how many controllers do you break a year Yea Forums?
be honest
how many controllers do you break a year Yea Forums?
be honest
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Fucking, 0. You'd have to be genuinely retarted and short tempered to break $60 controllers. The fuck is wrong with you all?
I mean, it's my property, I paid for it, if I feel like smashing it why not? I can always just buy another, they're just controllers, not priceless artifacts.
>that controller
0, I've had my xbox 360 controller for like 10 years now
>never broken a controller
Press X to Doubt
I've never broken a controller, though I did chew the rubber off the control sticks of my wavebird as a kid.
None you fucking child.
I broke one once in my life over an autistic fit at losing at a fighting game.
To this day, there is not a genre that brings out my autistic rage quite like the FG genre. I'm generally peaceful and patient.
Yeah sure, but it's still stupid to buy several controllers just so you can freely break them instead of admitting you have anger issues.
Fighting games do that to everyone.
But seriously, have you fags really never bought something to take your anger out on it? I mean some people gym, some people punch punching bags, maybe just once or twice a year I wanna smesh a controller, whats the big deal? Would it be unacceptable to be a bunch of eggs and smesh them with a baseball bat in my backyard as well? Where is the line drawn?
>chew the rubber off the control sticks
Because ideally you're trying not to act like an autistic moron.
whats wrong with a safe outlet for frustration? you sound like a school shooter just burying it deep down inside, you gotta let it out man
Even as a child I valued and took care of the things that were mine, it may be hard to believe but not everyone throws controllers against the wall when they get killed in a video game
I've had a knockoff 360 controller break on me and there's a 50% chance that I contributed to a mouse breaking (it was razer crap though so who knows) but that's it.
I have an oral fixation, it's not something I've done since I was tiny
i chewed through the wire of my ps2 controller
I only speak from my perspective and I am a very very aggressive person in general. I talk loud, I overgesture when I speak, I laugh loud and when I get angry, it's fucking boiling inside and I tend to react explosively, but I've done Karaté for several years of my life which taught me there is a difference between aggressivity and anger. Since I am an aggressive person, logically speaking, letting my anger take the better of me can lead to many regrets, so I've learned to channel it in other ways.
As I said, when I play fighting games competitively, they really tend to take the best of me and serve as a true challenge in self-control, but aggressive anger can be channeled otherwise. Ihave a punching bag that I use to practice techniques so when I'm angry enough to want to smash shit, I use it, byt channel the anger into energy and I focus on keeping calm and focus on techniques. I don't know, I rarely ever feel the desire to just break shit.
I value and take care of things that I don't consider expendables, most things I'm not like this with, but really, what's the problem with treating a controller as an expendable item? Like are you really so poor that you'll keep that same old shitty controller with the wobbly sticks and shitty buttons because you're so afraid of your own strength you can't just let a little anger out in a safe way every now and then?
look here look listen
I broke a PS2 controller when I was a kid
Besides that I haven’t done it since
Go right ahead user, break a controller every day, go wild, I literally have no problem with that, I'm just saying that everyone treats things differently so it really shouldn't be so surprising that someone on this planet hasn't broken a single controller in their life
>Go right ahead user, break a controller every day, go wild
is it really that hard for you to control yourself that there is no in-between of 0 controllers and 1 a day? You might be even more impulsive than I am desu
zero. i haven’t owned a console since the PS2, though, and if anyone around here’s ever had a propensity for breaking shit, it’d be my brother. my brother isn’t very bright, either.
>tfw the Ps3 joystick starts pressing buttons on its own free will.
closest thing was cracking my old steam controller in a rage filled power grip.
>letting anger and frustration build to the point you feel you need an outlet.
I've done nothing but tell people exactly what i think and while it got me in trouble when i was younger in school its brought me nothing but respect from others later in life. Just don't be an ass about it and most people will be cool.
That's what my dog is there for, ha ha, just kidding, I wouldn't do that to my dog.
No controllers but it seems like i have to change my mouse about once a year. The scroll wheel keeps breaking. Just bought a MX518 remake to replace my Rival 310
I switched from 360 gamepads to DS3 on my pc because i think it feels better, but i swear 2 of those fuckers have broken. Always the same problem too, the left analog stick starts drifting to the left more and more. Oddly enough all of my 360 pads still work fine.
Your reading comprehension is fucking terrible.
I've never broken a controller in my life because I've always paid for my own stuff and breaking them on purpose is just being actually retarded
If you need to take your anger on something, go lift some weights or hit a punching bag, you fucking moron
only ever broken one, and that one was already broken anyway
after like two hours of opening it and cleaning it and trying to replace and repair the internals, figuring out what was wrong, i hurled it against a wall in a controlled and cathartic manner
its like the final rite before buying a new one
none because I'm not a fucking retard
there are people in this thread who think its genuinely okay to throw objects around when angry
there are people in this thread who get so autistically manchild angry they actually throw shit around
and try to justify it
there are people in this thread that get fucking angry when playing an interactive medium designed for fucking fun
why do these people exist again
None you shorttempered child.
Same, play all my games on PC where a controller is better with my 13 years old 360 controller.
People don't think, reproduce and children inherit the stupid behaivours of their stupid parents.
OP, you're an autistic moron
Ps1,2 and 3 controllers didn't las More than 2 years for me for whatever reason, have my PS4 for 3 years and switch for one and not a single problem not even that joycon drifting shit.
i've never had a dualshock 2 or 3 outright break on me, but those things deteriorate so fucking badly over time. the joysticks for my ps2 controllers are basically unusable at this point
None but 2 of my joycon pairs got fucking drift
My joycons are drifting and I broke the analog sticks on my PS4, but that's it in the last half decade or so
I have literally never broken a controller.
That being said, I once spiked a Wii U Pro Controller into an air matress thanks to MK8. It bounced up and gave me a fuckhuge jaw bruise.
The concept of venting frustrations violently, other than in extreme situations, is nonsense. It only shows that you are mentally unstable.
>how many controllers have I broken in 30 years
I've broke 2 ducky keyboards but I've since stopped raging to that degree
I always stopped being friend with people who threw shit around or pressed the reset button on a console when they were loosing in a multiplayer game. Fuck all of you mentally ill fucks.Of course they all turned out to be degenerates, junkies and typical lowlives. Some did not even make it to 27.
All my old GC controllers ended up getting stick drift I guess.
Can't really imagine getting so frustrated with something that I'd physically take out my anger on it though. I just accept that I'm getting progressively less capable of doing it out of frustration and take a break, be it a videogame or some really fiddly IRL task.
It helps to have started playing more frustrating games like DaS with a keyboard since I couldn't just become autistic and throw it away and that was obnoxiously fiddly enough to cement the habit.
I break 1 controller every two to three years. Charging/sync cables? I break like six a year because I thrash around like the ADHD spazz I am and accidentally bend the fuck stick part of the cable.
You sound like an idiot, ngl
I have bouts of bipolar rage and even I dont break my shit.
Just my kids.
Ita not your fault, micro usb is a piece of shit
Punch a fucking pillow or something, Jesus.
I've broken about three headphone cables out of my own stupidity, but I don't think you mean that.
The only controllers I've had fail have all been joystick problems. N64 was easy to replace but it's impossible to find replacement modules for DS3/4 or the switch pro.
I remember reading that breaking shit makes you more likely to be violent to others because you never learn how to deal with anger properly or some shit like that
Zero, the fuck? The only controllers I've ever had not work were due to me using them for years and years. I went through a few PS2 controllers, they lasted me for years.
>pressed the reset button on a console when they were loosing
>whoa! what happened? did you see who won? no? oh well I guess thats that lol
My friends and i loved doing that shit and we always had a good laugh cause we never took the game serious, fuck you user.
What's wrong with violence? If westerners were more willing to engage in violence, the world wouldn't be so fucked up right now.
this is true but violence shouldn't be your first response to everything or you are just acting like a nigger
Well, that's fair, but it also shouldn't be completely off the table. None of that "violence is never the answer" bullshit.
>i hurled it against a wall in a controlled and cathartic manner
see, this is what i do. i don't francis out and just sperg my shit into a million pieces, it's usually I'm already having a really bad day, and I'm sitting there, and I'm like, hmmm, what could make me feel better. oh right smashing this shit is pretty fun
man i feel better now, great. thank you for your service controller.
lol what do you do? hold your breath and count to 10? that's how you end up a school shooter you know, you gotta let things off your chest dude you can't just internalize everything
>hurrrr if you work off your anger in a safe way you're mentally unstable
teach me your zen ways master, i want to go through my life stale and apathetic just like you
>pressed the reset button on a console when they were loosing in a multiplayer game
no ones talking about this dude. there's no need to air your fucked up childhood in the trailer park on 4channel. you sound mentally ill and traumatized
None as im not mentally ill, so why would i break one?
let me guess, a team of (((psychologists))) determined that
it feels good man
You are an immature troglodyte that wasn't raised property, your parents failed spectacularly as they neither loved nor cared about you at all.. poor bastard i pity you :(
i make 150k a year, who cares about a controller or two buddeh, i'm gonna be single forever I may as well buy em by the crateload. You are a poorfag with internalization of his issues, your parents clearly raised you to be a docile little pussy, unable to express himself in any way. poor bastard i pity u :(
smashing a control is kino as fuck
Psychologically speaking, using aggression as an outlet to violence actually encourage violent behavior in yourself rather than deter it because instead of learning how to discipline your emotions in a way that when you feel anger swelling in, you can rationalize these emotions to defuse them before you reach the point where you react violently and aggressively to them. Also, Aping out damages your brain in pretty fucked up ways in the longterm.
When you condition yourself to ape out everytime you feel frustration, you're not actually learning to deal with your frustration. What you're doing is the equivalent of consumming a form of drug to just forget about it.
That being said I have no judgement. Managing anger issues is supremely hard and even I succumb to aggressivity.
>Psychologically speaking
literally no one listens to modern psychology, why would i, you retards think girls can be boys. just 50 years ago psychology told us drilling holes in peoples brains was a good idea too. some (((science)))
I punch myself whenever I have that urge instead of throwing or smacking a controller, so that I dont accidentally hurt something that matters to me
That is why I said psychologically speaking, but I believe you can use your own judgement to determine whether or not the information I have relied to you makes sense. Disregarding information based on bias is not a wise thing to do.
If you trully are at peace with your methods, it's not my place to tell you what to do. What I can tell you is that being so defensive when people tell you it's childish to break stuff when you're angry highlights internalized insecurity.
As I've said, I do not judge you. I punch my wall sometimes when I'm overwhelmed with life related shit, but you should be able to understand why many people would outright tell you you're being a baby when you proudly declare that when you get assblasted, you HULK SMASH your toys.
People seriously do that? I thought its only german thing?
>psychologically speaking
opinion discarded lol psych is not science
Ok so you're a giant immature little babby who can't deal with his emotions because he'd rather autistically smash his baby toys like an actual literal child rather than learn self-control. This is my own personal opinion of you. Judgement or not, this is how you act factually.
Anger fueled aggression is a loss of control, not a form of expression.
You are a baby.
Is this Yea Forums approved enough for you? I can't wait for your buzzwords in your next post. Don't forget to call me a tranny and, for the love of God, don't let the butthurt of my words lead yoy to smash another toy.
why are you so scared of expressing yourself? Like seriously it's harmless to smash a controller, it's obvious to anyone who's worked out before that getting anger out is better than just burying it inside like an idiot
I don't play multiplayer games so I don't really get that angry,
I usually just get exasperated or laugh at my own mistake. The only time I get genuinely frustrated is when rng is involved.
I've practiced 10 years of full contact Martial Arts you dumb nigger. I know far more about controlling your aggression and expressing violence in a disciplined way than you do.
You don't channel your anger, you lose yourself to it.
In short, you're a dumb animal and you cope the hardest with your immaturity by pretending that you're just channeling your anger. If you channeled your anger proprerly, you'd use it as motivation to get better at the games that lead you to smash your worthless plastic, but instead, you break stuff and learn nothing.
As a martial artist, your little speech angers me in ways you cannot comprehend, but yoy know what I'm not gonna do? Break my stuff.
Now stop trolling, I've taken you seriously for far too long.
2 garbage Game Cube controllers.
i seem to get more angry at single player games, multiplayer stuff is annoying but at the end of the day i can always blame my failures on ping
What do you think I am?
A retard?
>10 years of full contact Martial Arts
fuck off lol if you weren't embarassed by the "art" you do you would have named it. what meme art is it, bujinkan? that would be the Yea Forums fraud art to do
There is no way someone is enough of a sperg to break a controller, even when they were 20$ instead of 60$. Just get better at the fucking game.
>there are people who actually chimp out and smash their controllers like a nigger
i usually do about 3 a year or so. it's like a fun thing i do for myself
The only controller i’ve ever broke was a 3DS circle pad after 3 years of hardcore daily use.
I got it replaced in less than a week
4 yearsof Kyokushin Karaté you fucking pleb.
Followed by 6 years of kickboxing and BJJ.
why not knock down a jenga tower or something
well it's just a really satisfying feeling, and they're cheap as fuck if you make more than minimum wage. some people like to shoot things, some people like to punch walls, i smash a controller every now and then whats the big deal
I broke my keyboard once but it wasn't because of a game.
I've lost a few to wear and tear but never broken
I have lost a desk to anger though, I punched right through it, can't even remember what game
>punched right through it
damn bro whats your strength stat
the big deal is that it's fucking insane.
what's even worse is that you try to play it off as a normal thing to do
It was a cheap Walmart desk, probably cost less than a controller
I punched straight through a mirror once. Nothing to do with games though. Miraculously my hand was completely unharmed.
I broke all but one of my wii remotes because I used to throw them against the couch in order to get the batteries out whenever I needed to change them.
So far i have broken 4 controllers (2 ps one, 1 xbox hueg, 1 xbox one) all of them were used so much that eithersome button broke or sticks became bad, so its around 0,2 per year
>is that it's fucking insane
what about it, is so insane to you? I can literally rip the thing in half with my bare hands pretty casually, it's not a big deal whatsoever. i smoke these fucking controllers like cigarettes, it's chill
Oddly enough the mouse that’s last the absolute longest for me at least was this shit tier default Dell mouse that simply refused to break.
Too bad I just lost that bastard
The only broken controller I have is my original PS2 controller, which is barely functional but could work in a pinch. Just don't rely on the shoulder buttons.
I even had controllers that drifted I just used some electrical contact cleaner and boom drift gone
I use that shit on everything now.
I've never broken a controller. That's even after spilling beer on my old wired 360 and the pro switch controllers like a fucking drunk idiot.
it's probably more that there's a correlation in the type of person who does it rather than a causation
>Why is meaninglessly destroying my own property insane?
>DS3's left analog stick starts going weird, like the characters move without touching the controller
>get new DS3 and same thing happens 8 months later and one of the triggers stops working too
>use old DS2 with adapter and DS3 3rd parties and they work right for the last 9 years
>get a PS4 and the original DS4's dpads gets broken after 1 year
>get another DS4 and lasts 6 months, same issue with dpad
>go back to adapter with DS2 and get a 3rd party and no issues until now(been 3 years)
Fuck Sony. With their next console I will not waste money on their new controllers anymore unless I buy another DS2 as a spare with a fucking ps5 adapter.
2 and I didn't even break them. Joycons are just too flimsy and cheap with the drift.
Yeah, but this still makes you a stupid motherfucker. How dense do you have to be to try to defend being the type of idiot who smashes his controller?
You know what people think of people who smash their possessions? They think of them as being subhuman. I get that you have the RIGHT to be subhuman, but you should probably understand that subhumans are usually the first to get the rope.
>i make 150k a year
No you don't lol. Only poor people are stupid enough to smash their possessions. That's why they are poor.
it's not meaningless. it's stress relief.
>stress relief
Based. It's like when I throw my TV down the stairs when girls on Facebook refuse to give me head. That's the best way to deal with the frustration.
If you have to exaggerate to make your point, it's a stupid point
I broke small plastic piece that holds trigger on ds3 while putting it together after cleaning and used up some potentiometers on wheels. I don't know why, but they always losed precission over time.
That's it.
If you have to defend breaking your own or anybody else's property as "stress relief", you're kind of a dumb cunt that needs to learn how to manage your frustrations.
There's a Penn & Teller's Bullshit episode on Anger Management that you should watch.
I agree. I've never gotten so mad at a game I had to devolve into a neanderthal
Not a single one, because I'm not a fucking spastic
Yea Forums is mostly children including teenagers and guys in their early 20s. Lots of angst and hormones and little frontal lobe development.
Oh yeah? Please teach me the way of total apathy oh great NPC, explain the benefits of being an internally frustrated little man scared to express his emotions
just go jack off when you're mad, it's what i do
Fuck off cumhead
>not breaking your own shit like a petulant child makes you an npc
you're a joke
Breaking things, screaming, etc doesn't actually help in managing anger in the long run. Controlling your emotions and learning to do so with behavioral psychiatric help does. Also life some heavy weights, eat better and get some sleep and you won't find yourself nearly as frustrated and angry as you are now.
Breaking your toys like a three year old isn't how emotionally healthy adults express their emotions. Get professional help and hit the gym. Also go watch that bullshit episode, it's a good show.
Woops, I meant cognitive behavioral psychological help. Either way professional help.
>Same thread as always
>same bait updates word for word by op
>still a high response thread
Imagine being 13 and thinking that it's ok to smash your electronics because "MUH EMOSHINZ."
Hell, I guess if my parents failed me as much as yours failed you I'd want to smash things too.
even worse, imagine not being 13, but physically being an adult and thinking it's ok to smash your electronics. I'm OK with a 13 year old doing something like that, they're still children. But there are quite a bit 18+ people here. That's fucking worrying.
>go to gym
>build muscle and increse test level
>end up throwing controllers at higher speeds
Nah that's not how that works.
finally a fucking adult in this thread.
Does it count if it's broken because of a fundamental flaw in the design? My DS4 is having the "left stick stops working while the left trigger causes forward movement" problem.
Breaking things definitely helps, youre a liar if you said it dont feel fuckin GREAT to just SMASH some shit
Oops did i do that :^)
0, i'm not a fucking child
Based and redpilled.
Lord give me strength, so I might smite these controllers. I pray not for fewer burdens, but for more controllers.
and how does that work, boosting your confidence and self worth and yadda yadda? a child is strong enough to smash a controller and youre not or what exactly are you trying to say here
As I said, it doesn't help long term. At the end of the day you're still prone to hissy fits, have done nothing to remedy that and now you have a broken controller.
Partially, yeah. Exercising regularly, and especially lifting relieves stress, releases some feel good chemicals in your brain and in the long term has a benefit of making you look better physically. Pair that with some meditation and some kind of cognitive behavioral therapy and you're gonna be golden.
There is no long term dingus, youre mad, ya smash, ya feel good, end of story. Thats like saying eating doesnt fix the long term problem of hunger because you get hungry later lmao youre fucking dumb m8
Kids ruin and destroy everything
>cognitive behavioral therapy
No thanks, dr shekelstein
I've broken 1 controller in my life by pushing it accidentally from the table.
At most I just grip my controller tightly for a few seconds when I"m angry or something
Except it's nothing like that.
Alright stay angry, kids. Maybe in a few years it will click. I'm heading out for dinner with a friend.
Happens every once in a while, maybe once every 2 years or so
Because of overuse, I've never broke a controller because I threw it like some kind of soerg
Lol, doubt it.
I guess attilla the hun was a kid....and alexander the great....
When i tightly grip my controllers they fucking explode, doing bjj gave me wicked grips and i cant squeeze shit anymore
ZERO. I got an old mouse that double clicks, but that was a known defect and changed in newer models. Stop breaking your shit, weirdo.
About 0.06 maybe?
I have an NES controller that doesn't register A + B at the same time and randomly mashes up, Plus a Madcatz N64 controller with the stick snapped off.
>dissing chocolate milk
I wish I was rich enough to sit in front of a fire with my wallet out, tossing $100 dollar bills into it every few seconds.
Let's be honest, if I realized how much of a piece of shit the Ouya was after buying it I'd smash it up too.
>Hey Yea Forums how many controllers do you break?
>We don't, it's dumb and childish
Im saying guy is a soiboi who needs to drink more milk if he doesnt posses the strength to crush a controller
You sound pissed m8, maybe you need to smash a controller and relax
I still have the original controller that came with my PS3.
It works just fine for PC games because I actually take care of my shit.
"Venting your frustrations" isn't therapeutic, catharsis theory is total nonsense. When you take your anger out violently on objects what you're doing is building a physical connection in your brain between anger relief and lashing out violently. You fucking smoothbrain retard.
Try taking out your anger in a way that's actually productive instead of being a pissy little faggot with anger management issues. Go to the gym, the shooting range, hell even try going to the kitchen and cooking for yourself. Use that emotional energy to actually achieve something, that's how anger management fucking works.
If you can crush a controller with your bare hands you need to stop taking drugs.
This, i also cant enjoy games if i get really mad
Dude its not that hard lol its literally just plastic and glue, are you seriously saying you cant crush one?
>go pick up a gun when youre mad, dont express it
You literally are a mass shooter in the making
ive only broken buttons from smashing and maybe some joystick tear even my n64 controller just weary but not gone to complete shit
>controlling your anger and managing it is a bad thing
>you should really just chimp out every time something so much as annoys you
ok kid
t. roid rage
Whats wrong with physical exercise fatso?
Your parents need to hire a better tard wrangler because yours is obviously not doing a good job
>it takes steroids to be able to break plastic
Drew a portrait of ya buddeh
I'm not talking about throwing it at a wall or smashing it on a table. I'm talking about crushing it with your bare hands. No normal human can do that.
Its seriously not that hard dude.
Then post me a video of you doing it, Superman.
None, though I broke a joycon once trying to disassemble it cause I accidentally spilled some soda on it and broke one of the ribbon cable connectors.
You had better fucking deliver, user. I need to see this shit in action.
No thanks, crushing controllers is for retards, ive had the same xbox360 controller for like 7 years now
This skinnyfat virgin without a single athletic muscle in his body can do it, so, if you cant, idk what to tell you m8
I don't break controllers. The only times in recent memory a controller has died on me is my Switch's launch-era Joy-Cons going haywire. Turns out, it was a major issue and Nintendo almost got sued over it.
>crushing it with your bare hands
>he's clearly twisting and bending it
So far I'm not impressed.
Sounds an awful lot like youre coping there user
I ask for video evidence of someone crushing a controller like a can of beer in his hands and you post some lanklet twisting and bending a controller until it snaps in half. Who's coping now?
>I ask for video evidence of someone crushing a controller like a can of beer in his hands
Please stop seething
what was Yea Forums reaction when this shit console failed?
I've had a few break down from extended use or being from a bad batch/3rd party, but I've never knowingly destroyed something like a fucking sperg.
Misery, I remember Yea Forums rooting for the Ooya until the very end.
I've never really fully broken a controller to the point it's unusable. Have a bunch of N64 controllers with loose sticks but work otherwise. ps2 controllers all seem fine, and a couple ps3 ones have sticks that spin. I don't even remember what year I got my PS4, probably around '14 or '15 but just recently I've noticed the controller is starting to fuck up, the triggers don't come all the way back up when I push them down, and the dpad is all dodgy
I've had many controllers shit the bed because of cable issues, no matter how carefully I handle them they always find a way to break. My DS2 is slowly falling apart on me and I really can't afford to buy a DS4 yet
I’ve torn up a few throughout my life, but that’s just from regular (although careless) use
What the fuck? We supported this shit lmao? Since when?
When did you transform someone making fun of you in "lol he's mad!"
If you're serious, you're laughably pathetic. If you're pretending to be retarded for the attention, you are even more laughable.
Imagine getting mad at video games. You fuckers are pathetic.
You just seem really bothered by what other people do with their property for some reason, its really strange and concerning
You really seem to be bothered that people think you're a manchild. Is it because, deep down, you know how much of a baby you are, but your fragile ego won't allow you to find that kind of self-honesty?
It's very concerning.
I just broke one today. Yea Forums is the only one I'm going to tell about this because it's so embarrassing. I have paint stripper sitting on my coffee table. Not paint thinner, paint stripper, the really strong shit. I went on a losing streak in Smash quickplay, after promising I'd never do quickplay again because GSP makes me too angry and I'd stick to arenas. I got so pissed that I dropped the Pro controller to the ground and took the paint stripper and dumped a bunch of it on the thing. Instantly regretting it, I tried to take the thing apart so I could yank the battery and try to clean the plastic, but by the time I did the plastic was pretty melted. My fingerprints are actually melted into the thing, the controller is absolutely fucked. It still lights up but it's completely unusable, the face buttons are warped and everything.
I salvaged the battery, I might be able to get $15 for that on eBay. At least the Pro controller was used when I got it a year ago, but it was still $45.
At least you didn't throw it into the TV.
Yeah. There's one thing keeping me sane about it, I've used the controller for about 500 hours or more and paid $45 for it. I've spent far more on shitty games that I've played for one hour. I need to control my anger though. I don't get like this often about many games, but certain ones have really brought it out in me.
like, 10 in the past 4 years. most were cheapo knockoffs.
the only was the joy-con .... fuck this quality
I've been using the same PS3 controller for fucking eleven years now and the only work it's needed was that contact fix a year ago