>Decides to finally switch from console to PC
>Buys a 800$ PC with additional cooling
>Load game 1
>Load game 2
>Load a non demanding 5 year old game that should run fine
Decides to finally switch from console to PC
Other urls found in this thread:
>get PC with a fuckton of RAM
>use RAMDisk to load games into memory before playing
no more stutters or load times
>he doesnt have a adaptive sync monitor
Please give us some information on that 800$ pc. New or used? Post specs.
My i7 3770k and rx580 are doing pretty well.
To any aspiring PC players viewing this shit wojack thread, do not fall for the lies
Even a 5 year old PC can run most if not all modern games completely fine, unless you're on fucking Windows XP or some shit which lol
Plus with the addition of unlimited classic games, piracy, and emulators
PC is the master race, no memes or jokes, seriously
>muh console exclusives
Like i said, emulation
That tech alone costs like 500$ and you pay 200$ just for the tech alone.
Completely new. I5 4690K, GTX 1060 6GB, MSI Z97, 2x8gb hyperx ram, standard samsung SSD 860 EVO, Corsair 600CX and some other stuff thats probably not important
Freesync/gsync compatible monitors cost nothing extra
Anons were saying on here that the monitors are a meme anyways and that stuff should run fine.
you got memed
PC gaming is the biggest joke ever told
>I5 4690K
I regret it so fucking much. And now I'm probably gonna be stuck troubleshooting for a month to find out that a setting in Nvidia control panel should be turned on instead of off.
Did you download all the drivers for everything?
Yeah all mobo drivers, nvidia drivers and ran the Windows updates etc...
It's obvious false-flag.
Did you install the game on the ssd or on the hdd?
I have fps drops, but haven't had stuttering.
SSD made sure it is installed there
>says the falseflagger for the 100th times this month
cope computer illiterate poorfag
Does any kind of stuttering happen when you do not play games?
You bought used didn't you? But then how the fuck did you spend $800 on it? Why in the love of god would you buy a 4960k when you can get a brand new i5 for like $200?
No everything seems to be working fine.
Please keep answering the questions as I try to solve the issue.
Did you put the pc together yourself or was it prebuilt?
>GTX 1060
you got memed, and that computer is not worth 800 bucks, you're a dumbass
Return all the shit you bought now user and get people to help you pick parts. you got ripped off and bought shitty old parts. You could build a good PC for $800.
Myself thanks for the help user
>Decides to finally switch from console to PC
lmao, what a retard
I spent around £1300 and started having a shit-ton of problems about 8 months in, half of which I couldn't even diagnose let alone fix.
PC as an entertainment machine is a huge waste of money and time. It's only good for productivity.
>Decides to finally switch from console to PC
You should go back to consoles, PC is very clearly too complex for you.
He didn't get memed on too hard for $800. I've seen worse
The CPU however is not worth it, the mobo is likely not good either now. He could've bought a better gpu like a Gtx 1660ti or a rx590.
I know pc's are better performance but please don't pretend you can buy a god tier pc for 800 usd.
Was this the first time you built a pc, are you sure you installed the components correctly (some shit needs to click into place, cables)? Could you please post all the parts (brand and model).
Also tell me if you have any audio stuttering.
After this we're going to try and see if it's a CPU, GPU, RAM or storage issue.
console "people", everybody
>He thinks $800 is enough to play with REAL MAN graphics
No ones pretending he can build a god tier computer, but he can build a computer with all modern parts instead of all stuff that came out 3-5 years ago.
>I5 4690K,
Oof. After all the meltdown/spectre patches, i5s are fucked.
>get a pc with 16 gb of ram, rtx 2080 and i7-9700k with 144hz monitor
>nufront 2 runs at 100 fps
>gta v runs at fucking 70 fps with some settings toned down
>bf v runs at 70-90 fps depending on map with dips below 60
damn i could've gotten a xbox one x and actually play 60 fps/4k instead of barely 60 fps/1440p for a fraction of a cost
pc's are a meme
What exactly can be the problem here, 4 threads?
how's the i3 7100?
Do yourself a favour and don't buy an i3 ever.
Had a friend help me that has built multiple machines so it should be fine and no there is no audio stuttering.
Gonna copy paste all parts:
INTEL I5 4690K
CORSAIR 600CX (600W)
Geforce optimizing software paired with a just about any graphics card is really nice.
Can you explain what exactly happened to i5's that they are so fucked?
Post specs, user. You might've been ripped off.
I'm just going to ask you this to be sure.
How long ago did you buy this pc? I didn't expect it to be this bad. Is there still any chance that you can return these products?
Did you buy these components yourself because at this point I think you have been ripped off. Next time you try to buy tech as expensive as this, please consult this board or better /g/.
Can you also post your driver version for the gpu, go into nvidia/geoforce experience and try to see if you can update it. You are running windows 10 right?
>buy $1000 gaming rig
>used 5% of the time on actual demanding games
>15% on low end indie games
>80% on shitposting and jewtube
Hope stadia will work out so I can downgrade to a laptop.
lmao thanks for clearing unwanted old stock, sucker
download drivers
adjust settings in games
don't run things in the background while gaming. note that windows 10 usually does a lot of stuff you're not necessarily aware of
Also wait, hold up. I think it might also be a driver issue where it switches between your dedicated gpu (gtx 1060) and your intel inside graphics (crappy shit inside the cpu).
You could try and disable the intel inside gpu.
Another thing to look out for is checking if your windows 10 has 100% disk usage or not, this happened on my laptop for some reason and everything would be slow as fuck.
Sadly I can't return the parts but at this point I don't even care that I got ripped off I just want to run older games without the stuttering in place. The thing is I get 100+ FPS in older titltes but horrible hitching/stuttering. Yes drivers are updated and I'm running Windows 10
It won't.
Try this:
Disabling the on board gpu and solely relying on the dedicated gpu.
>have to buy 2000 dollars worth of tech to get it off the ground
>get stutters and other technical issues
>buy the monitor
>still get technical issues
>developers put no effort into PC ports
>games require fanpatches to even work
>older games have limited compability with newer OS
>spend most of your time tweaking settings
This is so fucking stupid I installed intelligent standby list cleaner that a guy on a forum recommended and set the wanted timer resolution to 0.5 ms and hit Start. Witcher, Dishonored and all other games run like butter now what the fuck.
Thanks for the help user though
>trend of threads that specifically say "buy a pc" instead of "build"
activated almonds
>intelligent standby list cleaner
Ah, so it was windows 10 creator update cancer.
Glad it worked out in the end user.
I never said PC was better (and I don't believe it is either), I just offered a potential fix to OP
PC gaming is a meme.
Prove me wrong.
Drink bleach you fucking waste of life
(remove the first period)
Yeah saw that people are having some major issues when gaming and in general with this new update. Should I just swap to Windows 7 since it supposedly has lower latency and better performance overall?
>$800 PC
I know you probably feel like you spent a lot, but you have a low-end PC, with probably several bottlenecks. Try turning the settings down in the games you're trying to run
>intelligent standby list cleaner
What the fuck is this?
Use SSD and 16+gb of ram and you’ll never get stutters
No clue I just downloaded it and it worked. On /g/ many people have also been recommending it.
Brainlets like this are why gaming is evolving at such a sluggish pace. Absolutely no will to learn so you start complaining and eventually go back to something that just werks but restricts your freedoms in every way possible.
Fuck console plebs.
Well, if /g/ recommended it can be a real thing. Usually those "performance enhancers" are basically malware.
>spending 1000 dollars on a gaming rig when a fully functional console with almost all games is maybe 300 dollars
Fuck pc plebs
>switch from PC to console
>have to pay even more if I want to play multiplayer too
>$60 for each game
>get fed advertisements constantly
>game was downgraded to run on it, looks like crap and is missing a ton of content that consoles just couldn't run
>needs to gate games to the console with exclusives to convince anyone to get it
>after a month it just sits there collecting dust unless there's something I want to watch using my friend's netflix account
>obsolete and needs replacing 2 years later
>about to spend $600 buying a new Mobo, cpu, and ram
Why would I be cheap with something I use daily? Consoles don't feel right to play with except for fighters and platformers.
I'm currently on win 7. But if the problems have been fixed, stay on win 10. Win 7 is losing support very soon and I plan to retire my 7 years old pc in a year or two.
Enjoy playing games on high/ultra in 1080p with your current rig. Hope you have a better experience on pc than you had on console. Learning about how to manage and fix your pc is frustrating and a chore, but it's a skill I highly recommend having.
On a side note, if you ever plan to buy pc components or expensive hardware, please consult /g/ or google the thing first. Don't get scammed again.
ALSO DON'T RANDOMLY DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE. ALWAYS do a check about it online. You lucked out that /g/ didn't recommend you shit because Yea Forums has been getting tons of tourist trolls in the last few years.
Enjoy your games user.
It is written by the same dude that made DDU (the driver wiper), they are legitimate people.
It fixes win 10 creators update cancer. I still don't understand why microsoft ever did that.
> a fully functional console with almost all games
>gtx 1060
>i5 4690k
>800 dollars
LOL stupid cunt that shit is worth maybe half of that
anyway, the reason youre getting stutters is most likely the ram which is not fast enough
>newfags are STILL falling for the pc gaming meme
it's truly the gift that keeps on giving
>retard overspends on 5 year old hardware
>installs bloated OEM OS
>downloads and runs software recommended to him on random forums
Please, go back to consoles. They were made for people like you.
>2400mhz bottom of the barrel Corsair ram
>"why is my pc stuttering bros"
That's not even OP, he bought 1866mhz RAM. I didn't know dual channel even CAME that slow.
>tfw DDR3let
Thanks user for the useful tips much apprecaited, hard to come by through all this shitposting.
That's not op or my build.
Hell, I'm using 16 gb of DDR3 1600 mhz ram on my pc and it isn't stuttering.
What the hell is up with these low ram speeds stuttering meme? I know better ram speeds increase fps, but stuttering on 1080p?
OP's problem has already been fixed and he has 1866mhz ram.
RAM bottlenecking, I assume. I don't know that it's a concern either, but surely there's a reason I bought my 3000mhz RAM, r-right?
When DDR4 came out it had fractionally longer response times than DDR3, making DDR3 the superior choice for gaming.
Is it no longer the case that DDR4 has slightly longer response? Or do people just not care any more?
I really don't want to switch to 10 lads.
Yes, higher speeds = more fps and better performance. Especially if you have a Ryzen CPU.
They have charts about this online. However slow ram speed isn't going to cause your game to stutter. Ram bottlenecking sounds like a meme to me. Maybe at high frame rates on 1440p or 4k? Or workloads like rendering or video editing? But definitely not on 1080p gaming.
>can't buy new processor without switching to win10
Who the fuck ever said it was cheaper?
PC players aren't poorfags or children, we have money to spare
>Normal Norman
Drink bleach you fucking waste of life
(remove the first period)
holy shit 2014 tier pc
You got scammed OP.
Anons, I have to choose between a computer with a Hard drive but internal cooling, or a computer with 1 terabyte of SSD. Both are laptops, and I want to Game/Work on it. Graphics/Processor is roughly similar, but whats the better choice?
Just post both laptops in a screenshot or give us the name because you're not making any sense.
>but internal cooling
>Both are laptops
What laptop has external cooling? Or do you mean no cooling at all?
Those "cooling" surfaces with fans maybe?
>$800 computer
>needing additional cooling
console primates shouldn't even be allowed to go into PC gaming unsupervised