"Terraria? Isn't that just 2D minecraft?"

>"Terraria? Isn't that just 2D minecraft?"
What are some of the worst examples of ignorance surrounding good games?

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I mean, it basically is though.

Having an obsession or extreme personal connection with a game tends to give you a distorted opinion and perspective on it, Terraria is the exact same concept as Minecraft in 2D

People thinking that Ultimate isn't a fighting game or competitive - it's the most competitive game on the market right now.

>it's the most competitive game on the market right now
Lmao maybe if you're competing for longest no-shower streak fatty

There are people who just won't touch older games.

Based on the amount of players alone it's more competitive than trash like Tekken etc. It's okay to admit that. There's extreme nuance in Ultimate that goes over a lot of peoples heads.

Have you even played the fucking game?
How is an open world sandbox anything like a linear progression based boss rush? The only thing similar is that you can dig and build

>cube world? You mean the minecraft rip off that scammed people?

Aiportraits is never coming back, is it?

Most recently I've seen cube world referred to as a minecraft clone

hell no. cringe

>"titanfall? Isn't that just CoD with robots?"

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but it's not, it's disregard and spite

>it has cubes
lmao must be a minecraft clone

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>*any unique ball game* "Isn't that just Rocket League?"
>"Puyo Puyo? Isn't that just Tetris Attack?"

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>Civ 4 sucks it's just deathstacks
Says every filthy casual that never played on a difficulty high enough where they actually had to pay attention to their economy. Civ 4 is a masterpiece of the 4X genre and most people treat it like shit nowadays over unwarranted obsession over a single mechanic, it's a shame.

Terraria is 2D minecraft though...

>most competitive game in a dead genre

The noshower genre is still very much alive and kicking user

>that game is 15 years old, why would you play it?
Despite being a steaming shitpile with no games, I respect Xbone far more than PS4 for actually giving a fuck about backwards compatability

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>TF2? Isn't that a Fornite rip-off?

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Battlefield and Call of Duty are basically the same game

it kind of is though

In what fucking universe

Rocket league is a revball clone

That's Minecraft too you fucking retarded monkey
Doesn't matter that twitch niggers tryhard the game

>"Game? Isn't that just a tumblr/sjw/(other buzzword) game?"

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This one

>Mincraft is a bossrush game with at least 10 bosses, underground biomes, hundreds of different weapons armors and trinkets, hundreds of enemies, NPCs with actual uses, and classes


Well in Terraria you mine and craft with brown bricks

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>he doesn't know

wtf source?

>have to remove whole features from the game and certain stages
>certain fighters are banned
>most competive.

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You apparently, considering you're saying terraria is minecraft

Lol; you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. I'm sure you defend games like Tekken being input memorization instead of on the fly decision making. Ultimate has the most players out of any fighting game, which makes it inherently the most competitive. Does that make sense to you?

I'll remove you from life fat boy

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If you have to remove entire aspects of a game to make it more competitive it is by nature not the most competitive. Also more players doesn't necessarily mean more competitive.

You're implying Terraria is a good game.

Everything you just said made me violently angry, and I really fucking hope you're joking.

Comparing Overwatch to TF2