You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't trophy/achievement hunt.
You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't trophy/achievement hunt
Turns it into a contest instead of just enjoying the game.
I'm perfectly happy with the size of my cock.
I dont play games to fill out a to-do list.
I already have one of the rarest achievements on steam on my profile.
Only 299 other people have it.
Games are for fun not work
I'm working on dragon's crown. 100k damage is a dumb trophy.
i play video games to have fun not to do a chore checklist
>not getting 100% on every game you play
why even bother playing if you aren't going to experience the full game?
I would rather move on to another game after I am happy with my progress in it than waste time on a game after my enjoyment of it has expired.
I'll only go for Platinum for whatever if I really appreciate the game and if it's feasible.
I should be, but some of the fighting game ones are mental. I also think I have an attention deficit.
i play on pc where a single program can unlock 100% achievements in any game, even unreleased ones, in mere moments
and even without that, caring about achievements is gay, its another form of "control" where some other fag determines what your own personal achievements within a game is
I.E bloodborne, one of the few games i own a console for, i achieved platinum in the main game and the dlc without trying, simply while exploring and playing the game for myself at my own pace
imagine being such a faggot (and I know people who are just like this) that you only play a game until you've unlocked all the achievements and then you drop it and never touch it again
you're not playing the game for yourself, you're letting the dev dictate exactly how much dedication / time / fun you're allowed
I used to on PS3. Getting the platinum was my normal routine for most games I bought for it. This gen I went full casual and just do 1 playthrough blind and never return to it. I don't regret getting my PS3 platinums but I kinda outgrew it all.
This is the only sane way of seeing trophies
because it metagame trash that tarnishes the experience
I'm not a neet.
In like 10 years playing ps3 and ps4 I have like 24 platinums total.
Does the medals in Trackmania count? Because I am and it's pure pain. Who the fuck thought an hour long race in a trial and error game with no room for mistake was supposed to even exist?!
steam achievements are peak degeneracy
If I don't have 50%+ of the trophies when the credits roll you can fuck off. I do t have time for that bullshit. I'll play all the actual content a game has to offer but I'm not capping levels or collecting all the worthless things or playing worthless mini games that just act as busywork.
I do tho. Its not the only thing I do tho. I only got 5 ps plats. Got several steam games done, and a boatload of X360 games done.
What hour long race you talking about
I only Platinum games that I really enjoyed compared to other games
The last race of Trackmania United/Nation Forever, black track 60 laps endurance
You can pretty much finish Tales of Vesperia blind and only have less than 10% of the list done.
Half the trophy list is obscure boss objectives that you'd never find out normally unless by sheer accident.
I glanced at the Gears 5 list and some of the multi ones are pretty much made for no lifers.
It honestly just depends if it's fun to platinum or not. Mgs4 had a decently fun list of trophies to get, and I liked playing mgs4 cause it has a lot of easter eggs and game mechanics, so I'd played mutiple times to get a foxhound rank anyway so might as well.
A game like the last of us is a big no. I have no interest playing Tlou more then once to get the 10% of trophies I missed because most of them are achieved by playing the game once anyway.
Too lazy.
I play for fun