In regards to this company

Chad kings 2>eu4>>>>>>>>>>>>vic2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HOrny Incels 4

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Stellaris was amazing until megacorp and that fucking abysmal economy and planet overhaul

CK2 > Viky 2 > EU4 > IR > Hoi4

Hoi4 for its modding scene > CK2 for Elder Kings > Victoria 2 > EU3 >......... > EU4 for being a broken mess.

Megacorp actually made me lose interest in the game.
Had just the right amount of micro- and macromanagement beforehand, but now it's out of balance in my opinion.

the old system of tile management was trash
the new system is too micro intensive, and the AI cant handle it but its a much better built mechanic and hopefully the'll fix the AI and reduce micro for it

knowing paradox they wont

Vic2>>> EU4 >>>> stellaris > HOI4
for the current generation of paradox titles

IR > the rest
cicero looks dope and it can only become better

any list that doesnt put vic 2 at the top is shit

>eu4 that high
lmao also Imperator will be better than all of them in time, just you wait

CK2>VIC2>EU3>HOI3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>literal shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>EU4>HOI4

all their games except CK2 are falling apart hardcore


IR will be above EU4 when Cicero finally kills mana

Still lacking content for certain areas: Tibet, Arabia, anything south of Egypt.

I have hundreds of hours in all of them.

I will never forgive them for pulling jumpgates from Stellaris. I keep trying to play it, but now it feels like a boring version of any other 4x you could name.

my condolences

mana wasnt the only issue with IR
every government feeling exactly the same, the retarded trade system, and incredibly broken "families" system were bigger problems than the mana was imo

mana was still bad the other issues were worse

Hoi2 and its derivatives are the only good hoi games.

Who tf cares?

>every government feeling exactly the same
How is this any different than the 4 government types in CK2? They are already making nations more individual, although they desperately need to make more variation in the military traditions

IR is missing content for fucking everyone except Rome and the successor states, even then the content for them is barebones. What a fucking mistake of a game

>because their other games do something wrong we should excuse this game for doing the same thing wrong
this honestly was my biggest problem with IR, not the mana and not the lazy mechanics but the fact that with every single paradox title they have to fucking go back to square 1. They make all the same fucking mistakes all the same shortcuts just to have to release patch after patch fixing the same problems.

why the fuck didnt the damn swedes just learn from the 7 years of CK2 and 5 years of EU4 mistakes and incorporate the mechanics that work in those games into IR? because they've learned that by releasing a half assed game they can sell DLC for the next 5-10 years to fix that games shortcomings and retards like you eat it up like fucking hotcakes

IR is a bad game with weak mechanics and a terrible lack of variety the new mechanics are broken and the old mechanics that they copy pasted from CK2 and EU4 have all the same issues that those mechanics have in their original games

IR is a bad game and you should feel bad for supporting it even if youre just shitposting

Paradox has lost it completely and every patch for every game makes it worse.

>VIC2 falling apart
all of the current paradox titles (ck2->present) are in varying states of disrepair
CK2's Holy Fury DLC was alright but half the new mechanics are garbage and the game is still completely unplayable as a Christian nation before AD 1000, the pagans and muslims absolutely BTFO the Franks and Anglos. Not to mention the other absolutely retarded mechanics that DLCs have added over the years
EU4 goes 1 step back for every step forward the devs take, the European expansion they are talking about right now might finally make Catholicism worth holding onto and might finally fix the protestant reformation and mercs, but it easily could just fucking break everything yet again. Golden Century was a meme and deserved all the hate it got, and the Devs have absloutely 0 ideas how to make blobbing harder without resorting to completely arbitrary mechanic changes like not being able to convert in territories, or getting corruption (which is a terrible mechanic that needs to be completely redone)
I:R is a absolutely broken game with 0 interesting mechanics and most of its mechanics were copy pasted from EU4 and CK2 without improving them in the slightest
Stellaris is nearly unplayable in singleplayer and a lagfest in multiplayer
and HOI4 is not even a GSG its a mobile game