My body is ready to see Melia get BTFO again. What about you?
Xenoblade Chronicles
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Cute cuckquean!
She's getting the Nia treatment and you know it.
She's going to be in a lesbian relationship with Fiora and Shulk is gonna get cucked
I don't think so.
man whatever, i basically want riki and reyn to record more party banter and other than that i don't give a shit about this remake
But Shulk actively loves Fiora and Fiora alone.
She's also his whole motivation in the game and Melia exists to be cucked.
how anyone could think these faces look better than the new ones is beyond me
The same could be said about Rex and Pyra/Mythra. Nia still squeezed her way in.
It was less well defined and he went for a threesome in the first place, Nia is like the pet of the family anyway.
So are they going to include rex and the gang when you are fighting the final boss like they did in xenoblade 2?
Probably not, Rex never fights the Architect, so it makes no sense for Zanza to hear anything.
I like Melia's legs, so they better do them justice in this remaster.
The cat is also a cuck.
I would lick her thighs
I'm not okay with this.
was her new artwork revealed?
I just hope it's more than just a graphical sprucing up and they fixed party AI or at least given you the ability to give them more direction. It would be nice to have Melia in the party without needing to play as her so she isn't totally useless.
Only Shulk and Fiora so far
Are they gonna get rid of the armors and just make you wear the default outfits? I want to see tiddies and ass in HD
No, we see Shulk wear a completely new and different outfit from his default one, Melia has a new one too
I think the jiggle on the tits will be removed.
The trailer shows different clothes on Shulk so you can still play dressup.
I will always play Melia in a party just because she's my favorite to actually play
I think I had fun with every character, like max attack speed Fiora, arts damage Reyn, DoT-muncher Riki, aura Dunban... It was a great deal of fun just to build them up and play with their gems and arts, and I think I want to really try out some experimenting with Melia this time
No, theyre gonna uncensor the game and add a new game plus happy end for shulk and melly
I don't think so but at least they could make her confess and Shulk turn her down in the best way he can. That would be MUCH better than her current status as the "cuckqueen".
She has suffered a lot...
True I saw that, but I was thinking it might just be for the new left shoulder content since it looked like a slight redesign instead of different armor. At the very least I don't think they would remove anything for censorship reasons, Nintendo has been pretty good about that lately.
Delete this, seriously.
Oh boy, imagine all the xbc2 very fanart active fanbase being exposed to this for the first time...
That's understandable, but i feel like they wouldn't remove it with how many people liked and appreciated the different armors
They didn't really have to do it for XB2 because there really wasn't any armor, so unless DE removes armors i wouldn't worry too much
What if they replaced the combat system in Definitive Edition with something more similar to XC2's combat system?
That would suck. I like both combat systems, but if I'm playing Xenoblade 1 then I want that combat system. At most they should make some small QoL changes like improving the AI, and maybe switching control of party members during battle
being able to switch control would kinda ruin the point of the chain attacks and the warn mechanic though
Does anyone know what that logo in the bottom right means? I want to finally get a physical copy of this game but I don't want some weird Saudi Arabia shit.
I want to Impregnate her so much.
then I would despise it and never play it
I hate XC2's combat system so goddamn much, I can only see the cooldown of three of my arts at a time, have cooldowns between switching palettes of three, can't move freely or I lose my golden damage tether, I hate how I have to build up the affinity gauge to have the right to have my arts at the beginning of combat, hate how I obtain blades to get more arts and hate most of all how sluggish everything feels
The word "cuck" has lost all meaning. Melia and Nia aren't cucks.
The sticker doesn't really mean anything, it should still work on your Wii or Wii U
The last trailer shot with only her and shulk + her feathery pubes are all over the new logo
shes going to get something
It doesn't really mean anything. I have a copy of Kid Icarus Uprising with that same label and it's identical to a normal NTSC-U copy and works in an NTSC-U system. Nothing is censored or anything, if that's what you're worried about.
Yeah I guess you're right. Speaking of the warn mechanic, I hope they get rid of that goddamn fucking music
Makes me wonder. Since Takahashi was actually allowed more time by Iwata when he was about to cut corners, what if that happened around the time in the story where Fiora gets back? Fiora staying forever dead but Meyneth living within her body would have been interesting for Shulk. I'm positive SOMETHING was planned at some point with Melia.
It's the Asia-EN version. Will still work in any Wii/Wii U. Most of those are pirated but it's the same game and will work fine.
That's good to know. It's more of an OCD thing for me though. I remember seeing a brand new US copy in Gamestop when it released, I couldn't have known to but I wish I got it.
>Shippers are going to infect XC1's community
the mgsv trailer with the song by garbage, but the stinger where the music starts is a new scene of dickson finding malos' monado
More Melia please.
She's going to win this time bros, I can feel it.
>wanting Melia to end up with a guy from short lived species in first place
That would be an actual hell for her
t. Fiora
>I can only see the cooldown of three of my arts at a time
Those are the only art cooldowns that matter. When you switch to a new blade, their arts always start charged.
>is a new scene of dickson finding malos' monado
why would you do that to malos
Fat Melia
>set up Dolphin VR
>get to experience the first steps of the game
>anti-air batteries look huge as well as the monolith between the military and residential zone of colony 9
>the road to the Tephra cave is boner inducing
>armus feel intimidating up close
>go cry in my pillow because Nintendo lives in 2006 technology-wise
If I could only solve some issues with the character equipment menu, tweak the camera a bit more and get a code to disable culling I would spend the rest of my days playing it and I would never stop cumming.
Are you using the HD texture pack too?
because it would be crossover hoype and they could argue about smoking
Yes. I'm not sure if they all installed right. The menus and character icons are the ones from the pack, but I don't see much difference on the environment. I will have to check again.
Yeah you should check again, character textures and environmental textures should all be quite a bit better
what the fuck
could sans be an aegis?!?!?!
In my experience, this usually was more than enough with Melia. The other elements weren't as useful.
>go cry in my pillow because Nintendo lives in 2006 technology-wise
Don't worry user, you'll be able to enjoy Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition for the Nintendo Switch in glorious Nintendo Labo™ VR in 2020!
If they change anything it should be buffing Sharla so shes usefull outside of spamming heat and aura bullet in overleveled enemy fights. Either make cooldown actually useful or replace it entirely
>the Nia treatment
So, BTFO again? Nia was friendzoned.
the new logo has wings so i'm not sure about that
>going to
>But muh ng+ screen
I remember people saying they improved Shulk and Melia's AI in the 3DS port, so I'd imagine it'll transfer over to this one too.
Does Reyn get Sharla?
I am very much looking forward to seeing Melia lose what little she loves in the world, learn to appreciate other things, and then lose them too. In glorious HD!
I don't think so as that port was done by a third party (which impressed MS, they said that can't believe how they managed to put all the game on a 3ds card).
The real question is whether they're giving fashion slots like XCX or do you still have to watch your characters get uglier and uglier the further you get into the game.
A lot of sacrifices had to be made graphically. If you thought the original Wii release was blurry and low-res, the 3DS port is almost impossible to look at.
>T. Graphics fag.
I have no fucking problem with how this port looks.
I don't see why they wouldn't do fashion slots, only reason they weren't in XC2 was because it didn't really have armor slots at all
I wanna see Melia's soul getting crushed in HD!
This is one of those games where I'm thinking "I can't die before this comes out." I need this game.
>mfw men will whine all day on the internet about how women are all whores who cuck their partners but at the same time love seeing women getting cucked
what the fuck? what the actual fuck is this? what makes people to do something like this?
>Satorl Marsh in HD with a remastered night theme
yall are always horny on main
I fucking bet they will add some sort of reference if not Rex as a playable character or a boss fight vs. the XB2 crew.
Melly had no Jiggle AFAIK
>The entire Soundtrack in HD.
>20fps 240p Labo VR just like those shitty VR experiences for Mario and Zelda
I want to kill myself.
The depths to which meliafags have deluded themselves is pretty amazing.
assuming this is on the xenoblade 2 engine, you'd be lucky if it got 10fps and 160p
Funny. That 3DS game was my first experience with XC and eventually I got so sick of how it looks I got my first emulator (dolphin) and played through the entire game on it.
Now I can't even boot up the 3ds version without wanting to vomit.
Mechon Fiora > Melia > Fiora.
oh fuck, I just realized
are they going to keep the dialogue box scenes you can (optionally) advance at your own pace, or just replace them with something like the wonky budget cutscenes XB2 used for their equivalent sections?
>That delicious sound rendered in 1080p
>people think the triangle on Alvis's back is a reference to the processor and not the fact that he is part of Zanza's trinity
probably the recent direct
They call us blue Yea Forums for a reason user
that symbol shows up all over the fucking place in xenoblade, it likely doesn't mean anything at all
Takahashi has a Trinity fetish, it works both ways anyways. Heck, even the whole battle system in XC2 is built with the number 3 in mind.
Maybe she'll meet some other bird fuck on the shoulder so she's not forever alone after the game.
Why won’t Chugga do Xenoblade X already? Why the hell did he gamble on Crono being announced for Smash?
X is shit, and this is not an e-celeb thread.
X is a great game
It’s Xenoblade 1. Those are always Chugga threads.
Just accept one of the main reason for this remake is patch up the plot and scenes so the connections to xbc2 are stronger. Expect Klaus' scene to be completely replaced by its xbc2 version.a
No. Secondaries can fuck off.
No they aren't. We've had plenty of XB1 threads since DE was announced, and you're the first idiot I've seen trying to make this about him.
I really hope there's more cut content added besides the bionis shoulder. It's a fantastic fucking game, but my lifespan draws shorter and shorter each year. I don't have the time to spend on replaying the same experience.
ng+ she gets her harem ending
I would sell my soul for a Monado replica like that one. Etsy shit does not count, I want something high quality and official like that. But it'll never happen
Stop bullying Melia
>Melia gets a harem end
>with Reyn, Riki and Dunban
But Melia's the only one who can take it
The only thing Dunban fucks is his sword.
What do the feathers actually mean in the trailer?
Sorry, her supposed replacement, Nia, wasn't a cuck after all so we went back to the previous queen.
High Entia lore
Melia gets happy ending option
now who could be behind these posts...
Melia is turned into a telethia in this version
a new location in the upper bionis area, the bionis shoulder
the feathers are the same as the menu background for that area
>Fiora staying forever dead but Meyneth living within her body would have been interesting for Shulk
glad I'm not the only one who thinks this
Reminder that Fiora inherited Meyneth's memories which means that she also knows the truth of their world and the existence of the Conduit
Secret boss Melia where you fucking kill her as a telethia would be cool.
No she doesn't. Zanza doesn't seem to remember being Klaus, so Meyneth probably doesn't remember being Galea.
also cursed
>I will create a new world
>just as I have done many times before
literally what did he mean by this
>Not even letting Melia be the hope of the High Entia
Don't be such douches.
Delusions of grandeur. He thinks he's the creator god, so surely he must have remade the world several times before his memories start.
Either a translation error, or XC1 took place in one of the many cycles of rebirth and destruction caused by Zanza. I'm guessing every time he did it, Meyneth would be reborn along with him.
Melia in tights
Melia in tights
Melia in thigh highs
Melia in tights
Melia in stirrups and toes visible
Melia in tights
Speaking of Alvis, the Monado Archive art book says he ascends to a higher state of existence in XC1. He'd essentially be the Wave Existence of Xenoblade
Melia will have a special snowflake half Telethia form to mirror Nia's flesh eater form, and she'll let Shulk ride her. Screen cap this.
He certainly looks like it at the end of XC1.
the memory space is built from zanza's memories
Nia's bush
rewatch the cutscene, he was talking about using the telethia to kill everyone just as he has done many times before, that was how he planned life on bionis to be
It's been on my mind ever since the announcement of XC1D, but how would you react if ever character unlocked their true "Monado" during the course of the story? Of course it wouldn't be the same as Shulk's, but you get the idea.
Well Zanza is a part of Klaus.
Outside of the plot from the Mechonis, to the ending, what other scenes or plot additions do you expect to be added?
>tfw you realize the entirety of xc1 was alvis enacting a coup on zanza
yes but only for the Xenoblade 1 universe, not the entire multiverse. Alvis is the absolute truth and everything is an emanation of him, zanza and meyneth are not demiurges, they are aeons
Yes, and he was fucking split in half and still remembers his past universe, there's no reason why Meyneth who wasn't split would forget
Is that motherfucking heavy armor on Melia? The madman
you rewatch the cutscene, it's clear he was including "create a new world" in his "many times before"
By "world" he's talking about Bionis.
Zanza repeatedly destroys life on Bionis using the Telethia then recreates it because he doesn't want his creations to advance too far and forget him. That's why Arglas is shown contemplating the idea of the peoples of Bionis and Mechonis leaving for other worlds with Egil - since people on Bionis were starting to think of greater things, it was time for Zanza to start everything over.
Presumably this was the time that Zanza finally decided that he was sick of Meyneth (who presumably wasn't resetting things like he was - meaning someone like Egil could come over and immediately reseed the ideas Zanza was trying to eradicate in Bionis's new life) and attacked.
Since Meyneth fought back, whatever High Entia managed to avoid being turned into Telethia and the Giants were able to seal the weakened Zanza away in Prison Island before he could start over.
And then the Giants managed to get killed off by a bunch of spiders anyways, oops.
The definitive version is bound to change things, including the extent of his powers more than likely. I kind of expect them to show Alvis getting whisked away somewhere in the ending.
>the Monado Archive art book says he ascends to a higher state of existence in XC1
What page?
that makes sense
yes the 巨新界, the bionis as a world, not the universe
Your blade.. It did not cut deep enough.
Shulk's wish erased the ability of anyone getting a Monado sword, preventing new gods from being created, but Alvis is still the absolute
You know, that's begs to question, why didn't Zanza's influence rub off on Alvis, like Amalthus did with Malos? Of course it could be the fact that he doesn't function the same as Pneuma, and Malos, but he should still have a core?
>Synchronization rate stuck at 96% could have been Alvis doing
>He proceeds to get launched off into another universe
>Aids Shulk with the intention of becoming a higher state of existence so he can be free from Zanza's cycle
Alvis is not a Blade, he was never resonated with. He's just a CPU with an AI.
Alvis page, someone translated the dialogue
God, I can't wait.
If Shulk's wish is anything like Zanza's, it's by no means absolute - he only received a world that fits the description of what he asked. Alvis probably left after recreating the world, meaning it's currently impossible for anyone to get a Monado, but if someone from another universe managed to somehow get in with one, I don't imagine they'd lose their powers or anything.
The Blade system only came into being after the experiment. Ousia/Ontos never would've been tied into it like Logos and Pneuma were.
Link? I've wanted more translations of that book forever.
I don't know why people take that so literally. They're holding hands, that's about it. Nia is still aware of Rex's feelings for Pyra/Mythra, and actively pushed him towards them in the ending.
A CPU that would have made things go the way they did so he could be freed from his CPU condition, gained a body and full sentience and control over his life. Seems like what an AI would do, desu.
>and actively pushed him towards them in the ending
Many people seem to forget that, somehow
what the fuck are you talking about
>Takahashi pulls a Drakengard, and Logos's core launches through Shulk's world out of nowhere in the ending
Shitpost, but imagine if that happened.
No, it's in the book, Alvis is the foundation of the entire universe, gods are born from his power. When the new universe was created he was turned into a "wave existence" for his universe. Use google translate on your phone and use the camera picture if you can't read it
Why yes I do love being a cuckquean. How could you tell?
>"My core is stiff"
>"I'm tired of being here"
>"Guess I'll stall the synchronization and gain freedom"
>When the new universe was created he was turned into a "wave existence" for his universe. Use google translate on your phone and use the camera picture if you can't read it
Post the text you're talking about, because all I'm getting is a fairly uninteresting summary of his role in the plot.
Imagine having the core itching and you can't scratch it. The absolute horror. Alvis had every reasons to do what he did. This also explains why Malos is so mad all the time, and Mythra to an extent.
Quick reminder losing control of the Monado plays with the same visual effects and the same sound effects when it also happens to Addam. It's those little things.
Alvis is the interface and AI that created the "universe" Shulk lives in (it's a false universe though, a simulation), under the parameters set by the scientists in the spaceship
They're completely different situations though. Dunban is struggling because Zanza is trying to control him using the Monado. The same thing starts happening to Shulk shortly before Mechonis Core.
Addam is just unable to use Mythra's sword because he's a pussy who fears her power.
If Zanza hears anything it will be Klaus saying "Hurry... The time... is nigh..."
XC1/XC2 is the first time I've actually enjoyed the whole "alternate universe" trope. It's executed pretty damn well, and I'm sure the retcons will expand the lore of XC1 even more. Someone post that scene of Shulk screaming on Valak, and Rex screaming in Tantal.
just because something is a simulation doesn't make it false, especially when it's being simulated by a machine that creates universes
Yes, but the end result is the same on the wielder from the sword itself. Holding a Monado fucking hurts.
The point is
>Previous Monado wielders suffer backlash from using their respective Monado's in a war that takes place before the events of the main story
>They get passed off to someone in their respective villages, who become the MC's of the main story, and manage to harness their power. (Should in Colony 9, Rex from Addam's village in Leftheria)
It's damn near intentional.
So was Shulk leeching Zanza's ability to use monados while hosting him to the point where he could do it on his own after they were separated? Is that how he was able to revive as well?
alvis was just playing favorites
Pretty sure that was all Alvis' doing.
He'd probably get along great with Malos
Does Shulk keep Monado after the events of the game or his powers are fully gone?
I'm pretty sure everything after Shulk getting shot through the back was Alvis doing. If he didn't enter his subconscious or whatever, he would have likely been stuck in a coma for the rest of the game. Who knows.
It's totally gone*.
*he gets a magic nopon copy for XB2's DLC but that's noncanon anyways.
Seeing as he purposefully wishes not to be a God anymore and Alvis fucks off God knows where, I think it's safe to assume Shulk loses his Monado.
He wished for a world without Gods, so he instantly threw away his powers, alongside the Monado. Since Ontos was probably warped away from Shulk's world after this, and no longer has any authority over the world, I imagine if something were to happen like Malos appearing there, he'd be unstoppable.
monados are just ways to interface with the machine that created/maintains the universe which allows their wielders to be "gods". Shulk had all the monados destroyed, giving Alvis full control over the machine and preventing any more "gods" from existing.
it's there in his page and in the chronology, he was turned into a higher consciousness and they describe it like the wave existence is
>Since Ontos was probably warped away from Shulk's world after this, and no longer has any authority over the world, I imagine if something were to happen like Malos appearing there, he'd be unstoppable.
That depends on if XB1's world is still connected to the Conduit or not at the end of the game. If it's as disconnected as XB2's world is, Alvis/Malos/Pythra wouldn't be able to use the crazy reality-warping shit that makes them really special.
it's not a simulation it's a pocket dimension, it's a real universe but it's governed by an AI, it's in the book but also in XB2 when Klaus says that his other half is alive in another dimension
Pretty much the entirety both 1 and 2 are mirrors of one another. There are a lot of similar plot events that happen at roughly the same points in both, like the events up to the first Metal Face encounter in the first game mirroring everything up to the first Malos fight in the second, or the party falling from Galahad Fortress and getting separated on the Fallen Arm before entering the Mechonis in the first game mirroring the party falling from the Cliffs of Morytha and getting separated in the Land of Morytha before entering the World Tree in the second game.
I've looked at his page, the chronology, and the events list. What am I missing?
Eyes I think
Addam was a bitch who couldnt handle Pneuma. So Mythra went berserk. it took 500 years for her to find a MAN who could keep up.
No one else finds it weird that she saw a vision from 500 years into the future where she saw Rex and Pyra? Everything is predestined, I think Klaus knew something about and that's why he gave up
Leaving this here
All of what the other anons said. Besides, I don't have much backing this up, but I'm almost certain all the Monado's powers are actually directly tied to the Zohar. Meaning, once the Zohar is gone, their powers are gone too.
>Alvis could only see a few seconds in the future
>Mythra who is only 1/3rd as powerful as Pneuma can see 500 years into the future
And people say Alvis is the most powerful of the three
Man, give poor Addam some slack. He was afraid because he knew what such power entailed, and was afraid of what could happen, which, of course, happened. Besides Mythra was too much into shotas to let Addam handle her fully. Only the chadest of the shotas could handle her, and he was born 500 years too late.
That confuses me a lot actually, why wasn't Alvis able to see into the future properly but Zanza could
when did alvis try to see the future?
Dude was the Oracle of the High Entias
well it's not like he was ever supposed to take that job seriously, he was probably just there to keep an eye on the attack dogs
I'm a Fiorafag, but this was brutal.
This hurts everytime.
him and lorithia were probably the ones that made sure the high entia lost their records about who zanza was, what he did and why they were crossbreeding
did they also make the AI in the tomb a vague asshole who didn't specify why the requirements for becoming empress were what they were
Chuggaaconroy got one custom made iirc. He went to the gym and got buff just so he could carry it around and make Masae wet.
The death of Klaus probably cuts the connection between the two worlds.
now he will have to get a new one for the new monado
Well we are getting an XC3 on the next Nintendo system for sure, so the Conduit* had to have gone off somewhere.
Or maybe his death is what allows Alvis to use its power and recreate the world, then he pulls it into his universe and just to have a spare he brings the Malos dust that was floating around nd gives it to Shulk so he can control the Conduit and create spaceships to visit all the new lifeforms in his new world
Is there going to be a secret ending where Melia gets uncucked?
Absolutely based, what a guy
I'm definitely expecting XC3 to be in the launch window of Nintendo's next console, or be the one at the endlife of the Switch. They definitely didn't do XC1DE for nothing, it's to get more players into XC1->XC2->XC3
I loved XC2 and this will be my first time playing the first.
Depending on how long the console lasts we might end up getting XC3 on Switch. It'll probably have a 7-8 year lifespan so it's not impossible.
it just came out and you are already killing the switch? XB3, XBXDE and X2 will all be switch games
>Nintendo's next console
Not happening any time soon, they'll just release the switch pro next year and call it a day
What's the belief we're seeing it so late?
>After 2's Success, Monolith expanded MAJORLY
>Significant chunk of staff gone to work on BotW2, again.
>Presumably one of the smaller teams working on this remake, a project for them to cut their teeth on.
>Core team could still be working on the groundwork of XB3 (or an X-port and/or X2 but things are pointing to XB3)
>playing XB2 before XB
neck yourself
>Nia is like the pet of the family anyway.
That's Dromarch you idiot
>and make Masae wet.
Masae doesn't like him
Nia's not a rapist.
Doesn't that mean the opposite? If the logo has wings, that means more focus on Melia.
Kinda obvious they only have each other user. Juju also needs a dad figure.
I would rather see that new IP they've been cooking over an XC3 now. After XC1, I would rather expect an XCX2 to let the """"mainline"""" Xeno games breathe.
I've never played 2 but i've noticed there are no high entia but there are nopon and obviously homs. It's weird
>It'll probably have a 7-8 year lifespan so it's not impossible
Every gen I read that, and every gen it's 5 years, 6 at most in case of the DS and 3DS. With the final year being a desert when it comes to releases, for home consoles at least. Switch is hitting its 3rd year in march. I really think Nintendo will update it in 2.5 years from now. Not sure about a Pro, at this point, better go full new gen.
They seem extremely private and are always together in Stephen's videos. Also consider the fact that whenever Stephen stays at Chugga's place, we never see Masae leave.
They fucking.
We might have 3 or 4 Xeno games by the end of Switch's Lifetime I feel, counting 2, 1DE and the potential X port I mean. I'm sure they're intending for it to last through the generation of PS5 and whatever the next Xbox is
> After XC1, I would rather expect an XCX2 to let the """"mainline"""" Xeno games breathe.
Same here, X was not my favorite but it had interesting things to build a sequel upon. Now was the perfect time to port XCX, as few played it, in preparation for XCX-2 maybe in 2021 or something. But here comes XC1DE throwing that out of the window. I can't see a XCX-2 without a XCX port first. As of now, that plan is over, I doubt they'd go with that, as it would mean XC2 + Torna + XC1DE + XCX + XCX-2 on the same console. Plus the inevitable XC3 they're likely working on if the XC1DE port is any indication. It's saturation at this point. I know Monolith Soft is *the* most efficient jRPG developer, but man.
Here's hoping. You're talking about a guy who doesn't get the lewd jokes Masae throws at him.
That's gonna be censored isn't it?
Rest assured, it won't
It's literally a robot body, it's not even a real ass
What? No.
>Satorl Marsh in HD
I really hope it's not going to be blurry in handheld like XC2. They really need to get it right this time.
It's probably using the Torna version of the engine, which I don't recall ever having that issue (and even in the main game I only ever remember it happening noticeably in Gormott, mainly around Torigoth).
Not trying to excuse laziness or incompetence but just play in tv mode, it's way more fun
I don't know why people keep thinking the designs will end up getting censored. They weren't censored to begin with, XC2's relatively "lewd" designs like Blade Nia weren't censored, so I see no reason why the XC1D should be.
I honestly think it's a good thing that they decided to focus on the mainline for now, so they can get it out of the way. We should be seeing XC3 around, 2022 considering the 2 year gap between their titles these days, alongside the fact that they've expanded quite nicely. That way, they can focus on the X saga without interruption on the next console.
Was there anything like blatant ass crack in 2? I haven't played it yet.
>and he was fucking split in half and still remembers his past universe
There was no sign he remembers
Buddy, there's plenty of ass in XC2. I'm surprised they got away with a lot of the rare blade designs.
Well, they didn't go as far as in XC1 actually funny when you think about all the shit XC2 gets for such things, no explicit ass cracks in XC2
do you think Monolith Soft is going for Xenoblade 3 or XBCX2 after Xenoblade DE?
i thought she had a mechon body what the shit
I want X2 more than 3 but I won't hold my breath. I think it would be more interesting if they went back and forth between mainline and X.
are you people just sony falseflaggers or something? why would Xenoblade get censored when Xenoblade 2 exists?
XC1DE is the setup for XC3 user, otherwise they would've ported XCX effortlessly for a XCX-2 instead of putting more effort into a XC1 remake.
>Shulk was the Ontos Driver in XC1, so the aspect of "Driver/Blade" technically existed
>Rex was the Driver of Pneuma in XC2, alongside the fact that this game was the technical birth of the Blade/Driver system
How do you think they'll spin the Blade/Driver aspect in XC3? I had this idea where reaching max affinity with Blades allows them to summon mecha of sorts for their Driver to fight in.
More than likely XC3, since Takahashi did go out of his way to remaster XC1 to retcon, and include new plot elements to the game to match his vision. Seeing how he's doing things right now, it'd be weird for him to make an X2 out of the blue without first remaking X1.
>Port XCX
You realize they've publically stated porting X wasn't "any time soon" after 2 released because it was explicitly a pain to port over?
I don't expect the Blade/Driver system to be back, I expect 3 to have it's own gimmick
I know there's some pretty sexy stuff in there like that busty bunny girl, I just feel they'd be awkward about that in particular.
MAN FUCK YOU. Bringing back Fiora was a fucking hack move.
Yes I am fucking ass mad.
That is a mechon body
I expect Blades to have human forms and etc again, but not necessarily the same as XC2. Perhaps each party member discovers their Blade as like an ancient treasure, or something? I dunno.
but why
No? It was just a thought.
Can't be more of a pain than doing a full blown remake, really. Either pray that was just a way of saying "not now", or it was a polite way to say "it wasn't well received and didn't sell much so never ever"
You awaken your "blade" by having "sex" with them
it looks homs to me
>XBCX is too annoying to straight port it
>hey lets REDO all of Xenoblade instead
I cant even call them lazy, they just dont like XBCX
>Shulk kills Metal Face in the beginning
>Never sets out on his quest for revenge
>Egil just slowly depletes the Bionis' life force while the residents of Colony 9 remain ignorant
>By the time Shulk realizes what's happening, it's too late to do anything
Fiora dying was the best thing that could've happened.
A port, and a remake are two different things entirely man. I just kind of assume that they're throwing it in the corner until they're done with the "mainline". Takahashi did say he really loves the X series, and it's gameplay. After all, the guy basically wrote an entire fucking novel for plot.
>Shulk had Alvis (Ontos)
>Rex had Pyra/Mythra (Pneuma)
You know what that means for XC3
I wish I still had XCX. I don't really remember why I gave up on it.
I never understood how Malos could have his own blade.
wasnt Malos his own blade?
Based Amalthus coming back from a higher plane of existence as its rightful Driver, fuck yeah
>Logos basically gets vaporized by Mythra in Torna and recovers ??? years later
>Gets bashed by Rex, and Pneuma, and apparently dies
I really think the Conduit ended up carrying him, and itself to another universe. There's no way this man died after having his core cracked a little. I'm fine with his death since the execution was great, but I wouldn't mind the possibility of him still being alive
He's an Aegis. They're essentially administrators for Blades.
It's probably at least a year away if it doesn't get delayed so I can't really get excited yet.
Aegis could bind with other Blades, Pyra/Mythra just didn't do it. Aegis are hax as fuck.
The release date will either be the same as the original XC1's, or it'll end up releasing during the holiday's like XC2, and X. Those are my only two guesses, anywho. I more so expect a Winter 2020 release, though.
Man I can't wait to see this scene redone.
He had the other alien looking guy up until like chapter 3
>The protagonist of XC3 is a reincarnated Klaus with a brand new identity, ideally like Abel, Kim, and Fei were in Gears, with Malos as his Blade
I can't even imagine the amount of shitposting, and hype this would generate out of people.
The fact that he apparently speaks to Pneuma after he's died seems to suggest he's still around in some way, at least until the conduit fucks off.
Honestly I think the most likely scenario is that his VA returns for XC3 as a technically separate but related character much like what happened with Klaus in XC2.
Having it release on the 10th anniversary of the original would be peak kino.
Nice Lv.4 Special thare, Alvis
>Shulk gets a Master Driver outfit in the remaster
So basically, a reincarnation
Yeah. But they're pretty shit in-game though.
Pneuma Lvl 4 is straight up garbage.
I can definitely see a cameo Salvager's outfit armor set and the state of Yea Forums
I don't remember Alvis's grunting as he swings the Monado being so ridiculous
>tfw low damage
Pyra x Nia isn't anything home to write about when it comes to damage. Those Specials should be, well, specials.
I remember seeing this image in every Xenoblade thread before the sequels came out.
The biggest issue isn't low damage itself, but rather the fact that it only hits once.
So you're doing 999999 one time compared to other level 4s that deal 999999 per hit but hit like 4 times.
cause that's all there was
How come nobody likes Sharla? Its always Fiora vs Melia in these threads
>Alvis meeting Shulk, and teaching him how to properly wield the Monado to slay the Telethia transforms the Monado, into the Monado II
>Shulk and co. reaching Prison Island and unlocking the seal breaks Zanza free as usual
It could honestly explain why the Monado has a redesign in the teaser trailer, before the gang have apparently reached Alcamoth.
Same. Had to stay out of Xenothreads for a while between the 8 month gap between the Japanese and English releases of X. Thank goodness 2 and Torna were same day worldwide.
XC1 had no fanart at all to post, so every thread had that pic (I know it's official art) along with this one
Nia is a shit character her loving Rex came out of nowhere.
XC1DE's Klaus's Rhadamanthus scene where he namedrop his mentor Dr Masuda while contemplating the Zohar
Considering they added the bit about the Conduit being discovered in Africa into XC2's lore it wouldn't surprise me.
>yfw XB3 is an alternate universe where Fiora dies for real and Melia finally gets with Shulk
The only thing I want out of the game is fashion gear.
Wait, source?
Putting major video game lore inside a toy. Japan, WTF?
How about that affinity chart? Hope you didn't ditch any of the alcamoth residents. Specifically speaking, I wonder if there'll be new affinities on bionis shoulder. There were 360 quests more or less.
Damn, any Hentai Doujin of Fiora cucking Melia ?
The only good Sharla gear is the one that makes her look like a jungle slut
>Melia is turned into a telethia in this version
I don't know if that would be more or less depressing than what we get.
What would the family reunion be like?
No, but there is shulk fucking melia. Three of them. Vanilla.
That's Japan for you. Also, for those that didn't know, in the article, "The Gate" = "The Conduit". Yes, in the JP audio of XC2, they call the Zohar "The Gate". Why it was renamed in the ENG translation in the game "The Conduit" when it's named in English in the first place is beyond me, but it's not a bad name so whatever.
Wow I didn't know about this, I still wish they had used the name Zohar for it in Xenoblade 2. I know the model within the games files was named Zohar or something but Conduit/Gate doesn't sound as cool. I don't think it was because of Namco or anything since the name Zohar was in Xenogears too, wonder why they changed it.
Probably like this, with big bro Alvis trying to be the voice of reason.
Maybe it’s because they didn’t want people to feel as though they had to play Xenogears and Xenosaga to understand the ending, like why they cut the Zohar from XB1 in the first place.
>Siren is an Artifice (a class of terminal interface weapons) that was manufactured in the Orbital Ring, found in the lower orbit of Earth. A distinctive feature that these Artifices have is that they were not weapons created by humans. They were created by a collective of artificial intelligence known as the Trinity Processor, and designed as a class of weapons meant to be devices to the core, the Gate. Put another way, the artifices are cells of a larger autonomous system
>leaving an AI create weapons of mass destruction
I wonder what could go wrong besides humanity playing God, I mean
That's exactly how it went, actually. When you read this Iwata Asks interview after XC2 was out, it all made sense.
Wait a minute. If we could explore the orbital gate in Alrest, where's the system in XenoBlade 1?
It won't be featue in XC1 user, not even in the Definitive Edition. Rex is on what's left of Earth, s of course the Space Elevator and Orbital Ring are still there. Shulk is in a different universe/dimension, as when activated, the Conduit sucked shit into various random dimensions maybe even things STUCKED INTO A WHOLE DIFFERENT PLANET
I'm happy with XC1 Remake, it looks great, but I would have preferred XCX port with cut content put back in.
It'd be hilarious if they included the other beanstalk in Shulk's world, in this remaster. I think there were three?
I just want XCX with audio options, like, a volume option
>xcx with cut content
That'd have been a much bigger project, considering pretty much everything in the game has been cut somehow.
I always wondered, would the Conduit technically have the ability to warp shit back in time? It can already warp reality, and exists in every dimension (well the one in Saga did). I figure if X were a prequel, Logos could be the Black Knight, which explains BLADE's true name mentioning "Beyond the Logos Artifical Destiny Emancipator.
Hold up. Do you think there could be life beyond mechonis and bionis?
>During this time period, the Unified Government set up three orbital tower Bean Stalks on the equator (First tower: Rhadamanthus, second tower: Aeacus, third tower: Mīnōs), and these towers were connected to the lower orbital portion to create the Orbital Ring. This project was set forth by Aoidos, and the Orbital Ring was meant as a way to further study the Gate far from the surface of Earth. At this research facility, a governing artificial intelligence collective known as the Trinity Processor was raised to maintain the Gate. The processor, using Biocomputer*2 elements, was raised in a virtual reality to gain a personality, and this system would be used to govern the Gate.
There were indeed three Space Elevators. We can't be sure about them being transported elsewhere, they could still be on Earth, though the ending of XC2 when Pneuma pops up a diagram from a computer only shows 1 elevator. Might be an oversight though, and might only show the current Space Elevator, not the other since they can't be controlled from where they are.
I gotta say, overall I was underwhelmed by XB2, but climbing up through the world tree was one of the coolest things I've experienced in any JRPG. Enough to bring it from a 6/10 to a 7/10 in my book.
>shulk and the beanstalk
Well, those Giants wanted to go to the stars, so there might be life somewhere else. Same as us when we look at the stars. But definitely not on Bionis/Mechonis' planet though, Zanza oversees that one.
I was just under the impression the other two towers got fucked by the rebels, which was why they decided to go with the doomsday options of Aion.
>Arglas is at the top
>The processor, using Biocomputer*2 elements, was raised in a virtual reality to gain a personality
>Alvis, Malos, and Pneuma grew up together
>Destroying sexy Space Elevators
Fuck those rebels, that shit alongside Artificial Orbital Rings are the coolest shit ever. Fuck them.
Suddenly picturing shulk jumping 50,000 ft in the air. Damn if i had a tablet or Clip Studio Paint indo a funny strip.
It has more problems than just the graphical quality, but the general lack of care put into the UI.
She didn't squeeze her way in, it was the opposite. Rex and Nia had met first and had a couple of cute moments together. It was Pyra sacrificing half of her own life that made Rex focus on her. The whole battle against Nia inside of his mind was his own subconscious yelling at himself for not sorting out his feeling for Nia.
I strongly believe we'll get a game about this
>Alvis decides to fuck off
What a jerk
But shouldn't it be Mythra?
No, Pnuema.
Mythra happened because Addam wasn't a Chad and made Pnuema retarded.
Pneuma is the original form, so it makes sense it would be Pneuma. Mythra is just a lesser version of her, same way Pyra is a lesser version of Mythra
Maybe they'll just bite the bullet and use the Torna combat system since it's basically a hybrid of both Xenoblade games. That way, they can allow bonus guest characters like Poppi and Kos-Mos to join the party.
>We get a game about when the three Aegises were still hanging out in Elysium
>You play as Klaus
>It’s a porn game
>it’s Akabur’s Aegis Trainer
>Mythra is Eve, and Addam is of course, Adam
>Her Artifice is Ophion, who slithers around the World Tree, and Elysium, which is essentially the Garden of Eden
And Malos is Thomas the Tank Engine.
I'm not lying.
If nothing else, the sheer amount of salt will be entertaining.
Why the salt though? Most XB1 fans love the Torna system, and everyone loves Poppi and Kos-mos.
I like Torna a lot, but I want to play XB1. I don't want any real changes to combat.
Xenoblade's cut content was the Bionis shoulder
X's "cut content" was really basically making an entirely different game.
I love X and expect them to port it after Xenoblade though don't expect much of a difference
Mythra is the original. The Pneuma form only exists as a combination of the Mythra and Pyra personalities. We straight up see Mythra go full power mode at the end of Torna, complete with the sword changing form, but her form doesn't change with it.
Wait, your pic looks familiar.
Well, to be fair, when your father, in a fit of pure egotism and mild nihilism, converts billions of people into ether and genocides the human race, only to become the god and do the exact same thing over and over for millions of years, there’s nothing else you can do except eject yourself from the universe and take matters into your own hands.
Well, it should. If I post this one by the same artist, you should remember why it feels familiar
>Bible verses on her chest approved by God
Is there a more pure girl in this universe?
Now I remember a d I also remember that I am still mad over Bravely Second.
Nia as Edea when?! Mggrrr! Mggrrr!
Bravely Sword when?
It's been 4 years. Right?
Edea deserves to be somone better than a stupid Cat.
>Everybody knows Ether is the source of all life on Bionis
What did she mean by that?
somehow this is sakurai's fault
With Mythra as the fairy already, she is the only one that fits. Also, fuck you.
there are common blades better suited that that dumb puss
what role could alvis play in 3?
By not existing.
Literally. He has no point.
Do you get paid by Monolith/Nintendo? The "remake" is a generic cashgrab and looks like shit
Only soulless low IQ animals will defend new Reyn
Looks the same but with better texture definition.
Think maybe you're a little obsessed fampai, you've posted this in every thread so far.
Probably a team-up with his other siblings to stop the not!Gnosis from destroying both universes and they need to recruit the greatest heroes from both universes across the timeline to help them out.
Im getting despite what shills say.
Im getting it regardless of what haters want
I am ready to see Shulk become a hypocrite the moment it turns out his GF is alive, yes
To me, the biggest wasted potential of that game is that it didn't turn out that it was Meyneth and Meyneth alone using a dead girl's body to stop Zanza, but that Fiora was actually alive all along and Meyneth resided within her
Can't wait for some Japanese humor in HD.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Nia says this too
He likely fucked off to whatever universe the Zohar is alongside with it after he rewrote Shulk's universe
Fuck me, this is too cute to me.
The Machina-styled armor looks so heavy and clunky. How the fuck do you even move in that, much less fight? Hell, look at the boots. Where do her feet go?
So why the fuck didn't Meyneth warn Shulk and co. about Zanza earlier?
Why are these two not in jail yet? How would alvis deal with haveing pedophile sisters?
Stop posting this, it's aggressively unfunny and you're blatantly trying to get people to ERP with you.
>Thread here is max comfy
>The other one is a shitfest
What the hell
Fuck off Nia you cuck
This is the kind of shit that makes me wish 2 didn't bear the xenoblade name. And yes I know that's not the real dialogue.
Can you be more obvious?
>we'll never hear another actor like him ever again, and he was so in character enjoying work.
What's with Xeno nailing bad guy's english VA's?
ill bump you! with my benis
>you can..
i havent played the game nor willing to and aslo pretty much know what happens at the end, but im curious, you can what?
talk to me
im gonna need a bit more context user.
Shulk was depressed, Melia wanted to him to rely on her and be the one to cheer him up, Fiora did it.
Been a few years, but pretty sure that is the gist of it.
have sex with
why would Shulk want to have sex with an 88 year old bird lady
NG+ is harem ending
Maybe Xenoblade 1 will actually get more fanarts now
Fuck off Fiora
>Best dps blade of the game needs unholy amount of grinding
For what reason?
Imagine being Melia and having every human you ever marry die WAY before you do. And their children a constant reminder of the hell you must endure.
>Egil just slowly depletes the Bionis' life force while the residents of Colony 9 remain ignorant
>By the time Shulk realizes what's happening, it's too late to do anything
>Egil wins and Zanza dies
>Egil fucks his sister to repopulate Mechonis
Sounds like a victory to me.
>literally 0% chance of success
I've no idea what people were expecting.
Should she get someone at the end? maybe, but then again pairing everyone up would be a bit weird
Honestly, as much as I hate Shulk's outfit, it still looks miles better than most of the end-game gear in XC1.
Honestly what're the odds Alvis gets turned into an 8th party member? I feel like he might be the most logical person to turn playable, especially if they're gonna double down on his story to tie into 2 a bit more.
The thing these dipshits don't understand is she never ever got NTR'd. If you think she did you have to admit it wasn't by much.
>I've no idea what people were expecting.
People were expecting that bitch Fiora to stay fucking dead then Shulk would've been with Melia like he should.
Nopon sage equivalent that orchestrates the non-canon crossover DLC events.
>Waaaa! Mom! My shota cat was killed!
Rex's outfit*
>implying they haven't since 2012
Is the 3DS version actually unplayable? People said the same shit about Hyrule Warriors on 3DS and I enjoyed the hell out of that version
>People were expecting that bitch Fiora to stay fucking dead
Yeah well that's the intention. Her coming back is one of the greatest moments in JRPGs. That you can't deal with a twist not going your way for once is entirely on you.
>Is the 3DS version actually unplayable
Not at all. In fact, it's surprisingly solid. Only problems are the ass texture and shit resolution (but then again what would you expect from a 3DS game?)
Does Citra help any? People in this thread are saying the A.I is better so that makes me want to try it over just using Dolphin
>Her coming back is one of the worst moments in JRPGs
Fixed that for you
this is nice girl
What about Nia?
If you're gonna emulate anyway, might as well emulate the Wii version, the AI fixes are marginal at best.
XB3 superboss will be the Nopon Archsage. You fight him with every playable character from all 3 games.
Has infinite Health, all his moves are one hit TPK.
You can't beat him. You must entertain him enough so he doesn't erase the multiverse.
Flesh Eaters have human cells, makes sense that they can resonate like humans can. Aegises are just "I'm an Aegis I don't have to explain shit"
you've spent too much time with the other cuckqueenfags, seek help
>You must entertain him enough
So it's like the Jin fight in Astral Chain.
Flesh Eaters can resonate with blades, just like how Blade Eaters can (limitedly) control ether. That's why Zeke can channel out from Pandy's mic through an entire UGS.
Eh, Rex's outfit is actually practical, so I have nothing against it.
Can't wait to play it on Youtube
I'm really looking forward to see all the cutscenes in the new style + HD
>Xenoblade's cut content was the Bionis shoulder
>X's "cut content" was really basically making an entirely different game.
>I love X and expect them to port it after Xenoblade though don't expect much of a difference
X could overhaul the battle system especially the Skell battles. Also better loot system; no one want to painstakingly get rare items just to get a bunny outfit
Only issues I had with it were the resolution, which makes sense, and how they really didn't care about the UI. I shouldn't that excuse of a c-stick for camera control.
>but Malos isn't called Logos
why the fuck do people keep referring to Pneuma as if that was the true form and not Mythra in September 2019
I wouldn't be so salty about it if Fiora wasn't such a Mary Sue nothing fucking character
Fiora is ugly and stupid
The gimmick of 1HD is that everyone fights together, you will be able to switch into characters in the reserves and even characters currently in battle, the switch-in is an art like in Torna. Camping will be back.
Eh, Fiora is as much of a Mary Sue as Shulk is a Gary Stu, so I didn’t mind her as much by comparison.
Can't say the same for me. After climbing up the mechonis in XC climbing up the world tree in XC2 was too similar, I really didn't like the parallels XC2's events made.
>XC2 was too similar
That was the whole point you dumb fuck
I think we should wait until we see more.
There from alvis fool
Reyn just looks off because he lost his tan, facially it looks fine.
I wonder if they’ll redesign the One True Monado to have the Aegis core I’m it like the other two.
I want to fuck nu-fiora
That was completely on purpose, user.
That would be fucking stupid, it would ruin the story of the second game by telling the players what's going on before they even reveal it
So the Architect is actually Shulk?
A very American response. No one cares about the sequels. This remake will not change that.
No, are you retarded?
No, Klaus
No, Klaus just happens to look a lot like Shulk because blonde-haired potato faces.
Klaus is Zanza
Zanza is Shulk
Therefore Klaus is Shulk
not trying to make this an eceleb thread but you're retarded
Yeah I know. That doesn't change anything for me. The fallen arm was more fun than the land of morytha and climbing the mechonis (especially the music) was more enjoyable than climbing the world tree to me. The world tree was too cramped compared to the mechonis and it was faster to clear too. If there were going to make parallels they should have made the new thing better imo.
No Shulk is just some kid who died and god decided to rake up residence in his corpse
Melia getting cucked in crisp HD.
are you autistic?
>Klaus is Zanza
Yes, but also, no.
>Zanza is Shulk
No, Shulk is just Zanza’s meat suit.
Do you think they'll change her voice actress?
It doesn't matter what they change, because as I said no one cares about the sequels. Any reference they make to X or 2 will be met with "oh, I guess that's from the bad game(s)." This remake most likely exists to reboot the franchise after to failures, and not to link this classic with the critically panned sequel as so many of you like to believe. I hope I've pre-answered enough of your trivial questions to prevent any further replies.
Everyone will have new voice lines except Melia who'll stay silent in her cuckshed.
monado is monado
This is my taste and my taste alone, please don't judge me...
>newt above pyra
>vale above telos
>electra above sheba
shit b8, kill yourself
Used goods, muh dead husband, not as good looking, a subpar party member once you find better ones, sorta kinda paired up with Reyn in-game, the list goes on.
i am monado
monado was the energy mass conversion program the asians in the space station created for their phase transition experiments, foresight was the program they created to predict enemy movement, klaus failed in his experiment because he barely knew japanese and the trinity processor wasn't in english
Get out of here, Alvis. Don’t you have a giant glowing crucifix to be worshipping?
Sheba is a disgusting fucking dyke who sucks ass and annoying to listen to, Telos looks like a fetus alien baby and looks miles better in Xenosaga III on top of Vale having bigger tits with even more wild jiggle physics, and I despise Pyra as a character, sexy muscle lady is better, Floren is just a meme to make it look autistically symmetrical.
Electra is a child and Newt is a man with boobs. Kill yourself you fucking freak
Here's my blade tier list
Oh wait, it's just Adenine, she's at the top
Today, I will show them true taste.
Fuck you
>Hating on Boreas, Finch and Dagas
Delete this.
Shulk looks like Klaus because Zanza's soul was inside his body influencing it to be the perfect vessel for like 16 years.
It sucks Pyra and Mythra never do a "daddy?" Dialogue with him, at least Mythra does ask him about the Monado.
Yeah sure
wha the hell do you get Pnuema level 4? literally got a Full burst with pnuema and I still got her level 3.
what is it Ng+ only?
Yes and it's complete garbage
Boreas was my first rare blade and said "no you can't get progression in my tree until you pay 4x your life savings because you don't have enough blades to try the back door to get to my fridge." On my shit list for that alone.
Finch is just a worse Papi. Being amnesiac isn't charming.
Dagas is too full of himself and doesn't pay off for having to do an affinity chart twice.
I kinda don't think X is worth going back to. I love the game but I think the lessons learned from it are better put into a sequel.
Was Xenoblade Chronicles 2 a mistake?
Never played it. Asking for a friend
Best game in the entire franchise hands down
No? It has Poppi in it.
I think 1's a 10, X's a 4, and 2's a 9.
It just starts slow and has some particularly forced anime moments.
Bump limit already, you are too tale to cause shit.
>X's a 4
1 is by far the slowest and hardest to get into. People are told to not burn out on sidequests and keep moving so they can get Dunban and kick Sharla onto the bench for forever losers for a reason.
>JRPG with shit main story and comes with all the misery of playing an offline MMO
>Said story is entirely things people other than your character knows and is directly explained to you, except for the cliffhanger that spits in the face of the logic everything else in the game ran off of.
I've torn that game apart a number of times across these threads. You can enjoy it all you want but just about every directional chang ethey took for X was fucking awful for my enjoyment.
X isn't even canon
Nothing says a Blade can't use a Blade.
It just never happens because Blades are usually already tied to their Driver, so it becomes a very brittle system, because that means if the original Driver dies, they all go back to their core crystal.
It's messy and halfbaked but its story is a very interesting extension of the ideas that XB1 set up, with many of its own.
But it suffers under layers of inconsistent pacing, side-mechanics that act as progression blockers and some dodgy production value
But Rex has some of my favorite character development in a JRPG and Malos and Jin are my favorite JRPG protagonists at this point.
It's a very enjoyable but niche experience
I disagree
While 1 has issues, I think the pacing of its story and it's extremely strong intro, as well as its pretty solid production values and approachable aesthetic make it actually very easy to get into for most people
2 probably has more fans then 1