>go into thread
>look up the OP's MD5 in the archive
when did you realize every thread is spam?
Go into thread
Other urls found in this thread:
it's pretty obvious they all are, even without looking up the archives
Welcome to hell, there's no way out.
i wanna get paid shilling epics garbage store, smashfaggotry, wow retardation :((
do you accept the sexualization of video game characters?
>can't create thread without an image
>pick something off the first page of google
>post it
that's not the same as 100 posts with the same image and text in the last year
A smash thread died for this.
of course I do and there is no reason not to
but that's not a shill, that's just a retard/discordfags opening their general to circlejerk among themselves.
It always happened.
Shills are way worse and deeply influence how sheeps and little children think.
And the same could be said of political ideology, of both sides of course.
it's still spam
it is spam and retards don't even realize it
but at least it's spam that doesn't try to sell you into something.
many places on the internet are completely controlled by those kind of threads and by those kind of people, Yea Forums and reddit included.
I blame summer
how can I identify shills?
People easily forget that we share this global public forum with people who are actually mentally ill and actually obsessed with arbitrary and inane things. As well as real children. It's important to remind yourself of this when you read posts.
The text you're reading may actually come from an invalid or immature who has practically unlimited time and dedication.
I usually try to avoid spam threads since they're pretty easy to spot and all the replies are low effort trash.
Eh, there's always going to be anons that are posting just absolute white noise that a majority of the thread lurkers just glance over. The one good thing they do is keep the thread bumped while reasonable people are having a conversation. Sometimes 2 white noise NPC anons get in a pointless argument where they're just flinging stale as fuck buzzwords at each other for 2 hours straight. Glad to have a set of them in TES lore threads to keep it from 404ing.
>every thread is spam
>OP posts a thread
>OP asserts every thread is spam
>QED OP's thread is spam
Identifying obsessive autists can be an entertaining pastime
This realization honestly helped me to stop replying whenever I got annoyed over someone saying something very stupid and have some empathy instead. After all everyone is kind of dumb as a child and the mentally ill already have it hard enough.
do you think this guy was actually told "GG EZ" and is still seething about it?