Now that dream daddy has come and gone. What game should he produce next?
Now that dream daddy has come and gone. What game should he produce next?
One about his life
A suicide note
Cuck simulator. The player character is named Alan and his wife is named Sally, and she's fucking everyone at the office besides you. You must cope with the heartache by taking to the Chirper social media platform and showing everyone on the internet how tolerant and progressive you are all the time.
>talks all the time in Jon era GG about how he wants to capture the spirit of games he loves when he starts developing games
>produces a faggot dating sim
>has his company make a video game just so Yea Forums threads about him are technically not off-topic
touché, eceleb.
The problem with that game isn't even that it's a faggot dating sim, it's that it's completely insulting to gay people. "Look, I made this game just for you guys, look how progressive it is."
Why did Jon have to leave, GG was legitimately soulful. Just two guys who love games
>/eceleb/ still not a thing
like fucking clockwork
>jon and arin play videogames and have fun
>jon also wanted to focus on his personal channel
>arin wanted GG to be his full time job because animation was dying (and probably not enjoying much anymore)
>jon refuses to only play video games for the rest of his life
>quits and moves to NYC
they should've killed GG with jon's departure while at their comedic peak, now it's become too corporate and plastic
Nothing he makes will beat pic related
Dream Daddy was a pile of shit
/incel/ - Internet Celebrities
retard you havent even seen a single frame from the game
Arin is so concerned about being politically correct now a days that I wouldn't expect them to make anything worthwhile.
It's so boring to watch them do anything now. They don't even seem to enjoy playing video games.
Why are you faggots so fucking obsessed with someone that peaked 7 FUCKING YEARS AGO that hasn't made anything worth a fuck in the past 6 of those 7?
Has Arin ruined every single close friendship he has ever had?
user, it's Arin. We both know anything he makes will be okay at best.
because its funny to see people you dont like fail
As a gay who thinks Dream Daddy looks disgusting, like it actually produced physical revulsion when I look at it ... who was it supposed to appeal to?
It didn't help that the minigames were ass, and the main dating aspect was really shallow, the whole game screamed '' just a meme-y SJW game to get those progressive points ''
OoT babbies still butthurt 6 years later
Oh it's beyond that at this point. The only people who interact with him personally are the people he pays.
it's fucking perfect
do it, gookmoot
nearly every thread on this shithole board is made by butthurt faggots with the intent of whining about politics
It was meant for you, but Arin and his entire company are disconnected from reality and think LGBT people are special kids who need special treatment. It's honestly disgusting. (I'm bi.)
california liberals who think playing gay video games makes them a good person
This is posted every thread and people treat it like a new joke every time.
We have Todd Howard threads a million times a day.
it was meant to pander out PC idiots who don't know how people act or even how gay men are
Shitty Game Grumps faggots and people who """love""" the gays. It's ingenuine virtue signalling trash.
Do you actually think that sputtering retard Oney can do anything better?
That's mean.
Captain Neckbeard was made in like 3 days and was fun.
At least Oney is a cool retard.
He should produce an actual beard that connects before trying anything else. He's 30 and still can't, lmao what a loser.
>has produced more animation
>has been learning 3D modeling and animation, has shown his modeling work and it is good
>is good at producing music
>genuinely funny
>hasn't 180'd on who he was as a person
make another revolting and fake 'I'm depressed' video to make $ off retards
>Bi goblin
Please kill yourself post haste.
I just like pussy and also cock I don't associate with other bi people because they're always screaming retards
>is funny
>respects his origins (newgrounds)
>is making a video game
>actually branches out in other domains
>doesn't pander to anyone
They didn't even make a video game. They made a faggot dating sim. I can't tell if this is bait or not...
>I can't tell if this is bait or not...
you might be genuinely retard if you can't
or new
Suzy cheated on Arin again...
What should we do bros?
>started as animator, hasn't done anything in over 5 years
>started a let's play channel for fun, now has let it completely suck the life out of him, is depressed and he uses solely for money
>completely cut ties and actively shits everyone from newgrounds (the place that brought exposure to him)
>made a dating sim game pandering to the lowest common denominator
>started as an animator, now expanded to 3d animation as well as music
>started a let's play channel for money, plays games that he enjoys with his closest friends and has a blast while playing them
>still in contact with all his newgrounds homies
>is currently making a 3d platformer/adventure game with actual effort and soul put into it
end his misery
>hopped off the sinking ship just in time
>more live action content on the way
>bitching new office space free from the corporate shackles of the grumps
>raking in the patreon bucks
Can we stop winning Megachads?