>Respawn entertainment
>Sekiro combat and exploration
> Starwars
how come i dont see this game discussed more often here, nevermind it not being out yet?
>Respawn entertainment
>Sekiro combat and exploration
> Starwars
how come i dont see this game discussed more often here, nevermind it not being out yet?
Who the fuck is excited about anything released by Nu-star wars? Everything disney star wars related has released has been shit.
Electronic Arts
This, and the fact that EA and disney don't do that much advertisement
OP here, i am but i also still play tortanic
look at him and laugh
>SJW agenda
>literal who devs
>Force Unleashed is their main inspiration
>gameplay footage looked like absolute shit
>Star Wars is dead and the last good SW game came out 16 (SIXTEEN) fucking years ago
yeah how come
>Disney Wars
I could not give less of a shit honestly
>Sekiro combat
>Implying it isn't dog shit
>Disney Wars
>[current year] lightsaber can't cut limbs anymore, it only does paper-cut tier damage
RIP Titanfall franchise
Because it's not Titanfall 3 like everyone asked for
Have they released any new footage since E3? Seems like news has been dry. I am interested in the game but the marketing has done a poor job of showing off the game being a Metroidvania and whatnot. The interview tells a completely different story from the footage.
It's weird that EA didn't have Respawn make Imperial Commando or something, since their strength is FPS. Maybe it'll be the next game.
>Sekiro combat
Did we watch the same gameplay video?
it looks fucking terrible is why
it's floaty, the graphics are flat and lifeless, it has no physics, the game is kiddy as all fuck and allows no dismemberment or even rough ragdolling, and on top of all that it has SJW shit and microtransactions.
>pic related sequel never ever
im sure this nu soi wars game under modern EA's wing is going to have "sekiro combat" or whatever the fuck that is trying to mean when in reality its going to be the most casual game of its year. The disney buyout was the best thing that ever happened to star wars since its one of the best ways currently in existence to separate who can think for themselves and who is a literal mouthbreathing corporate drone that consumes anything with X sticker on it
because the gameplay shown looked boring as fuck
It's a hard pass. Pretty much everything says.
They had a good chance but they fucking blew it on becoming some mediocre pg13 nu-SW garbage.
It doesn't have microtransactions though.
>reveal trailer looked great
>gameplay reveal was utter dogshit
I hate this.
>Worse Physics than Force Unleashed, using only Havok while TUF used Euphoria and even had it's own
proprietary destruction engine to simulate destruction
>Worse lightsaber gameplay than Jedi Academy
>Bad graphics and character models
>Ugly lightsaber
>Nu-Star Wars in the Disney Canon
It's shit
the game is heavily inspired gameplaywise by sekiro, according to this article
>The disney buyout was the best thing that ever happened to star wars
>Nothing but utter shit has been produced ever since
Best star wars was KOTOR and JA, the rest is shit
Hey let's get Respawn Entertainment, a game publisher specialized in creating first person shooters, to make a STAR WARS game with SEKIROLIKE gameplay because that's what's HIP and COOL right now
The combat looks shit, also he looks like a fag.
>no limb or body dismemberment
Respawn is an offshoot of Infinity Ward, the developers who made the best COD games (COD4). They have made Titanfall and Apex Legends. Although I have heard Infinity Ward is stealing some if the team back.
>white male protagonist
How did they get away with this?
The e3 trailer looked like dog shit
Games """"journalists"""" all need to be drowned in a giant tank filled with liquid feces. I can't stress this enough. Also people that compare or set a bar with souls-garbage gameplay. Christ that's annoying as hell.
I never dreamed I would lose interest in star wars, I grew up with that shit. A feminist made it happen though.
That's about the only positive thing about it.
>when the main character so bland that you actually support the bitching about generic white male lead
learn to read
nothing better was going to come out regardless, the only thing soi wars did was dragging out the retarded drones from the crowd of actual fans
You have poor reading comprehension as well as a poor understanding of time. The developer said it's SIMILAR to Sekiro. It's obviously impossible for a game that has been in development for years to have been influenced by a game that only came out a few months ago.
Star Wars flipping and the fan base being pissed off gave EA leverage.
Back when the exclusivity deal was made, Star Wars was the biggest IP around and Disney held all the power, even rolling that every game, character and interaction had to be approved by the story group.
Following the BF2 microtransaction controversy, the backlash to TLJ and Solo flipping, Disney has to get positive fan will back. Hence BF2 turning into a Clone Wars game and JFO being focused on the post-ROTS era instead of the Resistance/NO era.
What game? That looks cool AF
I agree, it has never been so easy to notice the paid shills and the fake geeks.
You can see the same thing with the Star Trek franchise too.
An open world Star Wars ACPG might be worthwhile. Uncharted with lightsabers looks really fucking dull.
The problem is that I don't think Disney or EA will allow anyone to do anything interesting with the Star Wars IP. They want simple things to flip a quick buck.
I wanted to like it but I felt nothing watching gameplay. The combat didn't look that interesting. The protagonist is goofy looking with a boring costume.
>soi wars
Jew wars is dead to me.
Jedi Outcast. The sequel "Jedi Academy" adds character customization , dual blades and Staff sabers. Those games with mods are the absolute best Star Wars games ever if you're a fan of lightsaber duels
They should of made the main character look like a grizzled, the combat should of been more appealing to look at, the game has a story and in the days if nu star wars that's bad.
I felt nothing watching the gameplay at all, not hate, not interest, not excitement...nothing.
We could have had a cool action game with lightsabers and force powers, instead it plays like a shitty Souls clone with the usual cinematic shit thrown on top.
>wanting anything associated with star wars in 2019
Shit man, you must be some degenerate masochist if you actually like it, by this point disney is raping the rotten corpse
This, Disney/Kathleen Kennedy destroyed Star Wars
>They should of
Why can't they use the euphoria physics that TFU had? It look havok with general Havok shit
>Sekiro combat and exploration
lol no
Because whoever made Euphoria jewed out and nobody wants to invest in it. It was amazing but somehow the games industry left it behind.
This, I could never have imagined I would actively avoid anything to do with it, but they pulled it off.
>Star Wars
Cancer trifecta
>Disney has to get positive fan will back.
People have been betrayed too much by these "creators" for that to ever happen though. Even the dumbest soi swillers are starting to realize their taste is shit and beginning to feel jerked around.
wow so many incels in here
>When the entire Star Wars mythos has been so heavily whored out and abused you are more excited to bitch about some whored out and abused element of it than actually caring about anything Star Wars.
Because even they've admitted they choose a very poor segment to represent the game since it was entirely linear and more akin to the fucking Uncharted with lightsabers.
I think only Tim Longo should be allowed to make an Imperial Commando game.
>Sekiro without the speed or difficulty
>no dismemberment, lightsaber feels like a big glowing club
>fanfiction tier premise
>bland, ugly looking characters
Why should anyone be excited for this?
Yeah, I can't wait till the little outrage marketing virality boost they keep destroying their properties over for SJW points gives way to apathy. That's when they'll really start to panic.
If that was the case they should have shown off something else by now.
Despite everything I'm still interested in the game (because of Stig), but EA makes it really hard when they barely show anything. They should also release a demo.
will he be gay or trans?
It’s the Force Unleashed but worse
At least that game was a good power fantasy
The actor playing him is gay
Carth Onasi
>I felt nothing watching the gameplay at all, not hate, not interest, not excitement...nothing.
Same. I thought I was watching something made out of a checklist for a cinematic experience. Hell, they've even recycled the little droid gimmick from DICE's Battlefront 2.
Is he doing what I think he is doing?
Yes he’s pulling a Star Destroyer down from orbit
The fact he could do it was the selling point of the game
>Sekiro combat
Moot for fucks sake delete this fucking board before I meathook my temples.
I'm not sure if that's retarded or kind of cool.
>stealing some if the team back.
People are ditching the sinking ship. There‘s no stealing about it.
The development team hoped that Lucas would give Vader’s apprentice a Darth moniker, which at the time, was something that didn’t happen often.
“The team threw a Hail Mary to George, saying the game would have more credibility if the apprentice had a ‘Darth’ title,” a Force Unleashed team member says. Lucas agreed that this situation made sense for Sith royalty, and offered up two Darth titles for the team to choose from. “He threw out ‘Darth Icky’ and ‘Darth Insanius.’ There was a pregnant pause in the room after that. People waiting for George to say ‘just kidding,’ but it never comes, and he just moved on to another point.”
The Force Unleashed was an edgy Star Wars fanfic in videogame form
>Darth Vader’s secret apprentice named Starkiller is so badass he can rip a Star Destroyer down out of the sky
Because it's boring EA funded trash?
It’s a bit of both
The Force Unleashed is a decent game if you like Star Wars and God of War it’s worth checking out(avoid the sequel though)
You must be new here.
>Although I have heard Infinity Ward is stealing some if the team back.
Infinity Ward didn't steal the employees, they've left Respawn after EA aquired the company.
I'm not interested in generic Hollywood movies.
It's fucking cool. The whole game is pretty sweet. It's overboard, but it's aware it's overboard
>Nu Wars
>Dark Shit meet Uncharted
Yeah I wonder why
The gameplay they showed looked like complete trash.
Worse than Force Unleashed.
>Sekiro combat and exploration
looked more like surge+sekiro
my only hope it gets faster with higher difficulty levels, I liked the demo to my surprise at least I can see potential with that kind of combat
Starkiller was actually a name from George Lucas himself. Starkiller changed to Skywalker somewhere between the first draft and final screenplay
>how come i dont see this game discussed more often here, nevermind it not being out yet?
Because of this place's hateboner for Disney, EA and modern Star Wars.
>still play tortanic
why? I get it for stories, game still got nice atmosphere, but actively playing it? what for?
yeah people here seem very jaded and negative, i suppose if ppl would have a more positive outlook they would enjoy games a lot more
>>Sekiro combat and exploration
im still doing the stories, currently doing sith warrior
>>literal who devs
You are literally retarded
That said I'm not defending this game. It looks boring as hell.
Sorry, when Fallen Order flops Respawn will get the axe
oh, have fun with that one I also recommend going into expacks with sith warrior, it's only $10 for all of them and it gets better later though game stops being MMO completely, thankfully
I would have figured that Anthem would have killed Bioware, but they're still around.
viceral was also around after DS3, but here we are
How can you stand that game with that mess of an engine in this year
I forgot about that...
you can replay KOTORs now right? games do not become worse with time.
They are dead. They just kill them slowly now and keep the corpse around, because EA doesn't want this picture to appear everywhere again.
May pirate, most likely will skip. It sucks but I will never buy another ea title
>they don't want people to repost a picture of them executing studios via gunshot to the head, so now they've decided to impale them on a long greasy stick
EA really is so out of touch with reality.
>all this crying about Disney Wars
>he hasn't seen Rebels
star wars is only good for 4 games we got out of setting, movies suck, all of them
george is retardedly based. perfect options for that epic edgelord fanfiction
Not this user but, which one of the two should I get?
Looks like a fucking checklist of modern triple A games, combat looks like shit, cinematic nonsense everywhere, etc etc. NuStarwars is so bad I can't even feel a tinge of excitement, especially from the literal video game devil.
Pretty sure the star destroyer was already damaged and failing. He just directed its path.
So the game is coming out soon and there is nothing for it.
That doesn't seem good.
I will wait for reviews first and how Yea Forums likes the game.
>I will wait for reviews
What year is this?
You made me cry with that pic. Unironically
If the reviews say it is to hard then I know it is easy
Yea Forums doesnt like games you idiot
All I want is a game with Jedi Knight gameplay, and big tiddie sith women
Don't worry, he'll be surrounded by blacks who'll tell him what to do, that Saw guerrera guy from Rogue Juan, and that beauty in pic related who will be the mentor.
My nigga knows what's up. Specifically a female Sith Pureblood. All about racial superiority.
You must be new, fag, lurk 2 years before talking
Baseball bat lightsabers. The game is DOA
Both or you are retarded and buy them on sale for 3 euros each
But I heard that many oldfag fans complained about the stick lightsabers that they saw in Rebels.
Stop being like chicks and decide: Do you like thick or thin lightsabers?
I about had a heart attack when I realized she's the chick from MadTV. She's not even that bad looking irl.
I would fucking love a Star Wars Souls/Sekiro clone, but this ain't it. More like Uncharted with shitty-looking lightsabers
Liking anything about the rebels series can you stop talking about star wars.
Baseball bat lightsabers doesn't refer to the blade thickness, you numpty
Because it's cool and trendy to not like Star Wars. You just gotta quietly be hyped without saying anything and maybe we will get a few solid threads when it comes out.
I dislike Rebels. But I am telling you what I read by many online.
Then what? Edgyness of the saber's tip? Do you find it too smooth?
Thats where I'm at with SW. At first I was outraged with what they had done to the franchise. Now I watch these trailers for their new tv shows, movies, and this game and I don't feel anything. I don't care about the franchise anymore.
>Because it's cool and trendy to not like Star Wars.
Yeah right faggot Disney shill. You should check some of the main SW subreddits where you get downvoted to hell if you dare saying anything bad about Disney Nu-Wars.
It refers to lightsabers acting like baseball bats, i.e. it's more like a wooden club than a lightsaber. Nothing to do with how it looks.
Because, despite all the hot air the devs are spewing, all we've seen is an Uncharted set in the SW universe. We are hoping its gonna be good but we won't be surprised when it isnt.
Yeah okay sheep. Keep thinking the way Yea Forums told you to think
that sequel would be imperial commando dummy
>likes Disney Wars
>calls others sheep
Why does everyone act like this is some big feature that's missing? Wasn't it just a console cheat in the PC version of Outcast?
As if I needed Yea Forums to know your disgusting soulless propaganda sucks, subhuman disney shill. Star wars may be the pop franchise that has been the more pozzed in the last 4 years it's incredible, in every possible aspects and medias.
>Trusting EA
>in 2019
>because of "muh Star Wars"
It's like most people are retarded or something.
Rebels is shit, what's your point
Baseball bat saber means that the sabers hit enemies like clubs instead of cutting through them. Its incredibly unsatisfying.
Rebels made me hate Disney Wars more
Niggers. Have you seen the promotional material?
>it's cool and trendy to not like Star Wars.
Does anybody actually like Sekiro combat? Your moves are basic as hell in that game and the challenge just comes from getting the muscle memory down to dodge stupidly disjointed attacks
Oh, so you're basically referring to the no-dismemberment or cut in half issue. Ok then I agree, this sucks.
It's not even about dismemberment. Jedi Knight is satisfying even without dismemberment cheats.
>Sekiro combat
>casual as fuck easy mode difficulty
This game will be dog shit. The same debate surrounded Sekiro with gaming "journalists" complaining that the game was too hard.
Sekiro's gameplay would've been completely broken if they made an easier difficulty and this game will be trash if it tries to realize that.
Also, Disney has absolutely ruined Star Wars, there is no hope for this game anyways.
You could just say that you're 12 ya know
>Made Gendy Clonewars Non-canon
>Made Kyle Non-canon
>LIghtsaber kills enemy
>Limbs are all intact
>Body is 100% pristine
Interest lost.
Because it looks bland as fuck and most of Respawn's talent bled right back into Infinity Ward.
Who still give a fuck about Star Wars? Is there even a single person alive who still cares about this? I think NuWars has pretty much killed everyone's love for the franchise.
Because EA owns them now rather than just publishing shit. Most of their titanfall talent left.
Even thought I absolutely hate NuWars, I need to buy this game.
Solely because I need to support single player story centric games, which are a dying breed in the advent of hero shooters and battle royales.
Buy doom eternal, modern warfare, MCC PC, and the jedi knight re-release then. Bad linear story games are just as bad as loot shooters and battle royale.
Everything I've heard about this game so far points to it being the opposite of EA's philosophy.
They're releasing a single player game with no microtransactions or shitty multiplayer tacked on.
I need to support this.
he is, TFU was absolutely fucktarded
>sekiro combat
Um, no, sweety.
So this.. is the power.. of corporatism..
>Bad linear story games are just as bad as loot shooters and battle royale
This game isn't a linear story, This is heavily inspired by Metroid and Metroid Prime.
Actually, a lot of their team are made of former Metroid Prime devs.
There's backtracking and branching paths.
You need to kill yourself.
FPBP, Fuck EA, Fuck Disney, Fuck Star Wars
Nope, it's the power of the free market. I'm not buying the game out of love for EA, I'm buying it because EA bothered to invest in making an unusually better product and I want to see more like that.
Rebels is great, sorry you're a dirty pleb
>no microtransactions
>I need to support this.
GUYS, shitty corporations start a shitty greedy thing called microtransactions NO ONE ASKED FOR, then they stop it, WOW THEY'RE SO GOOD I NEED TO SUPPORT THEM.
It's EA and Nu-Wars. We're all waiting for it to come out and see how they fucked it up.
Are you actually retarded? I'm showing them that I'll only buy their games if they follow the no-microtrandactions and no multiplayer.
This isn't supporting microtransactions, It's the opposite.
Why are there literal children on this site, fucking hell.
How much of Titanfall 2 Respawn is actually left?
kek seriously?
Lucas made gendywars noncanon
>This isn't supporting microtransactions, It's the opposite.
Where did I imply the contrary you fucking retarded disney shill. Fuck off with your shitty bland game. The previews for it all felt like shit, with or without microtransactions.
What, no he isn't.
>all we need to do to sell our shitty games to retards is not include MTXs!
>get away
They didn't
>Rebels is great
Come on...
>literal baby show with no violence and asspulls forever
You're fucking retarded
>got rid of cool dismemberment effect of lightsabers for a T rating
nah, game is already trash
>Sekiro combat and exploration
Was Sekiro really that shit?
But it looks worse than sekiro
If it was sekiro it would look like some prequel-tier shit gameplay wise.
Instead it looks like a poor attempt at trying to get the slower duels of the OG triolgy replicated, but failing.
For a respawn game, it looks slow. Which is sad considering Titanfall
one little thing i could do without doesn't make a bad show, user. especially not when that same show gives us more Force mysticism, one of the greatest Jedi to date, green twi-lek milf, etc. etc.
>>literal baby show with no violence
it's about as violent as any Star Wars media has been, dunno what the fuck you're on about lol
Uh huh.
There was exactly two and a half minutes of greatness across all four seasons. Everything else is crap.
Rebels was great for this scene alone:
it's cool that you feel that way and all user, but if you ask me it's your opinion that's shit.
The helicopter lightsaber was the least of its problems. It was a Disney show so every bad guy had to act like a moustache twirling villain. They brought Thrawn into that shit show and ruined the character. Dave "furfag" Filoni added more furfagotry, created a time portal just so he could bring his waifu Ahsoka into the Rebels era. The major problem was the main character: Space Aladdin.
>act like a moustache twirling villain
you're aware you're watching Star Wars, correct?
>SJW agenda
Hero is a white dude and no, we got jediniggers and femjedi before, also we never heard her talk one single time.
>literal who devs
Based retard.
>Force Unleashed is their main inspiration
Absolutely wrong, their inspiration is Metroid and the Souls series
More excited for this than Ep9
no sane person is excited for Ep9
Kenobi tv series and Mandalorian however
Im worried about the Mandalorian as it will definetly be nu wars however the Kenobi series has to be good,if they don't inject any nu into that series I'll be content
>hating on based Chopper
>Jedi Knight gameplay
>good in 2019
Stop this meme.
>what if R2 was an asshole
wow so good
Every villain in the OT and PT had believable goals and aspirations, and weren't retarded about it. Everything post Disney acquisition has been fucking awful
>star wars
>not baby show
wake up manchildren
cool can’t wait for call of duty: star wars
it's coming to Switch tho
that makes it good, right??
>using a KOTOR pic like if it's a good example of great writing
as a lifelong SW fan i'm afraid that's just personal bias speaking
someone would have to be literally retarded to think star wars has "moustache twirling villains" in any of the canon material. The closest it ever gets is general grievous and he is just a bloodlust berserker cyborg and nothing but a lackey of dooku who is a lackey of palpatine. Palpatine is stereotypically and cartoonishly "evil" in the sense that he is a fucking evil wizard king but even he got quite a bit more complex in the prequels and he wasnt comically evil in any sense of the word, just a sith lord
gosh i wish they would get rid of female jedi and sith all together.
been chase by a women is just a joke, like what she gonna do with her weak ass strength.
force or no force making a woman seems dangerous is laughable.
should be making children for the future of the jedi race, same for the sith
Weirdest baby show with decapitation, dismemberment, complicated plots involving political intrigue
The goddamn Emperor himself is a literal evil space wizard cackling at how evil he is at every opportunity. I hate Rebels but you are hilariously overselling the quality of villains in the Star Wars movies.
>not stereotypically hilarious and evil for no reason
>Look guys it has the same [popular thing] as [recent game that was popular in here], why aren't you talking about it more ?
That's a pathetic shilling attempt if I ever saw one.
>complicated plots involving political intrigue
That E3 gameplay was hilariously terrible, even if the behind-closed-doors demo that actually showed the good parts was supposedly impressive.
The Emperor was never a huge part of the series until the prequels, where we got his backstory. Once we got it, he's still evil but less cartoonish. Vader was always the focus.
he doesn't get even a little bit more complex in the prequels, we just see how he takes power. His motivations and character are not expanded on, his character does not develop from kindly old man to evil space wizard, he's always an evil space wizard. He just starts enjoying it more once he reveals himself.
wow, you sure proved everyone wrong by listing non canon soi wars shit from disney
Imagine defending space alladin and disney Thrawn, space whales, time travel, fucking Filoni and his wolves fetish, etc...
Kill yourself shill.
>I need to support this.
>someone would have to be literally retarded to think star wars has "moustache twirling villains" in any of the canon material
Snoke literally is a mustache twirling faggot in a golden robe stroking his imaginary evil cat. No other motivation other than LMAO EVIL
>non canon
you first user. Filoni's more fit to carry on George's legacy than anyone else, sorry 'bout it
>single player game with no microtransactions or shitty multiplayer tacked on
Imagine thinking it won't have either of those.
>been chase by a women is just a joke, like what she gonna do with her weak ass strength
>What is Force Control
You are retard user.
they couldn't even be bothered to get the lightsaber to look right, who knows how lazy they are in other areas
implying that make a difference.
she can be yoda level of concentration and will still be weak.
female jedi or sith is just tack on bs, even the emperor knows that a women with the force is useless
not canon
the fact that he lives a double life and can play the role of a kind granpa is giving him complexity, even if his motivation would have been a ploy all along. The prequels heavily expanded what the character of palpatine "is" rather than just a cackling final boss of the series who leads the empire because he is the powerful evil wizard. Arguably his relationship with Anakin is also less obviously malicious than someone could think on the surface, especially if you go by the point of Anakin actually being the "son" of plagueis and palpatine
I mean
What discussion would you expect? Odds are it's going to be high production value garbage simply because of the companies involved. Real polished graphics (at best) but shit everything else. I would be very surprised if this actually turns out good.
Why cant we have For Honor like Star Wars game? It looks so good.
funny how any time Papa Palpy's nature is mentioned, it comes down to "w-well in the prequels..", meanwhile you immediately write off any new villains as one-dimensional without allowing them time to be fleshed out in the same manner. not to mention the portion of you that are doing so who likely shat all over the prequels as they were being released.
your posts are some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen
>universe where magic exists that allows you to do crazy shit without needing physical strength
>whining about people being capable of doing crazy shit without using physical strength
probably because I couldnt give a fuck about your fanfic, im talking about george's saga
It actually has a metroi prime-like level design and that's the only reason I'm interested
so you'll defend the same shit so long as it's funneled straight from Lucas' ass.
KOTOR's writing is better than anything SW has to offer though
Star Wars is the most normo -scifi setting ever.
How can anybody take this childs show seriously is beyond me
That's still pretty linear, user.
Oh and I forgot literal SJW bitch looking mandalorian...
The absolute fucking state of nu-wars...
Look, I know that your posts are clear bait-tier. I just replied to you in the chance that SOME retard that doesn't know a lot about the lore might actually believe that Force User in SW comply to IRL biological rules.
Now eat a dick.
whoever it a magical world or the real one
women remain useless.
even with the force the jedis got wipe out by average trouper.
>sekiro combat
very very bad sekrio combat, also the movement looks like shit and no dismemberment. Game looks like shit, might buy it for 5 bucks on sale 5 years from now.
you're falling for the marketing, it will be linear garbage with a couple dead-end branches to get extra trash loot
imagine hating a sexy mandalorian woman because she could kick your ass.
>the best parts of Rebels all involve characters from the Clone Wars
you know, there's a lot of talk here on Yea Forums about the Zelda cycle, but i'm beginning the think the only real cycle is the Star Wars cycle.
>write off any new villains as one-dimensional without allowing them time to be fleshed out in the same manner
How exactly will you flesh Snoke out if he's ded? No numbered SW movie will ever flesh him out and nobody cares about non-numbered spin off shite
>How exactly will you flesh Snoke out if he's ded?
whoa man i can't believe they killed the emperor, how will we ever learn about his complex motivations
>you know, there's a lot of talk here on Yea Forums about the Zelda cycle, but i'm beginning the think the only real cycle is the Star Wars cycle.
The zelda cycle is a thing because games are often drastic departures from their predecessor, and when they aren't the problem is generally that they are overly derivative.
The thing is, the prequels aren't good, they're just mediocre with top tier audio/visual design, music, and a few standout characters. The sequels aren't just bad, they are so bad that they fail to inspire creative works, something fucking podracing did from minute one.
>>Sekiro combat and exploration
i digres, sekiro had no exploration
Oh shit user sorry I guess we'll learn about Snoke's past in episodes 4,5 and 6 won't we. You dumb faggot.
>Sekiro combat and exploration
That's not what a good Star Wars games needs.
>implying it has to be *insert episode number here* to flesh out a character
>proceeds to call someone a dumb faggot
top-tier kek m8, thank you for that
it impossible to make a good star wars game, to much baggage
A Star Wars game could be great with in-depth exploration and challenging combat based around parrying and deflection over wailing on enemies with your wifflebat lightsaber.
A Star Wars Souls-like is basically my dream game.
Can you at least read my posts you dumb faggot
>nobody cares about non-numbered spin off shite
I'd actually appreciate if they told us more about all the force bullshit from Rebels in this game.
i did, i just also realize that you essentially saying "but that doesn't count" doesn't change the fact that they can very well do the same thing George did with Sheev. sorry your childlike perception prevents you from accepting that
no mention to rebel please
Nobody cares about Snoke to begin with, he's a fucking joke and a non threat. Just like every Nu wars character
muh disney bias
Fuck out of here, shill
>SJW bitch looking mandalorian...
You didnt even understand her fucking character, based incel seething about muh sjw at everything with a fucking women in it.
Shut the fuck up retard
Snoke is just the Emperor from RotJ without the charisma and who had his big confrontation/climax ruined to defy expectations.
cry more based bitchboys, the salt of your tears gives me life.
>no dismemberment
like if it's something that ever happened in every fucking SW fight
I'll buy it day one, looks great, it's just because this website hates Starwars is why you don't see more threads
oh my expectations are so subverted, I totally wasn't expecting you to say I didn't get it
There's nothing intimidating or interesting about Snoke. The Emperor was an all powerful evil dick that only died due to his apprentice turning on him at the cost of his own life. Snoke got cut in half like a bitch and didn't even see it coming. He has done nothing but be incompetent and retarded, and his motivations change with each movie.
"Mandalorians" have become a fucking joke, and yes, she's a basic sjw self insert, need I recall the tie fighter repainted in orange or shit like that? Everything nu-wars is pozzed to hell with leftard bias, and you like it because you're a numale too. Anyway, everything's going to shit and they're losing money, so you can call me incel as much as you want, that won't bring back the dollars, söy faggot.
are you saying dismemberment doesn't happen much in SW fights? Because there are more lightsaber duels where it happens than those where it doesn't
I watched 5-6 episodes and dropped the show. The characters sucked, the action sucked, i hated everything about it.
I literally gave it 2-6x the length i give an anime to reel me in because it was Star Wars, and it failed.
>white male protagonist
into the trash
He'll claim you don't get it but he can't explain it to you either
>saber goes on
>hand goes off
>saber goes on
>obi-wan disappears
>saber goes on
>hand goes off
>saber goes on
>hand goes off
>lived to see the day the prequels were finally given the credit they deserved in the face of the trainwreck sequels
The gameplay looks dated. Like something form 10-15 years ago.
well when you still fail to see Snoke wasn't this trilogy's central villain..
you mean like how you faggots can't make an actual argument that doesn't chase down some SJW bogeyman? or mention a problem that was just as prevalent in the original movies or prequels, such as a character's lack of development, only to handwave the possibility of future media expanding upon that as it's done before? you're all so fucking transparent it hurts lol
Show me a scene with a jedi cutting stormtroopers in half, please.
Dismemberment only happen in an important fight, not against grunts.
>maul cut in half
>anakin's hand cut off
>dooku's head cut off
>windu's arm cut off
>grievous' hands cut off
>ponda baba's arm cut off
>luke's hand cut off
>wampa arm cut off
>Vader's hand cut off
The prequels still aren't actually good, they just had some impressively good things in them. They inspired new content and fleshed out the universe through design choices and set-pieces that built on what we know comes next.
The actual story to them is garbage, but that's fine when you have so much good to fall back on.
And in 10 years it will happen all over again
There have been a hundred issues raised with the continuity and plot of the ST, you just ignore all of them because you're a shill
the prequels are awful, awful movies, but at the very least George still clearly loved making them even though he really needed people to tell him "no." And even then, his talent for tying aesthetics to narrative themes is still readily apparent.
This is the same flippy shit that made the later lightsabre battles pure anime cringe
There's a reason EBS and ROTJ and TPM are the best sabre duels because it's not taken from weeb shit
>SJW Agenda
>MC is a white male
i dont think that fair, video game have yet to evolve for the past 30years.
Thread over. Nothing to see here.
>You didnt even understand her fucking character
>"My dad fights with his art"
d e e p
>complains about over-choreographed prequel battles
>includes TPM in the best duels
no i ignore them because it either comes down to opinion or >or mention a problem that was just as prevalent in the original movies or prequels, such as a character's lack of development, only to handwave the possibility of future media expanding upon that as it's done before
reading comprehension is key, user. keep up.
You do realize the only times Luke used his lightsaber against non-Vader were to slash open AT-AT armor to throw in a grenade, and against Jabba's goons, right? And even then, he hit all of one guy.
>she's a basic sjw self insert,
No she is not, she is a flawed character but you don't even know why, retard.
>need I recall the tie fighter repainted in orange or shit like that?
Same thing, it's just a proof that you don't fucking know what you are talking about.
>star wars
oh dude, where to even begin...
This. I don't know why we keep posting about it.
Who /royalalienpussy/ here?
You can just say you never watched Episode 3
Yes at least the prequels actually made the universe interesting and fleshed it out, and you could tell George still loved the series and really wanted people to see the story of Anakin (even if it was shit)
The new movies are just pure Disney Jewry; Kathleen Kennedy doesn't give a fuck about the franchise and is just producing garbage
Oh and the Wampa, but he dismembered it.
Except there is no such problem in the OT or prequels because every character was developed in the movies to the point they needed to be. You're completely retarded
There's a difference between measured choreography (TPM) and flipping around garbage like Yoda in AOTC or the finale in ROTS
>Sekiro combat and exploration
It just looks like an even more on rails Uncharted.
Never said it was deep, but it's not about muh sjw shit.
TPM's choreography is exactly the same as the ROTS finale.
Because it looks janky and that it plays like The Order 1886. An action game with little thought put into the gameplay and just trying to make sales through marketing.
It's strictly a question of talent in choreography, TPM was more "force"ful than the OT, but that was to reflect the Jedi at their height, and you know what it had? Some jumping high, and some TK.
On this day fp was bp.
It literally isn't, the guy who played Maul was more skilled than the other two, which let them get away with swings that came closer, to impacts that were targeting the opponent, and not their weapon, and to a greater efficiency of movement due to having knowledge of swordfighting.
yes, which is why we needed an entire prequel trilogy to flesh out a one-dimensional villain and provide context as to the origin of said villain's apprentice. sure you aren't the downy, user?
It looks boring but Chris Avellone is writing for it so the story might be good.
Vader was literally never one dimensional. The Emperor was, but he also wasn't really a character until the PT, rather he was a story element.
Chris Avellone likely wrote a paragraph of backstory for a secondary character. That's literally what devs hire him to do so they can use his name in marketing.
Maybe, I just hope that more actually good Star Wars stories can be made.
No, but she's a superficial character. Just because her dad is an artist doesn't mean she should turn everything into a Deviantart piece.
They tend to give him free reign on a single, non-important NPC, and they are often the most interesting thing around, but overall i agree.
We didn't "need" anything. The OT can stand on its own without the prequels. Lucas just wanted to expand on it regardless. Nothing in the ST stands on its own because it's too reliant on the original cast and the OT. None of the new characters are believable or have any sort of motivation. They just exist because the plot requires them to be there
>Vader was literally never one dimensional.
again, reading comprehension. we're essentially in agreement. if the Emperor is allowed to be merely a story element though, why can't that be the case for other characters?
Even the SFX in the sequels for lightsabre duels sounds worse
Because there are no characters in the ST that aren't 1 dimensional, if that. Everyone is a story element.
Snoke could easily have been a story element, except they worked too hard to give him character, except that character wound up being bland, uninteresting, ineffectual, and dead.
because of Kylo's jank-ass busted lightsaber being one of two lightsabers in the ST
Respawn has a stellar record and is one of the best studios... I think it will be a better game than people here are expecting, but I doubt they can nail the new (for them) game-play style on the first try. It certainly won't have "Sekiro combat".
Why are you doing this to yourself?
The galaxy of adventure animated shorts have been pretty cool
whatever post this is, best post
Only because everyone's adorable
well once again we come down to something that depends solely on one's opinion.
in what way did they really do that? certainly didn't seem to me that they tried too hard to do much of anything with him, aside from using him as a story element. the focus has always been on Kylo, and Snoke was only there to serve his arc.
>in what way did they really do that?
The only things we know about the Emperor pre-RotJ confrontation are
>he is the ruler
>people are afraid of him
>he orders Vader around
We see literally nothing about how he accomplishes any of this, only how people react to his existence. The Emperor could have been an inanimate object, outside of communicating with Vader once to establish his existence.
Snoke interacted directly with the cast multiple times, he was petty, making his Hologram oversized to intimidate and confuse, he got angry and displayed emotions. He got too close to the story, and it bit the story in the ass.
WOW how did they get away with that?
i though disney hated bikini sexy lea?
are things changing for the better lads?
On a kids targeted YouTube channel of all places
>muster yoda?
>is gay jesus
None of the protagonists or antagonists have any sort of driving force for doing what they do other than driving the plot forward.
Started out with a character as a Storm Trooper defecting because he had an issue with killing people and watched his friend die, but had no problem killing the only family he had known in his life. Originally had no stake in the fight, but found one when he met Rey. Then he goes into a coma and his character arc apparently dies so he has to go through it again.
Literally Jesus, can do no wrong, is perfect in every way, has never lost a fight. Learned every force power instantly, went through an hour and a half of "training" and beat Luke Skywalker in combat
Used to be a hotshot pilot, received a demotion because he saved the fleet?
There because Rian had a crush on some fat asian in highschool. Contributes nothing, and in fact is a detriment.
Comically incompetent FO leader that has no clear motivation other than rule the galaxy. Whatever. Made the butt of every joke and does nothing
Emperor wannabe that we never get any motivation for either. Dies like a bitch
Betrayed his order because Luke tried to murder him in his sleep. Wants to fuck Rey? Evil because reasons. Nobody knows.
Became a hermit and tried to murder his nephew in his sleep. Let billions of people die because he was grumpy.
The Mandalorian is actually a Womandalorian and it's going to have a political message across the length of the series, about the rise of the first order which will be paralleled to the latest republican political campaign.
>Then he goes into a coma and his character arc apparently dies so he has to go through it again.
My new headcanon is that he had brain damage and just lost all that development.
I like Star Wars
Member when it was ok to make fun of some shitty american political party?
why compare rey to jesus?
jesus had to suffer for what he believed and preached, it wast a easy walk.
unless rey get captured and tortured in the next movie
Tor is unironically the last good Bioware game.
You can basically play Kotor 3 as 8 different classes with unique origins and it's still going. Which makes me wonder who is actually still developing it. Can't be the Anthem team.
Remember when movies addressed nearly timeless social/political/philosophical issues instead of something as ephemeral as a political party's latest campaign to office? If I wanted comedy, I'd watch a standup act.
SWTOR is one of the worst games Bioware ever made and the fact that you think it's good just makes me think you have actual brain damage
I realise we're comparing dumpster fires and infected wounds, but not Andromeda? I'd say that was a more exquisite kind of worst.
That's your Yea Forums brain talking, you repeat what anonymous niggers keep saying.
It's the last good Bioware game after Mass effect 2. Everything afterwards is pure undistilled garbage.
>star wars
>fucking EA
>fucking Disney
>fucking Lucasfilm
EA and nuStar Wars can suck a shit
Release TOR was hot garbage. It's gotten better since
It's basically Kotor 3 now. A singleplayer RPG.
It really isn't. I played all 8 stories, and all of the expansions up to the Nathema Flashpoint. I even played some of the classes multiple times. I say, with full knowledge and without reservation, that SWTOR is one of the worst games ever made.
the game has gotten actively WORSE since launch. Riddled with P2W cash shop cancer, individual class stories are LONG abandoned, and the game practically plays itself with how strong they made companions and how they smoothed out the leveling curve.
But is that worse than dance combat
>plays the game multiple times
>repeating content even.
You're opinion is worthless
>you haven't played it, your opinion is meaningless
>you played it too much, your opinion is meaningless
You play it up to 600 hours or more and then say it's bad. It seems more like that you are retarded.
>n-no! You can't have more experience than me and still dislike it! I'm supposed to be right! I'm in charge here!
You have brain damage.
I've played EAfront 2 a shit ton and i can say it's a shit game.
I might be a little retarded, but not as retarded as someone who thinks SWTOR is good
You just are nigger that exist only to annoy me. Just kill yourself.
yeah, everything revolves around you. Get fucked, you non-Legendary pleb.
Because nobody cares about Star Wars anymore. TLJ literally killed the series
It does. Just like you nigger. Kill yourself.
could a crpg work?
something similar to Underrail
Yes it would. It's Star Wars.
Lmao you got rekt
>watch gameplay
>spider enemies
>no decapitation/limb loss
>Started out with a character as a Storm Trooper defecting because he had an issue with killing people and watched his friend die
I still think it was hugely wasted potential what Finn could've been. The setup was there and it was perfect, then they proceeded to make the character make absolutely no sense. Why was he the comic relief? Someone who was abducted as a kid and turned into a child soldier and forced to kill would probably have a shit ton of PTSD, have a lot of deprogramming to do, and would just overall not be a very nice or friendly person. Finn would've been so much more interesting if he were more morally conflicted and angry, but ultimately still wanted to do the right thing and fight against the FO, even if his temperament didn't match the rest of the heroes.
Should've been the MC too and the one to receive jedi training. Fuck Rey.
>Everything disney star wars related has released has been shit.
Let's not be entirely dismissive now. TR-8R is good and the new Stormtrooper designs are pretty decent.
>It's the new No Mercy! We're inspired by Here Comes the Pain!
>It's like Third Strike! It's footsies like Street Fighter III!
>They've taken inspiration from FFVII, lads! They're big fans.
Every time it turns out shit and nothing like it.
Here are some spoilers for imperial commando.
In the middle of the 2nd mission you are ordered to execute POW's and your entire squad defects to the rebels.
During the last mission the most badass member of your squad with the highest kill count is revealed to be a female using a voice changer.
I thought it was that dude from Game of Thrones? The dex vs strength guy
Disney has single handedly made me look back fondly on:
>Yuuzhan Vong
>Travis's Mandalorian wanking
>Darth Krayt
This is a Herculean feat of incompetence, to make shit like this seem nice in comparison.
nothing will make me look back fondly on Abeloth, but the other stuff still has a bit of teenage nostalgia for me.
>Even Jedi Younglings are taught the entirety of Form I and learn the basics of give other lightsaber forms before they're even assigned a Jedi master for training
>Melvin, the brother of Luke Skywalker, swings his like a fucking bat
I HATE it.
>Melvin, the brother of Luke Skywalker
I fucking hate that I got that
I-I liked Abeloth...
unironically Lego Star Wars The Completely Saga, they have a whole set of missions