Is making games actually the best job in the world?
Is making games actually the best job in the world?
If you're the creative director aka "the ideas guy" it probably is since you don't have to do the actual coding and programming
The best job in the world is the one that you're the best at
Not under capitalism. You have to crunch awful hours, you get paid peanuts, and your overlords can cancel your game on a whim and there's nothing you can do about it. Then there's being forced to ruin your game with microtransactions, or having to be console exclusive, and then you're targeting 30fps because market research said graphics matter more than gameplay, and all that other shit.
No way, you bust your ass and the game ends up being shit over something you dont have control over and at best you get death threats, but most propably no one will ever remember you while you get fired in favor of some blue haired whale. No wonder people just make slot machines from videgames and scam the fucking dumbasses.
from what I hear, no
small percent of people working at a game dev get to make actual "game design" decisions, everyone else is doing the normal backend shit that you do at any other tech company but with even worse hours because your work is creative, not industrial
Best jobs in the world are pornstar, musician, actor, model, newscaster, YouTube content creator.
especially male pornstar
athletes, actors, models, and musicians have just as much if not more sex than a pornstar and they don't have to ruin their reputation by doing it and they fuck better looking girls
yea. if you are passionate and good at it. im an indie dev and theres nothing else id rather do
it's called a resume loser, they got to that position by coding and programming for 10 years while you were jerking off to hentai in the high school bathroom.
Being a male pornstar is actually tough and straining job and numbs you from what I hear.
But that was literally what todd did tho
As a game dev, depends.
If you work for a well established developer, such as Ubisoft or EA, then it's very similar to any programming job. There's not so much freedom with your work.
If you do freelance / indie, the risk of failure might hinder your enjoyment
male pornstar is literally hell lol
>coding and programming somehow make you better at being the ideas guy
sounds retarded to me
And Todd never forgot. If you check the Bethesda interviews, in the corner is an old computer with a box of tissues as well as some lotion.
Fap and code, user. Some day, you will be the next dreamboy.
Yeah working 90 hours a week with low pay is best job in the world.
it allows you to know which ideas can be implemented and which ideas will make you look like an idiot who doesn't understand the hardware he's designing for.
at this point I just want something to do. I would work 90 hours for like $40k
in an office** not blue collar shit
from what i understand most publishers and devs are terrible bosses
for every 1 good position under devolver there's probably 300 at a garbage fire like tencent/ubisoft/blizztavision/epic
need 5 years experience as a fluffer
and that's IF you don't get pidgeonholed into gay porn
2% chance you'll come out of it without crippling stds
Those are extremely competitive fields that are also very unstable, and they only pay well when you are the best of the best. Newscaster or maybe actor are the only once you really stand a chance of being able to retire from.
Holy shit
I heard being a pornstar is pretty hard