Real talk, what kind of person actually sees this image and thinks "I would like to buy that product?" The only answer I can think of is someone who thinks "I'd better buy this game or that woman is going to castrate me."
Real talk, what kind of person actually sees this image and thinks "I would like to buy that product...
Other urls found in this thread:
probably someone who unironically owns Xbox which is already a lost cause
I got it for free cuz of game pass
>game is a joke
>cover looks like one
I don't see the problem.
The games not bad. But i reached a point on that giant snow map where the black dude stopped following me, and there is this fuel shit you gotta protect. AI clearly buggy due to the new openish map design.
Kate is a crybaby bitch but I think the game itself is good.
The funniest part is that people who are into Gears are into over the top masculinity as well and would never buy a game with a fucking chick on the cover.
I don't know who marketed this game, but whoever did it must be a ginourmous fucktard.
me because it cost me £1
that is such a weird deal, you get new game for dirt cheap instead of paying 60$ for it.
Are they trying to bury Xbox or something
they might have bought it if the chick was sexy but they couldn't even make her sexy. she looks like a zika victim with a man face (long mid-face). you know they actively, intentionally made her ugly to make some kind of statement. and they could have gotten away with that, too, if they didn't put her on the cover.
I think it's counting on the idea that at least a small percentage of people will cough up once this deal is finished to keep their pass going. That sucker sure won't be me
Youd be surprised how many retarded women gamers there are. I saw like 10 black women streaming BF1, and no doubt they insta bought gears 5.
Thing is, even though there are thousands of retarded women who identify with the chick on the cover, there are equal amounts of men who wont buy it just for that reason.
Microsoft can afford to do it (promote sjw garbage over everything else). But some dev is gonna copy them and they'll end up bankrupt. That shaving company lost like 9 billion and the CEO didn't even care.
Someone thought this cover captures the spirit of a gears game the best.
Fuck marketing.
>Youd be surprised how many retarded women gamers there are. I saw like 10 black women streaming BF1
those aren't "gamers", those are standard e-thots milking manchildren for their autism allowance.
i really want to hate fuck her
No they didn't.
It was a retarded going all "haha, the white males will get pissed off!"
It's out
what really grinds my gears is that they don't even include the full title on the cover. it comes across as a combination of apathy and arrogance
Did western game companies fire all their marketers? I have serious doubts someone who has experience marketing shit and demographics would approve something like that cover.
What a fucking wimpy game.
The gold edition is what you get with game pass.
This guy always misrepresents games. Gears 5 is an awesome game but of course he tries his hardest to make it look shit through so much nitpicking it actually makes him look like an autist.
Why doesn't he do this for any Sony games?
When I get an Xbox Scarlett, I'm skipping this shit.
Fuck off Coalition dev faggot.
Doesn't affect me any worse than the dudebro ones
Plus I have a thing for angry women, though I'd rather she have less of a potato-shaped face
They sell your data over and over. Much more valuable than a one time $60 purchase. Its why ms is profitable and sony is going to go bankrupt when fifa starts sucking again
The game is pretty fun. I wish escape missions were longer
I also wish the hammerburst wasn't complete fucking garbage
Gears 5 looks boring as shit and i don’t intend on buying or playing it, but that has to be one of his weakest vids.
i don't care about the woman, i care about the fact they branded it as "gears 5" and not "gears of war 5"
>reeee people call it gears for years
This basically. I don't think anyone is buying this game at the $60 plus tax plus tip plus ship asking price. People already had XBL and were told "you'll get access too all this cool games like DMC V, Monster Hunter World, and Forza Horizon 4 for one dollar" and they paid it.
Gears of war has been financially unsuccessful since 3. This is the last gasp, or rather fart of a dying studio.
>friend lets me sign into his Xbox live account
>do a license transfer
>He pays for gold and gamepass
>we both get to play gears 5
>a dollar in price for him, free for me
Damn how can sonygroes compete?
If you asked me if Gears of War 2 or "Gears 5" is a better game, now, in the current state, Gears of War 2 takes it away.
Have you even played the game? You're as retarded as someone who reads the newspaper and believes everything he sees. Gears 5 actually has MORE destructive environments than gears 2 but it's in different places like the ice shards. He doesn't even show that in the video he just finds the one thing you can destroy in gears 2 and finds he can't destroy the same thing in gears 5 so it must be a shit game right?
By playing a good game.
But you can do that on the Xbox as well.
go ahead and explain how it's a bad game, I'll wait
Why did they just change it to Gears? Sure everybody calls it that but that's weird shit, the franchise is Gears of War
Sounds exactly like what a Coalition dev would say.
Pity I was waiting for it to go on sale, now I'll just pirate it.
uh people that hate right wing white males? was that a serious question? your side is losing in case you didn't already know.
kek, you can't make your own opinion? sad, really
>cover is just a closeup of the protagonist
Why do americans do this
Let's not pretend you even cared. You probably were looking desperately for things to make this game look shit in your head so you never have to feel like playing it.
>trying desperately to find errors in a canadian cuck fantasy
It's just hilarious how this shit happened to the GoW and Gears franchises.
Cared enough to buy 4 on PC even with the shitty windows store.
I like Gears, just not Canadian faggot Gears.
It's been downhill ever since Judgement Coalition nigger.
people that like Gears?
FIFA has always sucked. Sony will be fine, it sells well in shitholes like Europe and Asia.
Before getting into what is represented into the cover, my filtering process works like
>Green box
skip this
>Blue box with wither PS3 or PS4 logo
skip this
>Anything red, small which smells like shitsnained diapers and end with *endo
skip this
>Triple A publisher logo on it
skip this
>Generic AAA title
skip this
>PC/DVD logo
If you don't see anything familiar just check the price, put it back onna shelf, pirate it and maybe purchase the key from G2A
It's easy, cheap, and takes no effort since the game is selling off brand name alone. Its barely a Gears of War game anyway.
Stopped watching the moment I saw the name.
Thanks, Crowbcat. I knew this game was shit.
Just let me play as old Marcus, I can't stand this cunt and her nigger purse puppy
Epic for the win!
Got the game for free and I'm still disappointed, it doesn't feel satisfying, but it makes me want to replay the first one.
I have game pass and I won’t even touch this with a ten foot pole unlike some of the other fags in this thread. A complete waste of time and gigabytes.
Brand zombies and progressives.
Yeah I’m sure a “Gears” fan would love to try out the new “Gears” game with its promo image of Woman Face
this game is fucking DOG SHIT
they have 1 day until it releases on steam and its near unplayable with all the server bs, its like a fucking early access game
im so sad
>play gears 5 with friends and have fun
>Yea Forums just nitpicks and gets mad
Glad I'm not that far gone
I've played it for 2 days straight with literally 0 issues and I'm not even based in america where all the servers probably are.
Finally by the 4th mission it’s fun. But yeah wouldn’t pay anywhere near $60 for this. DMCV, Kingdom Come, Blair Witch, and Gears for GamePass price was solid
low tier crowbcat video to be honest, but spot on in all regards
theres so much more he could have covered, like the gore
gears 5 gore looks like standard shitty bloody red meat with no detail
i remember in gears 2 every cog member had a unique model and pieces of gore when getting gibbed, i recall Dizzy having a unique decapitation among all other models where his lower jaw and tongue remained fully intact, the tongue even had physics to flop around with
this was a rushjob, i hope he releases a more condensed one later on covering the main 1-2-3 games to totally rip gears 5 a new one, shit game deserves it more than anything else
sick of devs releasing classics made from love and drive by a rent-a-dev team who didn't work on the originals and put absolutely zero love, care or soul into it
when we thought generic dude holding gun was not shitty enough for a videogame cover, now we have ugly angry woman looking at you, will anyone ever surpass this shitness?
brand loyalty
same way americans still buy xbox
>judging a game by its cover
none of the Yea Forums favourites would be considered good if it was for the cover of the game you nigger.
>brand loyalty
It's a canadian dev. If anything canadians and europeans are the worst when it comes to brand loyalty.
they purposefully made her uglier holy crap
For every game that's guaranteed to sell well (gears 5, FH4) that's on game pass, there are other games like State of Decay 2, Crackdown 3, etc that MS don't expect to sell well that they're getting paid for. At $10/mo, game pass is $120/yr, that's like buying 2 MS studio games, which is likely 1 more than people would normally buy.
the point wasn't about destroying shit, retard
the point he was making was how shitty gears 5 looked when doing it
>gears 1, environment breaks into small parts centered around the impact point of the bullet
>gears 5, shoot one part of a window and the entire thing shatters into invisible shards
the ice you're talking about does the same, your bullets just turn it into misty particles which fall through the level and vanish leaving no trash
We're rapidly coming up on just cases with a solid block of background color and the games graphic'd title. Like its a preorder case or something.
>Cover where it's juat a person's face
I don't think I've ever bought a game with this sort of lazy creative process. The original Gears of War at least attempted something cool by having the burning buildings form flaming wings behind Marcus.
yeah sure, enjoy being soiny’s used cumrag
has crowbcat literally ever made a good video?
I checked it out on youtube and it looks like the standard gear affair, some obviously bad writing and voice work but the shooting looks solid. I literally forgot this franchise existed up until yesterday. Is the multiplayer good?
youre lucky then
ive got disconnects coming out the ass, stats not syncing, campaign progress not syncing, nobody stays in horde or escape lobbies
its crazy
they better have a day one patch in the works
Give examples
>"this is about you, its about MEEE!"
People who judge a game on it's gameplay and not the cover art or if the main character is a fucking woman.
The gameplay is shit though so I'm not really sure where I'm going with this.
I wouldn't buy this piece of crap. Now this one, in other hand...
>is the multiplayer good?
>can't even find a game on pc
Of course, you would buy it, Sonyfag, it's the kind of shit you like.
The woman is actually kind of irrelevant to the cover design. All you need to know is "This is the next Gears of War game, so I'm buying." The only people she'd affect sales from were people with some kind of Gamergate-esque axe to grind against female presence in video games, and those types aren't buying XBOXes.
>obviously bad writing and voice work
Except that Gears is known for is good writing and voice acting?
which pride flag are you bros repping in multi
What are some examples of close-up cover arts that actually look good?
Sounded pretty bad to me. Good on them for being known for that though
Americans were a fucking mistake
Xbox already got buried
Finally a good game
do PC console players play together?
It's even worse than that: I mean sure, there is an ugly, angry woman on the cover, so that's already pushing you away. But: what even is that game? What is a "Gear"? Are there 5 of them, or what? Judging from the cover, it could be a puzzle game!
It's a game about shooting things in a sci-fi horror setting and there is no hint of that on the cover.
What a weird series to inject muh feels and feminist bullshit ino. Will this be another case of get woke go broke?
Yes, Canada is in America.
There's crossplay but all the console players turn it off because they get shitstomped by the PC players, meaning it's really hard to find a game if you're high rank.
No, it's america's hat.
I got it free cause of game pass lol.
>durr, durr i'm going to buy $100 more expensive ugly console with 0 games and worst graphics
>female character
You people are worse than SJWs
damn, that's no fun. I hope the PC population stays healthy seeing as the game is on steam. I'm having a blast with gears 5, haven't played GoW online since the second one.
I like to think of it as Americas toupee.
Xbox is cheaper and has the best graphics available on a console though. Enjoy your checkerboarding
nobody, not even the retardera trannies that pretend to like it. thats why it bombed despite an absolutely massive push and marketing campaign and good reviews. that fucking face, that concept of a game just makes me laugh out loud every time i see it.
Who the fuck plays GoW and thinks "wow this dudebro shooter really needs a whiny muh feels female protagonist shoehorned into" other than actual "this is what a feminist looks like" sòybòys and sjw freaks?
Gear 4 online died in like a week, and 5 looks like it's going the same way.
Did they seriously change the series name from "Gears of War" to just "Gears"? I thought that was just a shorthand way of saying it, but they're actually renaming the entire series?
Who are xbros? Underage that started gaming this gen? Even still Xbox has been shit until like 2 years ago. I don’t see how anyone who is even casually aware of the history of this brand can have anything but complete disdain for it. Their consumer friendly policies are blatant attempts to appeal to the market because they have no idea how to run a console business. All it takes is good games and Xbox hasn’t had a truly great game in over 10 years, indie games notwithstanding
Why did they make her so ugly on purpose? In Gears 4 she literally looked kinda CUTE
so still no exclusives worth playing on xbox huh
Female characters in western games are so brutally boring and repetitive...
I killed the nigger, the game sucks, felt like a chore finishing it.
here it is i was hoping someone had a screen cap of when she said that
Most chicks in modern western games are ugly. It's not that surprising.
we can all move on now
based 15 year old xD
fuck, was hoping this would last me until the Outer Worlds and Calling of Homos Modern Camping comes out. I really hope this game doesn't die, it's actually very fun.
Yes. SJWs are behind the trend of forcing ugly women in popular entertainment. It's an obvious tell, especially in video games where you don't have to rely on an actor, but can design the models any fucking way you want. So why would you decide to make your protagonists unappealing? Social justice bullshit about about "muh representation" and "muh oversexualization", that's why.
>actually thinks calling himself a cuck makes him cool
It just feels so incredibly misguided, to push for woman-feels shit in a Gears of War game. Why can't women come up with their own stuff. This is getting exhausting.
It's more feminists at the core. Most of the men who aren't complete faggots are just retarded anarchists.
beta men who think they will get laid if a roastie sees he bought it.
little does he know all he is gonna get is a false rape accusation leading to his suicide.
Liberal men make me laugh.
lmao, it's always funny to see incels on Yea Forums try to call women that aren't a 10/10 ugly
I don't turn off crossplay.
I also don't play ranked ;)
>I want to speak with your manager!
Most white people don't find unidentifiable mongoloid mutts attractive.
have fun jerking off to post-surgery, weak genetics asians. must be wild being that lo-test.
Or you know the whole white race, you seething little goblin.
dont pretend to be retarded, shill
if you buy the normal xbone it looks worse than a ps4 and is more expensive
if you buy the scorpio its way more expensive and with still no games
you cant say: "its cheaper!" and "looks better! " without talking about two different systems
The trend seems to be realism rather than wokeness to me, but alright
Again: she is not a real person. She could just be a 10/10. Why not?
It's not like asking "why isn't Rosie“ O’Donnell a 10/10?", it's like asking "why would someone want Lara Croft to look like Rosie“ O’Donnell?"
>realism rather than wokeness
>including pride flags that nobody has ever heard of
>pay for a service
does anyone genuinely like kait over james?
Sounds like a you problem. I've been playing it with no problems either.
I don't see any pride flags on the cover
My bad, they're both $350, but the X is still noticeably better than the Pro. Anyone that buys a base unit as their main unit is a retard and deserves what they get.
So anyone wanna give a plot greentext? I’m curious as to how shit the story was with the whole “chosen one, this is about me!!!” Bullshit.
>cover is supposed to tell you about the game
>the game is about angry dykes with resting bitch face
The fear is real.
take a stroll over to twitter or steam or the official gears forums and youll see what i mean
Someone liked JD? He was the worst part of 4.
They literally had to consult the hamplanet and axewound collective to come up with all those flags
>what kind of person actually sees this image and thinks "I would like to buy that product?"
People who enjoyed Gears 4, in which that very character is playable and central to the plot.
What kind of person that wants gear5 that doesn't already have gamepass for at least a year?
All the zero flags
Looks like you're confusing a few things my friend
What? ESL nigger
Kait is the next Locust Queen but avoids this by severing her tie to the hivemind. However this revives her mom as the new Locust Queen, who then goes on to lead the Locust and attacking the beacons for the Hammer of Dawn. The player is given a choice to save either JD or Del when they're captured by the Queen. The outcome is the same, but the discussion with Marcus afterwards will be different and particularly heavier if you don't pick JD. Kait vows to find and kill her mom.
user, I'm going to be as clear as possible: we are not talking about flags.You brought up flags for no reason.
nigga the whole cast of gears 4 was terrible im just saying out of those people
peak Karen
>killed carmine
im very upset
Did you drop out of highschool?
Kait, Del, Marcus, Baird, and Uncle are fine.
the actual cover looks pretty alright
I hold two Master's degrees
They didn't even bother to use the actual good art they made for it
Notice how they artfully made her nose a little crooked so she's not perfect?
brother, you need to get your testicles back
>The games not bad.
it's not good either
Trash at least can be laughed at but mediocrity
is mediocrity
In what? Being a stupid asshole?
In shitposting and being smarter than you.
But really trends in art direction and offering customisation options to players in multiplayer are two entirely different things
I've played the game. Gears 1-3 are better than it in every aspect.
Why even give the choice. Damn that’s retarded.
They could have put Cole's fully erect BBC going into 3000 white women and I still would not have bought that shit. I may be a white cuck that has a tiny 3 inch pink penis and can only orgasm from masturbating to BLACKED porn, but I'd NEVER buy a fucking Gears game again.
pack it in boys, best post is taken
but its on steam
cover art has been shit for years.No one buys vidya based on that shit anymore
Del is black for the record, but otherwise it's a Telltale choice more or less
The relevancy of the Gears part isn't even there anymore either. The plot is the bitch going AWOL and leaving the machine because she has some feelings. Her teamwork is artificial and there for strict gameplay/branding purpose but ultimately unfounded and unsupported. She's a completely unlikable cunt and baffling to understand the logic of; unlike Marcus. It makes you question why they didn't just make a new franchise with this base idea from the start, other than the obvious answer.
Perfect post my man if I ever saw one
I wondered the same thing. It's like they didn't know what to put on the box art. It's just a cynical as anime titties.
Anyway you don't have to buy it, it's on Game Pass.
It's not the beginning of the gen anymore
The sad part is The Coalition was previously Black Tusk Studio which was in charge of making "The next big Xbox IP", which got that lame teaser at E3 2013 before being cancelled in favor of having the studio be the new Gears house.
So how do we have a female on the front cover without you fucking niggers REEEEEing about your SJW propaganda? How do we make a proper cover with a female?
Microsoft didn't cancel anything. It was the studio themselves who decided to become the gears studio because of rod fergusson.
simple, we don't
>tfw your country's flag is represented as a fucking pride banner
>tfw you're proud to be gay
it says "xbox" in OP pic you moron
>they actually let you kill the black guy and save the white one
I’m genuinely surprised.
that looks awful.
thats like 30 minutes in photoshop with the morph tool
i only have 1 but that's besides the point
romanians need to fuck off
just because you want to hate it doesn't mean its bad
>*owns any console
fixed it for you
user has only got one ball
The other is in the Albert Hall
FPBP. Nobody with taste owns an Xbone.
How do you go from this to that abomination of a cover?
game is apparently really buggy and crashes a lot
campaign progress can be lost, lotta quests bugs
online servers are a mess, but i guess thats just a rite of passage for all multiplayer focused games.
The game is riddled with mtx, i think it also has a fortnite style battle pass
characters are apparently now locked to a certain class in horde mode, like judgement.
seems like a big letdown, on top of the writing and boring protagonists that all speak the same, like a friendlier or shittier version of Baird, depending on the character.
combat seems to be like gears 4, where everything is too smooth, too polished animation wise, the feedback of shooting the swarm feels like hitting a memory foam or pillow really hard, doesn't have a that crunchy feel of gear 1/remake, and all the technical downgrades from gears 2 that crowbcat highlighted in his newest video.
The semi open world take seems to be hurting the game a lot.
also fag flags
What ugly ass game is this
because these games were once about brutal warfare
Man Gears 2 was so fun. Staying up all night with friends and trying to beat hoard mode on the hardest difficulty was a blast. Shame they turned it into some political chick flick.
new obsidian game the outer worlds
I hope this was a joke, because if I'm using the same site as someone this retarded I'm going to be really upset.
Is their engine incapable of having long hair?
Fuck ever since last gen female characters almost always have short hair
Can confirm. I got it for free and so far the servers constantly go down, which causes a bug where campaign progress won't save and then the game will freeze at some point. Upon restarting, you'll usually be back at least one or two checkpoints before it lost connection. This has happened to me 3 times so far and I'm only a handful of hours in. The servers and Xbox Live are complete dogshit. On top of that, the game just isn't very good. Shit graphics, boring story and characters, and dull gameplay that feels less fun to play than the old games. 6/10 game at best.
You pay for Game Pass you dumb nigger.
Just like how we pay our taxes so you can eat.
I only paid a buck and I have it until next June at least :)
Ah that same shit poster from before.
don't put man/woman with gun or up close face shot that always ages like milk
try something that's pleasing to look at and/or memorable.
>shit graphics
At least try to bait properly
poor snoy can't wrap his head around the concept of a consumer friendly service. Probably because he's been servicing snoy's rod all gen
I really hate that guy.
If it weren't so justly deserved, it would be sad how far MS and Xbox have fallen. Their hardware, their games, their online service. All abysmal quality. Truly back of the herd level stuff. That this is the best they can do says an awful lot about how devoid of talent and vision the entire company is.
Incredible post sir upvoted
I already pointed it out to you in the other thread, then you started REEing about BingBucks.
The majority typical customer is going to pay $120/year on console and $180/year on PC for Game Pass.
No one cares if you grind BingBucks, since it is still a waste of time and anti-consumer.
Still a better service than anything snoy puts out ;)
In shitposting and sucking cock? It's self evident, really.
I don't use that either. Open up that txt for the next copypasta response.
this seems to be a pattern with MS games...
>Epic Games = the good Gears of Wars
Gears of War 1
Gears of War 2
Gears of War 3
>Black Tusk Studios = the shit Gears of Wars
Gears of War 4
Gears 5
>Bungie = the good Halos
Halo 1
Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo: Reach
>343 Industries = the shit Halos
Halo 4
Halo 5
This is easily one of the worst boxarts of all time.
The one on the right is also one of the worst boxarts of all time.
Anyway, here's the same design concept only done right.
I already answered that and even beat you to the punchline.
>good Xbox game comes out
>certain people upsetabout despite claiming xbox is dead and not worth their time at the same time
I wonder who could be behind these posts.
The only real problem I have with this game is the always online campaign paired with the abysmal netcode. The thing "people" seem bash the most is what Gears 5 stole from popular PS4 exclusives.
Gears 5 is good though
rod fergusson and stig asmussen are the most insufferable devs cut from the same cloth, terrible team leads
The cover is terrible which is a shame because the game is fun.
okay, well keep crying i guess:)
No it isn't. At all.
AOC was pretty attractive when she was younger and dressed in some tight pants, my dude.
No, Obsidian is just so incompetent that they somehow managed to make UE4 look like Bethesda's Gamebryo.
awful, aged like milk
pick one
underage faggot
Really, because the only people I've seen say that are on Yea Forums, none of the people that I know for a fact have played it.
It's America's hat since under it there's a cowboy that can't stop starting gunfights.
I'm guessing we're living in a world where people pretend 3's Lambent were in any way fun to fight. 4's campaign was bland, but it's way better than 3's ever was.
But halo 5 is the best halo
He's not taking multiplayer into account
I Couldn't tell which game was which half the time.
2 is better in every way
JD was boring but rest of that crew was much worse. But this happen when pass torch to younger generation. I realy liked Gears. But these 2 games looks lame. Too colorful. No stakes. Easy to chose Sony in this generation.
But he called Halo 2 good...
>Epic Games an American company
>The Coalition a Canadian company
You can tell.
>Halo: Reach
Kill yourself, even Halo 4 and 5 are better and Infinie will shit on it, Halo CE-3 are well known to be happy accidents because Bungie's devs were retarded.
nu gow was boring trash
Shit bait.
Kill yourselves. Halo 5 isn't Halo at all, it's just a fucking awful COD clone.
wasn't bait
>resting mutt face
campaign is dogshit, multiplayer is pretty fun though.
Or you could just get a game pass, play your fill of the game and then abandon it because this shit is probably gonna be dead in a month anyway.
>Infinie will shit on it
Halo Infinite will literally be Anthem with Halo skin.
>all these people talking about the story
The story is for modern westerners like Americans because of how much of a Cuck country it is but the gameplay is what this series has always been about and this delivers. 4 fucking sucked but this has some of the best shooting or possibly the best shooter ever in the series. It just feels so good.
The best thing about this is that others can't play it specially PCfags!
No it wasn't. Multiplayer was trash and not Halo.
How are you guys getting gamepass for $1
It's like $15 a month no?
The gay one to make incels seeth
It's on Game Pass, which is on Windows 10.
I don't even play this shit, but at least pretend to know what you are talking about.
They've got a deal going where it's $2 for two months of ultimate.
why did they insist on making studios dedicated to making one game
it's on pc tho
Reach is best Halo. But Halo 3 have best multiplayer map. Sandstorm or something.
Because they are creatively bankrupt retards too afraid to let go of the past and make new IP's. No one making at decisions at Xbox has any idea what they are doing.
People got invested in the first three games, the cast and shit. It's like Halo, Halo was by no means some masterpiece of storytelling and writing but it got people invested and still wanted to see where things were heading. Story may not be THE emphasis, but a lot of Xbox players really got tied up in the exploits of Marcus and Master Chief. So to see both series just fucking flounder about with retardation once the hands switched is a kick in the nuts even if the gameplay's pretty alright.
That isn't bait, you should have just stuck with Gears which we all agree with.
Reach doesn't even have in the name and desaturated the color palette.
My brother lost my copy of Gears 4 in this mess of a household somewhere, we only got so far as running motorbikes through a lightning death storm. What the fuck even happened in 4?
What happened to manly dudebro xbox shotters? Fucking embarassing holy shit. I hope none of you retards actually paid for this trash.
Lmao I am watching DSP play it on Twitch right now, out of curiosity. And he hasn't died once.
They are making games for people like DSP to blast through without consequence. No wonder the normies are eating it up, it let's them feel good about gaming without actually doing anything.
Reminder to not support anything that has fag pandering in it.
oh hey, yet another thread where people bitch about halo reach like it killed their dogs
Top kek.
Black e-thots don't exist
Don't hate FitGirl plox.
They're MS shills. They always shit on Reach while trying to defend Halo 4 and 5. MS is especially desperate to defend 343 at all costs despite Halo being as dead and irrelevant as Gears of War. Halo 5 and Halo Wars 2 flopped massively just like this is and Crackdown 3 did.
When it GPUltimate came out you could upgrade your current live subscription for a buck
i mean, I played Reach at launch and it wasn't perfect, I hear all the title updates improved it but all things considered, even those that hate 4 and 5 seem to bitch incessantly about Reach if it gets so much as mentioned, like it's some sort of cursed game that raped them years ago
>what are difficulty settings
I've been playing on experienced which is one level above intermediate (default) and I've died loads of times because the enemies actually do heavy damage but i will say its balanced and they don't feel like bullet sponges. They got the difficulty right for the higher difficulties.
>n-no! gears 5 is AWESOME!!
>w-why doesnt he go after sony?
What do the fags and freaks have to be "proud" of again? Pic related perhaps?
>Halo 5 flopped
You sound retarded
What the fuck is that ugly tranny?
Hey FUCK you I love Xbox. I’ll admit this game cover alone makes me a little embarrassed to be an Xbox owner however.
so most LGBTQ are not predators? Horray?
Who even buys physical anymore lmao
What kind of person buys a game based on the boxart? Do people actually do that?
It did flop lol. It is the least popular of all of the franchise. Even MS/343i realized they fucked up.
The new face of Xbox lmao
He is right though. Remember when that one reviewer gave Uncharted 4 an average score and the retardation of their fanbase reached new heights, death threats and shit.
Real talk, xbox game pass is the best game service. any day now they will add re2r to it completing the capgod trinity
>dilator can't into math
No it isn't. None of these services are good, they are pure cancer. And Xbox Live and their services are utter trash. Stupid faggot shill.
Uncharted 4 is boring as a holy shit.
They had the engine, the assets, the money and the crew to do a fun game.
And then they make entire areas of unique environment where you WALK for an entire hour.
Fucking cinematic games.
Kids and old people buying games for kids do that.
stay mad, nigger.
They fucked up in various aspects like the campaign but it wasn't a flop, you're misusing the word. It sold very good.
>Remember when that one reviewer gave Uncharted 4 an average score and the retardation of their fanbase reached new heights, death threats and shit.
Based capcom putting their trust in the future of gaming
Just like you got all those free movies with your netflix subscription, right?
The sony fanbase went apeshit over this gaming magazine called edge who gave god of war a sub 90 score as well. Even now they still talk about it on retardera and seeth over it. They all claim it would have got a 95 if it wasn't for that one magazine.
I was talking more about their fanbase and their retardation. Totalbuscus and penguinz0 also disliked the game and the fanbase went rabid on them.
Not when compared to the rest of the series. If you sell 100 of something, but before you were selling 1,000 of something then you've flopped.
Halo 5 failed in the story, multiplayer - both casual and professional.
Well yeah, you watch them once and the media was consumed. Why hold onto discs when you will play most games once and forget about them.
There were no death threats you stupid asshole. At worst one said that they'd choose Uncharted 4 over the reviewer's life.
>Well yeah, you watch them once and the media was consumed. Why hold onto discs when you will play most games once and forget about them.
Is this the state of trolling on Yea Forums?
It's a shitty box art for sure but no one buys games for the cover alone in the current year of our lord.
So since this game was obvious sequelbait for gears6, what is it gonna be like considering the choice?
Are they gonna have to canonise one of them, or are they gonna rollback? Or double down and canonise Both?
>he plays Gears for the """lore"""
>he plays Gears
what do you love the most about your xbox, pls share with everyone
What? Hoard mode was fun as hell.
What kind of "artist" design that shit? She doesn't even look human? There's something wrong with her proportions.
This is what happens when you let the west completely take over the vidya industry...
All this fag and tranny pandering comes from american companies like MS, or sony's and nintendo's american branches. Things would be different if Japan was still in charge of console gaming like 80s-early2000. But, alas...
been watching them on youtube since gears3. i won't object to being a lorefag but at least i'm not paying for it
This game is an amateurish disaster. The scale of objects in the game environment is completely off in relation to the scale of the characters, which is a telltale sign of extremely untalented and poorly trained artists and animators. In a bathroom in one level, the mirror above the sink is like a foot above the top of JD's head as are the hand dryers. And the bathroom stall doors are made for someone 10 feet tall and 5 feet wide.
Why do you betray your culture, weeb?
>This is what happens when you let the west completely take over the vidya industry...
All this fag and tranny pandering comes from american companies like MS, or sony's and nintendo's american branches. Things would be different if Japan was still in charge of console gaming like 80s-early2000. But, alas...
Probably somebody that drinks soi lattes is my guess mate
>Watching gears lore videos for 8 years
Consecutively? What can you get from youtube lore vids that you don't get from a few wiki searches and a gameplay walkthrough? the GoW stuff is pretty self explanatory
what fucking culture
Love that Gears has turned from dudebro to soi during my lifetime. Anyway the games pretty alright, I hope TC fix the servers though and realize no one is gonna spend fortnite money on its dumb store
based as always crowbcat, keep doing the Lord's work.
The glorious Greco-Roman history of fucking each other in the ass as well as the Western philosophical tradition that culminated in dialectical materialism
>People actually look forward to Obsidian games
I don't get it.
>Oh fuck I forgot to dilaaaAAAAAATTEEEEE
>Communism is the natural state of the west
Marx was a kike
>incels seeth
you mean muslims?
This shit is seriously fucking repulsive.
because fuck this (((culture))).
The "natural state" is nasty, brutish and short. You can also think the Western philosophical tradition for that insight. Anything more than that is culture, and culture is ever changing.
Gears 1 and 2 were beyond its time.
>Fuck culture
>Posts one of the most culture obsessed people on the planet
Nah. Most people play females online.
Still doesn't dispute the fact that Communism is foreign and nature and can't ever be white
He said fuck "this" culture, not all culture in general.
>Communism is foreign and nature and can't ever be white
lol what
fucking retarded m8
lol. Most people play as males and have female ults to dress up and jack off to m8.
Do you not realize the hypocrisy of that entire movie?
Compared to the generic ass cover they actually went with? Hell no
Kikes aren't white, kikes aren't european. They never will be. They're just festering middle eastern hemorrhoids on the backside of humanity.
The commercial is mega cringe. Just seent it watching some nigger collision.
>Starring an angry white woman and her black bro sidekick.
>Their goal: Find out why she is crazy.
kek, it's like a satire.
>thats why it bombed
>it's not even out yet
Because Microsoft's management was inept and thought focusing on the same franchises over and over was a good idea. Sony at the very least lets their studios make new IP, even if they all end up as largely similar single player games
>A German living in London building on the works of Hegel isn't part of the Western philosophical tradition because his granddad was Jewish so he was basically living in the Middle East
This is your brain on /pol/
You can do the same thing on ps4
Did you know Marx never worked a day in his life and leeched of his friend's rich dad?
>A German living in London building on the works of Hegel isn't part of the Western philosophical tradition
not if he isn't white, which he clearly isn't.
does this means about half of catholick priests and nuns are lgbt
I tried to do the same, whenever I try and download Gears 5 it just says "error". Microsoft's store is one of the worst ones I've ever seen, good thing they have no games I really want to play.
watching gears of war games on youtube*
Yeah, another reason Yea Forums should embrace his teachings. Dude was a NEET god.
How absolutely retarded do you have to be to think culture works this way?
it was obvious they tried to make jd similar to drake, but he was okay. Why did they shit on him so much in 5?
Where's pedophile in lgbt? I guess we'll be seeing a "p" in there in out lifetimes the way shit is going.
>Real talk, what kind of person actually sees this image and thinks "I would like to buy that product?
The HR staff at The Coalition
The social media team staff at The Coalition
The office manager at The Coalition
The secretary at The Coalition
The entire contents of the #women slack channel at The Coalition
Bet you're not even white lmao
Dude was a privileged kike telling farmers to kill their local law enforcement officers. There's a reason he was kicked out of so many countries.
It's for girls, their concept of "badass and cool" is very childish and cringe.
>There's a reason he was kicked out of so many countries.
To find out who rules over you, just ask yourself: who am I not allowed to criticise?
Killing law enforcement officers should always be encouraged.
french and welsh
I wouldn't be surprised if most priests are actual faggots on top of being pedos.
At least the American studio 343i has the decency to make Halo a Maser Chief game again, those Canadian fuckers, The Coalition, on the other hand, went with this shitty SJW pandering shit.
>To find out who rules over you, just ask yourself: who am I not allowed to criticise?
But this pertains far more to the Jews than any other group on the planet
It still exists with Halo, Gears is dead though and been dead Judgement.
>what kind of person actually sees this image and thinks "I would like to buy that product?"
So you speak incomprehensibly, shag sheep, and smell terribly? Lmao what have you contributed to Western civilisation, your biggest invention is that if you stick the hind legs in your boots it can't run away
>who am I not allowed to criticise?
Uh, as of right now, Jews. Jews are the only people protected by law to be untouchable.
lol, who are you protecting by lying so blatantly?
If we were truly Xbox shills, we'll been eating that shit game up like reddit. The only faggots that like Reach are MS shills, Mexicans, and faggots that joined the Halo community in 2010. Reach was garbage and brought that CODshit to Halo. Halo 4 and 5 aren't as good as Halo CE-3 but a least they have their moments, fuck Reach and fuck you, go back to /hg/ where they shill Queers 5.
There is no lie in what I said - your fierce opposition to what the other user said is a pretty good indication of what we're talking about. But you knew that already. :)
OLD GAME GOOD NEW GAME BAD nitpicks? omission of shit that would make the videos false? naaaaahhhhhh old game good! new game bad. based based based!
What about Judgement?
Investors are literal brainlets that will throw you tons of cash for having a "safe" growing subscription service, even if the actual revenue is 1/10th of what they would get from a traditional release.
Plus there is this idea that the first company to become "The Netflix of games" will control the industry going forward.
Also, Halo 5 sold more than Reach.
For a game that prided itself on excessive balls to the wall levels of gore, it is pretty pathetic to see a regression.
Reach is better than 4 or 5. Believing the newer games are at all better than the old ones makes you a fucking faggot.
>Halo 2
>Halo 3
No it didn't. Halo 5 sold less than 2 million copies total. A franchise low by far. Shut the fuck up.
>wahhh i can't harass people in the educational setting or the workplace based upon their minority status muhh first amendment
libertarians truly are retarded
but games are not movies, the best experience you can get is at home and nowhere else
So did this bill overturn all other hate speech legislation or what?
Nevermind that hate speech laws are not about "criticism," they're about, well, hate. Actual criticism of, say, capitalism is punished by the system.
>You said I was wrong so that proves I'm right
I highly doubt any of you have played it, this is Yea Forums after all
It's 2 on Xbone and PC, we've literally all already played it. It's dogshit.
Reach is bottom of the barrel shit along with ODST. I don't know why some people like ODST.
Yes, it did, nigger, Halo 5 sold more than 10 million copies, Reach could barely even reach 7 million, shut your stupid ass up.
Playing through gears 5 now makes me miss the old gears games. 4 was such a shitshow and a huge step back. I only hope they bring gears 3 to gamepass pc, 4 player co op and beast mode still makes it the best one.
It made a boatload with req packs and was supported with content updates throughout the gen stay mad lol
If Jews require their own special hate speech laws they're a protected class.
>10 million
Who sold you that lie, shill? It sold less than 2 million. Period. That's it, that is the truth. It was a massive bomb. Stop lying you fucking subhuman.
>You said I was wrong so that proves I'm right
Unironically correct.
4 was forgettable as hell and is still somehow better than 5 is. Honestly astounding. I'm so glad I only spent $2 on this garbage, and even then I feel a bit ripped off.
>Implying the people wielding true power even need laws when they can break them with impunity
Laws only apply to the plebs.
wow look who I'm not allowed to criticise
If Jews are a protected class then they're obviously not plebs.
Apart from the fact that the gears demographic is almost entirely dudebros. They want to play the linebacker, not native american ugly chick.
That's not a logical conclusion.
HAHAHA shut up, Reach couldn't even outsell Halo 2.
Then where does "protected class" fall under the Who to throw rocks at: Anarchism 101 guidelines
Yup, a group that experiences widespread discrimination globally is a protected class along with every other protected class, you're making an excellent point here
What other class of people can have you jailed for criticizing their politics? Sounds an awful lot like communism to me.
>Protected class
Maybe Halo: Reach should have been good.
Oh you're just going to play dumb, figures.
>Alanah Pearce has speaking roles as various background NPC's in this game
Who did that miserable Australian e-thot suck off this time to get this job?
That's because you don't know shit about communism
Also that bill you just cited is about ethnic heritage, not politics, and it also hasn't even passed the Senate yet
At least when I do it it's just playing
You're factually wrong though. Halo 5 was one of the best selling Xbox games ever, and was the best selling digital game flat out. It made over $400 million in the first week dude. That's easily over 5 million units.
>You don't know anything about communism
Then explain to me where being unable to criticize a certain group falls under a classless system?
The focus on Israel and Zionism is pretty troubling but guess what, imperialists do that shit because Israel represents Western interests in the Middle East, not because the Western ruling class is a Zionist puppet. Your concern is entirely backwards.
Well it's kind of impossible to know what real communism is because every time it inevitably fails, retarded commies say it wasn't real communism.
No. It didn't. They lumped in console sales and various merch sales to pad the number. It was a lie. The game bombed. Stop. Lying.
Again, what you're doing isn't "criticism", and we're not living in a classless system so I don't see the point of your question. Unless you think the good Republican senator is a Marxist agitator.
>imperialists do that shit because Israel represents Western interests in the Middle East,
Israel only exists because Soviet Russia diverted their military industry to them after WW2. So whose interests do they represent?
You could just learn the definition of real communism.
I'm trying to get you to visualize in your considerably average mind where anti criticism laws would fall in a classless system, if they would exist at all.
Obviously those of Soviet Russia, which hasn't existed for over 30 years.
Also it exists because the UK gave them land.
culture is a racial construct
It hurts Reachtrannies asses so much that 343i games sold better than their shit, they try and claim they started with CE in 2001 but they really came into the community in 2010 because they never liked Halo CE-3.
>Uh hyuk, I don't want it to be true so it isn't
You don't say. Wasn't that hard to figure out what with you literally saying exactly that already. Now do I have to spell out again that I'm trying to figure out the relevance of your question?
explains American """"culture"""" lmao
Let Reachtrannies believe their delusions.
Doesn't matter Israel would have been wiped of the face of the planet if it wasn't for the Soviets.
>During World War I, most Jews supported the Germans because they were fighting the Russians who were regarded as the Jews' main enemy.
Also the Brits only gave the Jews Israel because they were overthrowing the Ottoman Empire.
What a horrible cover. YEAH WE GET IT THIS GAME HAS A FEMALE PROTAGONIST! They really have nothing else to say, huh. It feels so forced and tryhard.
Oh you refuse. I guess that's par for the course for a retard
Man it's so tame and glossy. Where did all of the art direction go?
You refuse to answer my question regarding the point of your question. I can only assume you don't want to see it answered. This is all on you.
The point of the question is even a commie should be opposed to protected classes. Commies most of all, actually.
You're mistaking a lack of technology for art direction in the original gears.
Swapping audiences there are a few interviews where they say they have to force diversity and that they are dropping the OF WAR to make it a closer more emotional game and swapping to kait so more people can play the game and relate. It's some cuck canadian shit and the campaign really suffers because of how hard they force JD is the bad guy, anyone who's played any of the other gears is like "so what am I supposed to mad at him for again? shooting PEACEFUL PROTESTORS THROWING GRENADES?"
You totally weren't paying attention to the vid. You were just looking for a reason to be buttmad.
How come when Microsoft re-invents their games, it's always shit? Crackdown 3, nuBattletoads, Gears 5?
And you're bitching about a bill introduced by a Republican in America.
Crackdown 3 went through three developers, they picked a shit studio for Battletoads, and they gave an American franchise, Gears to a bunch of fucking Canadians.
This is the most ignorant, childish, smooth brain comment ever posted.
Camera shakes, increased voice acting, desaturated colors, and more cinematic motion are not a lack of technology.
There’s no incest flag in there so I’ll be skipping it.
There is still camera shake, just toned down on melee attacks because the action is faster paced now, there is more, and better, voice acting than ever, and the game is better as telling a story now too. Your points, other than color saturation, are invalid.
>Crackdown 3
Hyped up as having industry-defining cloud-powered destruction, delayed 3 times and spent over 5 years in development. End result? Game that had less features than Crackdown 2, and was a regression rather than an reinvention.
Enemies are downed far too long, over-emphasis on the cartoony transformations make it difficult to tell what's going on, no sprint makes the game slow as hell, and hitboxes seem really wonky
>Gears 5
In terms of narrative it's nothing that hasn't been done before and if anything is basically recycling crap from Gears 1 and 2. In terms of gameplay the "open world but not open world" approach is interesting, but falls into the same pitfall every other game does where the devs make big world then don't put anything in it.
Consider, for a moment, that none of those games or franchises have ever been good. So when you take average to middling quality games that have long since peaked and become irrelevant or have been iterated upon better by other games in the years since, and give them to lesser studios, of course the games will come out terrible. Microsoft is trapped in the mindset of thinking their popular franchises from 2009 matter today when they don't, and that is why they fail. Halo without Bungie isn't Halo. Gears without Epic and Cliffy B isn't Gears. Battletoads was just a literal meme. And Crackdown only ever mattered because people bought it for the Halo 3 beta and were pleasantly surprised that it was a decent game for it's time in it's own right. But no one was clamoring for a third Crackdown game in a world where things like Just Cause 3 and 4 exist. No one but 30+ old boomers miss Halo and Gears of War. And no one but 2007 era Yea Forums even remembers Battletoads.
To show that jews are a protected class. How stupid are you?
still a better lineup than snoy
Battletoads was a meme, but acting like it wasn't a popular game is a little disingenuous. That being said the last Battletoads game was 25 YEARS AGO so no wonder nobody cares anymore
I get why you're doing it but it has nothing to do with the tangent you went on about communism for no reason. Damn, you're pretty dense.
The creator of communism was Jewish?
Is there anything resembling a coherent thought in that schizoid brain of yours?
You do understand this all started because you were defending communism, right?
These guys don't seem to know that people have been complaining about screen blood splatters since CoD2 and that a shaking camera even in a scene that is supposed to shake is less realistic than a static camera because a moving image doesn't affect your inner ear to make your visual cortex compensate and remove the shake like what actual movement would do in the real world. If you don't think toning down these aspects is an improvement, you're a disgusting cinematicfag who wants to compromise playability to make games into movies.
VIDEO game
Videos recorded with a lens full of shit and a camera operator with parkinson's are shit videos
What’s the fucking problem with a woman on the cover? I’ve been playing since Gears 1 and Kait is by far the most interesting character in the series.
Right, so we're bouncing between a couple of neural nodes here. Communism, Jews, hate speech laws. The connections are obviously there but they don't really amount to any logical argument.
Well lets get one hing straight here, since you can't even commit to the conversation for one second. Are you defending communism?
It doesn't matter because it's Gears of War and it's the 5th one so people are gonna buy it because of the name regardless of what the cover looks like.
Wait, you're still the dude who denied that Marxism is part of the Western philosophical tradition right?
>Halo without Bungie isn't Halo
Halo was an accident, ODST and Reach showed that they didn't understand why Halo CE and 3 were successful, 343i is about to run circles around their asses with Infinite. Also, the original Crackdown was fun.
She might as well just be a hiking instructor. What part about that cover tells you that the game is about killing things with a chainsaw rifle?
Pathetic 343 shill. Sent.
>most interesting character
gears 5's story is fucking shit and she's a terrible character.
First of all, that’s not the main cover, second of all, it’s literally the sixth installment of the franchise. People know what they’re getting into if they’re buying the deluxe edition.
Not, even a 343i or MSshill, but if you try to say ODST and Reach are good, you were ever a Halo fan, if you can't accept that Halo CE-3 were good by dumb luck, you're not a Halo fan.
Is that a yes, or a no?
Wonder when these devs are going to just make an ordinary independent woman. Every design of theirs look straight from some feminist propaganda
t. Underage
You obviously never even played them. ODST was god tier and Reach was good. Fucking kys. Bungie has never made a bad game, none of those were an accident either they knew exactly what they were doing. 343 on the other hand has never made a good game, let alone anything that could even be called Halo. Sent.
I have Reach and it fucking sucks, this was supposed to be their last Halo game, their so-called swan song, ODST on the other hand just felt like a lazy cash grab and nothing else. They made two bad Halo games right after their best Halo game, I knew something was up with them after playing Halo 2's campaign back in 04..
>I have Reach and it fucking sucks, this was supposed to be their last Halo game, their so-called swan song
No it wasn't. Microshit forced them to push it out before letting them off their contract
I don't know who you are, but I'll find that shit poster and I will kill them.
Someone is jealous
Not him but I appreciate that the Xbox One has some extent of backwards compatibility, I like that I can use it to control my cable box (My TV is fairly small and only has two HDMI ports so having one free for the Switch or PS4 is nice), Game Pass has lots of good stuff even if some of it is on PC now too, the Xbox only stuff includes games like Ninja Gaiden Black. Plus for games that are designed for Xbox like Forza I can put it on my Xbox One X instead of my PC to get a steady performance.
Also I got two years of Ultimate due to it combining my Gold and Game Pass when I did that $1 deal. It's a pretty nice redemption story of a platform but the Xbox's kind of fucked until the next gen due to giving the PS4 a large head start due to that whole disaster of retardation known as the launch.
TL;DR: During the first act J.D., is portrayed as a murderer and nincompoop to diminish his role as a hero. He also gets a bunch of human survivors killed and manages to get his arm burned up in the process. Kait becomes the main protagonist who goes on a personal journey to discover her true self. She finds out she’s the granddaughter of Queen Myrrah, the leader of the Locust horde. It’s also revealed that Myrrah was a lab experiment created by an evil white scientist, and she rebelled and launched an all-out attack against humanity using the Locusts, after they took Reyna, her daughter (and Kait’s mother), from her. Kait also discovers that even though she thought she killed Reyna in Gears of War 4, the Swarm retained her body and used it to form their new queen using the memories of the Hive.
Kait finishes J.D’s original mission of getting the Hammer of Dawn online, while Queen Reyna attacks the COG settlement, forcing Kait to lead Delta squad in a massive showdown in the outskirts of the city. Queen Reyna captures Del and J.D., during the firefight forcing Kait to choose to save only one of them, which means either Del or J.D., has to die. Reyna uses a giant kaiju to attack the wall, but the AI robot Jack sacrifices itself by turning into a homing beacon for the Hammer of Dawn, leveling the entire outskirts of the city and the kaiju in the process. The game sets itself up for another sequel with Kait informing Delta squad that they have to hunt down and kill Queen Reyna in Gears 6 or Gears of War 6… or whatever it’s going to be called.
Gears trannies BTFO
Microsoft's retard asses had them on contract but they didn't tell them to make a shit Halo game.
>mfw at one point in Ch1 Cole is just walking into an invisible wall until I bump into him
I haven't really seen what made Gears the huge franchise it was yet but I'm at least doing better than I was when I tried 4 prior to this. I guess it's just awkward doing cover based shooting for me.
>they didn't tell them to make a shit Halo game.
They gave them less than two years, so they pretty much guaranteed it would be shit. Especially considering every other halo took 3-4 years.
Jesus Christ that's terrible, I hope this and Gears 6 bombs.
Bungie didn't put their all into it s Marty said, they're all at fault, 2009-2016 Microsoft and 2009-2019 Bungie.
Attachment rate tends to be low.
Here is a "massive one"
>ony says that over 617.8 million PlayStation 4 games have been sold digitally and at retail, which puts the attach rate at a minimum of 8.7%. This means that PS4 owners have about at least 9 games for the console since the system released four years ago.
So that would mean 2,25 games bought each year from 2013 to 2017. (article's old).
But with something like Gamepass people can "own" more games, and try more of them. Is also easier to have an idea of what people want to play I think.
>console exclusive
Makes me laugh every single time. They just need to start admitting that xbone literally does not have ONE single exclusive game.
Does it really matter, Gears 5 sucks and you're a tranny if you like it?
>Marty said
You mean the guy who purposefully hired people who hated Halo to work on Halo 4 and 5 to "diversify" the studio?
I like how the obvious underage is calling someone else underage for saying ODST and Reach were not good.
Marty wasn't hiring people? Are you a retard?
>evil white scientist
love how you have to emphasize something the game doesn't even emphasize about a character that has existed since the second game to try and fit the entire incel narrative about this game being WOKE
That was Frankie you retard, and Microsoft made him do it because they wanted Halo to play like modern shooters when 343i showed them the Halo 4 verticle slice. Shows what you know about Halo.
>Have Gold and gamepass from two friends
>Hulu from another
>Netflix and PS4 account from another
Life is good
Oh Marty the musician. I was thinking Frank. Do you have any source on marty saying anything bad about reach's development?
it looks like dude so dude bros will buy it
>old gear
has everything that gets damaged with amazing physics by your guns who feels and act nice and heavy
same things are indestructible and the guns feel like shitty cod ripoofs
Meme harder with the namecalling faggot, this game is shit and it makes me miss cliffy.
He ain't me and yes, I do
>I wasn’t super excited that some of the real stakeholders in the history of Bungie and Halo weren’t working on Reach. And there was a point where I was trying to convince them to bring Paul (Bertone) down and have him polish up the final design, and get Joe (Staten) down to help me get the dialogue for the mission script better than it was. I think I was rejected, so that was tough, because we knew that the future of Bungie was with Destiny and Reach was our final chapter of Halo. It’s always important to make the thing you’re going to ship next be the best possible, and I felt like we were not doing that.
4 was unironically better. This game is boring. None of the firefights have the chaotic and frantic feel of past Gears games. A lot of the enemies take way too much to kill because they thought adding bullet sponges with health bars was a good idea. They even went so far as to make the original Lancer useless to force you to use the shittier guns the robots carry around instead or the weak as fuck new Lancer with a grenade launcher instead of chainsaw. Totally soulless and dull game. Suffers from the same terminal cancer as Halo 5 too, it looks like absolute ass and enemies animate at half the frames past a certain distance from the player
>original Lancer useless
> weak as fuck new Lancer with a grenade launcher
>looks like absolute ass
what's it like going through life been completely and utterly wrong about everything
I know you are probably baiting with some kinda "women bad" meme about how """"gamers"""" don't want games with girls in them.
Absolutely false. It's some marketing meme that PR people started propagating during last gen. Real gamers play good games, no matter who the protagonist is.
The real fault of the cover is that it's just a close-up of a scowling face. If you'd want to make it compelling and modern, you'd at least show them holding a gun.
Even sports games with celebrity athletes are at least zoomed out a little more than that so you can tell that they are a sports person from their outfit.
The one interesting aspect is the use of gold in the background as a contrast, which isn't something you see a lot, unless the whole color scheme is sand-colored.
>we knew that the future of Bungie was with Destiny and Reach was our final chapter of Halo
Sounds like Bungie was already breaking up after ODST
Why do you think ODST and Reach sucked?
Because they are Halo games
like this
Gears typically has a cool armor suit going on, it's strange that they don't zoom out enough to show that off. Then at least some teenager could see it, and a gun, and think "Oh a cool armor suit shooting game".
That was a rhetorical question.