Everyone knows what boomers and zoomers like to play, but what about yoomers?

Everyone knows what boomers and zoomers like to play, but what about yoomers?

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halo obviously

fuck wojaks and the retards that post them

I don't care what you call them, all I know is they need to die immediately.

Your only here forever.


What’s a Yoomer? What’s the full list anyways?

I thought it was just Boomer and Zoomer.

been 8 years now, better we jump off a building first

I'm guessing Y2K

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Stop forcing your wojaks

Your shitty wojak edit isn't going to catch on newfag.

What do Yea Forumsoomers play?

People born between 1995 and 1997

Fuck off, you unoriginal fuck.

Need for Speed

A thirty-year old boomer is an older millenial. A zoomer is part of Gen Z. The Yoomer is representative of populations born from 1994-1999 that are too young to be boomers and too old to be considered true zoomers.

Zoomer then...

Yoomers were basically zoomers before the dlc, lootbox, gacha apocalypse. There acceptable somewhat but also pretty punished due to getting x-boned by Microsoft in the end.

>tfw can't relate to yoomers
>tfw joomer

Mods need to start banning this shit like other boards do.

these posts are going to give me a toomer

What the heck is a Joomer?

fuck off reddit

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i think all these posts are made by the same person, maybe its just a roomer

Not quite a zoomer not quite a yoomer but when they get going oh man
So to answer your question I don't know


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Yoomer here. I enjoy games from both gens

I want to go back to that comfy spot between early days and 2011.

>tfw loomer


t. balding Nu-Male

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Sounds like foomer talk

I was thinking the same thing. Although I'm just a newfag from 2008

I want to FUCK those ones and zeros

>he isn't balding

What's everyones' favorite brand of underwear? I'm a Loomer myself

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Yoomer for Smash.

There, now it's Yea Forums related. Happy?

what games do woomers play?

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I'm glad everyone here has such a great sense of hoomer

>tfw friend is a noomer and I'm an ioomer

I hope you enjoyed it while you can because your (X)oomer meme is on the way out.

post yoomer kinos

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The hell is a yoomer?

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It's almost a moomer but not quite a joomer.

like a goomer but wider

Most of the newfags nowadays are from post 2010

If you got here 2008 or later you'll always be a newfag. Sorry, it's just the way things are.

newfriend is anyone after 2007 I believe. Of course you are all still huge faggots regardless of the decade but I digress.

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>mfw people who came here around GG are calling themselves oldfags
>mfw people who started posting here post-Bush are now decade long posters

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All about that tf2

I want 08. That was when shit was fun a people may have been saying the n word but it was mostly fun and weird shit.

Now I'm just waiting for the next manifesto from so dumb retard so we end up looking like crazy people. Shit sucks.

Those who joined GG or later will never be oldfags even if they're around for 20+ years into the future. they'll always be fucking cancer.

Oldest possible yoomer here, born first week of '94, ama.

This but people who came after the le ebin Habbo Hotel raids.

>That guy who pretends he was part of oldfag raids when it's obvious he just watched some youtube faggot explain it

Two nukes weren't enough.

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>he doesn't know people born the first week of '94 are goomers

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