Just bought a PS3 slim for less than 70 bucks. What games should I get since they're all cheap.
I plan on playing Persona 3 and some more PS2 games. Also, why doesn't Sony bring more PS2 games to the PS4?
Just bought a PS3 slim for less than 70 bucks. What games should I get since they're all cheap.
I plan on playing Persona 3 and some more PS2 games. Also, why doesn't Sony bring more PS2 games to the PS4?
What model and build?
Armored Core 4, 4A
Demons Souls
MGS HD Collection
ZOE HD Collection
Ni No Kuni
Nier is also pretty good.
All I can think of at the moment senpai
Oh boy I do wonder why you’re asking OP this
I have one would have given you for fucking $60.
Tokyo Jungle
Chronicles of Mystara
The Last Guy
Aquanaut's Holiday: Hidden Memories
Hack it and pirate everything
pray its a older slim that you can hack desu
beware that playing persona 3 or 4 in the PS3's PS2 emulator comes with a moderate risk of your saves randomly corrupting. backup saves, rotate save slots, and if the game says it failed to save, repeat until it works.
and of course hack that shit, don't buy games, even when they're cheap you miss out on mods, fan translations and delisted games.
there aren't more PS2 games on PS4 in part because you have to conceive and implement a trophy list for every game, which makes it significantly more work than releasing them on PS3 or releasing xbox games on xbone. emulated rereleases of 6th gen games in general have also gone down from lack of interest and wide availability of working original hardware.
>MGS HD Collection
OP asked for games.
there's a new replacement that aims to be less reddit.
>that aims to be less reddit.
I hope you realize that only the early ps3 models have ps2 support.
Drakengard 3 is a game.
presumably he means digital PS2 games, persona 3 FES is on PSN
you're a cheeky man, but I respect you. At least I didnt say MGS4
You got riped-off, it doesn't worth more than $40, it literally has no games; the few ones that mattered got remastered and only had left MGS4 and shitty versions of multiplats.
You can hack literally any ps3 now
Unless you hack it. Cobra software based ps2 emulation on ps3 is actually really fucking good.
recommendations for CFWchads:
scott pilgrim vs. the world [NPUB30162]
ketsui extra [BLJM61060]
lollipop chainsaw premium edition [BLJS10125]
nier replicant with english patch [BLJM60223]
persona 4 the ultimax with english patch [BLJM61209]
ryuu ga gotoku kenzan which will soon have an english patch [BLJM60064]
ps3 are only worth like $20 dude. slim isnt even backwards compatible.
3D dot game heroes
El Shaddai
Resonance of fate
Resistance 3
InFamous 1
The saboteur
Littlebigplanet 1 and 2
no working model of PS3 is worth $20. you may have seen some sell for that, but it is not normal.
Only the very early models that looked like grills are PS2 back compatible. Your slim does not run PS2 games unless they're re-releases.
I want to hack my super slim, but I don't know, i haven't done it because i'm too lazy. i feel like its long and i need to download large files which i cant do
>I want to hack my super slim
I don't believe you can.
i know you can now. even people in this thread have been saying it.
>too lazy to hack a console
How do you get up in the morning? Are you depressed or something?
PS3 is still supported. Its unethical.
get CFW/HEN, download Demon's Souls and login into the unofficial server
i sold mine last year
i get up and say hello to my ps4 while my super slim sits in my closet.
MGS Legacy Collection
Demon's Souls
Drakengard 3
FF13 trilogy
Valkyria Chronicles
Deadly Premonition
Avoid the SH "HD" Collection at all costs.
Fight Night 4/ champion
Midnight club
Persona 5
Metal Gear Revengence
Mortal Kombat 9
Last of Us
Devil May Cry 4
Shonen J-stars
Xenoverse 2
Heavy Rain
Dragons Dogma
Infamous 1/2
Mass Effect 2
Kingdom Hearts