Why are you guys shitting on Stadia when Xbox Game Pass and PSNow exists?

I expect it to work pretty much identical to those services. Fuck even Ubisoft and Nvidia have their own now.

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Game streaming is a scam.

Because both of those other services aren't the only way to play those games. If Stadia allowed for an alternative to game streaming it'd just be shat on for being a dumb console half-way through the path of Ouya.

This Literal snake oil.

>Through the power of our patented super technology, we promise a gaming experience somehow free of distance based ping despite the fact that such incredible advances in information sending would be at the forefront of military technlogy (yet somehow they don't have it)!

Game pass and Uplay+ aren't streaming services at all

Xbox Gamepass is better, And X-cloud has been reported to have better streaming than Stadia.

PSNow is cow manure.

game pass isn't streaming. psnow is an optional side service provided in addition to traditional ownership.
stadia only offers streaming, which means there's no way to avoid input lag, compression artifacts, or all the problems that come from never actually owning any of your games.

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If it runs this poorly on a demo where literally a single person in the world is the only one online, I really can't wait to see how shitty it is at retail.

Why are you a retard shill?

>Why are you guys shitting on Stadia
Because it's trash, you fucking jew.

>Why are you shitting on corporate garbage when other garbage exists which makes it okay because everybody's doing it
X as a service or whatever you want to call not actually owning stuff you buy is literal cancer that's somehow okay because normalshits will sacrifice anything in the name of convenience

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I'm half expecting them to send one to everyone of note on Youtube, asking them to review or use it in some way in exchange for more views or something. No doubt with the hope that it will cause a large enough subset of their viewers to blindly copy their heroes.

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They will give a free console to every popular youtube channel under the gaming category and encourage them to use it over other consoles. It wouldn't surprise me if they made it so the youtubers get a bigger cut of the profits on their videos as long as they mention they're using Stadia.

>X-cloud has been reported to have better streaming than Stadia
Also, they're supposedly expanding the "stream to pc" feature they have now, but to stream over the internet, so you won't have to pay to stream the games you already own. You still would need an amazing internet connection, but still is a good alternative.

Because Google is a globalist shit sjw.

Xbox Game Pass lets you download the games and play them locally. PSNow being a terrible flop, a literal who in the PC market should spell you loads on what a stupid idea streaming video games is.

You're now aware you need to buy games on Stadia, it isn't just netflix for games

Game pass lets you download the games
Everyone shits on ps now
Stadia will be shit, itll be schilled by reviewers but that wont last once people like crowbcat take a crowbar too googles knees and the thing flops

>No cheat engine
>Forced to grind as they try to force their bullshit microtransactions to skip the grind like fucking mobile games

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>no cheating or hacking

I don't have that issue in the games I play. I also have a $2000 PC. What could I gain from using Stadia?

Stadia will be awesome because it will filter out poors and people that live with shiity internet Connection speeds

>quest related item doesn't appear
>can't cheat it in

Thats supposed to be a good thing?

I want to fuck Stadia!

You can download games from gamepass and Now as well as stream them.
Stadia is all streaming and nothing else.

Stadia games are 60$ for each game and is just some input lag streaming shit while gamepass is 10$ for a big catalog of games that you can download. Even PSNow as shit as it is it's better as you can download the PS4 games.

Xbox game pass isn't a streaming service. You still download the games locally and run them locally.

What you're think of is xCloud, but even that is much better than Stadia
>optional, you can still run games locally
>lets you use your personal xbox/w10 pc as the server rather than only rely on datacenters, meaning lower latency
>using datacenters still an option if you want to
>much better software support, games are stream aware, can have custom touch control inputs or a standard controller, highly customizable
>4K60fps streaming is free (provided you own an Xbox/w10 pc
>custom developed lossless compression algorithms cut down on data usage

All game streaming is fucking garbage, this is no secret.

>implying game pass is a streaming service
>implying PSNow and Shield aren't unanimously panned

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Game Pass is the ability to download and play any game in the Pass library as long as your pay your subscription. Stadia (and PSNow) are streaming, which is garbage unless you have super high-quality internet connection.

Who would ever use this? Mods are half the fun of video games.

You underestimate the amount of normies willing to pay for "ready to play" games with the least amount of effort to put in to have fun

Chances are gameplay and streams done through service will recieve special placement inside the stadia homescreen and be exempt from normal copyright claiming issues. I'm expecting a rebranding of the youtube gaming services to open again with some shitty stadia gimmick or watermarking. Once stadia leaves beta expect game ads in chrome to have demos with a try on stadia thing as google already expressed interest in using it to market games with interactive youtube ads.

>game ads in chrome to have demos with a try on stadia
That would be really neat. Not that I would use Chrome, buy games on Stadia, or even browse the internet without an ad blocker.

Even what YOU said is sugarcoating. Game streaming is much worse than the "regular" ping you feel in multiplayer games.

Yea Forums is full of butthurt poorfags that don't have god-tier internet

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Oh well in that case they are still full of shit for acting like a revolution when these services already exist.

Stadia exclusives could do really neat things given the network architecture. Multiplayer games could do a ton of things not possible on PC/Console given how google can control all the computation... could be neat.

It's an absolute joy to see all STD threads archived with sub-50 replies.

Dead on arrival.

There is no sort of internet that can break the speed of light and package computing time related to the fact the computer running your game is 800 miles away from you

and those services work like shit

>No cheating
>No hacking
No point to exsist

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>shitting on Stadia when Xbox Game Pass and PSNow exists
one is a streaming service
the other two are not

switch those around, I thought psnow was just like gamepass.

streaming is the next step to not actually owning any of the media you consume
it's already happened to music and movies, now it's happening to vidya
they can pull your subscription/license and it's all gone because you didn't have any of it on your computer in the first place

Why not just buy a game that doesn't require online then?


Haven't heard that in a while. Suck my harbl.

>get banned
>lose any and all access to even starting the games
>games be removed on a whim for any reason (copywright, licenses, dev says nono thing) and will be gone forever
>input lag to the max
if this is the future then im just going full boomer and enjoy old games

Maybe it'll be fine since nobody's gonna buy the damn thing

>shitting on Stadia when Xbox Game Pass and PSNow exists
Because no one fucking uses PSNow and because it is absolute 720p@30fps garbage with high latency.
Game Pass isn't even streaming you fucking brainlet so why would you mention it?

>I expect it to work pretty much identical to those services
Then you're fucking stupid because they have explicitly stated how it is going to work and it's nothing like them

As opposed to xbox and ps being locked down devices as well?

>live in a place literally with fucking google fiber
>ping to gameserver literally only one county away, less than 50mi is 70 fucking ms, god knows what stadia will do if it's further
>now have to add this back twofold because stadia has to communicate with whatever server for the game I'm playing
>multiple clients now have to connect to the server, if they have stadia they also have double lag
>there's literally no way the gameplay will be streamed at my monitor's refresh rate, so it will feel like I'm playing 30-60fps shit again
>not only does it increase actual lag, but input lag as well. I tried playing on a projector which effectively gave me 30ms input lag and it was unbearable, 70+ms will be unfathomable.
>this is somehow revolutionary

the ONLY good thing that can come from this is no cheaters, but I'm not willing to play with snail tier inputs to deal with no hackers.

>no modding
>no backing up of save files when game eats them

>Why are you guys shitting on Stadia when Xbox Game Pass
Isn't Xbox Game Pass a service that lets you install the games? That's not streaming.

I had this idea too in highschool.
"Why not use a shitty device to just input games to a NASA super computer to play ur vidya at max graphics and 999999fps" before brushing it off as a stupid idea since it would be shit you would have to pay for monthly and be at the whim of internet and jewgle spy servers for your gems.

I have a feeling a higher up who is of course never wrong had this same idea and forced everyone to be yes men to the bullshit.

I think Google is finally going to fall in our lifetime due to sheer hubris.


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PSNow is streaming.


It's actually a damn good deal if you like playing a lot of games. It's slipped under a lot of peoples radars because it's on the Xbox.

>no cheating, no hacking
Sounds like a challenge.

You didn't have that idea in high school. You heard about onlive.

Look at that like ratio, lots of angry alt right pissbabies.

The speed of light is 186282 miles per second. So that light could travel back and forth 232 times per second. Obviously bake in the fact that computers are doing computer shit, it works better than you'd think. But if you have the hardware, just use what you got other than using online services it just makes more sense.

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ping never works out to pure speed of light because of the amount of routers, switchers, and boosters that will be between you and a server.

Its like comparing crow-flies distance to speed limit and thinking "it should only take me two minutes to drive two miles away."

>the future
With Steam, Epic and most other outlets, that's already the status quo.
Enjoying old games is probably the best way to go about this, yeah.