Clang Unit Galloping: Nitrogen Sustained

>Bonus Track Tier list:
>Best Tier: Prehistoric Playground
>Good Tier: Twilight Tour
>Shit Tier: Spyro Circuit

We can all agree with this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Prehistoric playground is absolute dogshit tier, I would put it below Twilight Tour

that USF pad really destroys the whole map making it an unfun RNG mess

I dunno what you mean about RNG in PP.

It is all about having a good start, build up some reserves quick then go full USF from lap 1.

Fuck you, Spyro circuit is great. It's the best new track

Switch Spyro and Prehistoric. I wouldn't say Prehistoric is bad, but it's the worst of the 3.

Because the only player to make it through the itembox spamcentral that is the first USF pad wins the entire track

>Track geometry
>Track atmosphere
>Track playability

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i just played the spyro one for the first time today - what the fuck happened? short as fuck, flat and shit music to boot

>shit music to boot
Die. The music is spot on to what a Spyro soundtrack should be.

>shit music to boot
That's because it uses typical Spyro music which was always shit

Shit dead game

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Until Nina and Brio come into play.

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PP is a great time trial map, the box placement and USF pad at the beginning of the map makes it shit to play online. Similar issues with TT but the second USF pad can bring some opportunities for comebacks. SC is good for multiplayer but is a technically boring track outside of one jump (and is also frustrating to play as classes that aren't speed).

Why do people like the Spyro track?
Short, not exciting and portals.

is it a spyro-like track? yes.
is it intense enough for racing? fuck no.
the spyro games had more pumping tracks as well, so no excuse.

Why aren't you people on /vg/ where you belong

Why aren't the Smash threads?

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Rimba DLC when?

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>unfun RNG mess
That's just CTR in general after that one patch.

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Anybody feel like there’s an absurd number of masks in online all of a sudden?
For a few glorious days after they addressed the clock and ball torture spam, it finally felt like the item balance was as good as it would/could get. Then outta nowhere, I notice a pattern where as soon as I’m itemed away from 1st place, there is a consistent and predictable pattern being moshpit-carried backwards by mask after mask (and triple missiles, which have also increased?) until I’m dead last. Also, while lag in general hasn’t changed, I’m noticing that I get the forewarning of the mask theme song now instead of randomly getting pummeled by an unexpected explosion of feathers and colors.
Bit of a mixed blessing since I still can’t really do anything to avoid them. Even if I drive out to the far edge of the track on a curve it’s like the angry skilless dipshits who built their lives in last place are going out of their way to hit whatever they can, rather than concentrate on going forward faster.

Only thing I noticed were an increase in bombs
Every other item may as well be nonexistent

Ive actually seen a return of more bullshit orbs and clocks. Literally 7 seconds into Mystery Caves a clock goes off and theres no bots. Then a few other races before that.

The autocentering portals kill spyro circuit. Almost every dark spyro speednigger cunt that gets in first lays out items like a cunt so you get hit by them no matter what.

Dude, just hold back and let the others destroy each other, then fly past everyone once you get USF.


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Need more content for Battle mode

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They need an actual incentive to play battle mode first
That coin payout is too low for how long you spend in a match

This, PP is an absolute shit show and close to being the worst track in the game.

Hello coke

At least I've played it so much I can basically just go on autopilot and zone out. Could probably do most of the track with my fucking eyes closed at this point. A lot of people online oddly enough have a difficult time maintaining usf on it so even if I'm behind I can generally catch up unless I just get unlucky and get a room full of no life tryhards.

based Rimbafag

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It's stupid how low the payout it for battle. With so much to buy you need to maximise your time on tracks like Electron Avenue and Tiny Arena, not wasting them in 100 coin rewards.

Damm other old bundicunts!
I'm only cutie in this game!!!111!1!!

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Oi fookn cry about it ya? go run 2 Tawna cunt big gurls are towkn

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Be me
>have crush on Coco from CNK onwards
>N Sane comes out and theres Tawna but I still think Cocos better
>NF comes out and I see Liz
>Get mesmerized by her luscious hair, violet gaze and curves for days
Sorry Coco. I needs me a Bandibeauty not Bandicunny.

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Spyro Circuit is better than Twilight Tour, fuck you

Help lads. I'm stuck between burnout and champion car autism, help

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I can fix that, with the cost of having a tail.

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If Battle Mode didn’t share Wumpa Time with Racing Mode, I’d play it more.
Demolition Derbies are pretty fun, but yeah, not worth losing coins in comparison to any number of race tracks. It should be a simple fix, give it its own Wumpa Time separately, or none at all.

>tfw still in Silver, two weeks in
>Back N. Time was the same
>there are things I still want but don't feel the rush to go grab them because I grabbed all the skins already on the cheap, don't care for the paint and wheels at all this time around
>If Nina's GP is the same and track is shit I may not even play until two weeks in

GPs are kinda killing the game. No big deal though...

How we doing lads?

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I'm also finished
Even cleared out the shop
Now I'm just grinding coins

I'm in gold tier but lack motivation to grind for that Crunch skin because it's a shit reward and I hate MoM.

You can stop playing once you get Evil Crunch because you'll probably unlock the kart anyway

I'm finished, I don't give a fuck about being top 5 percent so I just play when I feel like it. I'm so much happier and less stressed now.

Same here, i'm ready for Nina!

I like the skin but the grind is still shitty so I get that people are burned out on it. Especially if you've been doing this shit from the first GP onward

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>I don't give a fuck about being top 5 percent
The funny thing is you probably will be user

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I liked it, before realizing that the grass was a death zone and that the portals were dead zones too.

Clearing the shop always seemed silly to me because during gps items won't cycle to show all the GP shit in one day anyways and there's a lot of shitty vanilla sticker packs, skins, and karts literally nobody ever uses. Always seemed like a waste.

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Same shit happened to me. Was in the 5% despite doing absolutely nothing to get Nitro.

If I didn't unlock everything it would have killed me. autism

>Aku Aku controller with a TNT button
I want this.

I love boobytrapping the portals. If you can hold 1st until the second one you've basically won the match, no matter how good the other players are.

List of tracks where you're supposed to hold back and let the others destroy each other:
>Prehistoric Playground
>Hyper Spaceway
Anything I'm missing? Meteor Gorge would be another one, if there were any chance you could catch up to 1st after a delayed start (you can't).
Also fuck the super engine and FUCK getting it when you're 2nd place, what the hell

>give player tons of items to customize their rides to exactly how they want
>but you'd better use these specific combinations or the grind is twice as bad lol
what a system

>I love boobytrapping the portals
That's the worst part about Spyro and Hyper Spaceway, beakers I can't even see are bullshit.

>Make a kart the big reward for the GP
> Doesn't have a nitro bonus

Most people aren't gonna grind for shit they don't want and won't use, and GP wheels and paint are super fucking tacky most of the time (okay I'm projecting a bit)

And a lot of people don't care about winning all that much, so they are aren't high on champion either. The champion kart reward incentive clearly wasn't designed to be recycled this much.

>have gigantic cast of characters
>lol give crunch and coco another skin
>also make them the main gp rewards while also being completely unrelated to the GP content
How'd I do?

>Crunch and Coco GP rewards
That's what pissed a lot of people off. This was THE GP that people were waiting for.

>This was THE GP that people were waiting for
I will fucking choke you

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Not the one I was waiting for either friend, but Spyro did have a lot of hype to it.

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He's not wrong. The datamine suggested five characters. We always knew the October one was only going to be 3.

If you're playing during dailies every day and you constantly get top 3 you're probably already a shoe in by merit of skill, don't burn yourself out about it.

For me it was Trophy Coots>Spyro>Nina/Brio and then fuck whatever else.

you're definitely in the minority here Brio, but I am looking forward to you and the october gp in general.

But imagine, hyping up Spyro content in a Crash game this much knowing how shit all their crossovers have been

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But i don't WANT to play it every day user because when i do it's battle mode shit. But if i don't i miss out on skins and champ cars that won't come back AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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No idea, didn't see you finish the race

You can ignore most of the missions dude, just deck yourself out in 50% nitro gear for your first race and then just wear whatever the fuck you want for the rest of wumpa time.

T. Guy who got everything in back n time's nitro bar while ignoring everything but the first race bonus.

Bandibabes were really fun, but i'm more hyped for evil scientists.

I was expecting more from this GP, but the worse crossover is the sour patch kids shit.

3:55 I do believe Might have to double check though

The sour patch kart is great and I see the gum everywhere. Wheels are the only thing tough to find. Pay up goy.

The Evolvo Ray had some lasting effects down the line.

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>Liz is literally Raven
Somebody please stop this mad lass

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why are Meg and Ami so cute

I'm at 26k or something. I'll get there just by doing the quick and weekly challenges, so there's no way I'm wasting time on all that battle stuff.

>Absolute worst two

Making Ami the fertility goddess a mother.

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Fuckin this

Just finished last night. All I have left to get are decals, since I don't give a shit about stickers. I'll just do my wumpa time every day so I don't have to grind to buy anything next gp

>Get bombs and TNT
>Opponent get's missles and shields
Every time

I always feels bad for the second and third when I get like, 3 shields in a row.

I saw a glitch where they changed first to last to some weird challenge getting first on a bunch of tracks. Whats going on?

>after that one patch
More like that's just CTR in general since the PS1 days

I'm almost at Crunch but I can't be arsed to do battle shit.

>Whats going on?
typical beenox shit
just joined a lobby where the track selection scrolled off-screen (there were 8 tracks) one with no votes got picked and then the race failed to start

The new Oxide ghost is insanely hard with anything other than a speed character

Close to 50k by now.
>People on the leaderboards are already at 70k or more
Jesus Christ.

They would have been at that the first 2 days but Beenox would have wiped them from the board
Had to make it look believable

Yeah, every time I get frustrated with Activision making everything kid friendly for more money, I remember that at least Beenox has our backs.
>Kid’s game? No, we made this for you guys. Here, give Time Trials a go.
>...Why are you crying?

>Kid's game
I know things got dumbed down a ton but are kids really that much shitter at playing video games of all things?

The current generation of kids have grown up on fortnite and mobile games. What the fuck do you think?


>somehow forgetting that Crash 1 got a remake and people were unironically calling it the Dark Souls of platformers

The bridges and Slippery Climb are actual hard levels

So there is no hope...

kek I forgot about that dumb shit. It was hard then and now but I beat it as a kid so wtf

Berserk the Game isnt hard though

Crash isn't the hardest platformer ever made though. It has some challenging levels, but you'll only need a couple of tries. It's like saying Super Mario World was the Dark Souls of 2D because of Tubular.

what the fuck is Rimba??

where are all the Tinychads at?

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Some other furry shit brought up in these dying threads in a desperate attempt to stay away from page 10. Like image dumps of the Nitro Squad or reposting webms.

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>Dying threads
I think the mods were successful at moving people to /vg/

I use the Gladiator skin with Mammoth Brown default kart and Gnorc wheels, pretty much as Roman as I can get right now

Not a Tinyfag but stay strong user, Tiny is based. Everyone fucked off is all.

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So by this logic Electronic Avenue is also bad because the whole track basically has USF.

>pretty much as Roman as I can get right now
Based and Romepilled

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I don't even see people pick him online really. Probably due to the grand prix but after you do your dailies it's not like the Nitro is even worth it at that point.

name one section in PP where you have to successfully avoid a hazard that could kill usf

The difference is in your words user. The whole track has usf is better than "there is an usf pad right at the beginning, the next one is at the end, and the survivor from the first 10 seconds will win"

Ive seen a few Tinys here and there. Theyre never that good but stick around to the end. Probably just having a good time.

>the whole track basically has USF is it comparable then?

This, Speed players are most likely to ragequit but Tiny players aren't. They're bro tier

>Speed players are most likely to ragequit
I was going to say not all of them until I realized Penta, Digital N. Tropy, Painter Dingodile, and Ami take up a good chunk.

I feel bad about N. Tropy though. It's not his fault he's a tryhard character it's just how he was set up. I wouldn't change the requirements about his unlock either so meh.

why are cortex players rare as shit

Beenox made balanced bad on purpose. As a joke.

Post Webms. Old new show them off.

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That was slick as fuck I suck with bombs.

Not that many people play balanced. When they do is for nitro point, or they play Crash.
I do play Cortex, but I rotate between him and Crash, Komodo, Small Norm, Isabella. There is actually a lot of fun character in that class. I don't have Hunter yet though. Might add him and Fake cowboy when I can get them in the pit stop.

Balanced and turning both have fun characters. Too bad beenox don't give a single fuck.

Hello my fellow Cortex player

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I do too normally. But with this I figured angling it out to the tnt would at least cause some knockoff rather than the Coco and potentially missing outright. Guess it paid off.

Because All-around

Because Lex Lang

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Always funny to play Roo and having that happening.

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Makes me seethe. Has no business being as bad as it is

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Because HE'S the INFERIOR one!

It's 10 wumpa Polar vs 0 wumpa Crash

>Roo: "YOU. QUIT"

Attached: Roo.webm (800x450, 2.95M) saw the amount of fruit they had, right?

That's still pretty bad

It's still bad

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How are you doing my fellow N ? Have you maked the life of some bandicoot miserable lately ?

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>Crash Bandiquit

That's still a miserable speed difference considering that the game out right lies to you about how fast balanced is.

But the trophys his.

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Everything's going according to plan I see.

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Why the FUCK is Coco Park appearing so often? Also fuck you if you vote for that or Roo's Tubes when there are better tracks on the list.

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Next GP will be fucking amazing if N. Brio is added with Nina. Scientists will shit on all the banditraitors.

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I hope all the scientists get Nitro boosted

>Next GP will be fucking amazing
So how do you guys think they'll fuck it up?

The usual. Shit track, shit challenges, something central to the game nobody asked for.

Would be funny if Cortex get a skin of that picture in his castle, while Brio get his hulk form. The chad scientist dabbing for a whole month would be priceless.

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This needs to fucking happen

because FUCK /vg/

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Explain this shit Beenox.

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Did this happen for anything this GP?

>No waifu this gp
Back in Time was the worst but come on now

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Saved, thanks friendo

Basically no gameplay tweaks or additions. CTR has the tightest gameplay of any kart racer and they aren't adding more ways to enjoy it. Why aren't there new kart classes being added and tested? Why aren't there new modes? Tracks are one thing, but they aren't enough anymore if they're just the same 2-3 min circuits being added in every update.

We need hillclimb/point-to-point/sprint races, we need REAL endurance tracks with no repeating sections. I've actually liked the last two new tracks save for a couple design flaws (though they are pretty damn crucial errors) but the flaws with them aren't what's killing GP morale; it's the fact that all new tracks will largely bring more of the same.

And the rewards are just getting stale. There's only so many ways I want my character and kart to look when gameplay is the absolute solo act of this game. We really only want cult characters that never got the spotlight like Tawna/Brio/Nina/Moe/Kong/Yaya, etc.

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Only thing left for this gp is a decal and that could happen to it but I doubt it will

Well thought out post user I agree

Tawna bros were you at? also rate

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We on autosage now

No we're not?

You serious? Fuck jannies to hell. Always going after CTR for no good reason.

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I'll give it a 8/10
Safari Tawna looks so aesthetic with the Jeep

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We just aren't posting enough
Threads either die from mods killing it or just inactivity these days

Even worse considering what they leave up

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The thread went from page 1 to page 10 in only 19 minutes so I assumed the worst.

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There was a decent amount of activity before and thats never stopped other threads from staying up. This CTR hate boner of theres is sad.

Oh well alls well then.

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>fucking Gnorc gets in
>nobody fucking uses him because he's ugly, turning, and the Orc Norms look better
Thanks a lot, Shitnox.


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Reporting, but been taking a break from CTR lately. Wumpa grind was seriously burning me out.

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When will I get my second chance to get all the Bandicutes, I got the game too late.

Next year

Gnorc and hunter were given better lines and animations than spyro. It's weird. I really don't hate the inclusion of hunter or gnorc because of how well done they are. The loss of ripto is all that really pisses me off.

>got the game at launch, was playing pretty religiously for the first few weeks
>work got busier, I had less time for vidya
>missed the last two GPs, been ages since I've played and I'm so far behind that everyone is probably significantly better since

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At least Mario Kart has more original characters.

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I'm still salty they showed Diddy and acted like it wasn't a big deal that they never put him in 8.

Name 30


>taking a break from CTR because wumpa grind
Can't blame you user, but with those loadouts who needs wumpa?

>living in a world where you have no option to play /ourgirls/

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please can i get a crumb of bandicoot pussy, i need sexy images of all of them... im dying...

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Here. Now Kiss it.

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I'm aiming to at least get Hunter and Gnorc before this GP ends, and I've got like 3 weeks. I'm also curious on how the Darkness Elemental wheels will look with my Le Chaux setup once I snag it.

I like Tiny but jesus he's so huge I can't see shit

Gnasty Gnorc mains are simple creatures.

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Got a Thunder Struck one, nothing special just running the track.

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the old psx model is better

You mean the green muppet with zero personality? Yeah. Huge improvement.

The reignited gnorcs are fucking ugly and were made to look like generic orcs

Finally got the last sour patch kids piece

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God what did they fuck up her proportions so bad? Beenox needs to remodel her a long with the spyro characters

Totally forgot that was a thing, can someone post the chart?

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Best part about him, Crunch is your miniature version though.

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speaking of spyro how is the trilogy on switch

Tiny big for maximum screen coverage of course.

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Pretty sure you can hit R2 to make the camera zoom out a little

PC port when? i dont like the sound effects

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>"out of my way!"
>expect to sight a rare Neo Cortex
>it was Gnasty Gnorc

Wonder if there will be any slut outfits for thebandibabes come Halloween

Absolutely not. They'll never make new shit for gp exclusive characters, maybe next year when the gp is reused or IF GP exclusive characters are ever added back into the pit stop.

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>not "Gnasty Gnorc players are beginners"

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Just sit idle at the PP starting line long enough for the riffraff to clear off of the first USF pad by the time you reach it.

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I miss this guy, he gave us nice advise

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If I make an Activision account with one of those emails that delete themselves after a few hours it won't fuck with the SPK/Trident items, right?

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>tfw no 6ft tall blonde rampaging female Bandicoot

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why even live...

>Who needs cheesecake when your outfit is lewd already

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I'm not furry

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>not a furry
Unfortunately that's just one (ONE) of the many things I would be for them

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by making both nbrio and nina turn and balanced.

also gonna add some track with shitty layout, usf right of the bat again and no amount of items will help you because it will have a bunch of curves and turn that will fuck you up.

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You dont have to be a furry to wanna make passionate love to Bandicutes

Attached: F7BD1203-26A6-4B93-BA84-50FC377D132E.jpg (466x604, 73K)

I swear to God if they make brio turning. They must be aware that nobody likes those classes right?

>also gonna add some track with shitty layout, usf right of the bat again and no amount of items will help you because it will have a bunch of curves and turn that will fuck you up
And you know for sure they will do this shit again. It's a question of 'when'.

Attached: 1S134985945.png (880x628, 723K)

>They must be aware
What? Fix the warp orbs?
>now maybe one will spawn
There we go! That helps, right? What? Faster?

idk, i guess ill just play the game every now and then now since online in my region is kinda fucked and this gp is incredibly uninteresting.

they dont care. they are probably not gonna fix either turn and/ or balanced. i like beenox for bringing us the game but the more they touch it the worst it gets. they also aint listening to reason and fan feedback so items in general wills till be fucked

the month end the the 30th, so probably around on the 3rd or the 4th of next month.

I hope they make Brio balanced and Nina turn just so you faggots keep complaining. Brio will probably be Speed and Nina will probably be Accel

but it feels so wrong yet right god i need to jerk off now

seriously fuck them
>beenox warp orbs need to be better
>okay, now 4+ orbs will spawn
>but this fucks over everyone except first
>fine, we're back to one warp orb
>but it's still slow

>tags: blonde, latex, size difference

Attached: 182045.png (1170x618, 1.39M)

Turn has no scientists. Its fucked anyway you slice it

Top ten reasons I love Ripper Roo

1. I love him
2. He is a very good boy
3.If you scratch under his left ear, he likes it, and purrs, it's weird but I like him
4.I like him for who he is no matter what, he is very cute
5. He is a very good boy
6. I need to tighten his jacket (that's my job, he can't do it on his own) and he doesn't like to be let out of it
7. He needs walkies
8. He blows himself up with Nitro boxes all the time, he is very funny
9. N.gin sometimes bully him, so I beat him up and protect him
10. He is a very good boy and I love him

Attached: ripper.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

>feels so wrong
Whats so wrong about this? Its part of a balanced breakfast user.

Attached: F63C1C82-B1DF-494A-A39D-B42E3E902B24.jpg (733x879, 125K)

when will they learn that the orb should increase it's speed the more it stays on the track. or that it should only hit the first place player when not on 10 wumpas?

Neither does Accel. Everyone and their mother thought Spyro would be balanced but he wasn't, I would bet that decision was made because they're aware of online.

Brio's going to be turning
He invented it

I love you Rooanon

>Neither does Accel
Forgot about N. Gin my mistake. In all fairness nobody fucking plays him.

what's wrong is that they're not real and that I can[t have them as a harem that's what's wrong pal, god i dont know whats wrong with me anymore, i don't want to deal with real women anymore so fucking bland

Attached: 1557764507062.png (650x650, 8K)

>Neither does Accel
Is he a joke to you

Attached: CB360D0A-2872-4CDE-ACAE-1E6E6B8DF3B5.jpg (306x480, 37K)

Gonna need to see the nutrition label

He'd be more likely to be turn just because it's Nina's GP. But then again i'm not even sure if he's gonna be in the next GP.

>Brio is all class because he invented racing

Attached: 1562650423957.jpg (320x320, 16K)

I play N. Gin...

Attached: sad gin.png (436x408, 151K)

SeeSorry N. Gin buddy nobody plays you

I'd play N. Gin if he had his CTTR voice

I see more Cortex and he's rare as fuck.

The only logical answer

>Brio's a vehicle because he invented racing

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

Its on her panties

>Brio auto DNFS the lobby when it starts.

I saw 2 NGins yesterday. One was ballerina and managed to piss off the host when he made 1st on podium

read it and weep

Attached: 1S12oo345.jpg (336x261, 20K)

a real lack of hot bandibabes in this thread

>when you see a human male

Attached: 9FB40C31-EE45-456E-A9C9-684D9EC55E1A.jpg (723x990, 146K)

blue board limitations

Attached: T1561246365672.png (795x828, 389K)

i dont wanna get banned for the 30th time for 3 days for posting artwork less offensive than what gets posted on other threads. Jannies are hypocrites

Attached: 150AC144-E6DA-496A-96CE-1AE7A0157F7D.jpg (283x263, 22K)

You know I keep forgetting about that and the fact it's not 07 anymore where mods weren't faggots.

It's okay it's not worth the ban my friend, jannies/mods suck cock.

Attached: 1562651167306.png (973x800, 7K)

Reminder that this is porn according to jannies

Attached: 11484F30-C6A5-4611-BE1D-39EC1DF4B9C1.jpg (780x1025, 57K)

I don't even care anymore man. I've already posted stuff I've been warned for before. GPs have been shit, threads have been dying, posters have been leaving. I just don't even give a shit anymore.

Attached: T1560391958937.png (500x507, 126K)

I wanna see these bandiccots daily life

Attached: 005c08bb83b1b9a78e149e97cda1773cef91dd88.png (2048x2048, 946K)

Im sure things will pick up. We gotta stay optimistic. Remakes not even 3 months old yet cant let the naysayers kill our marsupial troupe racing game.

Attached: B56B929D-82B5-47AF-B191-FC53DBA09D07.jpg (750x1000, 89K)

Crash sleeps all day while Coco shitposts on her laptop.
I thought it was very evident at the beginning of Crash 2.

October GP here we come

Attached: evil_chan_by_kempferzero-dbeq7mu.png (574x638, 131K)

>October GP
>it's only been one week of the September GP

Attached: 1556840998637.png (498x443, 79K)

Always looking to the future

yeah I think so too

Attached: old and new.jpg (1400x1000, 207K)

Coco twitch streams and also goes on dating sites to find human cock.

Coco watches PS3 games.

Look at these happy banicoots

Attached: 950f3739-3e7c-4fa9-b9fb-27b80c1527a9.png (1069x630, 229K)

I still wonder who built the house. Maybe that's why Crash was sleeping.

Attached: dd3vlto-c596cb1d-f869-499e-8a72-305c9eedfc69.png (1280x720, 1.29M)

We already have Evil Coco

They'll call the skin Goth or Dark Coco

None of the Bandicoots built the house they just evicted the previous owners who were a lonely couple living on the island. The couple were later eaten by the wildlife on the island.

Based tutu

Attached: 1565930608638.png (495x338, 7K)

If These guys will be in, I will be cum

Attached: 1559336387037.png (2106x1028, 576K)

upboat for negro cortex

Attached: Crash-Bandicoot-Игры-Coco-Bandicoot-Shira-hedgie-4001903.jpg (800x1158, 247K)

Funny you mention that...

Attached: Bing Bing Wahoo.png (258x160, 8K)

uh what


Attached: 1559108919.7-light-of-shadows-7_coco_jam_-_spoof_entry.png (1173x1280, 1.29M)


Attached: 000.png (900x984, 498K)

>Mario in CTR
>Crash in Smash
That would be fucking nuts.

Attached: I Am Inevitable.jpg (955x1200, 162K)

plumber boy

Why is the Spyro trilogy so addicting? I got it on Tuesday and I'm almost halfway through Spyro 3 now. I think I like it better than the Crash trilogy.

This one's been a disappointment and I already have MoM Crunch so...

yay fruit to share

You like collectathons a bit more user

I like these japanese version bandicoots look

Attached: 13819p2.jpg (339x480, 132K)

A Japanese crash skin would be super easy to do. Maybe next year if the game is still being supporting.

>grind ruining the game
>none of the bugs got fixed
>medicore tracks
I wish I refunded the game lake all the anons did desu. Fuck beenox

>"target spotted"

Attached: Liz stare.jpg (300x336, 30K)

does Pasadena have any redeeming traits whatsoever

I really warmed up to Liz, I just don't want to let the girl down.

The last gp item is in the shop if you've bought everything so far

She's pretty fucking funny, at least in my opinion

Attached: T564762100856.jpg (500x561, 89K)

The reasons I like her is probably the reasons you hate her.

Attached: Crash_Tag_Team_Racing_Pasadena_O'Possum_2.jpg (640x360, 63K)

RIP. There's a bunch of non GP skins I haven't bought yet, but none that I care about.

Behold, the ultimate flex.

Attached: n trance flex.jpg (1000x750, 461K)

Good job user, i'm angry just looking at it.

Attached: gotta cortex fast.webm (850x478, 2.83M)

Put the Back N time sticker that showed up only once and was gone forever for the rest of the GP.

>no tawna pink
>no fake ptero head sticker
if you acquire those, you are doing the real flex

When everyone disconnects form a race right at the start, do you still finish it to get them coins?

Free coins and champ points for me

I also use that time to get the stupid 8th to 1st challenges.

Yes, you're screwing over Activision. You have a moral obligation to.

Which one? Cause there was the fake Dino ones that never showed up period like tawna pink.

This was a shit month...I want this to be over. The first Prix was amazing.

Only because that was the only gp with all of beenox.

>The first Prix was amazing
The only good thing was the Nitro squad. The track was shit and it had the most sticker bloat.


Attached: 1565114190460.png (422x429, 286K)

>The track was shit
Twilight Tour is the best track so far


It's still one of the worst.

>Electron Avenue - 7
>Coco Park - 1
>Dingo Canyon - 0
>Random - 0
>host leaves

No, PP is the worst. Spyro Circuit comes in second.

Speedspeds legit cant handle Spyro Circuit and its glorious

Prehistoric Playground would be infinitely better if either all of the turbo pads were USF or if none of them were.

Spyro Circuit has far more problems than Prehistoric Playground

or at least one of the ones that can't be gatekept

Selfish cunt should have stuck it out seeing as how he was the only one who wanted Coco Park


The only problem Spyro Circuit has is the stupid Hyper Spaceway teleporters. PP has a flaw that breaks the entire track.

I would play him if N. Sane Gin wasn't so unpleasant to look at and listen to.


What part of 'one of' do you not understand?


Attached: 7ede617c107f2da44325b6f0bc40b705.png (1254x498, 1.06M)

That entire fucking wizard area is cancer
You can stop whatever fuck that manages to keep usf

Attached: oxide.webm (900x506, 3M)

I found those at safeway. But that's not a national store.

>Why yes, I did evolved female bandicoots. How could you tell?

>Tawna bros were you at?
Reporting in

Attached: CTRNF Tawna Safari.png (2000x1400, 1.98M)

Then make a different argument because it sounds like you don't like any of the GP tracks which is fine with me.

It's not good but I don't particularly hate it.

It took me a solid 3 days to realize that the wizards were an obstacle and not just for show. It took longer to realize they were shooting these barely visible tornadoes at me

strong rugrats vibes

10/10 would hunt big game with

>it sounds like you don't like any of the GP tracks
The game has a handful of shit tracks in general. It's one of those. Is that easier to understand?

The Eternal Fued

>Being a condescending dickhead while talking about specifically GP tracks
Move the goalposts all you like it doesn't make you any less of a retard.

>tfw no Pro to take 4k screenshots
Can you screenshot other things?

>faggot host leaving every lobby
>find him waiting in one that chose Coco Park

The type of faggots that play Coco park don't even take the shortcut and lose anyway

You can see from the screenshot that I have a Pro? I didn't even know it makes a difference.
>Can you screenshot other things?
What do you mean?

She knows she can conquer entire worlds from being so irresistible.

Attached: Waifu Liz 12.jpg (519x627, 111K)

Dude your screenshot's resolution is 2000x1400, it's pretty obvious you have a Pro since only it can do 4K, much higher quality screenshots.
Do you have Evil Coco? Can you grab a screenshot of her in this pose on the podium?
We're hurting for high res screenshots in these threads in general.

Attached: evil coco podium.jpg (269x437, 42K)

>Crash gets the Smash Ball
W-what’s gonna do?!

I'm impressed that people actually have the patience for this shit.

Spin everyone off the stage

Finished Electron Avenue the fastest I ever completed it before in a race
Never got a 3:18 before

My record is 0:52.78 :^)

Electron Avenue is such a fun track
I don't even care if I place 2nd or 3rd

>"You get 10 minutes in bed with me faggot. If you cant last 2 I'm telling everyone you know."

You down to the task Yea Forums?

Attached: Tawna the Bandimommy.png (740x414, 286K)

Can confirm, this is accurate

I have ED so I'd last just by her trying to get it hard in the first place

I'm ready

>Do you have Evil Coco?
Sure do
>Can you grab a screenshot of her in this pose on the podium?
I can try once I'm done playing online

Obvious aku aku or mechabandicoot

Only 10?

Very based

Attached: isabella hearts.jpg (500x904, 369K)


Now THIS looks nice, good work user, can't wait to see the finished piece

Just reached 160k coins
Don't know why I continue to grind them but I don't really feel like stopping

This good enough?

Attached: EvilCocoPodium.png (956x888, 1.43M)

>Perform anilingus for half an hour

That'll do nicely my dude. Very based.
Feel free to post any more screenshots that you take especially of the girls since you are apparently one of the chosen few who owns a Pro in these threads.

Attached: Raoh gotten good bro.jpg (372x647, 251K)

Same goes for Twilight Tour because of the boring Egypt section.

Microtransaction doomed the game from the start

I kinda just raided NitroNeato's twitter for pics user... They're not mine.

Here's a better one actually. The lighting is a lot better on this podium and the picture isn't as blurry. I wasn't very happy with the first one.
>Feel free to post any more screenshots that you take especially of the girls
We'll see what I can do...

Attached: EvilCocoPodium2.png (944x896, 1.15M)

Attached: OxideST.webm (810x454, 2.95M)

nice, user.

The game was doomed because Beenox clearly left behind a skeleton crew on the game.

>time trial save glitch still exists
>characters are blatantly imbalanced
>all the items range from over powered to completely useless with no in between
>content is padded out by dailies forcing people to play bad characters or in dead gameplay modes
>yet Beenox prioritizes appeasing Resetera when they claimed Tawna's watermelon skin was "racist" and changed it within a day while leaving all the blatant issues unfixed for months

I think this podium has the best lighting for it. Trouble is, I can't remember which one it is.

>Trouble is, I can't remember which one it is
Yeah, I can't either. I assumed it was from the first area in adventure mode but it wasn't.

It's from Gemstone Valley. A cup race or Slide Coliseum race should do it.

I found the full picture. I'm pretty sure it's from the gem valley podium with oxide's ship and turbo track.

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190831002055.jpg (1920x1080, 398K)

Had some good races tonight
Even managed to rob victory from some dark spyro player

As is tradition, I must crop her

Attached: LizMSS.jpg (243x476, 40K)

Of course it's the most inconvenient one. I haven't unlocked either Turbo Track or Slide Coliseum on my hard nitro fueled playthrough since I only did the bare necessities to get the trophy for it and apparently you don't get a podium after beating Oxide so I need to beat a cup to get that shit.
I'll still do it tho, you just have to wait.

Press L2 user

Attached: TINY GET TROPHY.jpg (1000x560, 180K)

yeah its gemstone valley. win a cup or some turbo track or SC and u can take podium screens there. i also like the snow area a bit too.
poor elizabeth. mad and pouty.

Attached: ap_7B60AEEC-4D3C-43CD-A54C-355DC246A0CD (Edited).jpg (553x638, 113K)

>That outfit
>That accent
>That bubbly personality
>"I know I shouldn't like that, but I dooOOO~"
The mad men did it. They actually went and did it. They made the perfect furfag waifu bait.

Attached: 1541120713246.png (600x1003, 519K)

Based user, I will be here. Godspeed.

Thank god for the 1 lap cheat code. Feel free to request shit if anyone wants something.

Attached: MegumiPodium.png (956x1104, 1.81M)

i havent been online all day but im here. smokin' hot loadout.

Attached: shes an angel.png (416x348, 194K)

Reporting in, more to come

Attached: MC.webm (860x482, 2.93M)

Attached: MegumiPodium2.png (940x1120, 1.84M)

Reuploaded, rather not have my name out there
Not the first time
Turn tho

Attached: IMG_20190908_223736_446.jpg (1920x963, 477K)

Any Isabella you have, please. At the podium, in the kart customising screen, whatever.

Attached: isabella oxide kart.jpg (1002x742, 178K)

I can last for 3 hours of course i'm down like a clown.

Attached: 1551640284759.png (300x250, 26K)

Third time's the charm I guess, finally with the proper background.

Coming up next. I'll post some feral Coco first.

Attached: EvilCocoPodium.png (884x792, 1.3M)

Attached: EvilCocoPodium2.png (916x804, 1.38M)

Understandable. I saw it briefly but i have shit memory so kek. Do you wanna add each other and race sometime. I can give you mine if you feel less comfortable

Attached: liz havin' fun.jpg (668x620, 92K)

Honestly who the fuck sustains actual penetration for 30 minutes unless they have ED

This one is definitely my favorite

Attached: EvilCocoPodium3.png (976x880, 1.63M)

i really like this skin

Oh yeah, that lighting is much better, thanks user. I will treasure this high res gift.

I'm one of the two people on the xbone so i'm pretty sure i'm safe. I would absolutely post mine to make a lizfriend.

I'm about to post most of my online play tonight. The only time I didn't get on the podium was Meteor gorge because of a clock of all things. I'll try to keep it in the order I raced them in.

Attached: IMG_20190908_224131.jpg (1920x1080, 665K)

Attached: IMG_20190908_224252.jpg (1920x1080, 788K)

Attached: IMG_20190908_224333.jpg (1920x1080, 565K)

oh this is ackward im on ps4. damn.

Attached: IMG_3837.jpg (565x564, 70K)

Attached: IMG_20190908_224409.jpg (1920x1080, 683K)

You and most other civilized people

Attached: IMG_20190908_224444.jpg (1920x1080, 629K)

I noticed recently that Liz tends to look good in the Rocket. not sure what it is. Maybe it's because she gets a bit more height but you can still see her legs.

Attached: Liz_.jpg (617x681, 69K)

Attached: IsabellaPodium1.png (920x1240, 1.94M)

>Lobby consisting of people who do everything right all the time
The craziest fucking race I had on EA

Attached: IMG_20190908_224519.jpg (1920x1080, 684K)

Attached: IMG_20190908_224555.jpg (1920x1080, 686K)

Attached: IsabellaPodium2.png (1060x1288, 2.28M)

apparently they only released on fucking ebay for 20 bucks, fuck this shit. I work at a major grocery store and we still havent gotten any of the regular SPK with the code.

Should I keep going?

Attached: IsabellaPodium3.png (1076x1556, 2.59M)

I missed a couple screenshots. Got 2nd on Spyro Circuit and 3rd on... fuck not Turbo Track the other one. In the race with this pic I got 3rd, Tiny got 2nd and the dark Gnorc got first.

Attached: IMG_20190908_224637.jpg (1920x1080, 625K)


Attached: 1S90723140004.jpg (211x287, 19K)

Aaaaaah, perfection.
>Should I keep going?
Yes, of course

Attached: smug isabella.jpg (300x468, 123K)

where's that from asshole

The legs with tight-fit clothing... She knows how to work it.

Ask nicely dickhead
I actually can't remember, sorry

Attached: smugabella.jpg (400x468, 169K)

Lol oh well. It happens. Good to see you around here though all the same.
I usually put her in the rocket and Team Bandicoot alot. She looks great in it.

Attached: ap_0BDC942C-558F-4484-9D8C-8FD9F4206684 (Edited).jpg (801x591, 181K)

sorry im high and horny i want all of them to fucking suck me off if you remember post it in the next thread or something


It's from one of those huge collage pics with every character in the cast m8. It's not nsfw

>Yes, of course
Very well then

Attached: LizPodium1.png (892x1084, 1.68M)

You and the other Lizposter helped in me becoming a Lizfag. Liz did her part too naturally.

Attached: hamza-touijri-liz-artstation-version.jpg (1920x2686, 821K)

Attached: LizPodium2.png (848x1108, 1.66M)

Caught the fucking carpal tunnel, and now it sucks ass to play with Sony's shitty, unpleasant d-pad.

Attached: LizPodium3.png (916x1116, 1.82M)

>"Biscuit, anyone?" In 4K HD intensifies


Those eyes...

Yeah, that's some for you lizfags, I know you're lurking in here.

Attached: LizPodium4.png (864x1160, 1.82M)

very based and lizpilled user.hope youre having fun as her.

Attached: shes an angel 2.png (267x487, 174K)

>Yeah, that's some for you lizfags, I know you're lurking in here.
Yep. Glorious Liz in 4k. Thank you.

Attached: hal jordan sweat.png (300x300, 90K)

I'm having a blast but I need to make Ocelot Liz screenshots at the podium. And more screenshot in general.

Attached: 1566446408736.png (365x514, 166K)


Attached: TawnaPodium1.png (956x1184, 1.95M)

Attached: TawnaPodium2.png (976x1148, 1.92M)

Keep going?

Attached: TawnaPodium3.png (964x1156, 1.93M)

Watermelon Tawna did nothing wrong. She deserved better.
>Keep going?

yeah you can never have enough liz. i have a bunch of screens but she has so many good sides it feels like a disservice not to get all of them in any area i can online or offline.
those glorious edits. i mightve already told you but if you did them bless you

Attached: ap_F7739D9D-9AA5-4582-A316-C580035AE522 (Edited).jpg (626x733, 167K)

Very fucking well then you fuckers.

You wanna know what the best part about all this is? It's 6:35 AM where I live. I haven't slept all night and I'm staying up until early morning to take and crop screenshots of bandibabes for some thirsty waifufags on Yea Forums.
And I don't regret a single moment.

Attached: BeachCocoPodium1.png (976x932, 1.64M)

>Beach Coco
Your sacrifice is appreciated user. You fight for a worthy cause.

>Coco's face when she finds your 36GB Coco folder

Attached: BeachCocoPodium2.png (976x900, 1.57M)

Attached: l190729170800.jpg (2000x2520, 551K)

I'm only thirsty for Liz and Ami but any user generous enough to give 4k screens on his time is a thumbs up in my book. Also get some good rest later.

Attached: ap_BBA0B120-4693-437A-95E7-02C388485024 (Edited)(1).jpg (957x647, 165K)

Jannies have changed, maybe they found sex

>Coco's face when you find 2TB of human cock pictures on her laptop

Seriously guys, feel free to request anything, otherwise I'll just post something randomly.

Attached: BeachCocoPodium3.png (972x928, 1.58M)

Also, keep going?

Attached: BeachCocoPodium4.png (980x908, 1.59M)

Racoon Ami?

Attached: AAA.webm (800x450, 2.96M)

Can't really think of anything specific, you seem to have decent taste.
Maybe some Summertime Ami?

Don't have her unlocked unfortunately. I only got regular, the yellow one and motorsport.

Could not agree more. I didn't make them, in fact I bet I snagged them from you so thanks!

Attached: 1567441274803.png (779x875, 40K)

Yellow one is based too

I didnt make them desu. Wast at work at the time. Another user did a month ago on a sunday thread that got saged by mods.

Attached: IMG_3997.png (365x514, 167K)

Best Motorsport skin coming through

Coming up next

Attached: MotoMegumiPodium1.png (984x1100, 1.92M)

Attached: MotoMegumiPodium2.png (996x1112, 2.1M)


More Megumi

>More Megumi
Any hopes for skins/poses? I have everything unlocked for Goomi.

>autosaged by mods
I'd say something mean but i'm fresh off a ban so i'll wait a couple days.

I mean... I could probably edit something onto her with more screenshots

Aha theres the user. Based.
I'll say it for you friend. Fuck the douchebag jannies to hell and back.

Attached: IMG_4008.png (365x514, 173K)

Here we go

Attached: BeeAmiPodium1.png (972x1112, 1.84M)

Attached: BeeAmiPodium2.png (984x1156, 1.92M)

Thanks for the edits, you couldn't tell they're even edits.


Attached: BeeAmiPodium3.png (1000x1112, 1.88M)

Attached: BeeAmiPodium4.png (988x1124, 1.89M)

Coco canceller

Attached: 1545908630656.webm (640x360, 2.88M)

More Goomi as requested

Attached: LemonadeMegumiPodium1.png (956x1092, 1.83M)

>Great, someone posted a webm!
>It's another turning or balancing character webm dump
Guess I'm not watching it.

Attached: LemonadeMegumiPodium2.png (980x1048, 1.84M)

Attached: LemonadeMegumiPodium3.png (964x1084, 1.82M)


Attached: LemonadeMegumiPodium4.png (952x1084, 1.81M)

Damn, she’s fine like sunshine

So genki

Some depressed Tawna as a bonus as she ended up making the podium as an AI races. This wasn't planned.

Attached: SafariTawnaLoss1.png (892x932, 1.33M)

Attached: SafariTawnaLoss2.png (912x960, 1.01M)

Attached: SafariTawnaLoss3.png (916x992, 1.06M)

>speedfag anons don't post themselves playing
It's not our fault most of you suck and won't post the one highlight you have after fifty tries.

Her hair grew

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Attached: 1549313123469.webm (852x480, 2.99M)

Well, that's all for today folks! I hope some of you got something out of this, maybe saved some pictures or...
Well that was fast. Anyway, feel free to summon me again later if you need something. I frequent both Yea Forums and /vg/ so I should be around.

Attached: That's all.jpg (1200x905, 110K)

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Its been 14 years but I've still haven't gotten past Slippery Climb.

Yes, thank you friend. I got the best reaction image of my wife out of it. Feel free to drop more top quality shit again.

Attached: isabella love.jpg (417x408, 36K)

Very based user. Today was a damn good CTR thread. Every1 having a good time appreciating racing and Bandibabes.

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Shes a diamond in the rough.
isabella eats pizza from the trash behind her house

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She still holds up

I saw the Spyro one, very nice to both. Doesn't change what I said that most people who play speed don't post their webms if they even have any.

she's a perpetually horny degenerate

literal fucking trailer trash possum pussy

Spyro Circuits's extreme rules for "out of bounds" are retarded and make the track anti-kino.

why? Spyro Circuit is a fucking straight line.

based and agreed

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wonder how she'd look sucking my cock in that outfit