What are you playing

what are you playing

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Kirby Dreamland 3
It's good

Yoshi's Island

Replaying Link to the Past for like the fifth time. Went full retard and forgot to grab the moon pearl, now I gotta hike all the way back up that goddamn mountain.

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where's DKC you fucking hacks


Hacked mine and playing donkey Kong country 2

Dreamland 3 feels like it came out before Super Star

How is the input lag when playing?

Video Games, can't help myself, love 'em!

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Starfox, Breath of Fire (first time), Yoshi's Island.

the official BoF translation is really janky

SMW and Demon’s Crest, switch games when I get tired of the other

feels fine to me

bout to play link to the past just put my butt plug in

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Sniper Elite 4

beat the special stages in super mario world last night
this is the first thing worthwhile to happen to the switch since BOTW

super mario world. It was my first own video game.

It depends on ur tv/monitor

best case scenario?

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Kirby Dreamland 3.

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Trying Pilot Wings for the first time. I kind of like it, but I need to play more to really tell.

Jumped into the game with the devil lizard from mvc3. Pretty fun desu but you have to open the menu mid combat way too much

I've been playing Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts during my lunch breaks at work.
Just got to level 4 yesterday.

>tfw owned 5 of these games on my 3DS
Jewed again.

You didn't pay for them specifically, so you're just being a cunt.

they're like 8$ - 5$ a pop you butt nutt

Clu Clu Land

Whatever SNES or Super Famicom game I want.

Really? Because I got them all for free included in nintendo pass.

I was playing this too, and Yoshi's Island. I hope one of the Super Bomberman games comes to this service eventually.

Super Metroid. Yeah, it still rox.

link to the past
and finally appreciating super metroid, when i was younger i didnt get it and got stuck but loving this now

Does anyone else feel fucking cheated for this release while owning a super Nintendo classic? They didn’t even include a link to the past on the classic and I’m sure other titles I just haven’t noticed

It’s like yea you bought this $50 snes machine only for them to release it for $10 on the switch it’s a big fuck you

not really i see it as the snes classic was just a toy to nintendo

where they want those games is selling online subs

>They didn’t even include a link to the past on the classic
Yes they did. Also, SNES/NES classic are more collectibles than actual things you play on.

The pro controller L/R trigger feel really bad. For example in Starfox the barrel roll feels really inconsistent. I wish I could map them to ZL/ZR.
Also playing Yoshi's Island for the first time. It's fun but I'm way too anal about the collectibles.

just got done 100% alttp planning to cont smw and kirby dreamland 3

>paying $50 for shit you could emulate free for years

we told you faggots

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>For example in Starfox the barrel roll feels really inconsistent.

Nah, that's just how the game was. I had a copy on the OG SNES.

>For example in Starfox the barrel roll feels really inconsistent
No controller is going to fix Star Fox feeling sluggish.

That's not even possible

Playing ATTP for the first time and having a gud time

Already beat SMW

Finished Super Metroid 100%, was pretty impressed that I didn't miss much by the time I got to Tourian anyway
Started Zelda today, currently got 1 crystal in the Dark World.
Probably play Yoshi after

Little Nintendo already behind the standard bearer -


Little Nintencels keep being grateful for the leftover condoms that Nintendo keeps throwing at them, and kindly guzzle up the cum in them.

Super Mario World.

Going back to OG SMW after getting used to Mario Maker physics got me fucked up.

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>not just injecting to your N3DS
pathetic switchniggers

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BoF is good. It has problems but its worth playing. You should play 3 if you havent. Its my favorite game of all time. It really is great.

Demon’s Crest, haven’t played it since I was a kid and I’m loving it.

I'm playing that Zelda game for the first time. The jump from the NES to the SNES was insane. And I feel really silly that I only had 2 games on my SNES when I was little.
>SMW2: Yoshi's Island

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on the 3DS e shop

Already double finished Super Ghouls 'N' Ghosts for the first time. Bouncing StarFox and Pilot wings now. Might replay Super Metroid for giggles since it ties Metroid Prime for my favorite game ever, but I have other stuff to play. I also kind of want to play SMW again, but I could just play SMM2.


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I was playing Mario World. Holy fuck the games are practically silent on handheld mode. It’s so weird.

Playing Star Fox and honestly I’m surprised at how much fun I’m having. With the shitty speed I thought I would be miserable and bored but it’s actually kinda fun especially in FPS mode


t. poorfag

based retard

I unironically don't get it. There are and have been sites online to play these games free for years.

why did nobody tell me you can effectively do pass-the-controller co-op with single player games just by pressing Y? that's fucking genius, i've wanted that from emulators for years.

Breath of Fire is solid
I hope we get a couple more RPGs in the future

The hell. I remenber them working better somehow. So this is the power of Nostalgia goggles, uh.

no I like having a dpad and playing games like lufia and SMT II

Is this overall a better idea than Virtual Console?

nice, how does Yoshi's Island run?


It's the convenience.

i noticed F-zero's bass instruments barely come through on the speakers. mario world sounded fine though.

What games would you like added?
DKC Trilogy
Super Mario RPG
Kirby Super Star
Live A Live
Chrono Trigger
Space Megaforce / Super Aleste
Super Punch Out

I’m so glad SNES Online has at least one RPG. NES online didn’t have much varaity. Platformers Adventure puzzles and stripped down arcade ports

Mega Man X

Move Super Punch out to realistically. Also add a tier called miracle for the Intelleview games and Mario Paint

Everything else that's on the SNES classic, the DKC trilogy and Mega Man 7.

I doubt Capcom will allow Mega Man though, because of the recent collections.

fullspeed on snes9x on a N3ds, same with the rest of the chip games


I'd say we're almost guaranteed Super Mario RPG and Earthbound at least. FF6 might be improbable but Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger might be possible depending on how cooperative SE is willing to be.

mario maker tightened things up in the other games but I think Mario World is fairly faithful. SMB3 is just painful to go back to though.

I doubt star fox 2 will be on snes online, because that is a selling point of the snes classic.

Zelda link to the past. Never played it before. It's a weird experience because I have played Link between worlds.

Super EDF is such bullshit. 3 hits with barely any sensation i've taken one, and I've gotta do the whole level over when I die? The arcade veraion at least had rad as fuck music. Getting anywhere with Homing's OPness is still hard - and I've beaten Gradius III before.

Props on Brawl Brothers though, have always loved that game and pleased it can reach more of an audience now. Angry Moding motherfuckers off the screen is delicious. If Jaleco stuff is getting on this, I want Operation Logic Bomb.

Those were always for nostalgia normies that would play for a week after Christmas and forget about it. You’re not the target market for the minis.

Yes and no. If they keep it at 5-20 bucks a year and keep expanding, it's going to be good, specially with the built in multiplayer. Emulation is good even though there are little options, and other consoles are pretty much confirmed. Of course, its availability is tied to the end of NSO, so there's that.

On the other hand, it's not a feature that goes out to translate games like the Virtual Console did. Forget about other case in which they translated Sin and Punishment, Mother or Rondo of Blood, what you got in the 90s is what you get now. If you want to play SuFami of Famicom games, just download the program from the japanese store and learn japanese. It won't have any games that are already or will be sold in the future through packs (like Megaman, Castlevania or Contra), either. Virtual Console was freer in that regard. Both have about the same regard to quality control in selection.

At the end, it doesn't hold a candle to Retroarch on the Switch.

Maybe it was cause I played SMB3 before MM2 came out but I didn't notice the difference nearly as bad as I did with SMW. Back in the day I played that game so much I could breeze through levels but my recent foray felt unnaturally stiff.

I beat Demon's Crest yesterday and got the worst ending. That's a pretty good game and I feel like most people are going to just totally ignore it and replay Mario over and over again instead.

I only used save states to retry the 'Flier' boss with my spell without having to rebuy it after using it. Everything else was fair play.

Isn't Mana sold on the Switch already? FF6 seems more likely.

I hate the walking speed. I don't know why it makes me so mad, I've never had this problem before.

Turtles in Time
Final Fight

>and I've beaten Gradius III before

Oh shit you just reminded me, we better get that game in this collection. That game was my shit.

The best game

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Mario World. I tried playing a bit of Kirby's Dreamland 3 but I wasn't digging it. Seemed less focussed than Kirby's Adventure.

>Isn't Mana sold on the Switch already?

Shit, I forgot about the collection for some reason. Well strike that, but maybe FF6 in that case. Fortunately the SNES had more than its fair share of great RPGs.

Which of these games have co-op? I wanna play something with gf

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>A d-pad for RPGs
>Doesn’t even realize that four separate buttons is objectively superior for everything other than fighters
>inb4 fighters on a handheld
Stop being poor.

SMW at least does.

they have most of the good games already. when I think about it the SNES really didn't have that many good games.

they need to add Contra III though

Who do you think is the hardest boss? Im playing through it and I got absolutely man handled by the bone guy

If FF1-3 did not appear on either versions of the NES online thing you can forget about FF6. S-E is not collaborating.

super mario kart

>S-E is not collaborating
That means no mario rpg either

Hopefully we get some donkey kong on this bitch

SNES has a multitude of other great games. They won't add Contra III tho.

>Play Yoshi's Island
>Get to end of level
>Don't get bonus
>Get bonus
>Fail bonus
I fucking love the rewind feature.

I know Super Puyo Puyo ain't translated but does it have some sort of online?

>That means no mario rpg either
Not really. Nintendo has special interest on that, etc. It could happen. It's just that FF is too precious for S-E to give it for "free".

>when I think about it the SNES really didn't have that many good games.

Come the fuck on, user.


>no final fantasy
>no star ocean
>no lufia
>no tales of phantasia
>no chrono trigger
>no final fight
>no actraiser


Flier gave me the most trouble. If you have the Tornado you can use it to jump around Bone guy when he's starting to get too close. Big part of the fight is how much he likes to corner you.

All games are online even the ones without 2 player modes. You can play in a pass-the-controller fashion in single player games.


Have there been any square-enix games on either of these?

>No DKC or KI

...is the complete Rare Replay actually going to happen?

It is but Super Puyo Puyo doesn't control as well as the modern games (or even the arcade game it's based on). Just get Champions if you wanna puyo online.

It should but it's in direct connection to a friend, no server or anything like that.

Metroid was the only good game desu, and even it's overrated

I just started playing SMW for the first time (finally) and im noticing how much faster it is to actually turn around

Playing brawl brothers, pretty decent beat em up.

is it hard to hack a 3DS? I've eyed through the guide linked in /hbg/ and it's pretty long but a lot of it seems to be filler to retard proof it.


I’m waiting for Nintendo to sell the SNES controllers before playing the SNES games.

Can’t wait to play Mario Maker 2 with them too.
And Kirby, Yoshi, Donkey Kong.
2D platformers with an actual 10/10 d-pad will be great.

Yikes. It really didn’t.

Breath of Fire, haven’t played it since I was a wee lad. I still can’t believe you just crush and kill every Dark Dragon in that early castle and get cheered for it. Ryu is a child terrorist.

That’s bullshit and you know it. On top of bubble2k’s port having a number of graphical issues in most games, it can’t even run Super FX games fullspeed without frameskip.

Secret of Mana is on the classic and not this

That's on a regular 3ds. N3DS is full speed for every one I tried including star fox.

you're full of shit

>Doesn’t even realize that four separate buttons is objectively superior for everything other than fighters
>inb4 fighters on a handheld

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It’s better on New 3DS, but not fullspeed. Yoshi’s Island’s title screen has graphical glitches and skipped frames out the ass.

I really hope they keep releasing things like this so there is at least more incentive to have the online subscription. Is is possible for them to do N64?

Breath of fire 1. It's been some time since I wanted to play it and having it on a handheld makes it possible now. I already had BoF3 on vita, but I wanted to play them in order.

The difficulty curve seems nice.

That’s ok you can play games with whatever objectively disgusting fake d-pad you want zoomie, the rest of us will be enjoying the SNES controller.

SoM was also on the snes mini but the Collection is on the switch yeah.
I already have 70 hours in my Collection, finished SoM and halfway through my first playthrough of 3/Trials. The 3D remake of Trials looks amazing

Yeah, but they'll probably go with GB-GBC first. See you in a year!

>Muh strawman/false equivalency
>implying people play fighting games on handhelds
You’re a mong.

There’s no way they release N64 before Gameboy/Color games.

SNES mini had both FF6 and Secret of Mana

The person I responded to is playing on a 3DS, so he won’t be enjoying a SNES controller as far as portable play is concerned. But I can on Switch.

If it happens they'll definitely make it s more expensive tier.
That said there aren't that many good N64 games, and you can probably count licensed games and Rare out.
What the fuck would they even include to pad out the library to 20 games?

Yeah I had to grind a little bit to actually kill the Knight boss. Every boss in this game seems to have a second wind mechanic once take down their health bar once

Look at the Wii U’s N64 VC.

An english release for the old fire emblem games. 4 and 5 would be pretty nice.

But not the Wii U or 3DS' virtual console, which relate more with the current Switch service. Meanwhile, the Wii U did have Mario RPG as its only game made by Squaresoft.

For example, Contra 3 and Megaman X were on the SNES mini, but they're not going to come up on the Switch SNES program because they are in packs already.

>If it happens they'll definitely make it s more expensive tier.
I really doubt it.

>Gameboy games
Almost all of them are dogshit.
>Gameboy Advance Games
Literally the best games that Nintendo put out

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Not using snes9x. If anything you can overclock but I've never needed to with emulation.

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>Shitting on Wario Land and the best 2D Zeldas

Both Wii and Wii U only got 21 N64 games.
I guess they might start the service with maybe six games and then add two or three here and there.

looks like you didn't own a PSP and vita switchnigger
I beat all of blazeblue on handhelds, same with darkstalkers and SF up to 4.
Soul caliber on the PSP was fucking amazing too

Whens fucking Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2


Post a recording of the Yoshi’s Island title screen running on your N3DS then.

thanks doc

the gba port is better in every way

Demon's Crest
I've never played it before, I'm actually having a great time. Kinda surprised that I never seem to hear anyone talk about it.

seems like you're in for a good time

are you me

My wife and son had been playing SMW in the basement on a SNES right before his came out. I showed them the rewind thing on the Switch and I wish I hadn't, it triggered my autism bad.

On the other hand it made me feel like all of the retro shit in my basement is stupid and gay so maybe I'll just list it all on eBay.

>the best 2D Zeldas

Starfox in it's purest form.


>They didn’t even include a link to the past on the classic
hey user, try turning on your SNES classic, hitting left or right until the game on screen is labeled "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past" and then hitting whatever button starts the game up. you might be surprised what game you get to play.

>being a nincel

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I own both and I got dozens and dozens of hours out of the SNES classic even before I hacked it. It's still the better way to play these games. Love the Switch for convenience though

where the FUCK is earthbound

It’s the superior SNES Kirby.

Finally they released games that i can finally enjoy. I find nes games to be really boring except for a very few honestly.

Also does this mean we will get n64 in a year?

>buy 9x herbs right at the start of the game
>game hands herbs out by the handful
>get to knight
>barely outhealing him
>surely he can't do 20 damage, he hasn't been able to do that the whole fight
>risk another attack instead of a heal
>use the rewind feature for the first time
>start the fight with 2+ stacks of herbs
>end the fight with half a stack
Now that I have Nina and Bo and can heal. Its just been a cakewalk, especially that I figured out you can Use the Earth Key for free 30 damage AoE. First time playing this. Never played 2 either, but played the shit out of 3.

ALttP is barebones linear shite.
A port of barebones linear shite and a very pretty but mediocre game.

>Also does this mean we will get n64 in a year?
Nope. Virtual Boy baby.

Can you be any more of a shitter

god I hope we get Lufia on here

kek, can't wait to play Waterworld

i find a lot of the abilities to be kinda clunky in all honesty.

Might be licencing issues since Rare is now owned by Microsoft.

3D Tetris every day of the week.

There's only one good Wario Land and you both got the wrong boy for that.

They've had a deal for quite a while, so it's happening. DKC 1-3 was on the 3DS, and DK64 was on Wii U.

>>>ve to pay for online to play SNES games instead of letting me buy them individually like 3DS

Fucking bullshit.

I hope they go straight N64 games instead of fucking with GB/GBC games but they'l probably try to go with chronological release order.

Virtual Wario is definitely not better than Mario Land 3 or Wario Land 4. Hell, it's not even better than Shake It. It's a bit overrated if you ask me, but maybe I should give it another chance. Beat it in an evening and never thought about it again.

The first half is and you need to beat dungeon 4 to access 5 in the dark world. It’s nowhere near as open ended as Zelda 1 and doesn’t have any of the charm like the later 2D Zeldas to make up for it.


I played Gargoyles Quest on the Game Boy, so i am really looking forward to this one.

No one is forcing you to do anything, retard. Would you really rather pay $200+ for these games for the umpteenth time?

Currently at 1:40 on Super Metroid and only have Ridley's Lair and Tourian left to clear so feeling pretty confident about getting the best ending.

>20 dollars for a year long online subscription + 20 snes games
>5.99 for 1 snes game
if you choose the latter you're retarded

I don't have my 3ds, but dude just use NSUI to make a cia or retroarch and see for yourself
>breeding with a woman that plays video games

Kirbys Dreamland 3 would be perfect for that.
It is cute and it has full co-op instead of taking turns

I think it's better that way. Charging 5 bucks for a SNES game was overkill. With 5 bucks a year, I'm pretty content to pay it. I can just pirate the games anyway if I want to "keep" them.

>paying for an emulator

The official SNES VC doesn’t support Super FX chip games and it doesn’t run fullspeed in any of the RA cores.

I would love to see GBA games added. Stuff like Advanced Wars, Minish Cap, Golden Sun, etc would kick so much ass.

i finally have an excuse to play super metroid, bretty good so far

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Without even taking into consideration gameboy color exclusive games
Donkey Kong '94
Kid Dracula
Gargoyle's Quest
Link's Awakening
Wario Land 1-2
Super Mario Land 2
Kirby's Dream Land 1-2
Pokemon RBY and GS
All god-tier games that would be enough for a compilation

>Link's Awakening
>Pokemon RBY and GS
These won't be in the compilation.

Zelda and I'm having a blast. Of course I did not pay a cent

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I'm paying for portability. That's the whole point of the Switch. If you're buying Witcher 3 for it and expecting top notch quality, you're a fucking idiot. Be more surprised that they are even able to fit that game on something smaller than a DS cart.

NSUI lets you inject with a RA core.
Dude you have some catching up to do

>No E.V.O


Racing people on Super Mario Kart later today! Can't wait.

You guys think we'll get GBA games too?

More probable than N64 imo. The real question is whether they'll do the Wii/GC ports they've done for Shields for pay or for subscription.

I’m aware but why the hell would someone want to? I’m currently running RA 1.7.7 since the latest stable keeps crashing. Don’t know if the nightlies fixed it.

the multiplayer options are really fucking abysmal. F-zero was too hard for normie friends to learn, super soccer / tennis get boring immediately, it's basically super mario kart or nothing.

fuck that last boss in demons crest

Blue? Pfft. Play White version like a man! The harder game! No broken Folderback chip to carebear you through end game!

super mario world

Play River City Ransom.

SMW isn't a real 2 player game, nobody wants to take fucking turns on a SP game dude.

kirby, why bother when i can just boot up the kirby clash demo and get the same entertainment

I would if it was there.

>It's fun but I'm way too anal about the collectibles.
Depending on how anal you really are you might want to just use the Minigame select cheat which is “While at the level select screen, hold down SELECT and type: X X Y B A” and play either the balloon popping or the coin ones. They’re the ones that hand out the Magnifying Glass which will make it easier to find all the collectibles... assuming you’re willing to play like a cheating bitch at least.

>nobody wants to take fucking turns on a SP game dude.
Sometimes it's more fun than actual co-op. Lots of lovely evenings.

not so good when i am trying to entertain people at a busy party.

luckily there's a lot of good 2P stuff on switch already like KLK if and Kirby Clash

>nobody wants to take fucking turns on a SP game dude.
speak for yourself, nerd. taking turns on GTA with the boys is fun as fuck

>kirby, why bother when i can just boot up the kirby clash demo and get the same entertainment
because you're playing a full game with a complete set of abilities instead of a boss rush with only 4 powers

Download the NES Online System. There's also another Kunio-kun game on the Japanese Famicom Online System. You can also play Dr. Mario, Puyo Puyo... I think there's more (Excitebike, if I'm not mistaken?) but I'm not entirely sure.

Just play TF

... we're talking about nintendo so what does that have to do with anything

>because you're playing a full game with a complete set of abilities
they just like it because it's shiny dude they are happy if they hit x a bunch on the enemy and don't die immediately.

you said nobody wants to take turns on a sp game, not an sp nintendo game. taking turns on mario is fun too

Is it really true that nintendo will stop making monthly nes and snes games? Like what the heck? This is the worst.

Star Fox 2 was leaked to be with SNES online.

It just means they come out at a less regular schedule, not that they're stopping coming out.

There's no reason to believe that. They might tone down the frequency of NES games, though.


I’m a superstar fag and I tried dl3. Why do you move so slow?

I don't know about that.

Because it took until RtDL for HAL to remember how to make Kirby control well.

Nintendo hasn't made an NES game in over three decades

Mario World and Yoshi's Island both sound almost silent. The Switch's UI sounds and Smash sound just fine, so it's not my Switch itself. They sound fine on TV.

You know Dreamland 3 came out after SuperStar right

They did release a translated Mother in the last decade, does that count?

>pass-the-controller co-op with single player games just by pressing Y?
You mean online or something?

Either way it’s feels unplayable after being so accustomed to superstar. Shame. I really liked the presentation and animal friends

Yoshi's Island because it's huge nostalgia for me.

>Hopefully we get some donkey kong on this bitch
If all of the Rare Replay rumors are true, we'll get DKC 1-3 on it for $60. They're likely not true because Microsoft isn't giving up Banjo-Kazooie outside of Smash, so they'll probably at least put DKC 1 on eventually and skip 2 and 3 like they did on SNES Classic for some stupid fucking reason.

I'd prefer DKC 2. It's the best SNES game in the entire library next to Yoshi's Island.

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Like they did with Zelda or Mario on the NES, or even DKC on the N3DS SNES VC?

Is there no way to remap the buttons in games that don't have it built in? I'm trying to play SMW but having the spin jump on the A button is fucking horrible.

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Super Mario Kart. Played it with my friend last night online. Had a lot of fun, but he wasn't amused. This was his first time playing it and he was not used to the controls. He was kind of mad the whole time because he kept losing.

Didn't the N3DS VC come out before the SNES Classic, though? I don't remember.

>Had a lot of fun, but he wasn't amused.
If your first Mario Kart is anything BESIDES SNES, you'll likely find SNES boring as fuck and extremely barebones. I can't go back to it anymore after being spoiled by 64 and Double Dash.

>All the SNES/NES gems to choose from
>Lots of literal who? titles no one would ever give a shit about


No, which has baffled everyone since the NES Online came out. Nintendo's usually really good about controller mapping, the VC let you put literally any button on anything.

Yes. But the SNES Classic model of business doesn't apply exactly to Switch NES/SNES.

I wish Nintendo made sense.

Those literal who titles are probably better. Selection is very good on this program.

FF5 on my Vita. I prefer the the SNES graphics over the GBA. I hope I actually finish this game. Last time I played was like a decade ago on the GBA. I think I made it to the last world. I seem to remember Exdeath turning in a splinter. It was straight out of a Saturday morning cartoon. Also I'm using a guide for blue magic since they are the coolest thing about this game for me.

I wish I had friends that would get angry when playing video games together like that. Anyone I play with usually doesn't give a fuck.

>Went full retard and forgot to grab the moon pearl
Yeah, sucks when you forget to do that haha...

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Guess I'm sticking with Super Metroid for now then.

Because the stuff people fondly remember is mostly licensed titles that Nintendo either won't work on getting or they're so deep in licensing hell that getting them would be impossible. Stuff like Cool Spot, Buster Busts Loose, Beavis & Butt-head, all stuff that Nintendo could add with a little bit of talking, but won't.

I'm surprised Breath of Fire hooked me this hard.
II, sure, but even the first game has been pretty comfy to play in bed right before I pass out.
Who should my final party be?

What are the differences between ALTTP SNES and GBA?

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Earthworm Jim on ras pi

What did he mean by this?

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>Lots of literal who? titles no one would ever give a shit about
You should try some of them on occasion.
I'd never heard of that Vice game they added to the NES selection, but it was Ninja Gaiden tier on quality with a bit lower difficulty.
Pretty good stuff.

What doesn't make sense? SNES classic was done in terms of representativity and to sell a hunk of plastic for 100 bucks while not having to do as much licencing (thus, using the minimal ammount of games). Thus, the more varied, the better, and they would do deals for things like FF6, Legend of Mana or Megaman X to catch eyes onto the product.

This is done more long term and they can afford to put all the important games they can get, but won't specifically lose their minds over some particularly popular or important ones: thus, they could put all DKC games, but no way in hell they're going to put Megaman X when Capcom is already selling it on the same console. Same with FF6 or any Square Enix game.

>thus, they could put all DKC games
But won't. Why didn't they put all 3 on SNES Classic?

they said they're not going to add more.
to answer your question I'd like to see earthbound, Super Mario RPG, FF 1-3, translated DQ games, DKC trilogy, SMT, Umihare.

Nintendo, pls add.

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this feels like a 90s commercial

You're in for a treat my dude
Don't be scared to use a guide to get an the things you might miss like heart pieces etc, because ALBW is so much more obvious for those kind of things

I have a friend like that but only for UFC games lmao

Variation of offer under a limited set of games. See how they didn't put FF2, various other Kirby games available on the SNES, other Megaman games, or Castlevania Dracula X. From the licencing side, there's not much reason to put "redundant" games, unless you're talking about "unreleased" stuff, like SF2.

They will put all DKC games in the same way they put them on 3DS or that they've put most SNES Kirby games already on the program.

Because you can just play TF instead

Redpill me on the original Breath of Fire. Is the encounter rate insane like II's?

Nah, the original was on the SNES Classic.

>no Earthbound
genuinely, why?

How similar are the UFC games to traditional fighters? I always tell my friend I'd whoop his ass in UFC because I like fighting games but I don't know if they actually play anything like them.

You think Atlus would be ballsy enough to give us an english version of pic related while we wait for SMT5?

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Because they will put it later? They put around 2 and a half games each month.

no lol

Obviously not. Why would they if they didn't even bother translating Kunio-kun or FE for the NES?

Casual. No I kid. I abuse that shit too.

Depends on the area.
If you get one of those two step battles, you can also rewind and take a different path to change the RNG and see if you can go more than two seconds between fights.
Plus you can buy "Marbl3" en masse for cheap and they let you temporarily turn off random battles on a whim, amazing for backtracking and whatnot.

>each month
They are not adding games monthly anymore.

Aren't they? What's the frequency, then?

I just can't beat him

Attached: Draygon.gif (262x284, 11K)

Sauce on that?
user, always ask for a sauce because it could just be a random user shitposting.

It's got a bunch of MMA focused mechanics so it's sort of its own thing. I'm not much of a fighting game cunnysseur though

This is the original source

Zap him

Asking further can also show if they're bullshitting. Salsa is more efficient, tho.

just grapple cheese it lol

morph ball in the middle of the room to dodge his charges

Super Metroid, my first time with it, its pretty damn good, currently on some water sewers, Kraig and some ghost monster are done

1. Get hit by gray goop and let boss grab you
2. Grapple beam exposed electrical wires
3. ???
4. Profit

Ah you're in Maridia. Probably my favorite place in Super Metroid. The music there is also top notch.

Wtf are they even doing in this picture. It’s no wonder they are in last place.

>DKC Trilogy
>Super Mario RPG
>Kirby Super Star
if they don't add these in the next 3 months then nintendo is fucking shit
at least on release we got demon's crest which fucking amazing

>mario is behind luigi, but is in 7th
>the timers are slightly different even though neither finished yet

could mozart still be alive?

Good choice, I forgot about this.

Give us N64 and gamecube games. And Sega give us some Saturn and Dreamcast games

>if they don't add these in the next 3 months then nintendo is fucking shit
Jesus fuck mate, they'll happen, no need to be reckless about it. They're over 30 years old anyway, if you're so impatient to play them just emulate like a normal person.

>Give us N64 and gamecube games.
Not before Gamecube mini, lol

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It's just that nintendo changed the policy and won't trickle games every month as was with NES games so I wonder what exactly does it mean.
Also I like playing on switch and having official app and all.

but why

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>Paying money for products and services.

Okay Slav, we all know how smart you are spending hours to find torrents so you can sponge something for free instead of spending a few dollars and getting something instantly.

Who needs hours to find torrents?

>gamecube mini
nintendo is trying to kill melee, not save it

Oh, I see. You know, be patient. Those games are eventually going to happen either way unless S-E is being specially cunty about Mario RPG.

Dreamland 3 is a sequel to 2 Game Boy games, so they stayed closer to the mechanics and feel of those games. Whether or not that was a good decision is up for debate

No its not. Unless they release n64 and game cube games in the near future its worthless

Hearing Yoshi’s bongos is one of the few happiness I have in this shit world

My fucking 3ds hinge broke after not touching it for over a year.

>they're free in the service that didn't upgrade in any way whatsoever besides cloud storage from the old online service
So what are you paying the $20 a year for? The cloud saves? Please. That money is basically for the """"""""""free"""""""""" titles. It's funny how you guys shit on sony's PS+ """"""""""Free"""""""""" titles too but defend Nintendo's.

Wow this is INCREDIBLY wrong.

A torrent that's seeded, where the source isn't fucking garbage and that didn't require you to be part of a private group that itself took hundreds of unpaid hours to become a member of?

lol ok. When you're a slav-shit and your time is worth about 5 rubles and hour torrents are great. For people in the first world they don't care you spent hours getting something for free and will happily pay a few dollars to get something in seconds.

why would I pirate old games on a 3ds? ive been playing Shin Megami Tensei IV on it

Does it have mario all stars?

You sound unexperienced, user. Keep using money and stablishing odd ethnic backgrounds for people who have more ability at stealing/searching than you, I guess.

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Why would it?

>Ys III gets put on the service
>Suddenly, Oath gets a Switch port

never ever cause lawsuit

>Slav-shit complaining about people stereotyping them as thieves while flexing that he can steal things better than people who rather pay for goods and services.

Epic Dimitri. Those dumb westerners with their running water and ability to buy games beyond Counter Strike Source 2 decades ago.

not touching the SNES classics until the official switch SNES controller is for sale, gonna get 4 of those shits because the NES controllers were fucking awesome

Can’t speak for anyone else but I played smw with my old housemate online and watching her play and applauding with the cursor is cute as fuck.

Bro, I'm not fucking russian lol. This is a bit embarassing.

Can't wait for people to discover the joy of Demon's Crest's true last boss.

Yeah it is, you're not russian but yet you try and strive to be like one.

can you connect them to pc

Nice one!

Attached: Too_Late_Nintendo_2.webm (960x540, 2.59M)

They connect through USB-C so they should.

How much disc space does that take?

That's illegal.

this isnt portable

I just realized Castlevania isn't on NES Online. Is that due to Konami being cunts?

>SNES really didn't have that many good games

wtf?? what console even comes close?

Because how else would I play the definitive version of every game.

It's because you can buy an eight game pack of Castlevania for 20 bucks on the eShop. Any game that is for sale won't be used for the NES online thing. Don't expect Megaman X, for example.

Aren't the physics in the All Stars versions of the Mario games kinda wonky?

Come on now...

Oh yeah, forgot about that. And I'll be okay without Megaman X. I have like five versions of that game.

They won't add more? source?

I've played Super Metroid before and I highly reccomend it to everybody.

Aside from that, I've been playing LttP and Super Mario World.


That doesn't mean they won't add more. That just mean it won't have a concrete schedule. They literally said in the Direct that they'll be adding more.

My hacked SNES classic.

Who /pixel perfect/ here

>they said they're not going to add more.
>article says they are going to add more, but irregularly

Playing A Link To The Past for the first time. Never finished a Zelda other than OoT. It's okay, but I'm not really sure yet why people consider it one of the best games ever yet, but I've only gotten the first pendant. Always been more of a Metroid fan

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I really hope DKC is the next game they release on it, playing through SMW right now, gonna do Yoshi's Island then Demon's Crest after

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Mine's hacked too, but I like the Switch's service. Plus I can't find a rom of The Ninja Warriors anywhere, so I hope it'll get on the service. I also plan to get Once Again.

The amount of people that now know about and are playing Demon's Crest because of this makes me rock fucking hard.

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>I've only gotten the first pendant
You have literally only scraped a grain of sand on the surface of that game.

I just want GB/C games already

>The Ninja Warriors

Thank you sir. Also still gonna hope for a release.

It's overrated as shit, put that out of your mind and hopefully you will get some enjoyment out of the game. I'm giving it another chance now as well and it's decent enough. Helps that dungeons are short I guess.


>Arcade version

>stuck at 95% in Mario World
It feels great to play the game again after all these years but holy shit

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You really are retarded if you think it takes torrents to get these roms. It's just a quick search and bingo. Think you're afraid of getting hacked, when I have been pirating since 9

where the FUCK is mega man x?

I think I'm going to wait for the SNES controller before I get into these games, got enough on my plate with Three Houses right now anyway.
Any news on when the controller will be released by the way?

In the X Legacy Collections where it'll probably stay.

Nothing, I haven't bothered myself to download it and the DKC games aren't there. How's the online?




>It's overrated as shit
what the fuck

Not that user, but all Zeldas are kinda overrated except the NES ones I think.

I just started Breath of Fire, and I speedran Mario World earlier in an attempt to impress my little nephew.

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>except the NES ones
I hate this fucking board

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I remember playing Breath of Fire 1 as a kid. Got to the second city but got there at daytime and the guards wouldn't let me in. Backtracked throughout the entire game and walked back, again at day time and couldn't get it.
At that time I remember switching over to Breath of Fire 2 since I had both and I got instantly hooked and proceeded play through the entire game. Then I set my eyes on Breath of Fire 3 which was relatively new at the time.
I never got back to Breath of Fire 1. But re-played it now since it was part of SNES line-up. Can't believe all I had to do was visit the city at night to find the guards sleeping.

Game is cool though. I am enjoying it.

But also the ones that convey exploration better. This is my opinion, not the board's, though.

Super Puyo Puyo 2. I adore the Puyo Puyo series.

I wish they brought Virtual Console back

should have just used rewind. i've been pretty shameless in spamming it and it has made my playthrough much more relaxing

Get mad.

Yoshi's Island
Mario Kart
Kirby's Dream Course

Also where's DKC 1-3 & Mega Man X1-X3 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>Mega Man X1-X3


Every time i replay this game, this level makes me consider quitting, fuck Ice Palace.

Also I'd forgotten how bullshit some of the later areas are where rooms are just ice/conveyor belts + spikes + turrets shooting endlessly + the red bouncing crosses + four enemies you have to kill to get a key to drop

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Okay then how about Mega Man 7 or Rockman & Forte?

What games could they possibly add now?
>all square games are locked off due to square enix jewery
>all rare games are locked off due to microshit jewery
>all good capcom games such as street fighter 2 are locked off due to capcom jewery

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Super Mario World, never played it before and it enjoyable so far.

Megaman Collection 2 and never ever.

I wish Nintendo would collab with the people who make the LttPxSuper Metroid cross randomizer. That shit is fun as fuck and I'd love it if they could get it in the hands of the wider audience who doesn't do romhacks but would play it on Switch.

I've adapted to this terrible flaw (using a pro) and surprised myself when I was controlling great wit da stick instead of the deepad

>>all square games are locked off due to square enix jewery
>>all rare games are locked off due to microshit jewery
>all good capcom games such as street fighter 2 are locked off due to capcom jewery
>Cloud in Smash
>Banjo in Smash
>Ryu in Smash
Seems like they are willing to cooperate.

Why do we have to rent them? Why won't Nintendo just let us buy them?

I'd like a Hero Mode/Second Quest for ALttP.

Goemon 1-4, Violinist of Hamelin, Firemen, Go Go Ackman 1-3 for starters.

Fuck my life

Because Nintendo are jews

The gameplay is vastly inferior to Superstar, user. You can’t compete with the expanded movesets and insane level variety when all DL3 has going for is a lot of style over substance.

based red blaze poster. gargoyles quest 3 when

Good ones. Also, DKC might happen.

whats stopping you

Played Demon's Crest for the first time, looking to play them all eventually. Game has really cool presentation, controls are tight and everything feels good.

Been putting together an enormous collection of classic games for my family and friends, mostly games everyone knows but I tried to add some stuff like Actraiser that isn't as well known, I think I'll add Gargoyles Quest/Demon's Crest into it as well.

Would love to find more games like this if anyone has any suggestions.

>all square games are locked off due to square enix jewery
Final Fantasy and Secret of Mana were on the SNES Classic (there's also Collection of Mana)
>all rare games are locked off due to microshit jewery
DKC was on the classic as well and Nintendo has a pretty good relationship with Rare now.
>all good capcom games such as street fighter 2 are locked off due to capcom jewery
Was also on the SNES Classic.

SNES Classic does not apply to regular console emulation. Also, Collection of Mana and the release of SFII on multiple collections on Switch invalidate it being on SNES Online. FF is probably also not happening, since it has never surfaced on 3DS or Wii U VCs.

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Not sure myself, I was positive I explored everywhere and got everything.

This. So much better than mario. Are the recent yoshi-brand games as good as YI?


>DKC Trilogy
Kill yourself

I'd like to see some Shin Megami Tensei. How likely is that? Didn't they put 'If' up on the Wii Virtual Console?

Thank you anons, i did it!

Attached: draygon.jpg (728x789, 115K)

Yes it's a trilogy. 3 was a good game, contrary to what you s󠀀oy latte sipping gender fluid faggots think.

0% in english.

>SNES Classic does not apply to regular console emulation
the snes classic is literally just a cheap single-board computer running a fancy-looking emulator

I mean the product and the processes behind the selection of its game, not the actual machine lol

None of them were good games

Kill yourself, you complete homosexual. DC3 is fucking atrocious and was an insult to fans of the games. Eat shit, you useless idiot

Zelda and Mario Kart (which is litterally better than the crap that is MK8DX)

>playing ALTTP
>frame drops all the time
>especially during bossfights

i'm playing in docked mode, what the fuck? my raspberry pi 3 can even handle SNES shit fine, what's wrong?

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BoF and im having a great time now that i found the shop in the first town after the second boss and lots of grinding for herbs.
Also tried Yoshi's Island again after having it for the original SNES for a few years now but i still can't find any fun with these floaty controls. Just not my cup of tea

t. toddler who has never touched an SNES

If it happens in the original game, it'll happen on emulation. Definitely not a Switch hardware issue.

it's hardware accurate, at least glitches still work

Today i tried the sports games after finishing Joe&Mac and i got so fucking exited seeing that the Tennis game was the one i played as a child.
Too bad the soccer one isn't that one with the blocky looking players

but you can allready buy that user...

>SNES really didn't have that many good games

what did he mean by this

You know you can buy a SNES right?

How do I match up with someone online?

Is there no lobbies or anything

Am i retarded or is it not on A in the original?
Dont feel like pluging it in

you have to play with a friend

can you try reading?

1 and 2 please

Ah yes
Bombing every wall and burning every bush sure is fun

i think that's wrong but i felt the same way. could have sworn it was always on R

>facts are not facts because muh feelings

>Joe & Mac 2
>No Joe & Mac
What the fuck, ALSO
>Stunt Race FX
>no Uniracers

Attached: cofused_kot.jpg (500x628, 65K)

Nah im sure holding R was for scrolling the screen further
Also i checked and it was A

>paying for NES and SNES games in current year+4
Just fucking emulate that shit losers.

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>>Stunt Race FX
Is owned by Nintendo, so it cost them nothing to include it. Also, it's genuinely a great game. A hidden gem, dare I say?
>>no Uniracers
Pretty sure that game can never be rereleased without Pixar's permission.

I have no real problem with Stunt Race FX, just regretting the lack of Uniracers. Didn't realise it was a Pixar thing!
My defining memory of Stunt Race FX is renting it and my mum trying to play it and failing miserably. And the bit with the truck.
I miss being young

>Shortly after the game's release, DMA Design was sued by Pixar for allegedly copying the unicycle design and concept from their 1987 short film Red's Dream. Mike Dailly, one of the developers at DMA Design, commented, "The problem with Pixar was that they seemed to think that any computer generated unicycle was owned by them." DMA Design lost the lawsuit, and as a result, Nintendo had to terminate production of further Unirally cartridges. According to Dailly, "The deal was that Nintendo wouldn't make any more carts so Unirally only sold the 300k initial run". Fellow DMA Design developer Robbie Graham recalled, "They took footage from Red's Dream and compared it to Unirally and the unicycles were virtually the same; this isn't a big surprise as there’s not a lot of ways you can bring life to a unicycle without looking like the one Pixar did. The judge - being the moron that he was - agreed."

Why not just emulate and play anything you want?

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I loved Stunt Race FX as a kid, but I tried playing it and that frame rate makes it nearly unplayable. I have no idea how I was good at this game as a kid.

I did but there's something comfy about playing on Nintendo hardware. Plus I don't have everything downloaded. I also get the additional benefit of being able to play in portable mode.

quad monitor setup?

I started BoF, i had never played before and honestly i think for being the first Capcom rpg they hit it out of the park, most of the issues present i think are there cuz the game was made for the japanese market and America was just an afterthought, the gameplay and graphics are great in my opinion, story is super basic, but honestly its not needed, i love that the game has many puzzles outside of dungeons and it makes you think outside of the box, most rpgs back then were more story than puzzle or action, so i think its one of the best in the collection for me besides SMW, alltp and super metroid.

No I just combined screenshots you ding dong.
Nah i agree. I'd definitely prefer playing Wind Waker on the gamecube.

I kinda want to 100% all the snes games I like now.
Even though the WiiU version is better in every way?

It's great that we can hide the start/select button shit in the settings now, but when can we remove player avatars in the top left

Finished playing Demon's Crest.
Dark Demon and the ice wolf were fucking hard, had to use rewind

Yeah but getting retroarch on the switch is Dependant on you having a old switch, and not caring about 1. Permanent banned from online
2. Round about ways of avoiding the ban which are just a hassle

oh shit, you can? can you turn the border off too?

>2. Round about ways of avoiding the ban which are just a hassle
I just have dual boot and that's it.

In the process of 96-exiting Mario World. Again. I love that game too much, help me

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So is this SNES thing free like the NES one?

The trick with the ice wolf is that you're supposed to use fire attacks against it. The default fireball does more damage than anything else.

>Why not just emulate
It's always a white boy behind these posts.

Yes. The direct said no additional charge.

Nope, go to the settings on the main menu though that's where the checkbox for turning off the start/select shit is

Rare owns the code to the game so Nintendo has to work with Microsoft to get them each time, it's why DKC was on the Wii Shop Channel then taken down until it came back on the Wii U

f-zero everyday to protest to nintendo that we need a new f-zero game on switch

Megaman X2 on snes9x

I like the difficulty so far in ALttP, it's a little cryptic without being frustrating like the first Zelda can be. There's often stuff that trips me up before I think for a moment and then I get it. That's the main thing I feel like commenting on, but when I saw the Dark World for the first time, I felt like it must have inspired games like Yume Nikki in some indirect way, since I've never seen such a surreal and atmospheric place like that in a game that old until now.

kys tranny

Like broken English janky?

No. Tell your kind to stop being edgy for the sake of being edgy.

>tell white pepo to stop bein edgy and sheeeit
For him emulating snes games?? Am I missing something here?

Some people pirate games as a way to not give companies money or as a form of protest.

Snes games user.... They haven't been sold for how many years now? Are you being retarded on purpose? Emulating hurts no one.

You can't expect plebs to understand the patrician way now, can you?

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>Emulating hurts no one
Keep thinking that.

Attached: sj.jpg (1250x1000, 525K)

Post face, peckerwood.

The pirates wouldn't be calling it a "protest" unless they thought someone was getting hurt.

To be fair, pirating the shit out of Nintendo games instead of buying them again and again and again on their soi conosoles is the only morally acceptable way of appreciating them. You get to enjoy the game, and you do not even give a fucking dime to that pack of filthy jews, just as they deserve. Everybody wins.

Go shoot up a school, Conner.

Was the steering in Mario Kart always this shitty or is it a consequence of emulation/control schemes?

>my raspberry pi 3 can even handle SNES shit fine, what's wrong?
If your emulated game doesn't shit itself when things get intense, then your emulation is messed up.
This is how it actually was playing on the actual hardware. It's unironically intentional.

Can they even see what individual games we play? I mean they can see whether or not we use the SNES app and how much. But can they see what games within the app we actually play?
Probably. But I don't know.

Drifting isn't as easy as the later games (though it's still optimal if you're gud). Use your brakes more.

snes was peak 2D kino before the games industry went prehistoric 3D

Is it really worth it to play it on the SNES though? I also did start it, but then found out that the GBA version not only has a dash function, but also an increase in exp/gold and a decreased encounter rate.

Such a cool ass game. All I knew going in was super ghouls and ghosts-esque combat but more forgiving. My friends were watching me play the first level, and we all had a "holy shit" moment when we realized I was able to fly around the overworld and go wherever I wanted.
Did anyone use a guide (to know where to go)? Or just wing it?

Not entirely related, but does anyone know if Nintendo is still updating the voucher eligible game list? I want to use my second for Animal Crossing since it makes sense as a digital purchase, but if they don't add it I'll have saved it for nothing.

Yes they do, you can use it for #fe

Back in the day I needed a guide since I don't know English, but if I remember correctly to get the best ending you had to do some criptic shit, gonna replay it after I finish smw , finish Zelda for the first time, and play super Metroid fir the first time.

Nice. It hurts to buy digital, but again, at least AC makes some sense that way. Thanks.

Mario world physics are ass, feels like a flash game. You turn WAY too quickly on the ground and in mid air.

The only possibly literal who games are brawl brothers and demons crest all the others are widely known and considered some of the best games on the system.

Just get the 5 crests

I am playing kirby dreamland 3, i played the first two on gameboy as a child but never got a chance to play the snes games cause i didnt own a snes as a kid and the good games for snes are too expensive to get into buying for me.

is Super Metroid the best one to start out in?

Fuckinf KIRBY DM3 how the FUCK do I get the shitty star thing on stage 2 FUCK

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Same thing happened to me first time I played this dumb game.

Have Chu-Chu tentacle lick the springy boy.