You guys told me this was a bad game.
Why am i having fun?
You guys told me this was a bad game
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cause its not bad its good, absolutely love the combat system in this game
It's really not that bad. It has a memorable cast, good combat system, decent acting for its time for the most part. It's major problem is that the story is kind of weak when you break it down and actually think about it. But even then, it can still be enjoyed just fine.
This. It's the only FF, where I actvely used buffs and other status effects. Monster arena was kinda grindy, but I can't say it wasn't enjoyable.
The game is good but most of the story is stupid
I still had lots of fun playing it though
it was pretty good
the HAHAHAHAHA scene is just a big meme
The game looks 10x better emulated in PCSX2 than the "HD Remaster" on Steam. Just a heads up OP, this gem deserves to look and play it's best.
Because it's pretty good. Spergs just flip out over the post game stuff that are pretty bad
People hated it because Tidus was kind of a chad instead of an autistic introvert, and also a lot of the plot went over their head.
Great game but my god did they butcher the remaster, i think i heard someone mention it was because they lost the emotion engine or something for the faces, so all the models looked like complete dogshit.
Cut the crap, user. The only buff you need in FFX is haste.
Am I retarded or does equipment not matter all that much in this game? I'm still using starter shit for most characters halfway through the game.
soundtrack rules but some of the bad tracks are some of the most played
Not if you plan to fight dark aeons. Which you should be.
shell and protect are definitely useful, armor break is definitely useful, others are situationally useful
It matters a bit, but mostly for what bonuses they give.
you're an incel
>and also a lot of the plot went over their head.
Such as...
>party encounters Seymour
>"Let me say something to the last survivor of Ronso clan. "
>boss fight
>absolutely nothing, not a single sentence after that fight
>go back to Ronso village
>they are fine and well
Not to mension the first encounter with Rikku.
>"Hey guys, this is Rikku! She is Al Bhe... Umm.. Erghh."
And Wakka, who hates Bheds with a passion, could not figure it out. Is this what you're talking about?
It's been a long time since I played it, but the only things I remember not liking was the ending and this guy.
user said he actively used buffs and debuffs. Actively means "often" and dark aeons appear near the end of the game.
It is a fun game. You must've listened to the one user that said it was bad rather than listen to the majority saying it's a fun game
Yeah a memorable cast of goth girl, 56% weirdo, barely legal skank, japanese samurai trope, pure innocent girl trope, big cat and a powerbottom twink as main character
don't talk about kimahri like that
This cast description legitimately sounds amazing. I'd actually watch a reality show staring them.
>And Wakka, who hates Bheds with a passion, could not figure it out
Racism blinded him.
Nope, any kind of enemy from monster arena requires to buff yourself, especially when you use aeons to farm spheres in the beginning, not to mention constant cheering during boss fights through first half of game.
The further you're in story, the more your equipment will matter. In fact, without specially crafted armors you can't do jack shit against Dark Aeons.
It’s a legitimately fun game.
Considering that it's one of the few Final Fantasies to actually spawn memorable memes, it ain't all that bad.
Enjoy getting your shit wrecked by Seymour and Yunalesca
It is pretty bad. A precursor to what 13 was to be. People here just view it with rose tinted glasses.
Played it for the first time this year. It’s genuinely good.
It's bad because le funny spoon man told me it's bad.
And I mean that unironically.
Is this the guy that cosplayed as a sailor scout too.
I don't remember seeing that.
No, you're thinking of ProJared, that's Spoony.
A game doesn't have to be good to be fun. Just look at the Earth Defense Force games: always janky, buggy, laggy, ugly braindead shooters, but goddamn, I love them!
How anyone can respect this manchild's opinions is beyond me
having fun does not mean that its good.
blitzball is the best minigame in FF
>when you are so obtuse that people ignoring the obvious and inconsequential makes you think they did not pick up on it
FFX has been my favorite game since it came out 18 years ago, ama.
In English, Raul.
That's not a bad track considering where they are played in the story.
Cause it’s a good game and you shouldn’t care what Yea Forums says about any game
He probably meant To Zanarkand. That is an awful track.
>And Wakka, who hates Bheds with a passion, could not figure it out.
Wakka doesn't absolutely hate the Al Bhed, he just doesn't trust them given his religious views and previous experience with them.
Like if you hate Muslims, but then your friends introduced you to a Middle Eastern girl and said she was Christian, would you hate her?
>forgot the main storyline just so you could focus on your Blitz career
yeah it was an ok game
my nigga in this world there are people that absolutely love the taste of literal shit believe it or not.
It's the only good final fantasy game
I remember this one user in /vr/ whining that you needed to switch out every party member in every fight to let them all have the AP and that the game was too easy and tedious. Like, dude, you are actively making it too easy and tedious yourself.
I like the game. It's the last main series FF I like and i bought it when it was released and last time I played it through was last year. It has its faults but the combat, skill and levelling up systems are great. I couldnt arse to get all the celestial weapons after my first run but you can still manage easy with Wakka's, Yuna's, Auron's and Rikku's and just customize other's.
You might wanna look into weapons that have Counter-ability for your physical hitters. Scout and First Strike abilites on weapons are nice too, espcially for first timers.
I'm not sure if you are serious or baiting right now. Wakka hates Al Bheds. How much? That is not important right now. What's important is how he couldn't figure out who she is even though Tidus said, loud and clear, that she is AL BHE before starting to mumble. And then, hours and hours later, when he's been told that Rikku is Al Bhed, Wakka freaked out.
Al Bheds is all he think about because he helds them responsible for his brother's death. How fucking stupid is he if he couldn't figure this out?
Because Spoony is one of the worst cancers to ever exist, and all his
>wannabe edgy
followers should die in a fire.
Literally kill yourself. This isn't a fucking joke.
You fell for the "game has cringe so it’s bad" meme. FFX is kino
Fucker. He’s never actually known Al Bhed’s personally. The idea is he only hates them as an irrational way of dealing with his brother’s death.
He's the Final Fantasy equivalent of a backwoods hick. His defining role when you meet him is that he's just the guy who organizes the local sports team, and he's not even too good at that, given even Tidus has a hard time carrying the team in the first match of the game.
People overplay Wakka's hate of the Al Bhed because there's nothing else to his character after an early point to the game.
Still prefer him over almost any of XV's main group though.
>the hd version of that song
Complete butchering
And the music sounds like a dog trying to sing Slayer.
>and a powerbottom twink
God i wish. Any jrpgs with such a protag?