For me, it's Kumatora

for me, it's Kumatora.

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For me it's inkling
Those shorts drive me crazy

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great taste

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>raised by magypsies
Guy...Is she actually a girl?

She is

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So is she like his baby sitter or what?

I hope to God Nintendo never localizes Mother 3 officially. You know they’d ruin her.

>you will never wrestle a beartiger and cuddle up afterwards

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Can you upskirt her in smash?

is there a smash ultimate mod of her yet?

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don't bother the camera view is deactivated during a final smash besides it's just an unrendered void down there

not any more

I see alot of lucas and kumatora art, but is this a also viable pairing for cuteness? httpss://

Yeah I've never been into Kumatora x Lucas, Duster seemed more fitting because of how she's introduced in his story and I think he calls her cute at the end of the game when everything is dark but I might be remembering that last part wrong.

Kumatora is trans!!!


For me, it's the cum in my brain

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what's her official age? post timeskip

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>Duster is the only one without a 3D model

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Fan made but close enough

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keep it going, I'm replaying mother 3 as I type this.

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while we are at it, is Kumatora the best mary sue?
>last princess of a somewhat ancient realm
>powerful psi ability
>can read into the mind of animals when it's convenient for the plot
>bratty tomboyish attitude
>is only mildly annoying at the beginning but then becomes a great leader
>short haired red-head

I wish she'd sit on me.

>the same already filtered forced memeword but twice as retarded
Not gonna take off lmao

That would be very uncomfortable lol.


I always saw her as a big sister to Lucas
She's a teenager after all, even though thiccfags and /ss/fags will tell you otherwise

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