Is this worth buying on switch?
Is this worth buying on switch?
if you haven't played it yet, it's worth buying regardless of platform
Only on PC
switch is shit
Didn't you ask that 1-2 days ago?
No this is genuinely the first time i've asked this, i've always seen people rave about the game but I dunno if the switch port is good or not.
It's not worth buying on any platform. It crams LGBT trash and niggers at you in the first 10 minutes.
The switch port is pretty bad.
It doesn't.
Back to your containment board retard.
So , I noticed in the screen where they show all origin characters, only the bard-like character (which I picked) is missing and she's replaced with that bicolor hair chick with a manface. I have a bad feeling about this, please tell me she doesn't transform into this abomination.
No it doesn't you fucking sperg
>liberals lying
>must be a day of the week ending in 'y'
Literally right on the tutiorial ship there is a faggot and you find his gay love letter talking about how he misses having anal buttsex with his gay lover.
Why u gonna lie on the internet man?
If you've no other way to play it, sure, it's a great game. Can't tell you dick about how good a port it is, though.
at least play the fucking game, you outrage baiting retard
Arx is like 50 fucking hours in.
this makes me want to buy the game more, thanks user
It's SJW garbage.
Found him, guys! Found the Pillars of Eternity poster! Keep your lesbian witch #ImpeachTrump nonsense game out of our DOS2 thread.
holy shit did Larian just had an emergency last minute meeting where they were like, "We forgot to add miniorities to the game wtf do we do?" Because that's how arx feels.
>European computer rpg ported to a console
>not just any console
>the switch
What could possibly go wrong
Yeah, I mean, place wasn't even halfway finished. Whole act was just bad and there were broken quest triggers all over the place. Don't think half of my epilogue was shit I had actually done. Makes sense it was made at a later date. And boy, was it bad. From second one when that paladin greets you, gets you into the city and Christ almighty what a hamfisted shitshow waited for you there.
Literally wat?