Favorite game
biggest regret
Favorite game
Don't have one
Basically this entire year
not listening to my Dad
Superstar Saga
not asking her out
>Favorite game
Batman: Arkham City
>Biggest regret
Letting myself be fat and lonely throughout my teenage years.
Megaman 4
yeah, same
Not spending enough time with friends, I pretty much have nobody now.
Mario 3
Not hating women earlier.
Putting my cat down a couple days ago. There was nothing else I could have done but...but god damn do I miss him.
don't have one
not having one
Tekken 7
Letting anxiety get the best of me to the point I stopped working out for 2 years.
get a dog next time faggot
mmmm my list is pretty long. It ranges from TF2 to Littlebigplanet1/2 to Super Mario Land 2.
My biggest regret is not studying ecology sooner.
Legend of Mana
Not asking out a girl that was clearly into me in college. She eventually started dating a Chad that got her into drugs and ruined her life.
Catherine/House of the dead 2
Not being more
Dark Souls or Final Fantasy IV.
Regret not skipping school and doing drugs. I got nothing out of being a good boy what a waste of youth.
All of my "regrets" are extremely tiny things like "man I shouldn't have spent 20 dollars on that, then I would have 20 more dollars right now"
The fact I pussied out of stabbing my Mother's stepboyfriend when I heard her being brutally strangled.
Why did I have to get a crack-whore mother.
Super smash bros
getting a 12 year old drunk then "raping" her when I was 23
pillars of eternity
quit college
>Favorite game
New vegas
>biggest regret
not killing myself back in elementary school so i don't have to deal with all the mental problems the 8 years of constant bullying caused
Soul Reaver
Playing video games
Same shit. It's always like this, even if there is absolutely nothing that could be done.
Sonic Mania
Not asking a girl I liked to prom.
I'm sorry, user.
FZero GX
Not being able to achieve a life of sloth & laziness on my own because of money, forcing me to spend time doing something I don't like. Even with the means to do what I want, there's nothing making money that I like.
I considered even being an Internet freak and putting my dignity aside for views & being sustained by faggots who's morbid curiosity push them to sustain my own lifestyle, but that sounds like too much work.
Could be worse, could ask her out, never get a definitive answer, not notice when she tries to get your attention after sending her boyfriend up the river and get pissed off when you don't notice, then end up telling everyone you're stalking her, get you fired from your job and then six months after the last time you see or hear from her have a police officer show up to your house after she spent a long amount of time painting you as a psychopathic murderer and telling everyone that you said you'd kill her when you never said such a thing at all and warp your suicidal thoughts into an excuse to suit her own purposes, tell people you threatened her family when you have no idea who any of her family even are and all the while baldface lie about "I said no" "I have witnesses" etc. etc. etc.
Honestly, even I'm amazed I haven't killed myself this year.
I legit may never approach a woman ever again after this. Never in my life prior to meeting this woman have I ever stalked, or even been accused of stalking anyone in my entire life.
Worst part of it is, I'm sure she'll never suffer even an ounce for what she's done to me.
>pedophile rapist
i hope you bubba sets you on fire after making you his wife
Star Control II/The Ur-Quan masters
Being born, probably. Would've avoided a lot of hassle.
Raping shouldn't be in quotes. What you did was rape. You raped her. HONK HONK
Ow the edge
I know this feeling.
Nigga please don't give up.
>top 2
outrun coast to coast 2006/shantae and the pirates curse
Not getting over my "depression" sooner and should have learned to code and draw earlier
shut up fucking pedo scum kill your self
Losing my virginity to a "masseuse"
Don't let the bullying dictate your life.
It happened and it sucks but you focusing on that when your bully's aren't even thinking about you at all. You're stronger than you think to grow from that situation.
Soul Hackers
not taking my gf's virginity in high school. i had the chance and i didn't take it. still a virgin now. fuck
It's okay user, ironically fate compensated me with a millionaire grandfather on my father's side that I never knew even existed until I was like 15. Shit still gets to me though, sometimes I still get fucked mentally when I reminded of it. My body shivers too, but thankfully I've stopped vomiting because of it.
at least you had the chance to have a gf. Some people here haven't had the chance to go on a date
not standing up for myself more as a kid. I got bullied at school and at home and nobody ever supported me, not even my mom. I just gave up after a while and that was fucking stupid and now I have a ton of mental health issues
Having an light autistic 15 year old GF when I was 18, groping in front of her friends only to be called out by the schools principal. Thus, letting her family down, after they trusted me with her and eventually looking like a fucking perverted pig in front of my family. Good times...
this shit makes me genuinely furious. i'm sorry dude
Toss up between Okami and Bloodborne
I'm so afraid of the future that I've effectively stopped moving forward and so depressed that I am on the verge of alienating the few people who still care about me
>Completely giving up on everything right after highschool and spending 4 years neet doing Yea Forums-fap-sleep, completely cut off from old friends. Now i'm totally socially impaired, I can barely speak properly out loud, i'm still a virgin and every employer expects a degree by my age so i can only work as a waiter and retail
God gives us certain opportunities in life and when we don't take advantage of them, or in my case, don't even see or notice them, he punishes us for it.
Megaman X5-4
Not fuck my ex enough, She was quite hot and we never actually had the time to do it
The police incident happened literally just yesterday.
Sneedsona 5
Fuck off, didn't need this shit right now.
Rise of Nations
At 16, honest to God, a really hot ballet dancer a couple years olders brought me to her home and asked me to have sex with her. I panicked and declined - in part because I was "saving myself" for the right person. In one way or the other, I think this decision brought me to be 25 years old and a virgin. I wish I had just done it when I could.
I'm glad you're moving forward. Childhood trauma is a lot to process and that sounds even worse than most people have to deal with. It'll get even better over time; good luck to you, user.
Sex is overrated, you are five years off till wizardry.
just had a loud laugh at your expense
New Vegas
Not asking Rachel out when I had the chance
That regret seems to be a common theme in this thread.
I should've listened to people when they told me she was a heroin addict just under two years ago. The incident with the pig happened because a guy I went to school with was telling me on facebook about the heroin shit and she saw all that and said I was talking about killing her.
I'm putting the call out there: If you ever come across a short skinny redhead by the name of Alyssa Brittany Bracken tread very, very carefully.
>debate on asking her out for a month
>some other guy swoops in and gets her
>tfw Yea Forums cares more than a good portion of my family
Grim Dawn
Used to be buying the Cube World alpha but that shit has just turned around
Kingdom hearts chain of memories
Trusting a white bitch
slut name
i'd fucking beat the shit out of her
Mount n Blade
Never expressing my desire to hang out with my childhood friends and generally distancing myself from them, turned 20 couple days ago and still have no irl friends but ironically I really like talking to people and being social
other than that life is pretty great get fucked nerds
Going to Uni.
animal crossing
t.35yo wizard
I'm too embarassed to say my favorite game.
I feel in love with a girl I talked out of suicide who was three years younger than me. Still legal. She would constantly tease me about being a pedo because of the age gap. I broke up with her because, in my past, I was preyed upon by an actual pedophile, and the idea of being one really hurt. I couldn't take the banter so I broke up with her. She got very upset, and called me a pedophile and told all my friends that I was one. I lost all my friends. Thankfully my job never caught wind so I didn't get fired.
>getting subtly asked out and declining, only to realize later that they were actually asking you out
rune factory 2
telling everyone i'm killing myself and only disappearing for a week because I was too scared to do it
>All her friends tell me to ask her out
>All my friends assume we're already dating because we have such good chemistry
>Ask her out
>She rejects me
>A week later she's dating some complete stranger that none of her friends have ever heard of.
Women, I fuckin swear to God.
pretty cunty of her should've talked her back in to suicide my nigr
Tie between Hotline Miami and Hitman Blood Money
Not enjoying my childhood to the fullest with my father. Take care of him bros, they can die in the most meaningless way from one day to another.
Wish I could give you a hug mate. If all the shit I've been through this year has taught me anything, bros gotta look out for their bros.
not gettin /fit/ sooner in life, I feel like I'm way behind and should have taken advantage of my teen metabolism and test boost
also messing around with my then female friend when she was taken
link's awakening
letting myself be manipulated by a girl while I was in high school. I was in orbit for all four years.
Funny, my biggest regret was humoring my disinterested, absent father instead of telling him to fuck off from my life early on.
My biggest regret will always be Sonic Heroes.
I had to beg my mom for 60 euros. Walked by foot a total of 12 kms just to buy it because I had no car. The game was 65 so I had to beg the store clerk to let me get the game for 60 and she eventually let me. And in the end the game was a massive shit
Kingdom Hearts
ruining things with Gabrielle
I don't want to hurt people user.
Thank you user. It means a lot to me.
Wind Waker
Breaking up with a girl I dreamed of being with, then proceeding to stay in love with her for the next 5 years on and off.
>Going to Uni.
Too relatable. I'm thinking of dropping out after not passing any classes the past year and a half.
Maybe I'm just not cut for it.
Raidou vs King Abbadon
My folks have been pocketing my school refunds and I never notices because I was too much of a retard to realize I was supposed to be collecting them
Anyway 4 years in, 2+ years to go and absolutely ready to kill myself
thanks for reading my blog
>implying you arent fat and lonely now
Yeah, she's definitely a slut, I know she wanted to fuck me at one point although she'd lie about it. Glad I didn't, I'd probably be in an 8x8 if I had. Unfortunately for me, short skinny redheads are my weakness.
Don't stick your dick in crazy boys.
Mass Effect
I never got the courage to respond to the girl who was in the same class with me all the way through primary school. I kept pretending I didn't hear her awkward flirting and hinting and her friends teasing her about it loudly in my presence.
Splinter cell chaos theory
beta story but college
Not gonna lie the way your post is spaced makes it looks like Kingdom hearts is what ruined your relationship
Why'd you do it?
That's not your fault, user. Your folks are taking advantage of you. Assuming this is your first time in college, your parents are supposed to help you with that shit, not just take the money and run. I'm sorry dude, that fucking blows and is totally unfair.
>Found a note in my bag that supposedly a girl liked me in middle school. I was sure it was a prank so I never said anything and acticely avoided the girl.
I might truly have been a prank but I'm nearing wizardhood and I can't help but think how things could have turned out.
wow classic
you boomers are lame
PMD Explorers of Sky
Lying to the police about my motivation for causing arson. I said I did it because one of my closest friends killed himself. That was my attempt at somehow getting away with it, and it worked. Said friend actually killed himself a year later. The same month I caused the arson. The worse is, I couldn't even grieve properly because I was desensitized from how "ridiculous" the situation felt like. It felt like a bad joke, but it wasn't.
Why did you cause Arson, user?
>Favorite game
Yakuza 2
>biggest regret
Being ugly and not doing mewing shit while I was younger to prevent it
Don't pretend its a videogame thread.
Biggest regret is probably dodging mental asylum for 3 years. If I went there earlier my life would've been better much sooner.
At the time we just fell out of love I guess, and there were things about her that I didn't like but I mainly think it's because I didn't realize I was depressed and that's what caused me to be unhappy and not the relationship.
We are two different people now, we still on happenstance run into each other and it's like old times of just talking and playing vidya. I still love her, but I guess more like a friend, but I'd be lying if I said I still didn't feel some romantic way about her.
If you set nature on fire then I hope you burn, I hope you set a crack den on fire at least.
Probably the first Bravely Default
And i have many regrets, but the most recent one is renting and airbnb with two people i considered my friends, they tuened out to be annoying pieces od shit
Maaan… Don't post mah waifu ITT too...
Not pulling the trigger
Did you atleast use the cat as a silencer for your shotgun?
Monster rancher (PAL version
I wasted my time in university. I fucked around because I don't know how to make myself study and ended up getting a worthless grade at the end of it
New Vegas probably. The question is too hard.
Everything that happened in high school. I know I made plenty of mistakes but why do I have to carry this regret for so long.
discovering Yea Forums
Silent Hill 3
Spending way too much time on Yea Forums. I'm a newfag from 2011, but I still feel like I've been here for way too long at this point.
Don't reply to my posts ever again.
Hotline Miami
Having hope that things would continue to go better and that I could be happy and feel wanted
>Voting for Trump
river city ransom
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
He doesn't get to complain when he merchandised products that fetishisted everything the show had.
My dad has been dead for a long time, but a week before he did I had the chance to go see him and I didn't
Did you do anything about it?
Its because you legit waited too long. Women have the idea of either you ask me out within a certain time period or your a friend forever.
Wasting 4 years and thousands of dollars on college when I had no idea what I wanted to do, ending up with a degree in something I'm not interested in and having zero experience because I wasted time changing my major half a dozen times
Its like pottery.
Pikmin 2
letting myself say in my room all day and not make friends and memories with other teens my age
Legit question
How can anyone have a favorite anything?
I can never stay on one thing for more than a couple of months. This isn't only on vidya, applies to anything.
Like I can't just go on saying my favorite game is dark souls, when I'm not playing it right now, nor have I played in the last 4-5 months.
Not buying crypto currency back in 2015, BTC was like 500 something, eth was barely 15 bucks, NEO later was 5 bucks, even the coins i was holding would have gotten me 2 grand from a small 800 dollar investment, but no. I fucked it all. I didn't loose much money, but I could have made a fortune.
Fuck Anno. Shin Godzilla was fucking T R A S H
>Its because you legit waited too long.
thats the thing
there is NEVER the right time
some Women need months
some need mere seconds
It's good that you saved yourself instead of giving up to some random harlot
There's nothing substantial about that aspect of the story. I was bored. That's all there is to it. If I really have to give it meaning I'd say it's a statement of how apathetic I was. I thought causing an arson would maybe bring out some emotions out of me but I didn't even enjoy it. It's not that that I regret though, as causing it might have led me to find about the real thing that cured my apathy.
Not nature. My college. Didn't harm anyone either.
I know these kind of girls. I talked out of suicide a girl that lied to one of my friend at the time into thinking I was a piece of garbage so she could get him for herself, and he developed something for her as a result. (while obviously being in love with me in the first place). Ended up having to talk her out of suicide a second time when I exposed her bullshit and my "friend" threatened me to save her because he couldn't even do anything. I never talked to her again after that, and he never apologized.
I feel for you lad.
Just your typical smashfag folks
>How can anyone have a favorite anything?
>I can never stay on one thing for more than a couple of months.
not having autism or ADD greatly helps
also just because its your favourite doesn't mean you have to spend all your time on it
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
I let her slip through my fingers. She adored me and I gave all my attention to another, thinking she was above my league. She moved out of state, got into hardcore drugs, and killed herself. Bethany I love you, I was just too stupid to show it.
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Tie between going on /pol/ and not understanding my sexuality sooner
Story time??
that sucks dude, even if she was named "bethany"
>hurrrr muh amazon
shits always on fire on nature retard, and guess what, it always finds a way to grow back on the consequently much more fertile soil, funny how that works isn't it?
you'll learn new shit about your sexuality even in 50 years
Max Payne
Wasting my youth on a computer and not going to learn saxophone when my dad suggested to get me into music school. The only time my old guy wanted to get me into something worthwhile and my lazy 11 year old fat ass declined it in favor of gaymes. Still remember this 11 years later, I don't even like video games now. I wanna beat the shit out of my young self.
Changes all the time but right now probably Ninja gaiden black
My entire life pretty much destined to live a low income life so i'll probably end it soon
I don't have enough regrets to want to kill myself
I don't have either its just regular boredom, or wanting to move onto something more fresh.
I guess you are right, but it doesn't feel right saying something is favorite, when you haven't touched it in years. What would be the proper wording then?
rejecting her cause she wasn't my type at the time. my preferences changed and she got hotter
>favorite game
.Hack Infection
>biggest regret
Not losing the weight sooner and finding someone to share the best years of my life with. I'm going to die alone working out and experiencing love through a medium that is programmed and curated.
Natural occuring wildfires are helpful for the enrivonment, human-made fires are not, unless they're made by farmers who know their shit, not some cocaine addict or depressed teen, you fucking tool.
not trying harder during university
Super Mario Galaxy.
Don't have one, it's pointless to lament over what could have been.
tfw ex was a huge butter face, decent body. After we broke up, she took up brazilian jui jitsu, body got even better and was hinting that she wanted me back. I declined
>but it doesn't feel right saying something is favorite, when you haven't touched it in years
thats a feeling I don't get
every other year I install it again, play through it, play a couple of rounds online and sooner or later start playing different stuff until I install/find it again
Not fucking that big Titted girl who wanted my dick just because she was a butterface
How old are you son?
A while ago I was on a job and someone took all the shit with them. Like $5m in diamonds. We planned and busted our fucking asses off for this loot and this little chink fuck from outside my usual crew just stabs my bud in the ass and runs off with the briefcase. I had a gun trained on him but still I couldn't take the shot. I really needed that money (we had a guy who would pay a third of its market worth as it was hot). We were going to split it three ways, $550k each.
I sometimes think about if I took that shot. It's a regret, I think. Maybe. I don't know.
What's happened in the Amazon should be ample proof for people of the existence of climate change.
A fucking RAINFOREST should not burn that much or for that long. But yeah, hey.. FUCK THE TREES right?
NieR: Automata
acting the way I did and confessing my love
Heat Street?
School semester aboard.
I am not a people person and thought two of the classmates i had that ive collaborated with on projects would beclme my friends if i stayed with them this wemester aboard and shared a house.
Turned out to be a terrible mistake and do not how much i can do to put my foot on the ground and stop them from messing with me or my stuff.
>All this love for this 2015 Underrail game all of a sudden
>Just now hearing about it for the first time because of the Sseth video
Fuck you niggers.
I do my replays of my old stuff every now and then but, its really too many things to call a favorite.
Nah sorry man.
not beating up my high school bully
Honestly none. I hate myself, but if I'm being honest I can't really pinpoint a moment where it went wrong, I was always destined to be this way. I actually think this place has somehow improved my life. It's kept me from getting involved in much worse subcultures, and got me involved in more constructive hobbies like gamedev.
Not my fault, plus I knew the video was coming shortly after Expedition dropped with all the Yea Forums threads.
>Steals most of his imagery from Devilman and Getter Robo/Mazinger.
>Has hatred for his fans.
I could beat up Anno and fuck him in the ass.
>or for that long
you mean for like, 3 days max? was pretty much half contained the day after retard, but hey, it and the Epstein case are memory holed now, so details right?
31. I'm a hopeless wizard with 0 self-confidence from years of turn downs and self-image hate.
I'm down 97lbs, got about 60 more to go, but it's only taken like a year. If I did this a decade ago I'd have less weight to lose and I could have enjoyed my roaring 20's with a decent gal.
same except I dropped out
just want it all to go away lads
Welcome to women
Underrail threads have been showing up for like the past month you double nigger
sseth uploaded that video TODAY
thats good reasoning and I agree
my favourite game was just the first one I conciously enjoyed so much that my dad had to take my PC away
you don't happen to own Payday?
Nah haha. It wasn't a bank.
Fav game is Dungeon Keeper I guess. I used to play it all the time on my dad's PC as a kid.
eh, I'm already a senior citizen but thanks anyway
FFVII and Kirby 64
Not keeping in touch with my friends.
>House of the dead 2
Nice, also I think you're enough user.
Yeah for sure.
So what would you call many games, where you A) put in alot of hours
B) Enjoyed most, if not all the time you put into it
I don't have a big regret, just a mixture of many small regrets. Like, "I should've learned playing that instrument, or that language, I should've gone to a different school, I should've not did that", etc.
I surprisingly don't care about missing out on teenage love like many here do
Hey user, judging by the picture you posted, you might find yourself into Homer-rier's art
Never played it?
Because literally reads like the first few seconds of the Heat Street heist(you don't rob a bank in this one)
No never played.
I'm out that business now.
I just drive uber and smoke pot all day. Retired
my true love
Going to college. I’d like to say I might have graduated if I majored in something other than nursing but I probably would have ended up dropping out anyway. Student debts haunts me the most. Honestly, I wouldn’t be as bothered with all the other shitty parts of my life (virgin, single, still live with parents, no ambitions or hobbies) if I wasn’t forking over a chunk of my paycheck every month.
Dark Souls or Banjo Kazooie.
Never learning how to drive.
Just gotta remember the good times together. Same with any other member of the family.
Burned for 3 weeks you fucking moron.
Persona 4, i enjoyed it.
I regret eating too much pizza and mcdonalds early on in my childhood, now that i am going to the gym, running, and trying to get fit, it has become quite difficult to me to adapt to eating healthy stuff i see as repugnant. At least i only drink water for now on, completely replacing soda and other drinks out of my diet.
Thanks Skeeter.
Wind waker
Getting a bipolar girlfriend which blamed all her problems on me and left now im addicted to her and cant live without her she is still a cunt
Please don't, it's never too late to make a change to yourself.
why not
Fire Emblem Sacred Stones.
I think i fucked up in picking my career in college early on, graphic design does not help you become a better artist, only fliers and other shit. But i am already 2 years in, dropping out now would be a waste of the hopes my parents have placed in me by paying for it.
fuck bro
she had nipple piercings and everything
Final Fantasy 7.
Not saving for retirement earlier and not paying off my student loan debt earlier. I've done both within the last 3 years, but holy moley it would've been a lot better 10 years ago.
It is super easy tho.
Just grab yourself an automatic and use the break to slow yourself bit by bit until the red light and you are done.
Seriously, give it a go and go to a driving school, it is way easier than you think it is.
Never telling my high school crush I love her before she died after graduating.
Seizure in the shower 8 years ago. I water up thinking anout her and how good she was to awkward me back in early high school. I wouldn't have tried dating since she had a BF, I would just tell her I loved her for how nice she was to me.
PvZ: Garden Warfare 2
runing the date
English is quite easy and most kids around the world are quite exposed to it daily.
Spanish is also useful in most of europe and mexico and somewhat easy to learn by just changing the order of the sentence also, most mexicans and spaniards will understand your ramblings if you speak slowly to them.
Japanese is gramatically simple, but you haave to memorize a lot of kanji
describe the rest of her please
battle network 5
not dealing with my ADHD sooner
All dates go wrong the first time.
Not really my thing. I'm into Blondes with big tits, that's it.
Im long since over it but that girl was special. Weve both moved on
lived on my floor, had a math class with her, we'd walk back and talk every day, real good chemistry
>About 5 foot 1
>MASSIVE titties (Bigger than DD)
>always wore loose pajamas, could see nipple piercings through them
>not conventionally attractive face but made her even hotter to me
>had pet rats, smoked a lot of weed
>said bruh
Got drunk at a party and made a fool of myself, hadn't talked to her since and it's been way too long to respark that, think she avoids eye contact now when I pass her
KOF 97
I wish i had a personality the real world would like. I try to be funny, but, i almost never get a laugh out of people.
I wish i had a personality the outside world would accept.