Why did arena shooters die?
Why did arena shooters die?
You answered your own question. But in actuality Quake 3 was kind of the peak and is yet to be topped, or at least people don't want it to be topped though. Still, fuck Halo, piece of shit console FPS.
Because people don't want their games to be too skill based. They want them to have some kind of RNG component, low ttk and to be team-focused in orther to have other people to blame when they fail.
But you already knew that.
Dude, I remember playing a cracked version of this in high school with the entire class because the teacher didn't care. It was one of the most fun things ever.
>he still thinks a console FPS killed a genre that was only ever popular on PC
Explain to me how you think a game most PC gamers could not play in the first place somehow swayed them into no longer enjoying their favorite genre of game
And don't try to tell me anyone actually switched from PC to console, we both know that's bullshit
Also arena FPS is already perfected, there's nowhere else to take it.
But I explained why I think Arena FPS died, I didn't blame Halo, that first sentence is called a joke. I'll explain myself again since you're asshurt and retarded.
Arena FPS died because Quake 3 was the peak, it couldn't or wouldn't be topped. Everyone who wasn't the dedicated, core playerbase left, this core dedicated playerbase is very very small, especially nowadays, okay fuckwit?
better graphics? What do I play if I want to play an arena shooter in 2019?
>muh halo ruined fps's meme
Both UT, Quake, and Doom had multiple games release not just after Halo 1, but Halo 2 as well.
>Halo CE: 2001
>Unreal Tournament 2003: 2002
>Halo 2: 2004
>Unreal Tournament 2004: 2004
>Doom 3: 2004
>Quake 4: 2005
>Halo 3: 2007
>Unreal Tournament 3: 2007
Halo didn't ruin shit, there were still Arena Shooters and plenty of diversity in the genre in general. FPS's didn't become homogenous and Arena shooters didn't tie till CoD4 became a thing and then every FPS was brown and grey twitch cover shooters with regen health.
Also this ignores that Halo itself is an arena shooter: even starts, pickups, emphasis on movement and platforming, similar map design principals, etc.
They died because Halo came out in 2001 and rewrote FPS multiplayer. Even Unreal Tournament became a Halo type FPS.
Read my posts again retard. I never blamed Halo.
No one played Doom 3, Quake 4 or UT3. They were dead on arrival (for multiplayer).
UT2004 had vehicles so it's not an arena shooter.
too unrealistic and cartoony, the graphics were getting better so gamers wanted more realistic gameplay too.
That is changing now since graphics have become so good theyre not in priority anymore.
They didn't age well. People stopped caring for a reason. They were never that good. Halo took the concept and vastly improved upon it which is why its still a thing even today despite being so mismanaged. Halo 1-3 were the only good arena FPS ever.
Why does Halo 2 and Halo 3 get so much hate from CE competitive players?
arena gameplay is timeless, halos gameplay isnt why its popular, it was the whole experience that was cinematic campaign, story and multiplayer.
Halo without storymode would bever be popular.
Because they were aimless.
Most popular shooters now have objectives. Running around in circles with only minding about weapon/armor spawns gets boring real fast unless you're one of the niche autists.
I'd appreciate a fast-paced shooter like Quake but with match progression like Enemy Territory and TF2's payload.
You answered it already, basically as the gaming circle grew the higher rate of casuals came into the mix. Casuals that have no sense of quality, casuals who prefer winning over all else. Games adjusted to become more casual in order to meet this demand and how fpses are casual military shooters or simplified hotkey hero shooters.
>Halo without storymode would bever be popular.
Wrong, it might have been even better actually had it been like Doom with a bare minimum story and just levels for campaign.
When Halo tried to be like COD.
Doesn't that describe Halo CE?
It's a mistery.
Had a similar experience, probably one of my favorite memories of school
Halo has plenty of story and cutscenes. Doom was episode based and only gave a text page for story for each episode. More games could do this but people want story rather than more levels most of the time.
>better without story
The fuck m8? How? What's the point of playing through all the missions if there's no over-arching story to connect it all together?
>What's the point of playing through all the missions
maybe they are fun?
>They didn't age well. People stopped caring for a reason. They were never that good. Halo took the concept and vastly improved upon it which is why its still a thing even today despite being so mismanaged. Halo 1-3 were the only good arena FPS ever.
Movement in Halo games is slow as molasses, weapon diversity and control is extremely narrow, rocket splash is so huge you only need to lead on vehicles, and the crosshair magnetism is way too heavy-handed and not in-line with advances in manual gamepad aiming since 2001. Things like the BR and removal of health packs took the game backwards after CE, and yet the fans still argue for a Halo 3 clone.
The thing is, Halo isn't just slow compared to arena FPS; it's slow compared to other console shooters. Everything from the movement speeds, to the physics, to the ultra-heavy crosshair magnetism, is all a relic of a by-gone era where no one knew how to make FPS control smoothly on gamepads. By the 360 era, things improved enough to support the much faster gameplay of later COD games, BF series, UT3, even some Quake 4 console tournaments in France, etc.
So yeah, you can call Halo whatever you want, whether it's "tactical arena FPS" (like many Halo Fans like to describe it) or whatever, but it's really its own thing which bears limited appeal either to PC arena FPS players or even people used to the later console military shooters.
>Halo took the concept and vastly improved upon it which is why its still a thing even today despite being so mismanaged. Halo 1-3 were the only good arena FPS ever.
Halo borrows some elements from arena shooters, but is not an arena shooter itself. It's slow, has a weapon limit, has health regen, and has no real advanced movement techniques.
I liked interesting map design, a varied range of enemies, a large arsenal, super-fast and responsive controls / gameplay. halo to me felt slow / stiff, the guns weren't terribly interesting to me(the human weapons were standard future-soldier-man fare, and the alien stuff was justshiny-lasers-with-cooldown), the maps and environments, while impressively large, were really bland / same-y / rarely impacted the way I played the game. in the first halo, there's all of about 4-ish enemy types with a few slight variations in the covenant, and even less variation in the flood. also, the shield / regenerating health mechanic is something i will never be fond of, it engenders passivity and overly safe / unengaging play.
I think Halo was a generation of gamer's introduction to the FPS genre. Like how kids will think their favorite band is the greatest, without listening to the somewhat dated albums of their parents.
CE adolescent here, i agree.
Although you have to take into account how every covenant unit is varied in their behavior, each encounter is always different.
Thats why i think CE gets away with it, 2 despite having more enemy types felt more repetitive because of how limited their AI was compared to CE.
It looks like you played the games and even know your share about them despite disliking.
I respect that, wish there were more "babys first FPS" posters like this.
>better graphics?
>Also this ignores that Halo itself is an arena shooter:
The revisionism is real
>I respect that, wish there were more "babys first FPS" posters like this.
Do you think the peopl who make fun of Halo do that just for fun? Don't you think they would rather have another fun FPS to play?
Halo simply doesn't hold up very well.
Arena shooters don't have regenerating shields.
>Do you think the peopl who make fun of Halo do that just for fun
That is exactly why in most cases, do you also thing console war faggotry has a point other than shitposting?
It speaks volumes when nudoom players shitpost the hardest when it feels a bit too much like halo that even halo players like it more than the 343 halo games.