfect soundtracks I've ever heard in any game
There is no way I could choose just one track and say its the best when they're all great
>I can't talk too much about X, I made it to the point where you get your Skell and stopped playing.
>Who here doesn't have shit taste
Clearly not you.
Probably only with the eShop version or on a Hacked Wii U, not sure
You wanna know why? It's done by a famous composer.
I like both but it's hard to discuss them. Xenoblade fanbase will forever be divided over insecurity of Xeno 1 fans who refuse to believe what they played was an "anime" game. It's as if their entire existance hinges on this fact and XC2 is the demon that is trying to expose their vulnerable core.
It wasn't an anime game though.
>when they're all great
*blocks your auditory path*
Hey man, That's pretty far in. I gave it a fucking chance alright. Didn't capture my attention.
Your player character is a cardboard cutout
Elma is too stoic and logical
Lin was fine enough
Tatsu a shit, worst Nopon
Everyone else felt pretty forgettable with the likes of Edgy lady, Milf, Awkward dude, elitist autist, Grizzled badass, and the traitor, and many more. It was bloated.
Just googled it for you, there's no way to use the Wii U's pro controller on any version of the game natively
What was it then? Which genre would you put it? Did the character not look like mecha hooker by the end of the game? Were there not a fuzzy fur ball comedy relief character? Did the game not have an exposition aneurysm half way through? Did it not have a shonen plot about fighing God with the power of friendship?
Why did Xenoblade Chronicles X fall apart?
Manami Kiyota and ACE+ were the exact opposite of famous, when this came out, and they're still hardly what I'd consider famous.
I feel like a lot of people hate this song, and I can easily understand why. Repeating the same three notes, ascending and descending as an ostinato is a questionable choice at best. I somehow love this song though. I feel like I should be getting annoyed, but I never seem to. I can never get tired of this song for some odd reason. To start, the melody is very catchy. Whenever you have a repetitive melody, the most redeeming factor it can have is catchiness, as not to annoy the listener. By being an enjoyable melody, the melody isn't unenjoyable, if that makes any sense. I also feel like there's enough going on in the background to not bore the listener. The percussive instruments, namely the bells create the feeling of a mine incredibly well. Finally, I think the melody does a good job of tying into the nature of the Ether Mines. The melody, in its monotony fits with the confusing twists and turns of the dark, damp mine. It feels like the kind of thing you'd here when going insane, like if Joke's End was a good song. The Ether Mine seems like the type of place Homs would go insane, in my opinion, especially with all the cases of traumatization in miners in the real world. Overall, I don't see this as an annoying, repetitive song. I see it as a song with a catchy melody with flaws that make it incredibly fitting, and enjoyable because of that.
Fuck, so I need to use a Nunchuck and WiiMote?
If XBC was intended to be an anime game it would have looked like XBC2.
All I'm saying is you can't talk about not having shit taste when you got filtered by GOTD.
No you can use the wii u pad.
X was a great game, loved exploring the world, but the focus on gameplay over story was a big departure from previous Xeno games. People didn't like them locking story progression at certain points either. A lot of the lore was through sidequests only. Also being on the Wii U didn't help it at all when it comes to sales.
The whole Trinity thing was bewildering to me, I thought it was a joke but they were serious.
X sold better than 1.
Yeah, and it does. Didn't you see the trailer? Besides, looks are not the only factor in determining whether a game is anime.
This. The Wii U Gamepad can be used with the eShop version, you can't use it with a disk copy though sadly
shut up, fag
XB1's plot is a deconstruction of anime tropes, though. Meanwhile, XB2 threw every trope in the book into the plot.
Is that really a big accomplishment with how late it released on Wii, most people who bought it were probably the people following the Operation Rainfall stuff.
>Yeah, and it does
Except it literally doesn't.
Makes sense for Dickson and Alvis, but Lorithia was kind of a nothing character.
AHAHAHAHA HOLY FUCK now this made me rofl. Okay thanks for that I can rest easy now knowing this is what you had in store. Holy shit Hahaha
It actually is. Wii U is one of the worst selling major consoles in history, especially compared to the Wii. Not to mention, XCX is not a beginner friendly rpg whatsoever.
That characters that surrounded Melia, which include Lortithia were so poorly used. Probably because Taka wanted the cliched, "Princess loses it all by the end and needs to be a strong leader mentally." It didn't really work as the characters needed for her to have that arc were basically nobodies. Hell that half sister and her mom just comes about at the very end of the game, it was out of nowhere and fell flat.
Man imagine if dickson and mumhkar joined you. They did have unused voice clips for party members
>XB1 was anim-
Is that image supposed to be evidence to the contrary?
This is what I'm saying. Retarded XBC2 fags need to be lined up and shot if they can't tell the blatant difference between styles.
Yeah you're right, I'd still say a lot of people had moved on from the Wii by the time Xenoblade came out, the North American release was the same year as the Wii U. Wii U didn't exactly have many options for JRPG fans besides X.
Shulk/Reyn/Sharla is the noob trap. You think "oh tank/healer/dps this is a good combo", get that as your first full party and stick with it for the rest of the game. But in reality Melia is OP and a dedicated healer is unnecessary if Dunban just never gets hit.
Is Shulk/Melia/Dunban the highest IQ party?
Yeah, they're both pretty different styles of anime.
He's wearing a waistcoat with that puffy undershirt thing people used to wear in the west. Though obviously he's also a long haired samurai with a katana.
Meanwhile rex is wearing, uh... a unitard sweater? How does he even get in that thing? With beltsbeltsbelts, oversized armor, and gears pasted on everything. More like a stereotypical JRPG character.
One is a synthesis of chivalrous images from east and west, the other is the protagonist of this season's new harem isekai anime.
Seriously, what the actual FUCK were they going for with this design?
XB1 is a nice amalgamation of western and eastern sensibilities, where as XB2 almost feels like a parody of anime designs.
>Highest IQ party, with Shulk and Melia in the party, both with the ultra retarded AI so you have to play as them
Unless you're playing the 3DS version this is the one of the lowest IQ parties.
Because X is a mediocre game and 2 has over the top fanservice which makes it feel cheap if you haven't played it.
>Twilight Princess NPCs
>The first one didn't have fanservice
>lone samurai with big eyes wearing nonsensical clothes gives a monlogue about never giving up, then yells incoherently and charges into a mass of enemies wielding a colorful chunky magic sword made of plastic, cleaving through entire hordes
yeah not anime though
Rex's VA was good, he was just terrible at screaming. The Aegis girls sucked though
it's a shame because an actually well designed diving suit would've been cool, practical looking armor/uniform designs are pretty fucking rare in jrpgs
Demonica is tied with Fallout 2's Enclave armor for my favorite vidya armor design.
the 3ds version had different ai?
why are you posting a mod
Why is Mechnois field so overrated? It's literally elevator music
no, it didn't have "over the top" fanservice. Yeah there's somewhat revealing costumes but nothing that makes you cringe like this.
I have no problem with fanservice, quite the opposite. But when fanservice goes too far it stops being service and starts getting annoying. Fanservice is like spice, it makes everything better but you can't just eat it straight up or it's disgusting.
Imagine if the first time you changed a female character into a bikini costume a scene played zooming in on their body with the male party members going HUMNA HUMNA and doing O_O faces, and the female character going EEHHHH HAZUKASHIII
That's what I mean. There's a point where the creator needs to go "yeah ok that's enough" and the game is better for it. The most important part of making art is knowing what to leave out.
Reminder that the XC2 soundtrack is god tier as well
That was one of the first unique blades I got, did not expect to see such a thing in the game.
I'd just like to give a shoutout to the best character design in 2.
>get to relive this again
Yasushi Suzuki's art is great. Sin & Punishment, Ikaruga, and the pieces of artwork he did for X are great too
Haven't played it, but I heard so
if anything from X gets in it should be a stage
Sylvalum would make Fountain of Dreams look like an uncleaned urinal
Does this mean we'll be getting a new song for the shoulder?
Because Monolith had the brilliant idea to restructure the project midway through development and introduce online elements. Fixed MC got scrapped in favor of the create a character and they had to rewrite some of the story because of it.
Still don't understand why people don't go the White Knight Chronicles route with this stuff. Have a fixed MC but have a create a character that's kinda just on the sidelines during everything. People still get to have their OCs and the narrative doesn't get fucked up by silent, no personality shit.
Will we get a Melia Romance option?
Elma is the MC of X, though.
You people continuing to say this doesn't make it true and it still isn't on the level of WKC even if it was. WKC gives the OC very little interaction besides in the beginning while the narrative mostly follows Leonard. In XCX, the OC is still the central character and he's also the reason you find out the big "everyone is robots" twist, which is also got ruined by silent bullshit.
>Satorl Marsh remastered soon
Terrible music. There has never been a good game with terrible music. It is an underappreciated but absolutely essential part of the game. If your music is bad developers and playtesters will hate the experience of playing the game, feel no connection to or ownership of it, and put in no effort. This will destroy even the best conceived game.
Hiroyuki Sawano killed Xenoblade X, all for the sake of hiring a "celebrity" composer from an anime no one remembers.
It didn't, its main plot was mediocre, but the gameplay was solid and I thought the majority of the OST was fantastic.
Gotta agree.
>There has never been a good game with terrible music.
I can already hear those giant toad enemies croaking in the mist.
Wasn't he hungry and wanted to eat the homs?
>that rock into piano solo
He didn't want to be forgotten.
>essentially Sawano's only major video game OST
>abandoned on Wii U
An absolute shame.
The tyme of Ryne.
>Here there's a custom avatar instead of a preset character (as with Shulk in Xenoblade Chronicles). How did this change the scriptwriting and narrative processes? And how did you make sure the main character and supporting cast had lots of personality?
>In RPG development, the sections that cost the most are the cut scenes and events in the main story. Since this is Monolith Soft's first high-definition open world title, we decided to focus less on these and instead shift our resources into improving the quality of the gameplay - which is most important - especially the "hack and slash" combat. This is the reason that we decided to make the player's character an avatar without a real personality. In exchange, we focused on designing lots of quests, and added a lot of supporting characters related to these. Many people in the development team were involved with these supporting characters, and I think we have been able to give them all strong, distinct personalities.
They didn't just make a full story based game like XC1 and then throw it all out at the last second. It's obvious that the online and customization stuff was put in when they realized they didn't have the budget to tell their original story.
>Takahashi hires a shity composer he likes from an anime he watched
>game is considered to have the worst ost (X)
>Takahashi hires a shitty artist he likes from an anime he watched
>game is considered to have the worst character designs (XB2)
almost like Takahashi has literally no taste
AAA budget Monolith game when?
Some of 2's designs are pretty good.
It's called Xenoblade Chronicles 2.