How does Toby stay winning?

How does Toby stay winning?

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He doesn't bite more than he can chew. He also focuses on his strengths which is music and atmosphere.

it's 'keep' ESLtard

By pandering to fujos and furries.

He learned Japanese
and networking

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By not pandering to Yea Forums

by not being gay

>October 2018
>"I don't know if my dream game will ever get finished, I can't do it on my own and I'll need a bigger team than I had with Undertale."
>October 2019
>"I composed an entire soundtrack for Game Freak and my work is represented in Super Smash Bros. after I went to Sakurai's house and beat him at his own game."

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By stealth-pandering to Yea Forums

literally who

It's not pandering to Yea Forums just because you masturbate while imagining being bullied by animal women

He's overrated but it's too bad the common idiots can't tell. This is why the world is shit.

lmao get some self-awareness faggot

>Cater to nintendo autists with an Earthbound knock off
>Cater to Furry autists.
>two of the biggest and most obnoxious groups on the internet.
>make ez money

Not being an incel. Not being a rapist.

Being a generally cool dude? Shame his stuff is either attached to some of the worst fanbases in the world, or has attracted some of the worst fanbases in the world.

who's dick did he have to suck to get those connections and where can I find it

there were devs tripping over themselves to help him with deltarune when he posted that

Hes doesnt talks more than he needs to for starters

Well, I did masturbate to goatmom but she was mommying me.

Weird... Yea Forums told me if you pandered to tumblr or SJWs that nobody would ever buy your game...

he's literally chadness incarnate
>has Masuda sucking his balls

Can't deny the success but I have to say that Undertale is one of the if not the most overrated game to exist.

He doesn't. He does something that seems mundane, but people blow it way out of proportion and ruin him, as is the way of things. Or he gets metooed and kills himself.

I always feel bad when a genuinely cool guy makes something interesting that is picked up and beloved like total autists that just give the thing an awful name. Toby, Araki, Notch, like I'm happy for their success it just sucks that it led to giant cancers in the world.

Sold his soul to Homosuck.

just make a good game
and don't forget the genocide-run

Yes, well done Toby, well done Toby...


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hes blessed by god himself

Hatsune Miku?!

It's literally the same appeal and done by a guy who worked on Homestuck. The hilarious part is all these autists who hated Homestuck jumping on the Undertale bandwagon. Toby Foxx is a talentless hack.

He didn't drown in success, like Notch.

You think Sakurai (some japanese old man) would be the one that approach him to play some smash?

>got his name removed from his own game
>blacklisted from the industry
>lives alone in his big ass mension with no friends
>cries himself to sleep at night

Honestly this. Game sure is overrated and has a terrible fanbase but reaching this level of success by just releasing an indie game is a feat by itself. Mad respect for him. Plus he is a decent musician.

He’s not tho

Does it really matter when you've made the highest grossing game of all time?

It sure is a feat to win the lottery and pander to furries.

Oh wait no it isn't, it's pathetic and retarded

It must really feel good seeing something you created in the biggest video game crossover of all time.

>has over a billion dollars from making a shitty indie game in 6 months of his spare time

>make millions

Good timing, really.

But having good timing only works if you actually COMPLETE AND SHIP YOUR GAME, hear that, /agdg/?

>following the fame he received from all the autists for his game, he just starts acting like an insufferable piece of shit smug cunt when during the dev stages he was just an insecure sad sack of shit and often thinking there was no way he could release the game ever

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This desu

This is what happens when you make a Kickstarter game and actually release

Sheesh, I never thought I would start respecting this guy or his games, but it's time to recognize I was biased. Guess it's time to give them a try.
Still, I can't stand the shitty furfag fanbase composed mainly of aspies and 12 years old

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There's no foolproof formula to becoming successful like Toby Fox, but there's definitely factors that helped him.

- He's very proactive and social, often going out of his way to form connections and network with people
- He's always willing to broaden his horizons and seek new ways of interpreting things
- Has a good understanding of what's oversaturated and always looks for a unique route to take
- Can come up with character designs that are simple yet distinctive, making them iconic in their own right and easy to recognize
- Understands the power of music and got a headstart in that area by composing tracks when he was still quite young
- He's one of the few people who gets started on something right away and doesn't waste time daydreaming. While you and a million other people were fantasizing about your dream game, Toby was making it
- Made a name for himself prior to starting his big personal project, he got to know people and obtain a following while working under someone else for a while

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it doesnt belong to him anymore
i mean he has everything now but its all build on lies its dirty money

Fandom is always autistic, Undertale is not unique in that regard.
The secret to enjoying something is to ignore the people who would make you feel otherwise, whether it's Yea Forums being angry about a thing or whether it's autistic freaks ruining the image of a thing.

dosent join in any gay twitter drama.

I'm glad that Undertale is the pixel indie game to get this popular. I wouldn't have it any other way considering almost every other indie dev I know is a massive fuckwit and always has meltdowns on tumblr.
Toby is just a really swell guy, I'm happy to watch him do so well.

poor child. all money is dirty. it allows you not to be dirty though, if you have enough.

Since when did he start acting like an insufferable cunt? You can't just say that and not provide any factual evidence you moldy brain.

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Unironically followed his dreams

What if a Nintendo First Party dev is helping him with Deltarune?

Maybe it'll be a good game then

What an absolute fucking chad.