61 days until Death Stranding releases, are you ready?
61 days until Death Stranding releases, are you ready?
Will there be gameplay at TGS?
yes, Kojima said it will be 80 minutes of gameplay
Its gonna be funny as fuck, I can't wait. Not just the shitposting here; i'm sure theres gonna be a lot of wacky shit in the game to laugh at.
There is not a single chance this game will be released in 60 days
its coming
there won't be gameplay in the game
I'm not asking you to screen cap this, but it's not coming out in 61 days, ese
why wouldnt it?
It's already completed development
Do you really believe that?
It's not done
is this game coming to pc
its done bud, coming November 8th
How do you know that? Marketing has been secretive as fuck, but that doesn't mean the game is not done.
A game with problems behave like Star Citizen and DS is clearly not the case.
I'll wait for someone to upload all the cutscenes to youtube.
Ah the life of a Brazillian PCpleb who can't afford a $800 console in his country. I feel bad for you.
I really don’t care. The last game I was really excited was MGSV, but we all now what came out of that. I would not buy the game until I see some reviews because I smell kojima’s bullshit saying he “created a new genre” and “very easy mode”. Also the first demo wasn’t something special. Sorry for the bad English.
It looks boring as shit.
>“very easy mode”
literally there in every mgs game except V faggot
You're right, user. It will be released in 61 days. Good observation.
No shit Sherlock, it’s because is an outdated design choice.
You dumbass.
>Journalists complain and give dumbass scores because they suck at video games
>Hideo Kojima makes a mode SPECIFICALLY to keep them at bay
>He doesn’t know that all of Kojima’s games have had extreme difficulty settings and that this has not changed for DS
>He hasn’t beat MGS2 and 3 on European Extreme
What a casual. Go back to the catalog and bitch about something else. You don’t play video games, clearly.
t. chicken hat user
as long as youtube doesn't go out of business
alot of gameplay. 50min 'pure gameplay' teased by koji pro twitter account. second day is around 20min. third day just the japanese VO cast do a interview
How are difficulty levels outdated? Are you retarded?