How hyped are you for the best anime game of 2020?

How hyped are you for the best anime game of 2020?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>fairy tale

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That's a really low bar

Okay, let's stop pretending
Post the only good parts of FT

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I can't wait to play Wendy's game

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Anime games will never be more than slightly above average cash grabs at best.

>poor mans op
yeah naw

This one has hotter girls though

Fairy Tail is exclusively good for the porn

They took too long but i hope it's truly a jrpg and not some musou.

Which fairy tale girl can sprout endless amount of her own body parts for some super freaky sex experiences? I'll wait.

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Anime is for unbelievably huge faggots like yourself OP

Fairy Tale is absolute shit but goddamn the girls are so fucking good. Look at those tits.

One Piece girls don't have internal organs and that really bothers me, Fairy Tail girls have better proportions overall also Lucy can make a copy of herself, that's good enough

this bitch looks like gumby

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That's fucked up, man. I don't know why you'd want that but you do you

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Fairytail is a garbage manga, one of the worst offenders of nakama power. Hell, it would've been tolerable if they had kept laxus as a badass asshole. The laxus from when he was first introduced would've crushed hades in an instant. Instead, fucking natsu has to do it.

>That forehead

>she can be in the kitchen making your dinner and sucking your dick at the same time while you're in the living room
why WOULDN'T you want this? Are you gay?

Depends, does it have character creation?

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Can I have VR sex with Lucy?

We don't know anything so far, just that it's an RPG which is already an improvement over the thousands of anime musous and fighting games

Character creation is all I ask out of my weeb games

>not erza
shit taste bro

Ezrakeks? Explain.

Most popular character wins, not surprising.

>*z-targets your omnislash*
death battle is shit

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Fairy Tale and BnHA are the worst manga I've ever read.
I don't understand how can they have any fans.
At least FT started somewhat promising but it became stale really quick.
Nothing but a disappointment.

Erza has tits so she's better

MHA is lost potential, they took All Might out of the picture way too early. Now all its good for is its girls and they know it.

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I was kinda enjoying BnHA until the whole 7 quirk thing and I just dropped it. I don't understand what the fuck is up with authors and their fetish for power levels. Practicality is just as great than someone being powerful and bullshit through everything. But as usual the girls are at least cute

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>Fairy Turd
kek la kek


>shitty tail
Pick one

how do you manage to be more generic then black clover?

>it's an RPG which is already an improvement over the thousands of anime musous and fighting games
Say that to that open world one piece game

I only want to have sex with Virgo, the rest of the girls can fuck off

You called.

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>wanting to fuck your bro tier friend

the fuck is wrong with you, user?

>One Piss open world
wow you can explore world filler as your favorite straw hat crew


One piss female designs are lanky as FUCK. They may be better personality wise, but design wise FT>OP

Not so sure they have better personalities or character either.

can't wait

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I wish these two had more quality art....

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>autism battle

The only right answer

You mean the porn?

Name one scene in fairy tale that has a better scene than the one with Nami in the Fishmen arc.

Why did Fairy Tail turn to literally nothing more than fap bait?

I enjoyed the first few arcs, then it went into retard territory.

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>not wanting to fuck your bro tier friend

the fuck is wrong with you, user?

fairy tail is the definition of style with no substace

He could at least try to hide it.

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Could be One Piece with no style and no substance.

Guts is only good anime

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>Space Bros is only good anime

>Space dandy is only good anime

Not with those last 2 episodes.

Let's see a side by side comparison of Lucy and Nami

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I hope you're comparing breast size and not body depiction, right?

It stopped being good after the Grand Magic Games arc

You'd have to be more specific with which Nami you want to compare then since she grows her tits every arc

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Waist way too fucking thin

Looks good to me bro

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Not to me, the B-W-H ratio is all fucked up in One Piece

>has to use fanart

What's the difference if it's the same proportions

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i like fairy tail. its a pretty decent 'just turn your brain off'-anime.

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Yeah Pirate Warriors 4 is going to be pretty cool

What I was talking about is what this post pointed out right here .

Oda takes the meaning of the word "hourglass" and fucking turns it up to 11. To the point of where his bodies look alien.
As much as I prefer One piece from FT animewise, Machima, arguably, draws the sexiest female bodies among the famous shonen like Naruto, One Piece and Bleach.

Now you could argue that it's pretty much the same body for all girls, but why would you change perfection in the first place?

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MHA unironically does women better and has more variety. Samebody is just as big of a problem as sameface.

>Warriors games
The DW and SW games went to shit around DW6, and the anime Warriors games were never good.

kill yourself you fucking normalfag

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I love One Piece and Robin, I will even defend Oda somewhat and say that the anime exaggerates his already.... sketchy abilities with female anatomy. But come on? Compared to Fairytale women? It's not close.

Isn't that how you're supposed to watch One Piece and SAO?

7 and 8 are the best in the series user

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user, IRL women don't wear the thighest corsets around their waists 24/7. Because only with that could you maybe achieve Odanatomy.

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I don't watch them because they are fucking garbage you normalfag

>One piece

What’s with FT fags and trying to bring down other shounen to their level? FT is literally the bottom of the barrel in terms of shounen, everything else in the genre is better which is really saying something since a lot of shounen is bad.

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Can't speak to SAO but One Piece at least has a significant lore and world-building components underneath the surface level shonen smash-ups that IMO makes it more engaging than most other shonens.

One Piss fags injected themselves into the thread

One Piece's art style alone turns me off. How do some of you fuckers watch over 900 episodes of that shit? At least Fairy Tail is visually appealing

>All these shots of the anime
At least use Oda's style you shits. Even Fairy Tail's anime is considerably accurate to the source material more than Toei's garbage.

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The problem remains in both the anime and the manga, the waists are too thin which makes the girls look weird.
It's all about the proportions

The "lore" and world building seems like typical shonenshit where they make it up as they go along

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>food analogy

Hardly. A recent chapter with a naked Nami showed a normal silhouette.

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I don't think he is, but if that's the case he's doing an admirable job of it.

The music and tiddies will be great
Combat could be good if they get inventive with the skills
Story will be garbage even if it covers the whole manga's story because the manga's story backpedals and reverses anything decent that happened ever. or does a time skip for no reason other than Mashima wanted to draw a lot of people differently but not the main characters.

>MHA unironically does women better
The bodies are okay but the ugly faces ruin it for me

Well it seems that at least Oda learned to fucking draw a proper female body for a change. Took him how much...22 years? Good for him.
Some people are bloomers I guess.

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Just another one on the Bamco shovelware pile.

You're an idiot.

Muh nakama
Muh erza can't lose
Nobody really dies, except Mavis who was already dead but also not

Who's that?


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HxHfags are an obnixious bunch for series only fujoshits love

Chelia Blendy, a God Slayer.
She has extracted a lot of semen from me from the first time she appeared.

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Chelia from Lamia Scale

oh the girl who fights Wendy, she looks so much "bigger" than I remembered her to be in that pic


Hopefully there'll be some Wendy ryona.

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fucking retards

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Chelia > Wendy
There I said it

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I love boobs so I agree


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Even Wendy accepted this.

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FT has better girls

Huh, didn't know about this poll. When was it?

Still not as hot as DF Wendy.

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Good, I like some girls in my games

The best girl better be playable.

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how many orgies has fairy tail had over the years?

Can Charle change her body to a more mature version from time? Asking for a friend. my penis

Thats usually a very low bar. Aside from a few Ubisoft Naruto games anime games suck.

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a cat is fine too

We don't even have any fucking gameplay, do we? It's suppose to be an RPG right? How will it work? Make a character? Pick a guild? Pick a magic type? I hope they put in a lot like the anime had. Ice, Fire, Painting, Armor Changing, Dragon Slaying, Plants, Celestial Summoning, etc.

Also hope it's open world with crafting and shit, but not sure how they'll incorporate that into a Fairy Tale game. Honestly Fairy Tale had a pretty big world.

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Does HxH even have girls, I mean like not some throwaway character like someone's nameless mom, a girl around for only one arc, or some dead villain?

> tfw you'll never have a lucy and nami threesome
why even live?

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What are the odds it's turn-based?

>read new Mashima manga
>it's all the same characters with different names in space

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only if it has best girl and she uses her powers

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They're all sluts, though Erza claims that she sees Natsu and Gray as little brothers and has no attraction to them. Lucy clearly wants Natsu's dick but never admits it. Most of the girls are sluts and perverted but never outright claim to be, except Juvia but that's only for Gray.

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None that I can remember, maybe the old hag who turns into a loli?

Sure that isn't from some other Togashi shit?

>"The fire dragon's..."
>"Stop it!!"
Kek, fucking Happy

I don't remember her doing much even though the first time she showed up they all said she was the strongest mage they had ever encountered and shit

I like Eden's Zero more, Shiki is okay and I like Homura well enough.

who even asked for this weeb battle?

What I would like is to have 2 modes in the story: One where you assume an existing character and play as him and another where you create your own and enter the FT world. The latter of course I don't see it happening since it would take much more work.

The reason I'm saying all this partly because I would like the players to be able to dabble in whatever kind of magic there is, and NOT just staying to the character's signature one (ex Natsu-Fire, Grey-Ice, Erza-weapons and armor conjuration etc).

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Censorship awaits

Fairy Tail is only good for the porn. That lameass of an artist is hiding his pounds of official Wendy loli hentai and he's holding out on us, so fuck FT and fuck this game

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It's coming to the Switch and PC as well, thank god

>Wendy will never kick you in the balls

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Speaking of that, are manga artists and character designers contractually obligated to not release hentai of their characters?

Romeo could have easily seduced Wendy if he hadn't of been a limp-dicked copycat pussy. He literally started dressing like Natsu and trying to copy him.

the most underrated shonen in existence lmao

man, sony fucked up badly

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Wendy's fat ass riding my face

He struck complete gold with character designs in FT, knows he could never get them as good as he did there.

Could be HxH that's good for nothing, or shota shit if you're a fag/fujo

Measurements and outfits seemed fine and as expected in the trailer.

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I would like a mode where you get to FUCK all of the FT girls t b h.

Not really, she's already taken.

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Between this and homestuck, neo Yea Forums is literally everything the internet hated in the early 10s.

Lucy is so fucking cute. Too bad Natsu is so autistic and retarded to care/notice.

Oh rightttt I forgot she's a lesbian and she and that other bitch had some kind of relationship going on even though it was never fleshed out or explained.

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Erza's childhood friend that got friendzoned actually died for what I remeber

You and literally 95% of the people who like Fairy Tail.

Lucy is wasted on Natsu. Dumb shippers

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>That one anime/manga that you want to get a game that never got one
What's her name, Yea Forums?

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It was one of the most fleshed out relationships in FT I'd say.
>domestic violence
>living together for a year

It's basically the Gajeel x Levi of yuri.

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keijo ;_;

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RTS Gundam game

I am agreeing with you, faggot. Natsu is too autistic and retarded for someone like Lucy

>Futa on female


Futafags must have an urgent meeting with a firing squad...

>Doesn't like futa

Shit taste, or you're a normalfag who never went past basic hentai.

what a retard


This coming from someone who would freeze during a war


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Obligatory. I'm surprised that no one hasn't posted it yet.

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why is almost all fairy tale porn ntr shit with bad art

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I’m expecting some low budget turn-based JRPG where you only play as the 4 MCs and select stages through a screen, no open world or character creation.

I have this one

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Is this going to compete with Dragonball Z:Kakarot?

So why didn't she just take it?
He gave the whole "together forever" thing which is as romantic as he can get, he also is probably on edge about the whole being E.N.D. or Zeref's brother thing.

Did they at least fuck in that 100 year quest spin-off or is Gajeel the only Dragon Slayer that knows how his dick works?

Lucy is probably the most perverted out of all the girls in the series, which is funny and arousing to me. She tries to hide it but doesn't do a good job of it, if anything I think she gets turned on by it, like getting embarrassed.

I always said this about the 3 prominent FT Guild girls:
>Erza = definately relationship material, could advance into something more. Though she is not an easy character to get along with.
>Mirajane = ABSOLUTE marriage material, Laxus is a lucky guy.
>Lucy = Just....fuck. Fuck her hardcore and keep her as a fuckbuddy. Nothing more.

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Lisanne is super fucking cute, but I like girls with short hair.

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All the characters in Edens Zero are better than their Fairy Tail equivalent. Especially notGray

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it's hotter

Meh. It would have been better as a musou

Zeref/Jellol ruined everything along with "ERZA IS ERZA LOL" and Nakama bullshit powers.
I remember that I stopped giving a fuck the moment they defeated some older master of their guild through bullshit nakama power

She would kill you the moment she transformed into a demon. Her younger sister would be better

her mom needs a assbeating

I hope she beats Shiki's ass instead

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Nastu is the classic dumb MC who just loves to fight and eat like a pig.
Wouldn't be surprised if Mashima came up with a random baby just to satisfy the fandom.
And I think Gajeel is the only one who know that sex exist(and how to do it)
that's why she's the best

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get out Kurenai

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>She would kill you the moment she transformed into a demon
Why? She's not shown to lose reasoning or herself when transforming.
Plus, have you seen her Demon Forms. If anything, I would tell Mira to deliberately transform so that I could make love to her in that form.

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Who is the flattest girl in FT?

my poor Master Hades

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>Wouldn't be surprised if Mashima came up with a random baby just to satisfy the fandom
he did

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Agreed, holy shit.
I hope she doesn't get forgiven.

but this is not canon,right?

This is an edit right?

As canon as this is.

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It's as canon as it can get now

Wendy of course.

>Nastu is the classic dumb MC
I know but it feels like a cop-out to not have Lucy lock that down or even Natsu just fuck her into oblivion by the end of the series.
100 year quest even added a literal while mage healslut as Lucy's rival.

charle even though she has 8 tits

i hope based joe gets a hold of her to make some money if you know what i mean

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>How hyped are you for the best anime game of 2020?
As long as it's turn-based, has exploration in it's environments, and follows the main story

Fairy Tail is mostly crap but the girls are fucking delicious. Mashimas work ethic is also highly respectable and the anime has great music.

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Haru is the cameo boss battle.
The Reel Big Fish song plays throughout the fight.

Yeah she's pretty flat but hopefully she turns into a tiddy monster later.

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I never understood why Fairy Tail was so popular.

I legit tried to give it a chance. I read all the way up to the Phantom Lord arc and just stopped. The characters are lame, the magic is generic, and the only thing I can say I enjoyed was the art style. That and the massive amounts of Erza ecchi I’ve fapped to.

I read HxH after and enjoyed it way more.

Nah she's good now

For that you can be certain, judging from Edolas Wendy.

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o baby

what about bitch wendy

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Eden's Zero fixed Natsu by not making him asexual. Also his gravity powers are cooler than fire powers.

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Great. The show needed more smug Wendy.

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I know, I also like how Shiki is allowed to go full murder hobo.
He was gonna kill that frog for abducting Rebecca.

I see
Also nice butt
The Lucy-Nasu romance it feel forced to me,they should have remained just guild buddies.
Wait,so this is the Lucy's rival? So they could possible fuck in this new arc?

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Well Wendy is a child so only pedos like her

From what I remember, her personality shifts hard, with a more serious look and those deadly eyes. Women with double personas are dangerous

Yeah, him. Fucking Natsu's bullshit nakama powers + I ATE LAXUS LIGHTNING

Yes that's Lucy's rival.
Also, people were confused about Lisanna coming back and doing nothing, not even getting that Natsu dick.
Turns out the producer of the anime liked her and shipped her with Natsu so she came back at the end of the Edolas arc, when Mishima wanted her to stay dead.

Chelia is barely older than Wendy

>219 replies
>No mention of best girl Mirajane
Where did this thread go wrong?

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the moment you posted your trash waifu

>fairy tale

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She doesn't get many scenes

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She has a fine behind, got more?

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Rebecca developed a fetish for being ridiculed by notWendy

>No mention of the girl who had to strip in front of everyone and has huge tits compared to the other girls
Also a big ass

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There are plenty in her manga.

Shiki > Haru >>> Natsu

they were steamrolled by a powerful enemy but NO they have to defeat him and guess by who ? Not Makarov, not the spirit of Mavis(for some reason) not even Laxus, but Natsu. For fuck's sake Mashima

post it

Fucking Mashima, that's what's it is. Too much clutter, too much unnecessery characters.
Mira's whole arc and the fact that the biggest smile in Fairy Tail hided so much pain and loss behind it speaks volumes about her character.

But Mashima is a fucking idiot.

Was she and Minerva the only strong mages in Sabertooth?

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Why is notWendy such a bitch?

i like Natsu and all but i like Shiki way better

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>Fairy Tail was closely monitored by editors because it's the magazines biggest success
>Mashima agrees to let another artist do the sequel as long as he's allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants in his new manga

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>almost jobs to swords while Erza takes down the baddest bitch around

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>main character is a literal color swap

thats what fame does to you and she made pino cry so i hope she falls hard

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he is a crazy man

it just means he got the design right the first time around

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you would subscribe right

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Let me guess. Bandai namco

What kind of fag wouldn't want this hottie to dominate her opponent?

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Anyone have any recommendations for a good battle shounen manga/anime? I'm looking for something along the lines of early Dragon Ball, HxH, and One Piece as opposed to boring shit like MHA or AoT.

The Lisanna's return was confused as fuck. She would have worked better as his partner but she was technically dead so give Natsu a crush at least and develope it

Why not?
B-Cubers are alright I guess.

whats with this guy

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still waiting for is official hentai manga

Natsu is a complete idiot.

well looks like she needs the subs

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Erza literally beat the sexuality out of him.

They are supposed to be equal in power and rivals.
But Erza is...well...."Erza" and is also a main character. This is the shonen effect. The selected close group of MCs get stronger and stronger surpassing the rest and making it so they are the ones to shine in the end.

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Why didn't Natsu and Lucy work well as partners?
Was it because Happy was Natsu's partner and Lucy was a pet class?

please suppress him

>Does all that heroic shit.
>Does get views but they are all bad ratings.
Rebecca is suffering, but at least she has Shiki.
Why are her views so bad anyway? Is because she has a ridiculously large amount of content without focus?
She could make it big by just filming Shiki in his scrapes.

sexual partner I meant

Mashima is at his best when he's just having fun instead of having to go along with his editors.

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Not really, Rave Master and Fairy Tail still have some differences in artstyle

My question stands user.
Besides, Lisanna would fuck almost exclusively like a tiger.
By the end of the series, Lucy could only do missionary because of her water magic shit.

i know exactly what you mean. it's a nice comfy time waster that's a by the numbers shonen. thinking too hard about fairy tail will only cause frustration and that's no fun.

Anime based games are almost universally fucking awful

Name 5 (Five) girls in HxH with the only condition being they're not antagonists, or former antagonists.

>literally reusing the same character even with the same missing eye

God I want to suck on those cute little toes

she censored her upskeirt shots in her videos so that is probably a factor

They want to see her goods not to just be a tease like a twitch camwhore.

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fuck off
this is Yea Forums

>fucking like a tiger
doub it

For me its Ultear

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That's a good ass choice

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I remember one of her beast forms was a tiger, I lke to make connections.

>Lucy, edoLucy and Gemini Lucy all on your dick at once

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Old hag who did everything wrong

where is the one on the left from?

You guys like smug semen demons?

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I like smug semen demons with tits

A lot of people in another thread were saying time skip is where it went bad but I didn't mind the magic games, there was some great fights

she wont be smug soon

>make a manga about a universe filled with aliens
>every major character is either a human or a robot

Give us alien sluts Mashima

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I wanna fuck notLucy!

>HxHfags inserting themselves in this thread
Worse than Jojofags

>a year away from the 2020
>90s kids are considered boomers now

wrong thread, asshat

This is not even video games, bro.

I think he means Bisky? she's not an old hag, she's a big buff monster who turns into a loli

yes it is

lucy was made for prostituting herself to rich old men

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She’s like 50

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>This is the shonen effect. The selected close group of MCs get stronger and stronger surpassing the rest and making it so they are the ones to shine in the end.
kek it actually reads like something Gintoki would say

What is this kino??????

was it ever really said anywhere that the universe is filled with aliens? From the start it's been about humans and robots

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I may be a retard but at least I have enough cognitive ability to figure out what's shit you autist

I never read this, but I am lurking the pages posted here. This manga is going to end by becoming some long dream Happy had while sleeping at Lucy's house, right...?

Entirely different series.

okay, maybe he should have put more in here and there, but still it was never really "a manga about a universe filled with aliens"
Like I said it's always clearly been more focused on humans and robots and the relationships between them

still I wouldn't really think of her or her real appearance when I think old hag

Fuck you the world doesn't need more musou shit.

Erza is best and fuck you

>How hyped are you for the best anime game of 2020?

0/10 since I have not watched or read FT

>>That one anime/manga that you want to get a game that never got one
> What's her name, Yea Forums?

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>haven’t read or watched FT
>enters an FT thread

Mystogan being the Jellal from another universe has to be one of the worst reveals in the history of fiction.

for what?

I haven't read or watched FT, so which girl definitely loves sucking dick, and which tolerate doing it?

>cool looking wizard with a bunch of magical staves
>oh, it's HIM AGAIN, but from another place and HE HAS NO MAGIC OF HIS OWN
>and best cat cant stay on his buff form for longer either
Bravo Mashima. And notShanks always being absent was also great

Actually kinda clever to take her design and make it a massive Captain Harlock reference at the same time.

Will Erza be able to defeat anyone because she's Erza?

it was a terrible reveal to be sure

Didnt she defeated herself too in that other world?

I didn't read the end of FT but Jellal seemed to ruin any arc he appeared in. Erza really suffered for it too.

He literally cannot be stopped

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I swear he's Mashima's self-insert.


Pfft. Always the good guy

Will they ever fuck?

imagine what one could do in the ft universe
>learn mind control magic
>just win

he's a space cop. He's not a good guy.

Pretty much, hell the hero is the "demon king".

Nononono. He is always a good, misunderstood, but good in heart(mashima raughs)

>not a musou or arena fighter but an actual JRPG
They already cleared the first hurdle for anime games

>literally making the main heroine of your story a twitch camwhore


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My fucking sides.

>Lucy with a slightly different hairstyle
Is this the definition of a hack?

This is literally not-Captain Harlock with not-Erza Scarlet

Sounds pretty based to me.

Well, Lucy was just Elie with longer hair.

And Jellal is literally a less cool Sieg Hart.

Fuck, these threads made me want to re-watch the first few episodes

Pretty much

early fairy tail is decent
it ends up dropping the ball pretty hard though

>hating Mirajane

she's a whore

I've been rewatching 1-3 episodes before bed lately. It's fun, I'm up to the Oracion Seis arc now

You can say that about literally any Fairy Tail chick.

That's one of the better ones.

I don't like the whole double personality thing that happens towards the end

For being a battle shonen, FT had some decent girls

It happens a lot in FT, also not a fan but its a good enough ride up to that point so I bear with it.

cana has literally been confirmed as a virgin
+ mira is about to job to lucy

>crew of actual good likable characters instead of bad characters with good designs

Fairy Tail was stuck with 13 year old bad decisions.

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Why do robots need clothes?

I haven't seen anything about fairy tail in years, what the heck is this?

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Fist of the North Star Lost Paradise is the only exception

I don't like the setting

New series, went from fantasy to space and everybody gets skin-tight costumes and "ether gears" that aren't magic but are basically magic.

>the first loli master of fairy tail is not a virgin
>turns out she actually did it with the main villain years ago

Is Rebecca more like Elie or Lucy?

Lucy with hair conditioner

Leans more Lucy.

Which is more likely to prefer anal, Rebecca, Elie, or Lucy?

>main villain is a pedo
What did they mean by this?

i dont remember a lot about rave master what was Elie like

This looks like something black people would buy.

She used to shoot up Casinos a lot.

>Mavis is a little girl by immortal standardhe's based and redpilled

>Koei Tecmo
>Fairy Tail
Hahaha double fuck no

Honestly FT does a lot of emphasis and detail with tits compared to OP such as jiggling and motion while in OP, it hardly exist(although there is jiggling in the OP games). At least Usopp had his face in Nami's tits one time when the both were dancing together.

I hope the FT game has plenty of tit jiggling.

Wait, there is more

So they can be taken off.

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This is the same guy that has reused this character design for three different characters.

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And I still don't understand that tattoo

>No mention of the girl who had to strip in front of everyone and has huge tits compared to the other girls

Isn't Erza the bustiest of the female FT cast?

Does Mashima provide three sizes to check that?

Juvia best girl

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I wouldn't mind Sega making an FT game and I don't mind if they make a Yakuza FT game. Worked with Fist of the North Star.

She's really cute but when her whole personality is to be obsessed with a character I dislike I can't really like her that much

What type of Mafic would you like to specialize in the FTverse? Please not meme answers for once.

For me it would be Time Magic, with some basis on Possession Magic (especially trying to escape destruction and possess a new host) as well as Darkness Magic. Aka, a master of subterfuge, plotting from behind and trying to outlast my enemies.

What about you?

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mind control nigga

Its basic but I'll never not love wind.

Oda cannot draw women. He has never known how to draw women. He will die not knowing how to draw women.

what would you try to do ?
join fairy tail? be in a dark guild? nothing?

So do we actually know anything at all about this game?
Outside of it being a JRPG?

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I like your thinking.
Based Erigorfag.
Long term, trying to gain power for myself in some political office or as an advisor to the Crown.
Realistically, trying to make a good living and name for myself for starters. Maybe a merchant, maybe an assassin if I can stomach the job (Darkness and the immobilization spell from Time would be both handy in that case).

I like Jellal's Heavenly Body magic. I'd probably go for that.
I'd join Fairy Tail, of course

Why join fairy tail though?
you'd get outshined at every turn, all the girls are taken and you get dragged into every conflict imaginable

Not if you work your way up. I'd strive to be one of the most powerful wizards and seduce wendy

at best you'd be max tier
remember he trained for 7 years and got surpassed by natsu instantly
and the bitch cat would never let it happen

Lightning. Laxus was always badass!

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403 Forbidden

The Sting and Rogue a made me drop the manga

>Series starts off as an ok fantasy series
>Becomes late Dragonball but with wizards after first two arcs

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>character designs are just recycled ones from previous series
Mashima is a grade-A hack

Yeah, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

That was fine imo, it was the eclipse gate with the dragons where it really started going downhill
There's no way it's going to be an arena fighter

No need to abandon some good designs.

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>Fairy Gay

Wendy w/tits is cute

ok 12 year old

reminder that every character in the manga would be disgusted by you

I don't think so. Remember, subterfuge and concealment.
Whatever illegal shit I might try to do, I'd make sure they'd never show up. In FTverse, I would just want status and influence, not destroy the world unleash horrors and cheesy nonsense like that. I'd still seek to have a family of loved ones, live a good life etc.
I would just be able to do nefarious things thanks to my magic if I wanted to.

>fairy tale
so many things wrong, so many baits