Do you buy video game related merchandise, Yea Forums?

Do you buy video game related merchandise, Yea Forums?

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This should up last week. Adorable as fuck.

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I've only ever bought this.

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Only bootlegs or cheap officials. I have a TF2 Heavy neca and some bootleg nendoroids.
>tfw no bootleg Jack frost nendoroid

no because I am not a virgin

Only for hotglue purposes

Yes, that exact marisa nendo plus a few more

No, I am not a manchild

I only buy vidya art books.

pic related one of my preorders

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>Big brain
Buying merch
>Bigger brain
Stealing merch
>Biggerest brain
Making merch
>Biggerestiest brain
Tulpaing merch

3DPD is irrelevant, you dumb faggot

My mousepad came from a video game.

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Not judging you, everyone does whatever they want with their money but:
how do people react upon seeing your room?

I was really into special editions and stuff when I was under 25. Now I couldn't give a fuck.

I should really purge some of my shit, I'm getting too old for it.

lmao at the fucking state of this image, you need a mental health evaluation.

Anime figures are total panty-peelers.

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Some artbooks, and ordered my first videogame figure this year. Should arrive in november

I surround myself with huge boobs. No one must know or where I live except anonymously. I love giant knockers and I'll surround myself with them constantly.

There's nothing wrong with Edelgard you seething Blue lion baby

Only official miku t-shirts



I have Sanae and Marisa nendos and that's about it. Those are my 2 favorite 2hus so I don't care to complete the set.

hotglue when?

have sex before you shoot up a school you pathetic incel


they always gift them to me
I got a tanned cirno nendro and a chibi reimu
They gifted me a Ness and Lucas amiibo too, but I don't own a new Nintendo console


my friends
they always gift me some action figure

I have a lot of touhou music CDs if that counts
And takane and miki figures

Actually I'm a volcel, but I'll go shoot up a school anyways just for the hell of it
Post miki

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