What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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nothing, better than 1




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Nothing. It' s better than the first.

While that opinion is also alright, I disagree.

>9 years later and both games still look fucking amazing
I will never stop seething at EA for 3.

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dead space aren't very good games
walk through the same corridors the game

what went right

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>I discovered Survival Horror genre

but thats wrong

There will never be another game where you kill zombie babies.
Dead Space 2 was underrated.

So basically horror games since the first Alone in the Dark on PC?

i think both are equally good just in diffrent ways.

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Guys what is the name of that new spiritual successor to this game? I can't remember

Negative Atmosphere but it looks shitty

>Dead Space 2 was underrated.
if it was underrated dead space 3 wouldnt have had such a hypetrain that led to EA having wildly unrealistic expectations

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it's a perfect balance between horror and action just like RE3

Never found this game genuinely scary, more relentlessly tense if anything with great action and kino weapon and suit designs.