ITT: Peak comfy vidya.
ITT: Peak comfy vidya
what emotion is this
>you cheeky cunt
>we need 2 stronghold crusader threads at once
Just go to the other one
based firefly pandering to chinkbugs
A judgemental sneer you autist.
Age of Empires should be there
Fable is comfy
Why do they keep doing 3D, when it's been proven time and time again that it doesn't work for them?
Can't place that there m'lord.
Looks like a shitty f2p Android game.
Crusader Extreme was the last good game they made.
Delight in getting to kill some fucking heathens.
>No!!!!! Why isn't it another Smash thread?????
>it's a "Wolf goes over the budget and is left wide open despite being allegedly the best AI opponent" map
Saladin, on the other hand, always delivers
I always wanted to like these games but I'm too retarded to. I love the atmosphere, music, and spritework
What are you talking about? Even as a kid I was able to enjoy them, are you more retarded than actual children?
I liked the guy who just came in with a fuckton of Allahu Akbars and torched everything down.
These games are pretty straightforward, user. Simplicity is one of their best aspects.
Why does noone makes sprites anymore, genuinely curious. You cant say its lazyness, it is actually much easier to draw a background than model and texture it, do they think it will appear dated if they dont use 3d much like the animation industry for movies?
i found Stronghold quite stressful actually
Anno 1404 and Anno 1602. The second has imo more comfy artstyle (pic related).
I haven't played the newest Anno 1800 tho.
>You fight well, my friend.
he smells Saracens
How? Everything about the game oozes comfy.
It's much more tedious with bigger projects.
Smaller games tend to use sprites because it is sort of "easier".
>noo you attack my castle, you attack me! I may be forced to do sometheeng about eet!
what's the best game in the series and are the HD releases on steam any good?
You must be joking, user.
There's even a tutorial and some campaigns to get you to understand some mechanics.
>what's the best game in the series
The ones in the OP. Personally, I prefer Crusaders, but both are top tier and there's nothing else like them.
>are the HD releases on steam any good
They're the definitive versions.
play stronghold 1 and its sequel/expansion stronghold crusader.
the hd versions just add support for higher resolutions and widescreen, they're otherwise identical to the original release including janky ass old online multiplayer features.
both games are still very comfy and playable, although the AI is kind of dumb and can be cheesed in some circumstances quite easily.
Is it a viable tactic to send out your Lord as a unit to attack?
It seems too risky and counterproductive on how the game works.
For the first missions where you have to clear out wolves, yeah, it is.
Play Majesty Gold HD.
lord is an absolute unit. he can take a lot of abuse before he dies. it's sensible to use him to mop up stragglers or help out with early raids, but leave him out of real battles.
not him but maybe its the small map size, if you dont know what youre doing you can get swamped easily, unless youre playing against some shitter ai
I know the word "soul" has become a meme, to the point where it's lost any and all meaning, but these games really do have a lot of soul. Everything from the music, to the voice acting, to the art design, to the unique blend of city sim/RTS gameplay makes them still stand out almost twenty years later. It's too bad that Firefly were never able to replicate the first two because there aren't really any other games like them that I'm aware of.
I use my lord right at the beginning to clear out small packs of wolves and bears in the near area. Also useful if you haven't made enough archers by the time the first raid comes along.
I still can't believe that after all these years there hasn't been a game that tops the medieval comfiness that this game has.
anno 1503 is the comfiest I would say
the music and graphics were really nice
Is the story level where you have to get through the Pig's castle still fucked?
any other games where you could crawl in some hole and command your dumb peons to do all the work for you? Because it was max COMF guiding your AItards to victory and utter fucking HORRORSHOW when they all got killed and you had to drop your ipad to go in yourself with all the enemies trigger fingers on parkinsons
Yeah, you are right. I feel stupid, but I mistook Anno 1503 with 1602. Damn it with Anno games convoluted names. I wanted to say Anno 1503.
pmed you the patch
slightly disappointed that the new steam-based modding community hasn't really produced anything too interesting, but apparently the game is supposed to be an utter bitch to mod especially with adding new sprites
this is prolly the comfiest game ive ever played
Based and Henrypilled.
*Attacks you with 12 spearmen*
much more work.
I mean much much more
finished it just recently. It was fun and I want more.
But good sequel never ever
Why doesn't stronghold have a proper ai? I just want a comfy caste building game set somewhere that isn't a desert with working opponents but every stronghold after crusader sucks.
But Majesty 2 came out like 10 years ago.
I know it's just a theme park MMO, and I've come to the conclusion that the only reason I enjoy it so much is purely aesthetic, but god damn if everything about FFXIV isn't pure comfy
Oh wait, you said good sequel. My bad.
I never conquered the other cities. I expended mine, built it with areas and watched the little guys having their lives
I remember it to be quite stressful too. Main campaign of the first game is pretty scarce on calm moments, the waves of invading troops becomes quite annoying after you reach the land of the Pig. 9,5/10 game, but not that comfy as people tend to remember because of soothing music and village scenery.
all these years later i am still mad that black&white 1 is so much more fucking complex and fun than 2
>Try economic campaign instead for something calmer
>Pic related
>b&w3 never ever
>Yes we will keep making games in 3D
>No we won't hire a decent modeller or texture artist
>20 years laters is nothing like familiar learning AI in black&white 1
Always found Dark Souls oddly comfy. There's something melancholic yet welcoming about Lordran.
I don't know what happens after you beat the Pig because it took me 5 hours to beat his first castle level and then never could beat the second castle level.
>1 is so much more fucking complex
All 2 did was expose the behaviour parameters that drive the Pet. 1 just felt more complex because you couldn't see what was actually going on in the background.
I agree with this.
you forgot animators
Definitely the sickest track in the game, the guitars are killing it
This can't be real.