Super Kirby Clash thread

How do I get a turbo bonus, even?

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Other urls found in this thread:

play good or play beam mage

>beam mage
You mean, time stopping?

I'm having so much fun with this game. I'm surprised I haven't seen more threads about it. I guess it's pretty straightforward and a little repetitive, so there isn't much to talk about?


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Isn't this game on 3DS?

>Start out with standard mage
>Switch to lapis next
>Stall until rarity 8 for magical girl

Debating if I should go beyond his until XD upgrades are available

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"free-to-start" ew

There was a lot of discussion for the 3DS version, but this game is pretty much just that with online play.

I guess that is why you are given loads of "one tine" sales.

When am I going to unlock level 15 items? And are they worth it or abandon them for lower leveled DX ones?

Rarity 15 is the best gear. It takes a while to unlock the DX and SDX upgrades for it though.

Is Drawcia DX set still broken as fuck?


Are you retarded???

Is this game any fun ? Wtf is it actually ?
Is it P2W ?

>play with three japs
>no lag

>play with some burgers
>so much lag it's unplayable

why is your internet so shitty?

You can pretty much stall upgrading till the beginner gear gets DX, it will replace basically anything you'd have upgraded to before DX anyways. Same can be said with SDX gear.

I see most mages settle for the Magical Girl set. If you're willing to wait for it, then Drawcia is pretty much a straight upgrade to that.

They play wirelessly mostly. Japan has good wireless speeds and such but in every other place if ypu don't have an ethernet adapter, you'll lag.

What determines how many points you get from the KO bonus at the end? Do you need a meteor finish?


there's a super dx?
>You can pretty much stall upgrading till the beginner gear gets DX, it will replace basically anything you'd have upgraded to before DX anyways.
Thanks for the tip. Will make use of this info.

>Stall until beginner gear gets DX.
Are you insane? How can you guys continue without upgrading at least once?

It's pretty easy to get levels regularly by swapping between offline and online, and the online people can carry you in harder quests.

Any new codes? I need them apples man

You said this, then when i choose a level 25 mission fucking levels 10 join.

I ran into a guy doing a level 40 quest in beginner gear. He didn't seem to be doing it for any specific achievements or anything either.
He was playing Mage so it's not like he was dead weight or anything, but goddamn dude buy something already.

It's kirby monster Hunter essentially. I guess you could call some elements pay to win but it's not PvP. It's co-op so it doesn't really matter. Especially when you can complete the game without spending a dime

There have been at least like 15 threads since the game was released a few days ago. Where have you been, user?

Yeah one or two upgrades in this game is fine thanks to online missions existing now. Also completely ignoring all the codexs in this game unlike he first one.

im about to play this shit what am i in for?

You can't ignore the class update codex.

>one of the quests is "win without anyone getting KOd"
>play Doctor
>use healing area all the time
>some retard underleveled faggot child completely ignores this and just bashes his fucking face against the boss until he dies

Use sword. Don't listen to the mageshitters

Play with your friends user. You do have friends don't you?

Get a load of this fucking retard

Sword is too technical for online's input lag. Shit is impossible to use properly.

how big of a difference do they make? When I save scummed it didn't seem like much. Didn't have enough for the 5th one tho

Dumb question. What do they mean by "free to start"? Like is it basically a demo where I only get one stage or something?

Doctor is the only class to play, it's literally perfection incarnate.

The whole game is free, but if you don't pay any money for the game's currency then it'll be slow going, as you rely on the 12-hour handouts and completing missions.
You can beat the entire game without paying a dime though.

the game has a currency(gem apples) which are required for most things in the game. you don't need to spend a dime if you money manage properly

I rarely get lag on my online games. And when I do, its rarely PowerPoint bad

Doctor is the most interesting, since it's the only one that gives a meteor multiplier.

iwata uses “free to start” instead of free to play.

That doesn't sound too bad. I guess I could give it a download. Thanks.

I mean sure if you like doing zero damage. It is versatile though

Doctor can do some damage, I mainly have two Doctors, one sword and one mage.

You guys are finishing your heroic missions before moving on to the next quest, right? You wouldn't wanna half ass your duties

>they haven't been in Pokemon Gale of Darkness threads

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I have like two friends and they're both poor and don't have Switches

Most of them are asking for specific equipment, fuck that shit.

I mean sure but that damage really doesnt compare to a good sword user. I mean some of the set ups you can get with monsters like kibble blade using a sword are pretty busted. It's like free damage

Thanks for saving me the trouble of wasting gems on the mage codex. They'd be worth it if they buffed the charge time

Related: If a heroic mission asks for specific gear, can you use the DX version of it?

You just need to keep the full-stamina buff up and the damage is comparable to Hammer/Sword.
Granted you could just not take damage as Hammer/Sword, but good luck when all it takes is for one faggot to nudge you into the boss to ruin that.

I'm doing them after I finished the bigger missions before I shut down the gsme for the day.

user you gotta spend apples to make apples. Think smart like egg jew

Many of them require certain sets and I can't afford to waste apples on that.

>Microtransactions are ok when Nintendo does it.

The description for the mage codex makes it sound so much better than it really is. It doesn't even enhance all stats, that's what the doctor codex does.

>Adeline sticker says "Sorry for the wait!"
Bravo HAL you cheeky fucks

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Because our ISPs basically have regional monopolies and as such have little to no incentive to invest in infrastructure

Honestly it's pretty easy to not take damage as sword. Pretty much all of his moves have iframes and he has a shield

>At least those have an end
If you buy 5k apples the game won't allow you to buy more. If I get Microtransactions that when you spend a small ammount like that and then be done completely, it would be better.
They still suck though because every little thing needs it so I feel like 5k are still a small amount comparable to what you have to buy.

I mean nobody loves the microtransactions but these are pretty ethical. You can still complete the game for free and with way less of a wall Compared to the 3ds version. At least they aren't mandatory.

Online quests have so many missions. It's kind of a good thing though as you're pretty much guaranteed to complete at least one on your first run so it's like free apples

How the FUCK do you use hammer against Aeon Hero? He's always out of reach of Hammer Flip or being too much of an erratic bastard to approach safely.

At least the tree will give you 2k apples each time by then.

Probably lots of airspins for DPS and ground spins to close distance

>only one healer on the team
>literally never casts his healing spell
>doesn't maximize his already lower dps either
Holy shit how hard is it to hold a button for a few seconds. If you wanna dps pick another class

Why so many swords users online never use the fucking shield?!

i also like the ones that only use the charge move at max while waiting there while the enemy gets in range

this, but also beam mages that just glue themselves to the corner and get hit by everything

as long as they don't die it's ok

It's just people over relying on charge moves because our monkey brains like "da big numbah". You should only really use charge moves when the monster isn't near you or when it's down or frozen in time. Otherwise you should use quick multi-hit moves for DPS

>enemy comes to the edge and leaves a gap while facing away from me
>perfect to get off charge attacks without threat
>sword player chooses then of all times to jump over the enemy and use his shield
>just keeps pushing me into the enemy

>Banjo Ginga doing the Nightmare voice again
it's perfect

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beam mage charge moves are important you want that time freeze

Realistically if the next project is as ambitious as the rumors let on when do you guys think we'll get the next kirby game?

What? But the whole point of going to the corner is avoid getting hit while charging the ZA WARUDO.

>one person just doesn't pick up his team attack stone

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>that same guy goes and picks it up as soon as time stop happens

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I mean literally glue themselves there. I had one mage who wouldn't move even when the boss was also in the corner, just sitting there and taking contact damage.

Does this game have an ending? Is it feasible to reach it without spending? Or will I end up in a situation where I have to wait several days collecting my 20 charity apples just to unlock a new mission?

Furthermore, I like the mage. Should I focus on getting all six codexes as fast as I can.

Oh, that is shit, I always move when the boss comes close, keeping distance is mandatory for a mage.

>Does this game have an ending?
yes several
>Is it feasible to reach it without spending?
yes, but be careful with how you spend apples

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I wish the communication options were better.

I think the worst part of this game is the fact that if one person disconnects, nobody gets their vigor back. At least give me a partial refund or something Nintendo, it's not my fault these guys don't have a stable connection

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The codex bonuses for mage aren't great, see Focus on gear, don't upgrade at every tier, and you'll be fine.

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Elaborate? I've bought like every other staff and hat up to tier seven I think. Nothing for any other role and four codexes. Oh, and one star chest codex too on a whim. The rest has been missions.

The way the game handles lag in general is pretty shit. I understand the purpose, they want to make sure there's no wonkiness with teleporting enemies or attacks from desync, but it's still really annoying playing a slowed-down version of the game with a massive input delay.


Between these and the lag, I'm about ready to break my controller

should i buy gear for doctor which i don't use or just don't bring it at all for single player?

If you buy every possible upgrade when it's available, you're going to have a bad time.
Stick with the stuff you have until you genuinely cannot compete with the encounters anymore.

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Probably a waste, but I main doc so I can't tell you. I will say that mage CPUs were still doing fine in beginner gear.

Well the system does ban you if you dc too much so overtime those players should be seen less and less. Then again, Idk if the bans are permanent

I mean a way to tell someone to do a specific action like "grab the stone!" Or "use the shield!".

As far as I know, the amount healed scales with the recipient's Recovery stat, so if you want a doctor for recovery, gear's not needed.

i had a series of dc's yesterday. after like 3 or 4 within a short time they gave me a minute ban. i just stopped playing that day and it was fine today

just spam this

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Really, the only class which can't contribute without gear is the Hammer. Doctor can be useful with heals, Sword can be useful with shield, and Time stop Spammer can be useful with Time Stop. That being said, never rely on the CPU Kirbs to shield teammates.

>the NOVA one
>the Zan one
>the Shadow Kirby one
>the Nebula one
I need these for reaction image purposes

user, that's like the worst thing you could have done. You wasted all your gems on shit gear. Now you're gonna have to grind the challenges, wait for daily handouts, or use a ton of passwords and so far people have only found like 4-5 passwords

does anyone else find themselves using stickers during singleplayer fights? it's not just me right hahaha

>can finally upgrade to dx basic mage
>lose out on the charge speed bonus and meteor bonus

...Guess i'm stalling until dx lapis

Guess I'll quit then.

You're telling me that skipping most of the hats and buying every other staff up to level seven was a waste? What a fucking shit game.

Ahh so bans likely increase with each ban. Good to know. Sometimes matches are crazy laggy because of one shitter with terrible internet and I don't always feel like sitting through a 10 minute fight so I just dc and find another match. I try not to do it often though

I did the same thing user, it's still possible

I know about dx upgrades but what are sdx upgrades?

It's not over yet, don't worry. If it's just one role you've been buying, it's not THAT bad. You probably can't afford to upgrade your gear or change roles now though, at least not for a while. My advice would be to stick with your gear for as possible, and don't spend any more gems on non-story stuff until you've got a decent buffer.

He said every OTHER item. It should be fine if he's not DXing it too. The upgrades are the true moneysinks when it comes to gear.

I'm kinda enjoying it but i'm running out of apple gems because of the price of the new weapons and story quest.
Any tips?

>You can't be kicked from lobbies
>You can just run down the timer
>You can just dick around in the fight and let everybody else do the lifting

yeah, this is epic

Well if you choose to not spend real money you need to be reasonable with your gem spending. It's not rocket science. Just pay the $40 if you don't wanna wait or grind. There have been like over 10 threads with people repeating this same point like 300 times. Ands that's just for this remake. People have known this since the original. Its not like you guys didn't know this game had microtransactions. Besides, you're not totally fucked. Just do the challenges you can and collect all possible bonuses you can. That means both daily bonuses, the bell bonus, the occasional shop bonus, and whatever password bonuses you haven't used.

>people have only found like 4-5 passwords
What? Post em, I only saw the one nintendo put up.

will i get in trouble?

Same. It's autism but I still do it

So far I've just been having a time completely erasing bosses since I found out how to edit the saves to not waste time with getting gem apples to their max so I'm enjoying this free thing to the best of abilities.

Is there a way to mod the save files on the sysnand without getting into some shit or no?

The Japanese version of super kirby clash
I don't remember the others sorry

I am happy Ado and Ribbon appear in the background of the hub, maybe this tome they won't be forgotten.

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just end yourself my friend :)

Which is the best gear to buy and stay with it for a while then? Any suggestion?

I just wanted to play kirby online but i'm stuck in 2 fps purgatory

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are you playing docked with the wired netplay adapter

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Lost of passwords please?

>nightmare's back
>he's not a jpeg

>learn that Healmore is th best codex
>already bought mage codex very early on
>level 35 now

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I found the Jap codes, are they region free?
I don't think I've ever tried to type Jap characters on switch

and this is why you savescum
>bought the treasure codex up to 4
>still got 3 gem apples

fuck that

the japanese codes works thanks to region free. trying to figure out how correctly type them in is the hard part

As long as you stay with the gear you have for as long as you can you should be fine. There are certain pieces of gear that you'll need later on for missions anyway so you should snag anyway like gale gear and beast gear

Codes are region free, I've used a few of them.

Some guy in the last thread had a handy guide on how to type them.

Some of the codes are mutually exclusive with English codes though, apparently, so not all of them might work.

Just dc man. You'll get a warning but its fine as long as you don't do it too often. You'll waste vigor though

Please don't shitpost with Kirby characters.

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What's so great about the Healmore codex?

>or frozen in time
Anyone can deal more damage with basic attacks in the time it take to charge a stronger move. It's a total waste to charge while time is frozen.

I need more apples bros
I might surrender and pay the full max amount
are they planning to add more content to the game?

Sword users who don't use their shield drive me nuts.

Somebody said that third code didn't work last thread but it does. I just used it. Can you guys at least learn how to type in japanese before spreading lies?

It has better stat upgrades in the long run and is the only one that ups Team Meteor

I cannot understate how much I hate Blocky's redesign.

Attached: TDX_Blocky.png (500x540, 217K)

Could be worse

Attached: BlockyAnime.jpg (637x479, 30K)

Too bad he lost his arms

That's actually an improvement.

To absolve myself of my reddit spacing sins, I'm gonna dig up the other guy's instructions on Japanese codes.
First, the easiest way to type them is with the topmost Japanese keyboard. This one lets you make Japanese characters with English letters. Select the second set of symbols at the bottom (Katakana), then you can enter the following codes and it'll get converted to japanese:
>topikkusu(Switch to the first set of symbols(Hiragana))de(Switch back to Katakana)hanta-zu
Should get you about 60 gems total, if I remember correctly.

I like the original Blocky design. For some reason Kirby is losing sign of the minimalist design that made the series interesting in the first place.

Attached: Blocky.png (152x147, 36K)

Does this game take forever to complete without spending money? Is it better to play it in short bursts once a day instead of grinding?

If I could get that guide that'd be great.

based, thanks was typing the shit in wrong

I can see where you're coming from but when the monster is almost finished and you need to kill it before time unfreezes, the heavy hitters like hammer and sword can land at least 2 lvl 3 charge moves each and that can be the difference between just another good medal or the platinum one you need

Why is hammer so fucking fun bros

Attached: Hammer.png (277x440, 148K)

>it's a swordsman who doesn't use his shield episode

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I wish they would but I kinda doubt it considering this is already a remake with slightly more content. Then again who knows. Nobody even expected this remake to happen so it's possible they do add more stuff

You wouldn't think it is because you move slower than a dead sloth, but something about being to land a charge move feels so right.

You don't have to spend a dime but also it'll take you something like 5 years of irl faithful playing to see the end if you don't. There's a point where you just have to buckle

But it's free for some hours of play at the least.

My level 3 charge was dealing 9000 damage, meanwhile my regular swing was doing 1000 damage. It rendered charging the move completely useless unless the boss was momentarily invulnerable.

Holy shit venom krako

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user it's very clearly inspired by monster Hunter. It's meant to take a long time to complete. There's no real point in burning through it though you can technically do that by paying real money.

>it's a swordsman shields during time freeze episode

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Doesn't seem to work on my account.

charge attack is satisfying but I'd say the down spin is what makes it really fun, it's great when you iframe through a charge or the like and make the enemy take damage for it instead

Fucking Jewgolor strikes again. I didn't get my bonus apples when I bought some today.

Also using attack potions helps.

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>time stop
>charge hammer to max
>face away from the enemy while right next to them to let the fire burn them for extra dps
>do as much damage as a meteor smash

>Pyribbit with lag
End it all

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Fucking kill me.

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Disregard the last post, I had omitted the lines for no reason.

As a Mage should i charge all the way to 3, or just spam 2? It feels like by the time i throw out a 3 i can throw 2 2 alr

>its a healmore who spams his up attack instead of charging his lab or pelting the monster with gems episode

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>no new Ado boss fight
Missed opportunity.

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Pretty sure the the level 3 does around 20% more timestop than 2 level 2's.

If you could add new classes. What would you add?

I'm trash at Healmore but holy shit that sounds even worse than me.

Archer would be the next best fit.

A proper ranged class like boomerang or bow, but then they will be too op with how small the arena is

I haven't tested it but I'm almost certain lvl 1 and maybe lvl 2 charges back to back will do more dps than normal light attacks. It also depends on class though, sword users attack faster than hammers. Plus charge moves are like guaranteed to land while a swords highest dps move and be whiffed fairly easily

i have lv 7 beam mage gear
lv 5 hammer and sword and lv 1 healer
I'm having trouble with Landia; it's not hard, i just can't kill it in time. Do i need to upgrade my gears? I only have 110 applegems left

>toughest Spark bonkers
>already cleared but need some levels
>some lvl 80 starlight beam mage shows up
>hell yeah easy mode activate
>battle starts
>mage is teabagging
>suddenly immense lag spikes on and off
>uh oh
>beam mage is still tea bagging
>you asshole
>get killed
>beam mage just tea bags near our bodies
>later beam mage doesn’t pick up meteor tablet
>dude what’s fucking wrong with you
>because mage is using a lag switch the fight lasts nearly 7 minutes
>”you’ve almost defeated it!”
>beam mage uses “ha..ha?” emote

>the fight has prematurely ended due to a disconnect (Vigor lost too)

fuck you.

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So whats the optimal way to spend your apples? The permanent upgrades 1st?

Some people just want to watch the world burn. Thats fucking awful.

As much as I'd love another Ado fight, there's not much she can do in this game. Even if she has more health, all she's known for doing is summoning enemies. They'd probably have to do the Taranza and build her from the ground up.

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If you literally can't kill it in time, either buy an attack potion or upgrade your gear. The attack potion is probably cheaper but is single use. Armor is permanent

I'm doing faster vigors first and then the rest.

>Attack potions
Shit i'm fucking retarded, i totally forgot those
Thanks, i'll give it another try with one of it

Any TKCDX centered doodle requests?

Haha haha holy shit, I'd fucking block that person and break my screen

Monk (Fighter)
Rogue (Ninja)
Ranger (Archer)

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I wanna see kirby stabbing pyribbit in the heart because I hate pyribbit

Attached: HE.jpg (957x523, 256K)

As far as I'm aware of, the only codes out are GEMAPPLES and SUPERKIRBYCLASH.

How much power do the attack potion add? Also is that only for you or for your AI teammates as well (not the other players)

>there's not much she can do in this game.
>all she's known for doing is summoning enemies
Well yeah, she's an artist. Her boss fight should be a gauntlet of paintings. She could paint the original bosses from RtDL/TD/PR/SA that fight you in a new way. There's still a ton of potential for boss fights against her that too, for example, she could have a segment where she rapid-fire paints common enemies that try to flood the screen, so you have to defeat them as fast as possible so they don't end up overpowering you through sheer numbers. Or she tries painting a really big enemy across a giant enemy in the background, and you have to keep defeating her smaller paintings before she can finish the big one.
>They'd probably have to do the Taranza and build her from the ground up.
Not sure what that means. A boss fight with a recurring character follows certain concepts, but it should always try to be unique too.

You can do the Japanese codes too. I posted two of them a bit earlier in the thread.

Read the thread. There are at least 4 more codes

I'm actually not sure user sorry. I don't use em that often

How do I play online with friends?

Why waste that idea on a spinoff? Save that for the next mainline game.

2. The others are useless now.

They already wasted Nightmare's return on a spinoff.

>the fight has prematurely ended due to a disconnect (Vigor lost too)
I haven't played online yet, but I feel seething hatred just from reading these words

Which ones? Because I've used all of them. Literally just used one a minute ago

Two of the japanese codes are time locked I think. Not the ones ITT.

Damn I must've missed the time locked ones. Is there a compiled list somewhere or are the ones itt all we have?

Check google.

Recommended level for fighting Pyribbit? I know the game recommends level 23, but I don't really trust it. Gear suggestions would be appreciated too.

Just go hammer and mages. Level really means nothing with good skill.

with a lot of the bosses it's more about knowing their attacks so that you know when you can start whaling on them and where to stand

Whoops I meant 20, not 23. Remembered wrong.

I don't get the hate for this enemy.

Attached: pyribbifukingsucks.png (2590x2278, 249K)

he keeps jumping around in the background so you just have to wait before you have a chance to attack him

Alright, thanks. I think I'm just gonna go ahead and go for it. I'll let you know how it turns out.

He gets a lot of hate for sitting in the background the whole fight.
*ruins your true arena time*

Downloading this right now, do amiibos still give material like the last game?

Just bought my first DX weapon and just unlocked the Toughest: online missions. Feels good to be earning Exp fast again.

Beat him, got silver.

this is an updated version but yeah basically

There's an amiibo option but I haven't used it

I'm playing this for the first time. Just hit level 6. I havent bought anything with the apples yet. I've got a ways to go but I'm having fun. Hammer is my favorite so far. I haven't gone online yet.

I'm trying that out and got those codes working. I'm trying the other two (ふじさんみえるハルけんきゅうしょ and まいつきリンゴプレゼント) but I can't figure out how to get the small ゅ and ょ characters.


Dont go online if you're internet is slow. Spare us please

he's level 6. probably won't join you for a while

Hold the character. A small menu will pop up with the smaller version

is the credits song in English or japanese?


>Mage refuses to use charge attacks
Why do this?

Japanese-accented English

Seriously who the fuck uses lockstep netcode for a co-op game? I don't care if enemies teleport around, it's far better than stuttering and input lag.

>Beat the game
>Suddenly Back in the main hub area from the first game
I don't know why this gave me happy nostalgia but it did.

Attached: marina off the hook.gif (370x300, 196K)

it honestly kind of bugs me how little beam mage actually plays like beam in these games

I'm using the first Japanese keyboard that lets you type the characters with Latin latters. Holding it will just give me the option to type the Latin character instead.

>SDX starlight rod and DX starlight armour
so this is what true power feels like

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This games online has honestly been way better for me compared to mario maker 2

I mean at least it will occasionally give you an advantage by giving you more time to react

Yeah, looks like 10 mats for kirby amiibos and 5 mats otherwise with 5 amiibos per day.

What is the ideal sticker to spam during a team meteor?

This is important.

It's good to hold off on charge attacks right before the boss is about to enter their second phase so you can quickly get the time stones out of them

That makes sense, except this mage did nothing like that at all.


Attached: hyness phase 2.jpg (720x479, 132K)


I think there are romanized versions of the codes in this thread. They should help.

It was probably a pretty young kid, it is kirby after all

You know how much money games cost to make, right user?
Buy our Gem Apples to show your appreciation.

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The flamerge one. It gets me hype

The only one that didn't work for me was まいつきリンゴプレゼント simply because it was already used. I guess that and GEMAPPLES are one and the same. Everything else worked including the 3rd code after hunting down those small characters. Thanks for the freebies nonetheless guys.

Is there a way to increase the amount of times you can use an adventurer? Why is there a "Battles Remaining" counter on them if you can only use them once?

henlo you stinky egg. go wear a master crown ugly

I bought the wired connection a long time ago. I've played splatoon 2 online. I'm sure it'll be fine.
Also, this

Hi desert.

Since when can you only use adventurers once?

All mine have been like that. Are you buying them with apples or using the free ones? Maybe the free adventurers leave earlier.

Since always

I swear the adventurers in the 3DS game could be used 3 times

They could.

That's correct. The usage reduction is a pain the ass for this game since there's so many solo-mode "Clear with a full team of (class)" achievements and I don't have the gear to do that shit without adventurers.

tried to type them in twice, i'm giving up

>stuck between upgrading lapis set to dx or tough it out for magic girl dx for the meteor bonus

Attached: oh no.png (652x718, 601K)

Imagine not knowing at least basic Japanese in 2019 lmao

The 2nd code won't work if you've already used GEMAPPLES since it'll say it's already used but the 1st works. Use 's method to type in the Japanese codes.

>fujisannmieru(switch to Katakana)haru(switch back to Hiragana)kennkyuusho
>maitsuki(switch to Katakana)rinngopurezennto

Also I'm retarded and didn't realize that ゅ and ょ were part of "kyu" and "sho".

There are YouTube vids doing the passwords. Just go to English to Japanese and type the English phrasing shit like “kyu” “au” “ha” will become the Japanese symbols.

Why do Kirby games make Yea Forums happy and bring us together?


Because most of the more autistic Yea Forums users dismiss the kirby series in general so there are more people having discussions and less wojacks

What does recovery do? Trying to decide between beast and lapis as my first armor purchase.

Why does nobody like me?

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Fuck you. I'll never forgive those arena runs and platinum medals you took from me. You're the khezu of the kirby series

He's pretty much the symbol of everything wrong with modern Kirby boss design

Makes sense. Thanks, user.

Why don't kirby games have big titty characters? Like not even one?

everyone in kirby is a ball or a bean

Kirby characters are the titty

For fuck's sake man

Because it would look stupid as hell with their body proportions

*cough cough*

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>sectonia, sorta

lel dumb horndog you lookin at the absolute wrong franchise for fap

Who else immediately thought of Greater Coomer?

>liking kirby
Cringe and bluepilled.

Sphere Doomers have been around way longer than the boomer/zoomer/doomer meme

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>needing titty in a Kirby game
Why would you want that when we have such hot orbs in this game?

We don't talk about the Kirby anime.


Sectoria doesn't count?

The hell is going on in that image?

At what level Drawcia's set unlocks?

Adeliene counts.

Attached: Adeline_0001.jpg (1280x1790, 686K)

Fuck off, orbs are superior than your shit tier tit loli.

It's rarity 9, right? That's after Taranza.

Kirby games have the biggest titty characters of all. The entire body is the titty.

There's Queen Dedede.

Attached: queen dedede.jpg (330x225, 23K)

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Ok Meta Knight.

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That disgusts me on an ethereal level.

Attached: SHIIIIIT.gif (500x281, 527K)

Yeah, the DX version is just an upgrade of the original, it takes the same slot.



>Pay2win trash
>Pay2win Kirby trash
Is this how devoid of games the Switch is that they need to shill this *free to start* shit?

Nice to know M.K. hates gamers as well.


Who the hell is shilling this game? Play it or don't. Nobody cares. Neck yourself

i just realised c*mbrain is changed to gamer.

Real onions gamer moment.

Cummies in her cunny
Meta knight is a beta knight

did the mods really wordfilter a meme designed to be used against off-topic threads instead of actually deleting those threads

>Meta knight is a beta knight
Meta Knight is a chad though.


>designed to be used against
but they're a clear sign of newfaggotry and shitposting, as well as continuing using the cancer that is wojak. They filtered it because it's an obnoxious forced meme, dumbass.

c-brain was filtered in less than a day and yet cope seethe dilate and other shit are spammed every other second and never got filtered?

It's an obnoxious meme for obnoxious threads. If the mods weren't busy fapping to those threads then the meme wouldn't exist in the first place.

>They filtered it because it's an obnoxious forced meme
Yet for some reason they didn't filter pepe, wojack, cope, seethe, dilate, etc and so on which are all obnoxious forced memes? Seems like a double standard to me.

You don't fight being obnoxious with being obnoxious. Why would you waste time going into threads you don't like just to post that? Because it's shitosting. Anything that is utilizes a wojak variant is worse than whatever it's going up against.

Attached: get a load of this guy.jpg (462x462, 27K)

combrain isn't a wojack variant.

wojak is still allowed, you know. ask yourself why that specific variant of wojak has triggered the mods while nothing else has.

when it was first posted it always used a wojak variant to try and force the meme. Posting it is usually accompanied by a wojak.

Can we go back to kirby?

Because it ran rampant all over the board thanks to the original fuck posting it non-stop?

It hit too close to home

kirby characters dont even have arms why would they have boobs

I want to fuck Kirby.

What stickers do you guys use the most? I use Susie to greet players, Taranza when we clear the quest and Zan Par for team meteor.

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I don't use stickers.

I only have the free stickers because they're a waste of gem apples at the moment.

Yeah they are until you get shit in order first. I'd rather spend them on vigor codexes first.

Attached: staaare.png (189x197, 66K)

star stare


>played a match where no one picked beam mage

never the fuck again

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Beam mage stabbing pyribbit while the other jobs watch, yea it took me a moment too

>tfw your team of mages prepare to charge their shit instead of getting ready to dodge when this fucker's getting ready to send out the waves of lava

Kyo and Syu

Thanks. I'm too retarded with runes.

Her sticker doesn't reflect her personality at all.

>Create non-star quest lobby
>Guy with star quest comes in and the lobby turns into a star quest

neat, I had no idea it worked like that

Didn't get it at first either until I tried something new.

>completely fake "nice girl" persona
Sounds accurate to me.

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That's pretty cool desu.

Susie would fit in nicely in an exploitation movie as the villain.


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In what way?

Indeed, I remember in the star allies threads people were wondering if nightmare would return eventually and now he is back in a small spinoff game, poor guy hopefully this wont be the end of him

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ok what decides dx level upgrades? Beating quests or doing missions?

I think I confused torture with exploitation. I meant torture.

Again, what kind?

Saw, Hostel, etc.


There was one quest that was "use a sticker during battle", now I do it all the time in case it comes up again.

>Realize there's an option to sort Online rooms if they have the Star Chest available
>Spend 300+ Gem Apples upgrading the Chest Codex in anticipation of boosting the potential Gem Apple rewards from the chests
>2-5 average went to 3-6

Attached: good mood.png (639x947, 669K)

Well, D-Mind was technically Dark Mind's return, and nobody was super salty about that.
Plus Nightmare has a spiffy new 3D model now, and the went through the trouble of getting his anime VA to record new voice clips. I don't think this is the last we'll see of him.

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Push X to bring up the sticker menu, pick one then press A. Just be mindful with other players because the time you're spending finding the right sticker could be used for battling. Plus some don't like it being spammed.

this is why you savescum to check effectiveness. I rolled back to my old save when I saw the nonexistent apple increase

Holy shit that's cool! Nightmare's VA also did the salesguy too, right?

Attached: wiimote_krr.gif (125x125, 62K)

Yes, he did. You might also recognize him as Heihachi from Tekken.

Attached: 69667286_p16.png (887x890, 155K)

I've seen up to 9 with the codex, but it's still awful. I guess it might be worth it if you're F2P and you want to 100% the game, since you're going to be grinding star quests sooner or later.

I'm trying to justify it, boosting up from II to V
Nearly doubling the shit shard rewards and getting the occasional Rare makes it hurt a bit less
Fuck the 250 on getting the Ultimate though, there would be no justifying that

If is a star mission started by yourself, you get more from the chest.

What can I say. I bought each shard drop rate once and I did so many missions right now that I have thousands to use but no get apples to use them on something. At least I may reach the 9.999 missions a bit faster...

>Followed this artist because her art is cute.
>80% of her twitter posts are SJW shit.
I wonder if she still draws.

>Account got nuked.
I should have seen that coming.

Don't forget he got a remix in Star Allies outta nowhere. Guess they were hinting at his return. I hope he sticks around.

let's settle this:

What is the best class Yea Forums? And why.

>want to play with my sister
>can't customize her character
is there any way or I'm actually retarded?

I like how they trick you into thinking it's going to be a Landia remix

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beam mage since I can stand way in the back spamming time beam and pretend I'm good at the game

You might be reading a little too much into that.
They probably just noticed the base game Dream Friends had no Morpho remix, so they used Nightmare because he was the only mainline game Morpho didn't have a remix for. That's why that remix opens with the opening chord from Landia, since that was the last game they were all playable in.
Also, that update was 10 months ago. I don't think they had SKC planned for that long.

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Mage is necessary. Doc is too if there's any chance of someone taking damage. Fill any remaining slots with hams.

>tfw kept trying to jump during flip charge cause hammer Kirby could do that in star allies and smash Kirby in robobot

why hams over swords tho

I'm curious as to what some of the later Heroic Missions are

>Why DPS in a game where rank is entirely based on time clear

Either one works, ham's charge attack is just easier to land. Sword probably has higher dps in time stop.

Just fucking finished the game. Cleared all the solo missions. Tomorrow I'll do the coop ones as much as possible. Does anyone know how many you need to do in order to get SDX on all ranks?

fuck i must be really damn unlucky then because out of the 10 or so star quests i've hosted none have dropped apples
is the amount also based on the level of the enemy?

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>Everyone use the purge them sticker when the meteor is about to hit

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They went from being used against to just outright being spammed outside of its supposed purpose. Don’t lie and tell me that you did not see threads full of newfags just spamming c-brain for no reason at all.

Sounds like you're just unlucky. I had 3 star quests I hosted and they gave me 3, 3 then 1 apple.

OK. ->


You must have quoted the wrong person because I agree with everything you're saying.

Oh yeah shit my bad bro.


how much of a difference do the stat up codexes give? i've only gotten one for beam mage not sure if it actually makes much difference

see mage does fuckall until the last two volumes

that fucking egg jew tricked me goddamnit

>Not using the "thanks" emotion when a player enters in your lobby

Attached: 1542984715504.png (1280x1523, 994K)

>dark nebula is such a joke it was added to daroaches moveset in SA and was used as void termina weak points.
being dark nebula is suffering

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>time for a nice lag free game
>see Japanese names

Attached: 121s12.jpg (878x1200, 132K)

>A player doesn't use the 'thanks' sticker when they enter my Star Quest lobby

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>it's a "nobody uses stickers while using team meteor" episode
bonjam, bonjam to you all.

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> beat boss
> use the "bye." sticker

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>trusting magolor
it's your own fault really.

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What should Beam and Doctor do during timestop?
Charge more timestop or do that dashing air attack?

they wasted dark mind, are you really that surprised?

Is there any point to doing star quests on higher difficulty quests, or are the chest contents strictly based on your codex level?

tops off everyone else if needed for perfect health damage buff then digs for science lab
beam spam dash air attack for majority of it then prep a timestop for right as it ends

beam should dash air attack, doctor should spam science lab, if your not close to the boss use jewel barrel (dash jump attck) to get close to the boss then use science lab

if wispy/pyribbit are "getting furious" that means they'll head into the background for a bit, use that time to heal your team and charge science lab for later

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>Charge a Sword Spin while the enemy does his furious i-frame dance
>A hammer pushes me into the enemy and cancels my charge

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Serves you right for bringing a useless class along

sword is incredibly useful in some fights that can put immense pressure on your mages, or even just for lag compensation against threatening attacks like d-mind's laser sweep
problem is hardly anyone uses the shield

not only that, but sword is extremely survivable with all it's invincibility frames; it can dish out a ton of damage without taking any and move very quickly around the arena to revive or shield other players. It's more a support class than the hammer is.

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the egg always wins!

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What in god's name is a turbo bonus

Speed clear bonus.

Don't use sword wrong then.

Sword is for Shield.

Sword spin crosses half the fucking screen once you release it, give your hammer bro some space

I'm not much of a pokemon fan

Oh he was just referring to that
What is even the point of Speed Clear Bonus? In my experience it's impossible to get Platinum without it, but also impossible to get it without getting Platinum in the process.

Doesn't anyone have a screenshot of that?

Attached: Ado Kirby hug.png (574x570, 328K)

I LOVE picture

i've had a few cases where i just got the platinum but didn't get speed clear, i think it's something like 5 seconds faster than platinum