Don’t mind us, we’re just the only reasons why you haven’t pawned off your WiiU to FUCKING GAMESTOP yet.
Don’t mind us, we’re just the only reasons why you haven’t pawned off your WiiU to FUCKING GAMESTOP yet
Well, also because it plays almost every Nintendo game plus more.
Nah, my hacked Wii U is my favourite emulation device. It will take a lot to change that
>only reason
And hacking
And the fact that I just straight up like my WiiU
And that reselling your shit is for chumps
I should go play Pikmin 3 again, game was fun.
stop being a faggot that trades in his games for nothing.
Got 101 used for $10 a couple of months ago. Best $10 I ever spent.
>liking the WiiU
>Haven't played any of the three
>holding on to Wii U for Zelda, Nintendoland, and an assload of indie games.
Nice try though.
With a WiiU you can play all good Switch games.
that and the fact it emulates a shitload of games.
Add Splatoon, nintendoland and SM3DW
>implying I was stupid enough to buy a Pii-U
CEMU always wins, baby.
I havent pawned my wii u off to gaystop because it's my dad's netflix machine
>emulating a system everybody made fun of
>six years later
>and feeling cool about it
What's your favorite game?
Why would you ever pawn off your consoles, especially to Gamestop? Are you a retard who likes to get scammed?
>My WiiU got fucked in an awful flood.
>Costs too much for me to replace now.
>Worried about prices rising over time.
Nah dude I'm waiting for King Knight. I paid for that shit.
Wonderful 101 is the best game on the system.
That, and my Wii's disc drive shit the bed at some point, to my Wii U's the only way I can play those games now.
>selling you wii u to gamestop
>not waiting for the liquidation sale to fill out your library and also a second wii u
Come on, user.