>8 minutes of gameplay
>35 minutes of unskippable cutscenes

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>Warrior of light, pray seek our friend and check if he is hale and whole.
>Teleport to nearest aetheryte
>Get on my chocobo
>Travel to the quest marker
>Kill one mole man
>Ah, thank ye, Warrior of Light, I best be getting to camp now
>Teleport back to aetheryte
>Ride back to quest giver
>I thank you, Warrior of Light, you are truly the hero we need in these trying times. Now, back to the matter at hand...
Still level 54

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Its optional outside the first time you do it, which you should want to see the cutscenes. If you dont want to do Praetorium after lvl 50, dont do the MSQ roullete.

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>get 2 friends
>force close game during cutscenes
>done in 15 minutes
>the rest of the party calls you based
>75% of a level for no work outside of pasting your password into the launcher a few times
but that's assuming you even get prae. I've only got castrum the last 20 times or so I've subjected myself to MSQ roulette torture

the $11 to skip straight to HW is the only time I would ever suggest a microtransaction to a friend. Hopefully 5.3 will fix this but that is still like 6-7 months away

>holds chin
>long exposition explaining every detail
>obtain quest to kill or collect 3 things
>more exposition
>run to next quest with the same faggot
>hold chin
This leveling fucking sucks.

return to the waking sands?

>make game free to level 35
>create squeenix account
>download game via link
>game asks for 25 digit code from game purchase
>email help, tell them i want to try the game since its free for the early levels
>reply tells me i need to input the code i received when i purchased the game
guess ill play something else

Do you guys use the trust system when leveling alts? It feels so slow.

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download the free trial client retard

check your email dumbass

You should honestly get a story skip potion instead of a Fantasia for finishing ARR 2.0

Yea, main ARR main quest fucking felt like some long drawn out goofy Disney bullshit. Ffxiv is one of the few games that does actually get better after all that shit. Heavensward has nice music and storyline is kinda neat. All the jobs are much more enjoyable as well.

i have all combat jobs at 80, trusts are a big fucken meme i haven't gotten them past their base level

>Watched the cutscenes on youtube before doing it.
>Breezed through with a team of max level players.
>All of them thank me and give me commendations.

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I tried to but it's shit. I just do my daily roulettes.

Still kind of mad they made the cutscenes forced when they weren't before.

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It is slow. I have half of them maxed and the other half to 76. They aren't great for leveling

and then everyone started clapping

it makes sense though, it would really suck to be a new player and have that happen.

>tfw you're the only one up at this hour
>want to talk about lore shit and discoveries with friends for RP
Any lore heavy communities out there? Forums have a limited post count, /vg/ doesn't talk about anything but each other's taints and in game is spotty at best.

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>mfw doing it for the first time recently and most of the party is glitching through the cutscenes by DCing and blitzing through everything while I slowly have to catch up.
Yeah it did suck.

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You could have reported.

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>"pray, meet me in gridania."
>teleport to gridania
>"we must needs investigate this matter. pray, meet me in thanalan user."
>teleport to thanalan
>"hmm... we've found no evidence... pray, return to gridania user to discuss what we have found."
>teleport to gridania
>"we must needs figure out this mystery. my contact in limsa lominsa has information for us. pray, get the information. and make it user."
>teleport to limsa lominsa
>"aye lad you must be the messenger. get this information back to gridania."
>teleport back to gridania

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Can someone tell me when the game gets fun?
I want to play this but the early stuff is fucking dreadful

They threw me commendations which eased the salt at the time.

Personally, for me, the lead up to Heavensward. People talk about the quest count and fluff, but it's when your Warrior of Light gets to shine as absolutely useless in the face of politics and as a nerd for that kind of shit I think it's great.

Just get 2-3 people and force close the game in task manager. It skips the cutscenes so you can quickly finish the dungeon and get your exp.

Ah yes another day another 3 hours of wiping to leviathan in clear parties. For a while things had been going so well in my duty complete loot parties that I forgot why I took several week to recuperate after clearing E2S before even starting E3S.

Now I remember, yes, it was because of

>MNKs, BLMs, and DRGs doing equal or less DPS than me(RDM) sometimes even with dancer buff
>75% of clear parties end up seeming more like prog or learning parties
>people dying repeatedly to completely fucking obvious and easy shit (knockback in e2s current in e3s etc) that should be second fucking nature by now
>the distinct feeling that yes, I, he who plays the 2nd weakest job in the game, will have to carry the damage load for these people who play jobs that do so much more damage we can finish with the same rDPS despite them being grey and me being almost purple, yet not nearly geared well enough for it even if it was possible to carry on my class.

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>not using the cutscene skip and soloing every boss

Doesn't help most people have cleared, and clear parties are always traps. Put up a smokers prog and you'll have better odds.

What have you been playing while waiting for 5.1?

You did unsub from his game after completing 5.0 right?

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me except I'm WHM holy shit. Clears coming down to whether my dps are good or not is infuriating because I can't do shit about it.

People lying about their progress and joining whatever parties is really cool

>completing 5.0
my work is never done

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>be WHM
>want to see how well I can DPS in between heals
>console pleb
>don't want to get wrapped up in the insanity that is fflogs community
Guess I'll never touch Savage or Ultimate.

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I'm not mentally ill enough to make an alt.

>What kind of Warrior of Light only has one job?

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Honestly and unironically for the best. Just strive to cast glares more often and ask your team to use mitigations better to meet that end and you'll be fine.

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"Alts" refers to different characters, you're talking secondary jobs.

Im currently in the post ARR quest on around 30/100. After this, will I ever see shit quests like this again?

>not having pc buddies that can parse for you

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HW and Stormblood have some filler, but nothing nearly as bad. Honestly just buy the skip, it's cheap. It's more than worth it and you miss virtually nothing.

Thats great thank you. And while buying the skip would probably be the right choice, my autism wont allow it. I have to get there myself

I've pretty much quit xiv with this expansion. Having the raid on farm since week 1 has killed any drive to even bother to keep clearing anymore. Also the fact we only have a handful of fights and a couple of dungeons where we get to use our full kit is already really old. They need to do more with ilvl sync and not full level sync since you can't use your full kit in a solid 90% of the game right now.

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literally just spam glare during any part you have to run around non stop
fit in atleast one glare before you heal and you'll start doing more than ast atleast

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literally just spam dia that is
im dyslexic today

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keep Rp next to your name while playing and you'll attract the attention you're looking for, also fanta to female au ra or lala

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Does levelling alt classes get better at certain point? I have 2 classes sitting at level 10 and i hate the grind.

It gets much easier if you have 1 at 80 thanks to the armoury bonus. And if you have and exp earring it's even easier. But hey you could just boost if you hate the grind

If you have access to the Shadowbringers zones, you can tag enemies and have a friend kill them for you until you reach 16 which should only take like five minutes or so. After that you can do you leveling roulette and then spam your highest dungeon. If you're not that far in the story then your best bet would probably be to complete your challenge log then do dungeons. Eitehr way, leveling doesn't really get that much better after a certain point.

Stick to leveling one class at a time. Armory EXP bonus(1-69 +100%/70+ +50%) only applies if the class you're leveling is a lesser level than your highest class. Second, once you can do dungeons and roulettes at 16 shit gets exponentially easier to level. Also do the fucking tutorial at level 15 in order to get a ring that boosts your EXP gain till 30. Go to any major city and look for "The Smith", has a huge sprout icon over his head. Also Palace of the Dead and Beast Tribe dailies give good amounts of EXP.

I dont think parsing is good for my mental health
And i'm already a fucking basket case
All it does is make me angry and frustrated and frustratedly angry
I'm not even good